I’m Worried. Dark Agendas & The Future 😱

  • June 2023

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In this video titled I’m Worried. Dark Agendas & The Future , Elizabeth April expresses their concerns about various global issues such as financial collapse, food shortages, the 2030 agenda, shadow government, and loss of basic skills. However, their biggest worry is that people are missing the point of the awakening, which is the realization that we are more than just physical beings in this reality. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of understanding that we are powerful creators of our own reality and encourages viewers to focus on unity, take responsibility for their lives, and shift their focus towards creating a positive and empowering reality.

83 thoughts on “I’m Worried. Dark Agendas & The Future 😱

  1. Wowooo … such an important and empowering message. Thank you, thank you, thank you beautiful soul 💞🙏
    I love you and your videos for a long time. And this feels like the most important to me. You caught me really deeply. So heart touching 🥰
    How can I share it?

    All the best to all of you from Austria.
    – Monika

  2. Great video. I agree BUT….
    When the bad or dark imposes itself over the light or innocent, that is where the problem lies.
    Hard NOT to focus on the negative when it impedes itself into our daily lives. If someone wants to go be liw vibration, fine! They can go do that. They need to STAY IN THEIR OWN LANE!
    All those things you are worried about, are being forced upon us by dark agendas.
    So when there is no food, you can’t feed your baby, the world collapses and people are dying around you due to reptilians or or WHOMEVER its hard to just sit back with an umbrella drink and focus on the good.
    I worry DAILY and get upset that my kids have to deal with all the lies and agenda. To have to see all the division and insanity going on. They don’t understand why this needs to go on.

  3. Der tog du sgu fusen på mig, du! Oh sorry – that was Danish …..

    You really took the piss out of me there! I love the way you use clickbait for this video and how you made a beatiful turnaround in your speech. Thanks EA. You are amazing and I totally follow you: We are the creators, we have taken our power (back and forth) and we got this. As we say in Scandinavia (or at least ABBA did): The Winter Takes It All 🙂

    PS: Have you ever reflected on the band name: ABBA? In hebrew that means Father (heavenly father) plus it is the letters Alef Bet Bet Alef (maskuline feminin feminin maskuline). Plus it is like the concious breathing in and out (betwen Bet and Bet is the zero condition) like the pause betwen exhaling and inhaling. Oh well my English is propably not that good, I wish I could explain myself better. I hope it makes a litle sense anyway 🙂

    ABBA is ofcause also the first letters of the band members (Anni Frid, Benny, Björn and Agnetha).

  4. There are so many timelines being created right now! 3D timelines, 4D timelines, 5D timelines. We have a foot in 3D, 4D and 5D as new earth is being birthed. Time to ignore the 3D noise. Just create what we want, highest timeline, 4D and 5D! Those contracted to join us on our highest parallel universe will. Do not give 3D world energy, as it will no longer exist, at least on my timeline! Not sure if lowest timeline means it will destroy itself or not, but only 5D world will be the eventual new earth. Create highest possible timeline. Fear and news, etc will trap you with a foot in the 3D world. I stopped watching the news. I decided that was not my reality, period. I am not creating solutions from that reality either!! Hot mess! I decided that the answer is the bigest gift of this time, the energy upgrade opportunity and ability to grow spiritually into 5D! Everyone wants to help from so many collectives, planets, etc. One lifetime instead of many, great deal! I want out of this rat race!! Meditate, activate our DNA, latent gifts, connect with higherself and hopefully graduate/shift out of this earth 3D reincartion cycle!! Shift ourself into 5d, through putting in the spiritual work, and when that happens, everything around you shifts with it, including your contracted family, etc. You shift, they shift. As you shift, more and more people are awake and shift with you. You cannot change “them,” directly, but you can change yourself, and therefore indirectly change 1000’s just by doing that! ❤️ 🙏

  5. EA, you have changed my perspective on so many things within just the two months that I discovered you and I am so grateful to you 🙏🏻❤️. This video gave me chills.

  6. I just watched👀this again. Wow! I have been on this path for a minute & have followed other teachers/masters, but nobody,nowhere says it so succinctly & eloquently.
    I needed two hayuuuuge steps back and found myself on the moon🌗looking at the stuff I’ve created.
    I am the darkest of the dark & the brightest of the light. I can have unity in this. I choose unity. I Am present L. O. N. G. Enough to focus my attention consciously on what I want & let all those conspiracy theories fall where they will. I’ll fix up my part with self mastering my thoughts first, then feelings. It’s all a freakin dream anyway, right! Thanks EA, for the wonderfully put reminder. You really are a teachers teacher!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Thank you so very very much dear Elizabeth! Such a cristal clear message, everything what I just needed to hear. I am sure this is very helpfull for many of us. Thanks thanks thanks

  8. Im going to have to smoke a lot of weed before I watch this.😅🥹 The title just gives me anxiety 🙃 I’m already on a ‘deleted all socials’ cause the world is just too much these days.. 🙏🏻🥹💓✨️👽

  9. I like what you did there EA. Click bait done in its finest. When you started talking, I thought this doesn’t sound like EA and then of course you delivered another perfectly articulated and meaningful video. Love your work x

  10. Thank you & Blessings to all! Such power for all in EA’s words: “Stop worrying. Stop feeding someone else’s reality. STEP INTO YOUR POWER. You have Created everything in your life so far which means that You have the power to Uncreate & Recreate & You do so simply with CONSCIOUS FOCUS. What do you want, Starseed? It’s Yours. It’s Always Been Yours. It’s Already There. Take Your Power Back & Start Recreating Your Universe Today!”

  11. Excellent video!!! Well done. You said exactly how I have felt for years. We must focus on creating, not on externals like politics and who got elected or youtube videos. We must gain understanding of the dark and the light.

  12. Tks EA….. awakening is embracing our potential mastery…worrying is …the… a trap which you so eloquently outlinred it’s counter-productive consequences…stop feeding the oppressors our worry is their food…pivot daily to the joy of being and bringing forth your magnificent self…

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