It’s time to Shift Your Vibration

This is a time of immense change…

There is an energetic vibrational shift — a planetary shift — that is affecting everyone. 

But it is not the end of the world. It is positive! 

There is more Light now and that releases what has been held in darkness that must be seen and acknowledged to be lifted to the Light. 

The release may seem tumultuous, and the global pandemic is helping expose the dysfunction of structures and institutions.

This is a time of personal and collective reckoning. 

A time to look at our human inheritance

Join My Event on April 14th to learn how to heal the grid

We are being confronted with the long legacy of intolerance, misogyny, racism, slavery, genocides, greed, corruption and scarcity, wars and famines and preparations for next wars, the monetization of life, poisoning of the earth… and the many structures and systems created to control us and “protect” us from fear.

The old Earth is becoming too polluted, too corrupt and too environmentally unstable and while this is all happening a new Earth is being created..

As a result, we need to the Heal the Grid.

When did it start?

It started in the early 2000’s, the old vibrations and frequencies have been changing slowly but only until recently things started appearing in our reality to expose these shifts…

There’s a lot of things happening that people don’t understand…

As we move away, it’s pulling away from the old Earth and a new Earth is being created where  everything is going to be wonderful, a total opposite from what is happening right now as we move into  another dimension. 

It has never happened before in a universe that an entire planet shifts into another dimension. 

People all over the world are experiencing physical symptoms of this shift,  they go to the doctors and the doctors can’t find anything wrong with them. 

These physical symptoms are related to the separation with the old Earth and the new Earth. 

Everyone won’t go because they can’t change their vibration that quickly. 

Which is why we need to harmonize our vibration and give back to Earth and Step into Limitless Possibilities…

The Earth is going to do this with, or without us. 

It’s our choice, If we want to shift and experience this with her, our Mother Gaia.


As a result, this is why I’ve decided to create a workshop on April 14th to give back to Earth and teach you how to heal the planet and become an Expert Gridworker.


Heal The Grid LIVE Event


There is an energetic battle taking place across the Earth.  Are you ready to SHIFT the planet?


  • + SO MUCH MORE!!

This is a VERY SPECIAL  Online event that you do NOT want to miss!

If you are unable to attend live, a recording will be available afterwards.

This workshop includes the best of both worlds. Learn the knowledge behind grid working at an intellectual level, but also experience the knowledge through an interactive meditation! The live ticket includes the recording so you can go back to the lessons or the meditation at any time!

  • LEARN: Everything there is to know about energetic grids & the vortexes they create! Explore the human grid, the planetary gird and the universal grid!
  • DISCOVER: What it takes to be a gridworker. EA will teach you the different steps involved in getting your mind, body and soul into the right vibration to do the work!
  • REMOTE VIEW: Remote viewing is a central part of grid working. Learn how to remote view as a part of this workshop!
  • GIVE & RECEIVE: Connecting to the grid isn’t just about healing the planet, it’s also about downloading what you need as well!
  • PRACTICE: This hour and a half workshop also includes an engaging meditation/regression where EA will lead you up to the planetary grid so that you can practice everything you have learned! Have you bought a ticket for my April 14th, 2022 event yet?

To Learn More About Elizabeth April Click Here.

Event Happening Soon! Get Ready.

The Vaccine is Killing Us

Today, I’m going to talk about a very controversial topic. I want to preface this, by saying “take this or leave this.” What I’m about to go into is my own opinion.

I need to repeat this.

This is my human personal opinion of what’s happening on the planet right now. This is not some incredibly, amazing download from galactic beings. This is me. Let’s be super real about this. Opinion is subjective. You may be totally triggered or you may be totally on board – secretly, of course, because you don’t want to let anyone know that you are on board with this.

So, let’s talk about the vaccine. Let’s talk about the virus. Let’s talk about what-in-the-freaking hell is happening on the planet right now.

I want to start off with a story from a friend of mine named Zach, a hairstylist in Toronto. He just told me this story the other day about a person on a public bus in Toronto who had their mask below their nose. Everyone on the bus started yelling, “Get off the bus. You’re going to get us all sick.” Eventually this person got off on the next stop, basically kicked off the bus. It’s just absolutely insane.

Then Zach tells me one of his coworkers at the salon is super triggered by him. He overhears these conversations with coworkers to their clientele saying, “I’m not hanging out with my family anymore, because they’re not vaxxed. How could they? They’re putting my life in danger.” No one wants to hang out with him or be next to him at the salon because he’s not vaccinated.

He’s just like me, he’s really kind of neutral, flowy, down the middle. He’s not super anti, he’s not super pro. There really isn’t a whole lot about him that’s triggering in that way, but he’s not vaccinated. Of course, they’re going to start mandating everyone who works at the salon has to be vaxxed.

Then, I have my mom and her friend. They’re in an older age, 60 plus. My mom’s vaxxed, her friend is vaxxed. Her friend was like, “How could you see your children? They’re unvaccinated, and they’re putting everyone else at risk. I don’t think that I want to see you because you’re seeing them.”

This reminds me of my own awakening, way back when I was 16 and just starting to realize energy and consciousness ran through everything, and everything else was basically an illusion or just a momentary impermanent aspect of the greater whole.

Both then and now I’ve had this mindset of either, A) I am the only batshit crazy person that I know of in my entire life that thinks that this is the truth, or, B) the world is crazy, and I’m actually onto something.

I don’t really care what side you’re on. I hope that you’re not on a side, that’s my honest to God hope, that you have not chosen a side.

The only side that I am ever on, no matter what the hell is breaking down and going through humanity, is the side of prochoice. As long as we have the freedom of choice, I’m good. That is my main concern on a political, rudimentary third dimension level: prochoice.

Yes, a lot of our choices are being taken away from us, and I’m not even going to get into that. No matter what side you’re on, can we not just observe this dynamic that’s happening in humanity? What’s happening here is this: the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus, and I am absolutely not talking about the physical components of the vaccine or the virus itself. I am purely talking about the vibrational, energetic, emotional aspects of the vaccine versus the virus.

Your family thinks you’re crazy. Your emotions are all over the place. Your body is hurting, and it really feels like you’re dying. Well, don’t worry, “you’re not dying, you’re just waking up,” is actually the title of my recently published book, which details all of the stages and steps during your awakening.

Just search Elizabeth April in the search bar, and you will find my book on Amazon in every country today. It is time to question your reality and wake up to infinite possibilities.

One of the very first videos that I did in February or March of 2020 about the Coronavirus was, The Media Is Killing Us. This was long before all of the fear. Nowadays, it’s crazy. You can tell who watches the news, who consumes garbage and who doesn’t because they’re so fearful. Even children these days, if their parents are watching the news, are wearing masks, saying, “Mom, mom, is that wiped down? Or am I going to get sick? Or are we going to die because we’re visiting grandma and grandpa?” It’s insane.

The vibration and frequency around death and the fear of death with the virus, is so astronomically blown out of proportion, so that the world governments can come together to convince all of these people who haven’t gotten the vaccine to get the vaccine. The people who haven’t gotten the vaccine are the ones who are just not fear based. Just not scared of that. That’s pretty watered-down statement, but I want to be like super real with you guys. This is a personal statement of where I’m at with it.

I have a whole course out there, where I go through along with a friend of mine, Sharma, we go through different techniques to basically transmute and release the negative harmful effects of the vaccine in our body. Now if I were to be teaching people how to neutralize and transmute the negative effects of this, and was cowering in a corner scared of it myself, then I would be the biggest hypocrite of a teacher around. I have no fear around it.

I’m in a position where I live half of the year in Los Angeles and half of the year in Canada. A lot of you who watch my content believe that I’m already vaccinated with my wife because we’re in Canada. Luckily, we got into Canada and onto our property before all of the mandates in the vaccine passports roll out. We were able to get in and just quarantine being unvaccinated. If we want to leave Canada ever again and we want to come back to our land, we’re going to have to be vaccinated.

Yes, I may have asked my wife to look into the dark web and to check out fake passports and whatnot. And then not too long after, the universe was like, “Ah, they will catch you and they will find you and it will not be good if you do that.” So, I was like, “Okay, cool, I’m not going to do that.”

But ultimately, when I take a step back in my own life, if I wasn’t supposed to go down this road of getting vaccinated I ultimately wouldn’t be in a position where I would live half in Canada and half in America. In 2021, we wouldn’t have bought this property, it wouldn’t have been the perfect timing, it wouldn’t have been the perfect place. I ultimately trust the higher contracts.

Ultimately, we are powerful enough to override any of those negative effects.

We’re going back to California, unvaccinated, and we are most likely going to get vaccinated while in California, unless something happens.

Also, we want to get pregnant and I’m going to be the one carrying. Ultimately, I don’t want to get vaccinated while pregnant, and I don’t want to get vaccinated after pregnancy because of breastfeeding. We want to have the baby in Canada and do an at home natural waterbirth, but there is no period within that 9 to 12 months where I will be able to come back into the country without being vaccinated.

I have channeled about infertility and the V. I do believe that things like heavy metals can absolutely affect fertility ratings, but I also haven’t necessarily channeled specific aspects of depopulation or what have you. This is where I’m at, just personally.

Please don’t think that I’ve joined the Illuminati, the dark side, I haven’t. There is nothing or no one else telling me that I need to do this, other than this very logical aspect in my mind to say, “Yeah, you know what? I am in a position based on my contracts, based on where I’m at in life, where I’m forced to get this.”

A lot of people who are so strongly anti-vax would automatically assume that I am leading people into getting a vaccination because I’m vaccinated myself. And that’s simply not the case. If you really truly know my content and know where I stand, I am so objectively neutral. I have zero judgment around either side. I just hope people can find neutrality in their own vibration around this topic, so we don’t have to keep feeding this chaos energy and this fear energy, or this attachment energy into the system.

We need to realize this is all taking place for a reason. I’m not very clear on what the reason is yet, collectively. I really do hope that all of these mandates end. I hope that vaccine passports, all of that bullshit, I just want it to end. We all do. That’s where I stand.

I’ve been wanting to kind of just explain that for a while. I just wanted to basically relay all of that where I’m at with that, so that maybe you feel a little bit less shameful. It’s funny, because if you’re a part of the spiritual community and you’re vaccinated, you’re going to get persecuted within this community. And then if you are unvaccinated, you’re going to get persecuted by society at large. It’s a lose-lose. That’s why we just have to not give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks and do what feels right for you, like straight up.

Understand, above any decision you’re making, you are powerful enough at a physical level to get rid of what no longer serves you. I will say that the course that I have, you can find on my website, you can also find it on School of Awakening, or Elizabeth April School of Awakening, it’s called System Override, it’s $22. It is so incredibly affordable. It has so much amazing information and content in there. There’s no reason for you to be in fear on either side of things.

I’m so removed from those dynamics of fear within society. I see who I want to see, no matter if they’re vaccinated or not. Why do we have to choose a side? It is so detrimental to do so. I want you to be on the side  of your own intuition. That is what I am asking you to do, is tune into yourself. You can make a partially intuitive and partially rational logical decision. No matter what decision you make, it should not be out of fear. I don’t care if you’re choosing not to get the vaccine out of fear. I don’t care if you’re choosing to get the vaccine out of fear. Don’t make a choice based on fear because it’s going to skew your actual intuition and awareness of your own contracts in this.

I have struggled for such a long time with what side I’m on, or what role am I taking as a teacher and a student. Ultimately, I realized that I’m not taking sides. My role is to help people understand we don’t have to be on one side or the other no matter what choice you make, just because I eat meat doesn’t mean I’m anti-vegan. Come on. It’s ridiculous.

I really want you to check yourself. If you have resistance, if you have resentment, if you have fear, if you have reaction in any way, please check out the course. Please watch some my free videos on YouTube about the V. The best video I have out there is called 5D & The V. It’s incredible and it’s on YouTube, and it’s free, ad-free even. Please watch that and just understand that there’s actually a third option here. It’s not a yes or a no. You can choose not to participate in the polarity or duality. You can choose that. That is an option for you.

With that being said, hopefully this wasn’t too triggering for you. I hope that you actually feel less guilty, less shameful, relieved, even and honoring your greatest truth, who cares what else the world is saying. Honor how you feel. Period, full stop. But also check your own feelings and make sure that they are coming from a neutral objective place in understanding the position  you put yourself in at this time on this planet. Thank you, as always, so, so much for being here. I will see all of you in the fifth-dimension frequency.

TIME… What is it?

Today, I want to talk all about time. What is it? How can we understand it in a different way that will elevate our experience here in this reality? Time is an aspect of this reality that I have contemplated, worked with, and explored pretty much this whole life. When I had my big reawakening at 18, I really started to deep dive into this concept.

I want to start off with a tattoo that I got at 20. It’s three words on my back: Ignorance, Ego, and Time. If we want to fully master this reality, those three words are the blueprint.

Mastery comes through overcoming. In order to master ignorance, we first need to overcome it, which means we really have to take a look at ourselves. We have to be aware of our ignorance, of our limitations, of our blocks, and of our lack.

The second step after really observing our own ignorance and overcoming that autopilot programming, is to move onto the ego, the identity, the attachments, the subjective understanding of who you think you are. Once again, same thing. In order to master the ego, we need to overcome it completely.

The third step is definitely the most difficult: mastering time itself.

When I channeled this years ago, I had no idea what it even meant to overcome time. Now I understand roughly how we can do that, but I’m definitely not there yet.

I don’t really have a definition of time for you. Obviously, you know, in your own subjective ways what time is to you. Minutes, hours, seconds, days, weeks, months, years. Time is a fluid movement or a fluid measurement system we all adhere to on this planet. When we start to raise our vibration, when our reality begins to shift, there are a lot of things that we no longer adhere to. We stop adhering to relationships that don’t serve us. We stop adhering to a boss that doesn’t serve us, or a 9 to 5 job that doesn’t serve us.

Being an old soul and a Starseed, one of the biggest things I personally strive for is freedom. At first, it was freedom to be myself, freedom to speak my truth. But now it’s freedom in all of the ways. I need to feel free in my relationship. I need to feel free financially, with abundance. I need to feel free within my time, and my use of time. When we become free from time, we begin to exit the matrix.

Obviously, I’m not currently dealing with one huge component of life that’s essential to mention:  children. There is only so much freedom we can have when we choose to have children, and I want to assure that is okay for any readers who might be parents.

That being said, right now in my life, there is no concept of time – and that might be the same for a lot of you who are entrepreneurs, who do work on your own business. This is a pro and a con, especially as an entrepreneur and a hustler. I love when my wife asks me, “Oh, so what are we going to do this weekend?” I say, “Oh, what’s the weekend?”

That’s the downfall of being an entrepreneur, the lack of structure; you’re always hustling because you live to work and work to live. I’m working right now, but I’ve made my job my passion. I love doing this. I love speaking my truth.

With the freedom from the traditional 9-5 schedule, I look back on certain things and think, Oh, shit, did that thing happen yesterday? That’s crazy. It felt like it happened a week ago, felt like it happened two months ago. That means we’re packing so much into what “little” time we have, it tends to stretch out. Sometimes time speeds up. It all becomes really freaking wonky.

I’ve said for many, many years that I believe time is an illusion because I experience it that way.

Well, what do you mean? some people ask. The time right now is 10:01 AM. What do you mean time is an illusion?

To actually explain those experiences is a little bit trickier. The easiest way I can explain or define time as an illusion, is to say that time is subjective. I believe that it was Albert Einstein who mentioned the relativity of time, which is basically the same thing I’m mentioning; time is subjective. Depending on the situation, depending on the environment, depending on the observer, time is going to act differently. One “real” hour may feel like three hours to one person, where that same hour could feel like five minutes to someone else. I’m sure at this point, if you found your way to my content, you’ve absolutely experienced time in a very nonlinear way.

Another great example for the subjectivity of time is dreams. I don’t know if you’re a dreamer; I definitely am. In my dream space, it can feel like I’ve lived an entire lifetime in one dream – and I have 5, 10, 15 dreams a night.

Supposedly, an average dream last like ten to twenty minutes. It’s pretty quick, which is crazy, because as I mentioned it feels like some dreams last lifetimes, rather than just a couple of minutes. So, I don’t know, it just feels like there’s no way that all happens in such a short period of time, unless time itself is subjective.

Déjà vu is another good example of time being an illusion, but also experiencing the fast forwarding or the reversing of time. If you have had a déjà vu moment in your life, then you have experienced simultaneous time – which means right now in this present moment, there is a future moment already taking place. By experiencing this incredible aspect of time, we can move into the future before it happens.

I remember when I got really deep into déjà vu and simultaneous time and precognition. I would tell everyone who was a part of my déjà vu experiences, because I was having so many of them. Instead of just waiting for a déjà vu moment to happen, I would create a déjà vu moment.

What I mean is I would sit down, close my eyes, quiet my mind into a meditative state, and ask for a mundane moment in the future. The reason why I asked for a mundane moment in the future is because I wanted to abide by the laws of time, because there definitely are laws.

Imagine if you went back in time and changed World War Two, which I’m sure is the obvious thing that we would all want to do. If the events didn’t take place and happen the way that they did in this timeline, it could be positive, but it could also mean that the entire world was taken over by Germans. We’re here at this time for a reason, despite all of the really monstrous events that have happened in history.

When you ask for a mundane event, you are practicing your skills and abilities with time. You’re not trying to change time; there’s no shock factor, there’s no expectation, there’s no attachment. There’s none of that. That, I believe, is why we have mundane déjà vu moments. There’s no emotion attached to a mundane moment, which allows us to objectively experience it rather than add in our ego and our attachments and perspective to it.

I used to do this all the time.

Like I mentioned earlier, in order to prove my precognition – to myself really, not to others – I told everyone that was a part of my future moments, future visions. One time I told my friend I saw this future moment of us sitting at a Pita Pit. It was late at night, we were sitting by the window. I even said what they were wearing, specifically a scarf.

A couple weeks later, we naturally stepped into that moment. I’m in university at the time, so one night we go out for a beer and end up a Pita Pit, which was kind of our usual thing, so that wasn’t a huge shocker. We got to Pita’s, we sat at the window. In that moment, I’m like, “Oh, my God, this is what I saw.” They turned to me, but then I looked at them and realized: they weren’t wearing the scarf. 

Every time I told someone about that precognitive moment, the moment had changed ever so slightly. Even by telling them it was going to happen, I was changing the future. If I didn’t see that future moment, I wouldn’t have had the intention to tell them it was going to happen, which inevitably changed it. From there we get into a lot of time loops and paradoxes, and honestly things that just hurt your brain.

I want to relay these experiences to give you a good understanding of how powerful we are to change time itself. How we can truly master this reality by doing so.

When my wife and I first got together, it was incredible, just these two long lost souls reconnecting. For at least the first year, every single time we would go out – which was often, it was Los Angeles –  we would get sucked into this bubble – just her and I. It was so wild. There was no sound ever. Sitting in the middle of busy restaurants being outside and Los Angeles, cars, everything going on, we would just focus in on each other and have these incredibly profound conversations, and nothing else in the world existed. 

One time we went to Mexico, once again in that first year we were together, and it was just her and I in this restaurant. Nothing else mattered, nothing else existed. Anytime the waiter would come over, it would burst the bubble a little bit. Then we would bubble again.

The next day she got really, really sick. While she was stuck in bed I went back to that restaurant the next night to pick her up some plain rice and eat something myself. I’m in this restaurant alone, noticing all of the sounds and the flies buzzing and the other people at the restaurant and dishes clinking. I was just sitting there thinking, Yesterday, there was none of this. I started to realize that when we got together, we went into this bubble, this time warp, and sometimes we still do.

Another time we went to the west coast of Seattle, which was just so gorgeous – I mean, the trees and the moss and the rivers, it was just so incredible. We were sitting one morning on the bed at our Airbnb, and I remember looking at the time, it was something along the lines of like 8:58 AM. We proceed to have this really incredible conversation.

I would say 30 to 45 minutes go by in this conversation, before we decide to go and get on with our day. When I turn around to look at the digital clock, it literally changes over to 8:59. My jaw dropped.

I looked at her and said, “Oh my God, this is insane.”

She doesn’t understand. “What? What happened? What is it?” So I explained it to her, and she responds, agreeing that we must have been talking for forty five minutes.

And not one frickin’ minute went by.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg regarding my experiences with time, not to mention the ability to view an entire lifetime in about five minutes, and take fifteen minutes to it to another person. That in and of itself is just really freaking mind blowing. Time is an illusion in the way that it is subjective. It is how you perceive it.

The less we adhere and align to the matrix, the 9-to-5, the typical positions in society, the want and need for more material bullshit, the freer we will be. When we want and need for material bullshit, we’re locked into needing a certain amount of money. Then we’re just hustling our whole life to get more money, to provide the things we think we need – because society tells us we need it. It’s this game of locking us in and keeping us away from our sovereign freedom. The more we make our own schedule, the more we have our own business, the more we’re in a relationship that enables us to feel safe enough to explore these revolutionary concepts; the more you remove yourself from the matrix and experience time in a different way.

That was especially true during quarantine.

What day is it? Monday, Tuesday, Sunday? Who cares? Did that thing happen a year ago or five years ago? It’s almost so lucid for me. I get a bit frustrated trying to figure out when things happened -especially when relaying stories, because that’s what I do for a living. But it’s fascinating.

When we start to work with time in this different and subjective way, we start to experience more lucidity of time and begin to plan when they occur. Most likely, the weird lapses, loops, quantum conundrums you’ve experienced have happened to you, rather than controlling them.

However, we have the ability to say, “I want today to last.” I’ll give you a little trick. Be present.

If you want time to elongate – maybe you’re at an amusement park, maybe you’re sitting with your grandma, maybe you’re having an incredible conversation with someone, maybe you’re meeting a brand-new person for the first time and it’s a beautiful experience that you want it to last; be present.

The more presence we have with a moment, the more time we have with that moment, because you’re adding more layers to that moment. Wow, this creamy, iced, latte is so incredible. Smell it, taste it, feel it, swirl it around in your mouth, spill it on your hand a little. I don’t know. But take your time with it, create an experience with it. I promise you, that time will stretch out.

I also believe time is directly correlated to memory as well, which is really cool, but I’m not even going to get into that here. If you’ve read my book, which I really recommend you do, I have a whole chapter on memory and how we’re moving from third dimension memory to fifth dimension memory. These concepts light me the fuck up. I’m just saying right now, like I could cry, I feel so excited about breaking through the barriers of this matrix reality. I think it’s my gray side.

We’re not going to touch upon memories now, but it’s all related.

If you want a moment to last, be with that moment. If you want a moment to go by faster, if you’re like, “Oh my God, I’m waiting in line at the DMV,” split your attention. I’m sure that you do this naturally because I do this as well. This can be a positive and a negative thing, which is why I want to do a whole article on that in particular.

If you feel like you want a moment to go by faster, you split your focus, you split your attention, and you focus on multiple things at the same time. All of a sudden, time goes by a lot faster because you’re not present with one thing at a time. You’re out of body. You’re like, “Oh, look at that woman’s hair. Oh, let’s scroll on Instagram. Oh, let’s listen to music.” All at the same time. Let’s do anything but this present moment. It will go by faster. It’s actually really bothering me these days, the scrolling culture.

The children that I encounter – Gen Z, alpha generation, but millennials too for sure – are experts at doing this. Most of us are deemed ADHD, and we’re hit with a shit ton of drugs and pharmaceuticals.

These younger generations, their brain works a different way. It’s like their brain works on hyper-speed, processing multiple things at the same time. If they are under stimulated, an anxiety rolls over them. You might be the same way because honestly, the culture and society right now is creating a whole system of people who are distracting themselves.

I try to never bring out my phone in a social situation. I never carry my phone with me when I go places, which is funny because I’m a content creator. Half the time I’m like, “Oh, I should really capture that.” And then most of the time, I end up deciding, “No, fuck it. Just be in the present moment.”

I’m usually really good with that, but I’m getting into this awful, awful habit of frickin’ scrolling. It drives me nuts. An hour goes by and I realize I just wasted an hour of my precious life on this planet. Part of the problem in my eyes is because I’m wanting to be productive all the time, I am an entrepreneur, it’s like, “Oh, I could have put that hour behind work.” I don’t want to get into it too much, but I’m trying to focus on doing nothing in that hour. Doing nothing at all, is way more productive than scrolling for an hour and wasting that time.

Ultimately, in order to reset our understanding of our reality and time itself, it’s super important to ask yourself how you want to experience your day-to-day life? What experiences do you want to have?

I want you to really focus on what you do and why you do it. Are you taking that extra second to really smell your food before eating it? Are you taking that extra moment to take a deep breath of fresh air in the woods? What are you doing? How are you behaving at a very subtle and subconscious level?

Are you distracting yourself most of the time throughout your day? If you are, why are you doing that? Do you feel you don’t have enough time for yourself? Do you feel you’re unhappy in your relationship, but you don’t know how to proceed with it, so you distract yourself?

It’s important for all of us to ask ourselves those questions. Why are we distracting? Why are we choosing not to be present, what is and what is not working in our life? Then we can change it, grow from it, and choose to live our best life, without attachment or distraction, or constantly pivoting to a different aspect.

The more you wake up in the morning and relive your dreams, the more we take the option to meditate for 10 minutes, rather than scroll for 45, the more that we’re going to be able to tune into time, to tune into space, to tune into our reality, and to live the fullest that we can. That’s really important.

I want to remind you that time is what you make it.

One last thing, my team has been working so diligently on this brand-new membership program. Basically, we are going to be taking the YouTube membership off YouTube, and we’re putting it into my website, which is incredible. That allows me to say what I want to say without any sort of censorship. I’m super, super, super pumped about it. I have so many offerings: monthly coaching calls where I channel your information, a 30-minute free session giveaway, tons of brand-new content, and I’m doing a monthly meditation as well that’s going to really activate your DNA. So, definitely check out my brand-new membership program, you can join the waitlist or just join up right now off of my website Then check out my book, You’re Not Dying, You’re Just Waking Up.

With that, beautiful beings of light, thank you so, so much, as always for being here and supporting me and being a part of this community. Be sure to share this article with all your friends and family because people need to know the answers are out there. For now, I will see all of you in the fifth-dimension frequency.

✨ March Cosmic Oracle Reveal!! ✨


What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
Comment Below!!

✨Card 1 – I Create Harmony.
✨Crystal 1 – Green Aventurine

Harmony can be found or created when we actively seek the relationship between realms of consciousness, matter, and mind by looking for the sustenance within each substance. It is the music of the matrix, if you will.
In seeking to understand embodied cosmic consonance, there are several alchemical keys to keep in mind. Planets, organs, minerals, days of the week, and archetypes have a relationship, an embodies harmony of their own. With these keys, new doors open, and the creative will is empowered through activation and resonance. The universal music you transmit can be experienced by all-harmony found in your very own choir of conscious cognizance.

✨Card 2 – I Keep the Waters Pure.
✨Crystal 2 – Tree Agate

In holding the intention of I Keep the Waters Pure, we look beyond the element of deity to water as the metaphor, whose lessons permeate substance and spirit, as water is a life force that is ever-present, fluent in lunar language as it moves with the tides, and the symbolic representation of the subconscious mind. 

The path of self-inquiry and initiation into higher levels of thought and experience asks the candidate to make the unconscious conscious by exploring the abyss of the subconscious mind. Purification first comes through identification, and in diving deep into the waters of uncharted darkness, the process of transformation begins. 

Card 3 – I Keep My Own Council.
✨Crystal 3 – Serpentine

Living in the ideal of keeping your own council, it is important to ask yourself who you are behind closed doors when no one is watching and you are left to your own devices, acting only as the perceiver not the perceived. Do your actions remain balanced in what you do, who you are, and how you live? Does what you do not do have the same intention as what is done?

Keeping your own council is practicing mindfulness in each moment, by paying attention to your behaviour and remembering to remain in alignment with truth whether you are the object of perception or the subject who perceives. It is understanding that chaos and contract gives birth to clarity and order is found when we are met with, and triumph over, disorder. 

Navigating Family Contracts as a Starseed

Now at first glance, this may not be a big deal, may not even seem like a big issue in your own life, but trust me, as we break this down, you are going to see exactly how this affects you, and why it’s so important to understand this concept. 

Before we begin, let me define what contracts are, and how other people’s contracts will or will not affect you. A contract is a blueprint Before every incarnated life, we design soul contracts. Think about it as a blueprint of what lessons you want to learn, your biggest challenges, and your biggest hurdles to overcome in this lifetime. 

So, just a reminder. It wasn’t your spirit guides who created your life, it wasn’t God, it was you .

When we’re talking about contracts, we’re talking about very confrontational issues and things we deal with on a day-to-day basis. When we start to awaken, all we want to do is awaken the ones that we love. Awakening allows us to have a new and fresh perspective of the world. Awakening allows us to experience, maybe for the first time ever, what true happiness is. So, During my awakening process, I tried to override everyone else’s contract by telling them what they needed to know before they were ready to know it. We’ve all been there. 

A lot of the time when we share information before someone is ready, it actually takes away and removes from their journey. What got me out of my frustration, my exhaustion in trying to help and awaken friends and family members back in the day, was understanding they’re in a place you once were, and that’s totally okay.

There was a customer in the coffee shop I worked at,  and one time I was telling him about my frustrations. He turned to me and he said, “Well, you can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.” That is an age-old saying, but in that moment it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Oh, my goodness. These horses need water, but it’s not my responsibility to force-feed it to them. 

Though we should be conditionless, I created a condition in my life; I do not give information unless people ask me. Of course, a couple of years later, it got to a point where too many friends and family were asking me for too much information. I love helping, I love assisting, but I was giving way too much, and I needed to create healthy boundaries. 

I want to backtrack for a second.

Just this morning, I meditated with the intention of having some download, or message, or experience that anchors me into sharing that experience and knowledge with everyone else, but I had no idea what needed to come through. It doesn’t always happen in the shower, but It’s in the shower, that’s typically with water is where I usually get a lot of downloads and connections. I was very open to anything unfolding. 

Recently, I’ve been really in a quantum space of getting timeline flashes and pre-cognition future flashes to a crazy extent. Thankfully, I’m grounded enough to be able to navigate these crazy timeline switches. 

So, I was in the shower, and seemingly out of nowhere, I get this flash-forward of maybe 10 years from now. I was on a farm with my wife; we had two children, one boy, one girl, around six and eight years old. That’s really truly my dream, and we’re really building up to that. 

Then something happens where my little girl dies. A horse tramples her, something you just can’t predict or control. 

In that moment, of course, a part of me is like, “Oh, well, I should have never let her out.” Then I think to myself, “Do I just never let her out for her entire life to avoid that?” 

Seeing that potential timeline, I see all of the unfolding that takes place after that accident, the mourning process between me and my wife, the pain that we were going through, and the confusion I felt understanding that death is just an illusion but losing this child just hurts so much. The questioning of, “Why me? Why us. Why her?” She was such a lightworker, she was here for a reason. 

Then she comes back to me as a spirit. and she says, “Mommy, don’t worry. I’m in a really good place now. This all happened for a reason. These were my contracts.” 

Speaking to her and yearning for the ability to hug her one more time, it’s crazy what I tapped into. She explained things to me that she was destined for and what have you. 

Then my career takes a bit of a turn. All of a sudden, I start speaking about the grief t parents go through. I start speaking about grief and grieving, loss and death and rebirth, and beings over on the other side. I become some sort of parental activist for that cause, which is really wild. 

An aspect of me stepped away from the whole lifetime, and I asked my higher self, “Why am I seeing this right now? Why am I experiencing this?” 

My higher self said, “You need to understand that this was one of the potential timelines that is not going to take place. But there is a lesson in this you needed to experience to gain access to that knowledge so that you don’t actually have to experience it in this lifetime.” 

You would think that it would be extremely traumatizing, that I would even question or doubt having children. But deep down, I know that that’s not going to happen. Even if it does,  I have the tools to help me navigate through that.

The main lesson I’m taking from the experience I had is to be in full surrender of your loved one’s contracts. You can’t change them, you can’t help someone who is not willing to be helped. You can’t awaken someone who is not willing to be awakened. 

I go through this constant battle with my wife, trying to help her learn those lessons without helping her or intervening in her contracts. Do I tell her what’s going on, or do I let her trip, and fall, and scrape her knee, and have that realization?” Part of me knows I’m in her life to help her learn, navigate, realize and ascend; and then part of me knows it’s not up to me to get her there. 

To be honest, there’s not an easy solution to this problem. Just like my future daughter that has not been born yet, I need to fully embrace her contracts. As painful as it is, I need to fully succumb to and understand that whatever is meant to happen, whatever she wrote in her own blueprints. I have to not necessarily agree with it, but I have to accept it. You need to accept your loved ones for exactly where they are, even when they are putting themselves into suffering, even when it is towards their own detriment. 

Moving forward, you’re going to have to find that appropriate balance for you as well. Yes, you are in these people’s lives for a reason, you are the lightworker in your family of darkness; but also, you’re also learning the lesson of non-intervention. You’re going to have to constantly check in with yourself. If you’re giving too much you’re going to feel drained, you’re going to feel annoyed, you’re going to feel constantly triggered and reactionary. You’re just going to feel overwhelmed and essentially frustrated with that person in your life. Eventually, you’ll get to the point where you think, “Well, I give up because you’re not willing to do these things.” Truly is you, who is not willing to learn your lessons. 

When you’re giving too much they’re not ready for, they will never change. You’re going to continue to hit a brick wall, and there’s just going to be this repeated cycle of frustration on both ends, because you’re expecting them to meet you at where you’re at, and they’re expecting you to meet them at where they’re at. It’s just a lot of missing each other, a lack of communication, and a lack of being on the same page. 

On the other end would be not giving enough, just letting them learn all of their own lessons and not really stepping up as the Starseed that you are. You will find that you’re playing too much of their game, which means you’re giving your power away. If you’re interested in energy, aliens, and other dimensions but it’s all too much for them; and instead, they like talking about politics and the weather every time you get together with that person, it’s actually not serving anyone at all. All of a sudden, you’re feeling like you’re not being seen or heard, you’re feeling drained, maybe, even a little bit nauseous because you’re lowering your vibration to be around your friends, your family members, the people that you love. 

The healthy balance is to be in your power to not push anything on anyone but to likewise not succumb to their vibrational frequency, by lowering or suppressing your own true vibration and intuition, just because you’re around them. It’s really important to check in with ourselves and ask, “Where am I at with this relationship?” 

Not every conversation needs to be spiritual. Sometimes, it’s nice for me to take a little bit of a spiritual break and just be a human for a conversation. So, just know that it never has to be all one or all the other. You have to really listen to yourself from moment-to-moment. You are an empath, and it’s very natural for you to feel everyone else’s vibration, and to want to either play their game or to help them go to a new vibration. It’s your mission to do that, whether you’re a carpenter, or a garbage lady, or man, or a painter, or a psychic. It doesn’t actually matter what you do for a living. You are here, planted in the position that you are in, reading this right now in this moment, because you are here to change the planet, and you can best do that by standing in that vibration. 

You just are the way you are. Allow your family to think you’re batshit crazy because they need to experience that sort of polarity in order to come full circle. Then they will actually start to realize that you are thriving, happy, self-assured and that you are a completely different person than who you used to be. 

At first, when you’re changing, awakening, and transitioning; you don’t feel confident in your new self. You don’t know what’s up from down, or what’s going on in your own reality or the world, you don’t have to stand in that. If you were to stand in your spiritual truth, while simultaneously holding doubt against it, you’re going to not only attract doubt from other people, but you’re going to get sucked into their doubt.  

When you’re coming into your spirituality, I recommend you actually keep it to yourself, that you don’t start to talk to others about it until you feel good about it, until you feel confident in it. If you do it too soon, you’re just going to attract a whole slew of projection and doubts from others, and that’s going to elongate the process. But once again, it’s not up to me to help you navigate that, because you have to go through the experiences you’re going to go through. Maybe when you do go through those experiences or you’ve already been through them, you have something to reference, “Oh, yeah. EA said that in her blog, this is just a spot that I’m in within my own awakening.” 

This is all very normal and natural. Don’t push yourself to navigate right away, because you feel everyone needs to know who you are now. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I’ve gotten the backlash. I went through being called crazy by my friends and family, and then I anchored it in. And I said to myself, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It doesn’t matter what the trolls on the internet think. These are truly my experiences. 

For me, there’s no denying them. I can’t pretend to deny something I have had full frontal contact with just because someone hasn’t had that experience. So, it’s really been a learning journey for me. It’s really incredible how rapidly people are waking up, questioning, developing, and aligning. Stuff that took me years to discover and go through, people are doing in days or weeks. So, I think the vibration is aligned. 

I’ve had so many people reach out recently saying that their child or their parent has an addiction, and that’s no easy contract to go through. That is a lot of suffering. And truly, truly, that is a very old soul, a very powerful soul to put themselves in that place to deal with that energy. What I found time and time again is that every time I back off from trying to help a loved one learn their lesson, they end up learning it that much faster. 

Sometimes, we impede people’s growth by giving them too much all at once. That’s why I’m cautious about the information in my content. I have full trust that whoever finds my content, finds them for a reason at the right time. However, if people share my content with other people who aren’t ready, it could do more harm than good. That’s what I mentioned about my Galactic Federation videos. Anyone can share the link, but I don’t recommend it, because it creates a disharmonic vibration. It gives people too much they’re not ready for. We have to trust that the right people are going to find this content organically. Because they’re asking for it. Once again, you can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.

And that, my Starseed friends, is the entire embodiment of understanding, respecting, and accepting other people’s contracts. All we need to do is just to be our beautiful, divine lovely self in that moment and trust that our vibration, which is being reflected in everything that we are, is enough to help that person on their journey and path. What’s beautiful is that they know you are a wealth of information. They know when they are done with this physical reality, and they’re ready to question beyond these four walls, they can come to you, and that’s huge. Ultimately, that should be enough.

I love all of you so, so much. I am so grateful to each and every one of you, and you’re here for a reason. I will say that again, and again, and again. It’s not about finding your purpose. It’s about being in the know and I’m excited that all of you are here now with me. Have a beautiful and amazing rest of your day. Yours truly, Elizabeth April. Bye for now.

Manifesting Through the Mundane

Manifesting Through the Mundane

We rarely talk about the mundane. So often, we focus on these huge moments of challenge, or suffering or growth. Very rarely do we talk about our state of being in every moment, or from moment-to-moment. The time between the big moments when nothing seems to be happening, those are actually creating our reality. The mundane creates our reality. 

For example, you’re reading this right now, but what are you really thinking about?  

When I was a kid, I was extremely fascinated by thoughts. I loved to count to a certain number in my mind, while holding a conversation with someone else. I tried to talk about my thoughts, but no one else talked about theirs. I heard people who talk to themselves in their mind are actually crazy – a belief that is unfortunately deeply ingrained in our society – so I was taught to be scared to bring focus and awareness around mine. Depending on what exactly we’re defining here, talking to yourself can be an extremely healthy practice. 

Have you ever thought about the different thoughts that you have in your mind? You could have a full conversation with yourself in your own head and still be carrying a conversation with someone else in this reality. 

There are three main categories of thoughts: conscious thoughts, subconscious thoughts, and unconscious thoughts. Conscious thoughts are at the forefront of your mind, thoughts you are very aware of. Subconscious thoughts happen in the background, like running a program on a computer. Your programs are always running, even if you’re not using them. Unconscious thoughts are really deep feelings, emotions, and stirrings that we’re not even aware of; most of the time these unconscious thoughts aren’t really even thoughts at all. They’re vibrations, they’re feelings, they’re emotions, they’re not yet realized. 

There’s a stream of thought that connects all three layers. Going from our conscious thoughts at the forefront of the mind we can pick up an extra layer of depth by going into the subconscious thoughts, and then diving even deeper into the unconscious thoughts, which are essentially vibrations, frequencies, and emotions not yet realized in a categorical way that can be described with language. 

Now we have more than one stream of thought. Every mundane thought, every mundane feeling, every mundane action, and reaction can significantly impact not only our vibrations and emotions, but also on memories, traumas, and attachments. So, it’s not good enough to every once in a while, take full control, have full awareness, and take full ownership over our conscious thoughts. This is not a “you get more homework today,” sort of thing, it’s something to be aware of. 

I’m a very clear manifester, for example, but I don’t really do the work. I’m pretty lazy. I don’t show up every day, I don’t do daily affirmations, I don’t have a shrine that I look at, a vision board – I don’t really do any of that. So, when I do show up, I show up loud. Boom, all right, universe; all right, higher self; all right, soul. I’m showing up for you, This is what I want. This is what my focus is. But that’s not what makes my or anyone’s reality. We don’t realize it’s the less dramatic or extreme thoughts, those more mundane thoughts are what create our reality the majority of the time. 

On top of that, it’s not like our mind stops at a certain point in our day. If you’re like me, your mind is always going. No matter if you’re taking a walk, talking to a family member, watching TV, your mind is constantly going. So, when we start to focus on all three layers of our thoughts and rein them in, we then get to really clearly and sharply create our reality, the way that it needs to be created. 

This is why I’ve been talking about our own conditions and our own beliefs within our reality. They anchor us in the physical environment we’re dealing with on a daily basis. If you’re utilizing full awareness in your conscious mind, when you show up and you ask for whatever it is you’re manifesting, it’s a very small fraction of what your every single day reality really looks like. 

For example, I was recently painting, non-artistically. Just painting a wall white, really mundane. It needed five coats of white. While I’m painting, I, all of a sudden start thinking about this girl who put out a contradictory video to what I believe in, putting me down during hers. (Related side note, I really want to stop saying hater or troll because it’s very disrespectful and condescending.) I started circling or spiraling around these different thoughts about this girl and her content, feeling really misunderstood and misread. 

I thought, Really, does this really annoy you? I didn’t think that this bugged you as much as it does.

These are thoughts that just enter the mind, ones you’re really not aware of most of the time. Because I was pretty bored in that moment and became consciously aware of those thoughts, I stopped what I was doing. I’m doing this mundane task, I have some space, and this is what my mind went back to.

So, I took the time in that moment to really neutralize that frequency. I checked in with myself. 

Are you okay? What do you need to feel seen and heard? 

It actually came down to sending this person a really nice actually message just respecting their perspective, and opinion, and appreciating their position in my reality. It was actually a very, very lovely message I ended up sending them, and I felt good about that. All of a sudden, those thoughts went away.

Now, the problem is we are so stimulated throughout our day that we very rarely are aware of what we’re thinking about. 

I feel my mind is constantly stimulated. Part of me doesn’t like that. 

If you look at your life and you’re like, “Every day I drink a glass of wine,” or “I’m always yearning for a romantic partner, and I never have that,” the fear in those conscious thoughts are from the subconscious need to feel balanced, which that thing provides. 

Personally, I don’t want to have to rely on any habit. I want to be free of those chains and in full fluidity in every moment. That’s just me, though. To analyze my own relationship to my habits, I asked myself, Do I need stimulation?

I’ll tell you what my stimulation is. My wife is really into true crime. I’ve been very interested in the psychology behind true crime, especially cults. So, I find myself these days, constantly listening to something. Maybe it’s a YouTube video with a true crime episode. Maybe, it’s a podcast with true crime or a cult podcast. But it was always something. So I started to question that. Can I not be alone? Do I always have to be doing something or listening to something while I’m answering emails or writing up a document?”

Obviously, when I’m creating content, I’m not scrolling through my emails. That would be very difficult and I have to show up and be present. And of course, when I’m channeling, I am forced to clear my mind, let go of any and all attachment, and be present – or else I would never get access to information. So, I was worried about this. I was worried about the stimulation. During quarantine, I’ve gotten into some bad habits that I don’t really like. 

But I also don’t really hate myself for doing it. It’s all just a phase. But I questioned this, the overstimulation, the need to always be listening to something, discovering something, or stimulating my mind. Through my questioning and a little bit of meditation the other week, I made this realization that mundane creates our reality.

It was a huge aha moment for me. It all relates to the thoughts, the mind creates the mundane and manifests that into your reality. When my mind is stimulated through something like a documentary, or a true crime episode, or listening to a podcast my mind is occupied (of course doing other things while I’m watching, as that’s the age we’re in), it’s like I put my manifestation energy into a place of neutrality. 

When I don’t have the stimulation, my mind is extremely clear. I am very aware of my thoughts, and everything I think about is very sharp. I’m ready to go. To have a clear thought about what I want, I let go of any and all distractions, and I manifest the shit out of it, and it comes within a week, sometimes, within a couple hours, or a couple days. 

Now, I don’t know if this is just spiritual bypassing at its best, but this download came to me as far as why I work. I’ve gotten to this place where I am very concentrated, so my mind isn’t subconsciously manifesting something that I am unaware of. There are things for you to do, ways for you to work, so you are harmonizing with your mind and not manifesting or holding space for all this junk. 

If I’m not listening to crime stuff, I’m listening to music and EDM, almost every single hour that I’m awake. Once again, it’s a way for me to keep my unconscious and subconscious mind rooted, so my conscious mind can focus on the task at hand. 

I want you to do something moving forward. 

When you are doing a mundane task – where your conscious mind can switch into an autopilot mode – it could be cooking dinner, vacuuming the floor, getting stuck in traffic, answering emails, or watching TV – w – I want you to take a step back, take a step away from your current reality, and  observe how your subconscious and unconscious mind function. 

What are the conversations that are going on in your head? What are you thinking about? Is it that issue that happened when you were 10 years old? Was it the conversation that you had yesterday? Is it about what you’re going to make for breakfast tomorrow morning? What are those thoughts? 

The clearer you are in understanding the mundane aspects of your day-to-day thoughts, the clearer you become on why your reality is the way it is. Now, take a step forward, because I don’t want to leave you there. Be aware of your thoughts. Bye-bye. 

Once you’re aware the thoughts that are creating your reality are just the thoughts in between the things, then you need to ask yourself, are these thoughts serving me? For example, once I was aware my mind kept going back to this person with an alternative opinion, when I became aware that was bothering me and recognized that, I took action steps to neutralize it. I checked in with my human, What do you need, Elizabeth? Why do you feel this way? Why is this thought coming up? 

Whatever the answer is, afterward ask yourself, what can you do to better support yourself? I can’t answer that for you. You have to answer that for yourself. If this isn’t serving me, then what will help? What will serve me? What will assist? How can I change this thought around or transmute the energy of this vibration? 

Thank you so much for showing up for yourself. We need that more than ever these days and I really, really appreciate you. Have a beautiful rest of your day, your night, your morning. 

You are exactly where you need to be. 

And until next time, I will see you in the fifth dimension.

✨ February Cosmic Oracle Reveal!! ✨


What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
Comment Below!!

Card 1 – In stillness I receive. 
Crystal 1 – Turquoise

Card 2 – When I merge my desire with faith, I can take action from a place of peace rather than control.
Crystal 2 – Peach Calcite

Card 3 – Wanting more for others puts me into an energy of abundance.
Crystal 3 – Picture Jasper

Opening and Closing Your Third Eye

Opening and Closing Your Third Eye

Hello again, beautiful Starseeds, and welcome back to another blog of Expand with yours truly, Elizabeth April. Today, I am addressing a very peculiar topic called “Aphantasia.” Now, this is apparently a neurological issue and medically backed. I believe that a lot of Starseeds tend to have aphantasia for some reason. Let’s get into what exactly aphantasia is and why I believe it’s directly related to Starseeds.

The definition of Aphantasia is the inability to picture images in your mind. Now, I’m not necessarily saying that you have this, but this is something that affects a lot of old souls and Starseeds. Typically, as an old soul or a Starseed (a cosmic soul who has lived many, many lifetimes), you would assume naturally that we have heightened abilities. I believe that we do. One of those heightened abilities would be the ability to see visuals. 

I believe that I have the opposite of aphantasia, which is a condition called “hyper-phantasia.” That’s an actual thing as well, where someone has extremely vivid mental imagery, almost too much. I also have something that is called “synesthesia,” which is the ability to mix up your senses. In particular, for me, I can visually see sound, which is bizarre. It’s something that I definitely had as a kid, and then I rediscovered and identified much later on in life. Throughout the day when there are sounds, I’m not seeing visuals all the time. It happens when I’m in a really quiet headspace and my eyes are closed like when I’m just about to get to bed or meditating. If a loud sound happens in that situation, it will come through as an explosion of colour and light. Every sound, pitch, and frequency comes through as a different colour and even a different visual representation, and so that’s synesthesia. It’s like being able to smell a colour or feel a letter. I believe that a lot of Starseeds have synesthesia as well. Because we are not encouraged to talk about it and because this isn’t normalized, we usually suppress it. 

I just looked up “aphantasia,” and it is considered a condition. It’s not a disease. It’s considered a condition that was originally coined in the 1800s along with hyper-phantasia, which is the opposite issue when you see too many visuals. I’d be really curious to maybe read some peer-reviewed articles on what is the comparison or the differences between hyper-phantasia and say schizophrenia. Because I know that certain conditions like schizophrenia or psychosis involve visuals and clairaudient abilities. 

Aphantasia is the inability to picture images in your mind. This is not the inability to be psychic, the inability to astral travel, the inability to speak to your spirit guides, or anything like that. It’s the inability to actually picture things in your mind. I’ve had quite a few listeners and followers reach out to me and say over the years that they literally cannot for the life of them imagine or picture anything. For me, it’s a bit tough as a teacher, at least it was in the past because I am so clairvoyant and see those images. I think because that’s what I can do and that’s how I describe my experiences, people who follow my channel just assume that they also should be clairvoyant. Back in the day, I didn’t know that there were different kinds of clairs or clairvoyants. I didn’t know that everyone had their own ability, which we do. We definitely do. Now, I try to teach things from all different perspectives: from an empathic perspective, from a clairaudient perspective, from a clairvoyant, and from a clairsentient perspective. There are a lot of angles to spiritual gifts and abilities. 

Going back to aphantasia, it is a condition where you lack the ability to see imagery in your mind’s eye. An example that I often use in my YouTube videos is to picture a Christmas tree in your mind – a brand new one. This imagined tree is not one from previous years nor a memory from the past. I ask that you picture a brand-new Christmas tree. It can be anything you want it to be. It can be tiny, it can be huge, it can be pink, it can be green, or it can be white. What does it have on it? It’s a Christmas tree. Does it have lights and ornaments, and what colour are the ornaments? Does it have presents underneath it? When you imagine a Christmas tree, what does that look like to you? You may be thinking to yourself, “Yeah, I can’t do that. I can’t just imagine a brand-new image in my mind and see it clearly.” Then you, my friend, might have aphantasia. I want to actually describe why you might have aphantasia, and why I might have the opposite – hyper-phantasia. 

I believe through all of my explorations, my navigating, my research, my sessions, and my past life regressions that we, as Starseeds, as helpers, as healers, as light warriors, and light workers, were very open in many past lifetimes on this planet. We had clairvoyance, clairsentience, empathic abilities, emotional knowing, intuition, and precognition. We had extrasensory abilities. We had frequencies and abilities that went above and beyond the five senses that we have been taught about. Because we have and have had those abilities in the past, we got to our mission from a very early age in past lifetimes. I’ve seen many lifetimes where there is a seven-year-old child in the 13th century giving healing, and this child is known as a prophet. They’re doing healings on animals, on plants, on crops, on humans at a very, very young age. As we know throughout history, the individuals who have tapped in and who have been connected have been persecuted in these past lifetimes. It is through our ability to see beyond that makes us a threat. Because we are recognized as a threat, we were persecuted, we were jailed, and we were killed. That is what has happened. 

If you have a hard time visualizing, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a block or that you’re the issue. Most likely what it means is that you have been traumatized in past lifetimes, and that’s leading you to continual trauma in this lifetime. You may be retraumatizing yourself with these thoughts: to blame yourself, to think that you don’t have these abilities, to convince yourself that you’re not good enough, to think that you can’t tap in, which is not the truth. That’s actually a lie. You can tap in, you are good enough, you are psychic, all of you are psychic, all of you are clairvoyant, all of you can see that the reason why you may have aphantasia is that you are choosing to blind yourself. You are choosing that for a reason, and honestly, I don’t blame you for choosing that either. It’s hard being here, and even more difficult when we’re different and when we don’t fit in.

The only reason why we don’t fit in is because we want to give back. Because we want to help the collective. In a society, in a system, no matter what country you are in, that is seen as a threat. It’s a threat to the top 1% who want to control, who want to depopulate, who want to confine, and who want to suppress. You, my friend, have been a threat before. That is why in this lifetime, you play it safe. You purposefully shut off your abilities. You quiet yourself. You quiet your skills because you are scared. All you want is a nice life without ruffling feathers. You want to just be here to watch the ascension unfold, to grab your bag of popcorn, and just to watch the show in peace. Once again, I don’t blame you, my Starseed, for doing that. However, I’ll tell you right now, that you’re not helping the world or yourself by making a choice out of safety. That’s really the only other option that is presented to us in this crazy, fucked up world. It’s fight or flight or it’s safety, and the safety is running away from the fight or the flight. None of those options are good. None of those options help you speak your truth and stand in your power.

I want to let you know that just by understanding this condition, aphantasia, and the circumstances surrounding it, you may find some clarity. You have had many lifetimes where you have been tuned in and where you have been awake. Most likely, those lifetimes brought you lots of trauma, lots of pain, lots of doubt and uncertainty for yourself and your loved ones, so you chose not to go back there. I want to remind you that this lifetime is different. That you will not be persecuted, and that’s not to say that you won’t be tested. Because trust me, you will be. We are still living in a 3D polarizing world but not for long. The more that you remind your body, your human, but also your soul that you are safe to be free, that you are safe to speak up, that you are safe to expand, the easier it’s going to be for you. It will be easier to ascend to a new vibrational level and unlock that trauma that you’ve had in that third eye.

This statement and this understanding will have profound effects on how open or closed you are. It will allow you to let go and unleash everything that you have been holding back. This is your calling Starseed. This is your moment. With this knowledge, it’s time to choose. Don’t choose safety or conformity. Choose being your unique self. Choose expressing yourself over keeping yourself hidden. Choose empowerment over disempowerment. Choose your soul and your human in the highest vibration. Whenever you are ready to unlock this block, this condition, you can. You’re not locked into anything in life. All you have to do is say, I am safe to expand and that’s it. It’s really as easy as that. I am safe to expand. When you do, when you start expanding, it is going to be incredible. 

Now, if you start expanding or unlocking too rapidly, and your third eye is blown open, you may feel overwhelmed. You may be like, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, I didn’t sign up for this. This is too much. Sorry, EA, I can’t go down this road.” If you’re feeling too overwhelmed, do not worry. All you have to do is close your third eye by making this statement, “I choose to close off my abilities for the highest good of all involved in this moment.” Doing so is not out of fear, it’s not out of past trauma, and it’s not a projection or attachment. It’s just based on your comfortability and intuitive levels at that moment. So never feel bad for wanting to close them off momentarily, and never think that just because you say “no” in one moment means you are saying “no” indefinitely. That’s really important as well.

I’m going to leave you with that. I hope that you do a little bit of research on aphantasia or hyperphantasia. I believe that I am on the hyper side of the phantasia because I have dealt with a lot of the trauma from a lot of past lives for quite some time. I am to the point where I feel comfortable opening and accessing my abilities without hesitation, but I’ve also practiced for pretty much my entire life. I have practiced how to shut off my abilities and how to feel comfortable in my skill of opening and closing my third eye. That’s allowed me to feel as comfortable as I am today with what I can do.

Check out more about aphantasia, and just know that you’re not locked in for life to this condition. You are just experiencing a momentary delay. Understand that you are the only one holding yourself back from these abilities because of safety. Understand that you are safe in this lifetime to open up and expand. The dark side will not come after you, try to kill you or suppress you because they don’t have enough resources. It doesn’t mean that psychic attacks and other things don’t happen. It just means that we are 10 times more safe in this life than we’ve ever been before on this planet. 

As always, thank you so much for being here, Starseed. Keep up the good work. I am sending all of you so much love. Thank you to everyone from all over the world. Anyway, have a great week. Have an even better day, and I will see all of you in the fifth-dimension frequency.

The Downside of Generational Parenting

The Downside of Generational Parenting

Today, I want to write about my observations with generational parenting. Yeah, this is a big one. No matter what generation you are in, you are really going to resonate with this content. There is definitely an observation that I have witnessed a lot in the past couple of months. This year is really showing and exposing the truth in plain sight, right in front of our eyes. We can choose to look at it, listen, and change, or we can choose to look away and continue our lives. Either way, I am glad that you are here and reading this blog.

I want to address the topic of parents these days then move onto the older generations. It’s all basically the same theme. This is what I’ve witnessed, not necessarily in my own life or maybe partly in my own life, but mostly in the outside world. Now when I was taking clients, I really enjoyed that part of my life. I did it for quite some time, probably eight years. Then, I got to the point where it was really exhausting for me to do what I was doing. However, I learned so much from it. 

I had clients whose ages ranged from 16 years old all the way to the oldest client who was 92 years old. I think actually the youngest client that I ever had was around 10 years old, obviously someone’s child. So I had clients from 10 years old to 92 years old. That’s pretty awesome. I gained perspectives on the topic of parenting from the side of the child and from the side of the parent many different times, from different ages, and from different generations. I received both sides of the story. What I found was the biggest trauma and pain, the biggest issue in many of these clients’ lives was always family issues. I have my own family issues. Luckily for me, my family has been very low maintenance as far as drama and issues. I’ve been really, really lucky to be in the position that I’m in. Thanks, mom, for being so low key and being such an amazing parent. I really do love and appreciate you. 

Here’s what I’ve observed. Let’s address the millennial generations and then the baby boomer generation. Take it or leave it as always. I’ve observed that a large portion of the baby boomer generation really struggled because they’re post-World War II babies. A lot of them had immigrant parents. Not all of them, but a lot of them had recent immigrant backgrounds. Some of them really grew up struggling in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. 

A lot of baby boomers struggled specifically with the way that their parents parented them and also what they didn’t have access to as a child. Typically, there was a lot of poverty, a lot of struggling, but it was also a kind of post industrialization time. There were also a lot of parents not at home, working a lot, and many mothers entering the workplace full-time as well. It was just a changing dynamic. 

Now, the biggest thing that I’ve observed in the baby boomer generation as parents is that many boomers felt like they didn’t have access. A large portion of boomers felt like they grew up with emotional lack, financial struggles, or lived as lower middle class families. They felt like they didn’t get the childhood they wanted. What I’ve observed is that the baby boomers feel obligated and in a sense, pressured into giving their millennial children everything and anything that their children wanted, desired, and needed. Because of the boom in the economy, because of other ways of making money, and the strength in the financial market, they were able to provide these material things to their kids.

Think about the Walmartization of the globe. The fact that Walmart has this price model that drives down all the prices of everything because everything they sell is mass produced. All of a sudden, these baby boomers were able to give their kids everything. There’s a fun little nickname that the millennial children have, which is “Generation Expectation.” There’s also some funny jokes about millennials. One  of the ways that millennials are poked fun at is about the participation ribbon. The idea and sentiment behind it is this: “Oh, good for you, honey. You participated. So you get a ribbon. You get a reward for participating.” It is about raising children with this kind of over coddling, over optimistic, over giving sort of parenting. Once again, I believe this is because the baby boomers parents lacked A) genuine nurturing and B) any sort of support as children because many families were just focused on surviving and making a living. They bought into the idea of material wealth as a way of saying, “I can now give you not only my love, attention, affection, and pride, but I can give you material things as well.” This created an overcompensation of overgiving. That is what I have observed. Unfortunately, this has created a generation of kids who are prone to be spoiled and living at home until they’re 26, 28, 30. Once again, no judgment and to each their own. It’s just an interesting dynamic to observe. 

What I’ve noticed about the current millennial generation is that they feel like they didn’t grow up with technology as young children. I’m a millennial. I don’t know where I sit on the millennial scale. Actually, I think millennials ended in 1990. I think it goes from 1980 to 1994. I was born in 1992. I was 14 when I got my first cell phone, and it was a crappy flip phone where you T9 text. From my observations, I think that a lot of millennials did not grow up with early access to technology. In response to this, millennial parents are exposing their kids to technology right away. It is crazy when you see a four-year-old playing with an iPad better than you can. It really blows my mind when you see six-year-olds coding. There are all these crazy kids games and different things where you can teach your kid how to code or create a website at a young age. It’s mind blowing, which is really cool but scary. Now, an iPad or a cell phone can replace the babysitter. Now, parents can just turn on some cartoons and wait in the line, grocery shop, and entertain their kids at the same time. It’s wrong in so many ways. I know that I’m not a parent yet, and I know that my perspective might change when I see how convenient it is. For me, limiting screen time is going to be a very important thing, which is 100% hypocritical because I’m probably in front of the screen way more than I should be. I honestly think we all are in front of the screen way more than we should be. 

Now, the millennial generation is having kids and oversaturating their children at young ages with technology. Four or five years ago, I was so worried. I was so triggered, so disgusted, and so worried about these poor kids. I’m thinking to myself that these kids are not going to have any sort of social life. They’re not going to understand proper communication. Their eyes are going to be messed up. Their neurological patterns are going to be messed up. They’re going to externalize their reality through a screen, and I’m really scared. These are the future presidents, and leaders, and influencers of the world. 

So I tapped into it one day. I was so stressed out about the future of the generation of humanity that I had to tap into it. It’s funny because I don’t forget that I can channel, but I think my human self gets so worried or focused on something that I forget that I can just tap into it. So I did that. I’m like “Oh, screw this fear, screw this worry. Let me tune into the future of humanity. Let me tune into the future of this generation.” And I did. And guess what I saw? I saw that the children of the millennials are going to grow up solidly with technology, but at a certain point in time at around 18, 19, 20 years old, they are going to be sick of it. They are going to be absolutely done with it, and we are going to start to notice a trend that all of them want authentic, real, organic, in-person experiences. 

Now, I channeled that long before COVID, long before this pandemic. Now that I see kids wearing masks and doing online school, I’m all about homeschooling. I am concerned about the lack of socialization. They would rather hop on a video game and talk to their buddy down the street rather than get out and kick a ball around. You know what I mean? The parents are enabling this behavior unfortunately because it seems easier, it’s less dangerous, creates less worry, and it’s more “safe.” Basically, what I saw is that all of these kids of millennials, called Alpha Generation or Generation Alpha, are all going to want to ditch technology or allow technology to assist in having real, organic, in-person, live experiences. This made so much sense because when you have something pushed on you so intensely, all you want to do is swing the other way.

This is what we’ve seen generation after generation after generation. If hard work is pushed on you over and over again, all you want to do is slack. If slack is pushed on you over and over again, all you want to do is work hard. There’s going to be a natural swing. Look at most of the millennial generation who was really given everything material. We are now starting this movement of being entrepreneurs of all wanting to work for ourselves. It’s changing the workplace as we know it. It’s a very exciting time for the workplace and for future careers. So it’s fascinating; it’s so interesting.

I want to just swing around to another concept. There’s no judgment here because no matter what age and no matter what generation you’re in, there’s going to be this pushback from your children. It’s weird, but I had a flash forward the other day about being with my kids and them getting frustrated at me for not understanding where they’re coming from. This really blew my mind in the future because I thought I was a very compassionate, very emotionally intelligent, very tuned in, and very understanding parent, and they were still blaming me. I laugh because no matter where you’re at in your life, there’s going to be this push-pull with your kids. It is what I’ve seen generation after generation. The children say, “It’s not enough. You’re not giving me what I need. It’s not enough.” The parents say,” I’m giving you more than I’ve ever had. I’m giving you what I lacked as a kid.” I am noticing that this kind of parenting is coming from a place of lack. I didn’t have this, so I’m giving you more of this. Then the child who grows up to be a parent is like I had too much of this, so I’m giving my child less of this and more of this other thing. It continues to spiral over and over again with the extremes of what you had too much of and what you didn’t have enough of. 

As I’ve said in prior readings, the parent is often in this position of “Elizabeth, I just don’t know what’s wrong with her. I’m giving her everything that I can possibly think of. I’m doing all the things that I can think of doing.” Well, what about just listening? What about just asking what she needs? What about just being open rather than parenting from a place where you think you should be parenting or giving what you think that you should be giving based on what you didn’t have? It is true that the generations are changing very rapidly. Human beings are evolving so rapidly, spiritually, technologically, consciously that it’s hard to keep up with what our children need at that moment. We have to be in a place where we are not attached or jaded, just really listen to what they need, and tune into that. It’s so, so important.

The children may feel, “Well, it’s not enough.” The parents are struggling and feel like “Well, I’m giving everything.” If you’re a parent, obviously you’re also a child, and you’re a kid of someone. The biggest advice that I could give you is to understand that your parents only have so much that they can give you. I’m sure that you’ve already thought about this, but maybe you need to think about it again. Understand that they are limited by their own parents and background. They only have so many tools to give you. You chose to be with them as their child to learn through the experience of what they couldn’t give and the surplus of what they gave you. The best advice that I could give to you is to understand where your parents are coming from and forgive their lack and limitations because they really just don’t know what you need. They really don’t know. They don’t have enough tools. Some of them admit that, and some of them definitely do not admit that. For those of you who are potentially moving into parenthood or are a parent right now, remember to always just listen and have balance in your parenting abilities. Don’t overgive, undergive, or assume that you know what your child needs.

Definitely, limit, monitor, and understand screen time. Allow your children to connect with nature, bring them up in a world where energy, consciousness, and dreams are real. It’s real. Don’t shy away from contentious topics or topics that could be frightening like light versus dark energy. It’s important that we understand that children, especially today are not just kids. If anything, it’s most likely that your children are older than you, are wiser than you are, and more attuned. If we’re downplaying their gifts, their connections, their knowledge, and their abilities,it’s going to be to your detriment. If we’re condescending towards them or not really listening, it is going to be potentially harmful to them and to the future of humanity. Seriously, there have been a lot of traumas throughout many of the generations. I want to remind you that your job as a parent isn’t to make your kids happy all the time. It’s to help your child be more human. That means experiencing all aspects of this polarized reality. 

With that, beautiful Starseeds, thank you as always for being part of my community. Keep up the good work. Be sure to stay tuned with my blogs, listen to the podcasts, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and check out my Instagram feed. And of course, share with your people, your friends, your community, other parents who need to read this, and other children who need to be supported and heard. I will see all of you in the fifth-dimension frequency.

Food Freedom

Food Freedom

Welcome back to another blog with yours truly, Elizabeth April. Let’s approach the topic of food. I love food, but I used to hate food. With so many Starseeds and old souls, I know that food has been a battle. It’s been an unnecessary battle. I want to talk about this for so many reasons. Ultimately, I believe that based on my own journey, channeling exploration, and work with clients that we all absolutely deserve food freedom. 

Let me start by discussing where I’ve been in the past with food. I’ve struggled a lot. I did not struggle to the extent where I was ever bulimic, anorexic, or had any eating disorder. My heart goes out to all of you who have experienced that or have someone in the family who has. We’re going to get into that later. I remember telling my parents around the age of 13 or 14 years old that I didn’t have to eat. That’s what I told them. I said, “I just want to let you know that I’m going to start this thing where I don’t eat. I believe that I can get all of my nutrients from the air that I breathe and the sun by gazing into it.” Now, of course, I didn’t know that there was such a thing back then as a breatharian – basically people who exist off of their breath and sun gazing. I also didn’t realize at that age that I had a whole past lifetime, where I experienced being a breatharian and was a monk. It was really incredible. Intrinsically deep down, I knew that I was able to do this. Of course, my parents were concerned. Their teenage daughter was at this ripe age of creating an identity, and she did not want to eat. In actuality, that lasted no time at all. That was a passing thought that got shut down pretty quickly, which is fine. I think I was just tuning in and expressing myself at that time. Now, I realize where it was coming from. 

On top of that, I always had resistance to food, which is funny. When I was a baby, I would literally eat all of my brother’s food. My brother was this little ginger-haired, stick figure as a baby. My parents always laugh, saying that I was the rolliest-polliest baby that they’d ever seen. I had rolls on my arms and legs as a kid because I would just eat everything in sight, which is really hilarious. As a kid and even up until adulthood, I would hoard my food. I would take extra food, and my parents would find dishes, plates and cookies stored away. My dad tells me that I put food in a vent. I think my mom had the same issue. That came from a lifetime where she was starving. She had to hoard her food in that lifetime, so she did that as a kid. She didn’t teach me how to do that. That was something that I just did as well. 

Now, thinking about it, I remember having a whole candy cupboard of candy just stored away. When my friends came over, I would dole out candy. As far as eating the food on my plate, I don’t know if I took too much or if I just didn’t want to eat that much, but I always ate half the portion of anyone else. Now, granted, I am a smaller human. I’m like 5’1.5” and maybe 100 pounds, but I would always eat less than my plate and always leave food on my plate. I was notorious for saying, “Oh, put it in a container. I’ll eat it later.” Of course, I never ate it later. 

A couple of months ago, my family came to visit me on this property in Canada. They were amazed. Just the other day my mom and my stepdad were like, “Wow, look at you go.” They were like, “You ate all of the food on your plate.” I’m like, “Oh, yeah, I guess I did.” They are genuinely shocked that I did that. They said, “What is it? Are you taking smaller portions?” I said to them, “No, I’ve turned my resentment or resistance towards food around. I no longer have a resistance. I’ve changed the energy of it, especially since I started cooking and having a partner that I cook for.” In the past couple of years since being with Nat, I have completely transformed my resentment to food.

From what I’ve channeled, from many clients, my own experiences, and as a Starseed, I have come to understand that we are a soul that comes from other planets, other dimensions, and definitely other bodies. Basically, we’re not used to eating. I know for myself as a Grey being, I’m used to putting this darker green paste on my skin and allowing my skin to absorb the nutrients that it needs. I remember being 18, 19, 20 years old and having such resentment toward having to eat all the time throughout the day. 

Now, I have an intermittent fasting diet. It’s usually 1 or 2 PM before I eat any food at all. And that’s just how I work, and it feels what’s right for my body. Of course, I probably snack way too much at night and eat unhealthy foods. My body will definitely punish me for that. I listen to my body. In my mind, I had such a resistance to eating. I thought it was so inefficient to not only have to eat multiple times a day but then to excrete the waste of the food. I felt like our bodies can’t even process all the food and liquid that we take in. Sometimes in my Grey mind, especially when I am too Grey in this body, I had such resentment towards the whole process of eating. I know that a lot of other Starseeds have issues. I know a ton of Starseeds who are bulimic, anorexic, and have a variety of eating disorders. Of course, it doesn’t help that society tells us we need to be skinny in order to look good. The body shaming that we have in society is awful.

Right now, the pendulum of what is healthy and what a normal body looks like is swinging over to an unhealthy extreme, especially in the western world. Europe is becoming part of this unhealthy cycle with fast food restaurants, processed foods, and overeating. So many of us are so ashamed of our bodies. Some of us struggle with the idea that we’re just shitty people because we don’t look like the models in the magazines. Our habits are often swinging society to the other side with obesity becoming the number one killer. It is going to be a huge issue later on. In reaction, I believe that we’re going to swing the pendulum back to the side of a healthier perspective. “Let’s all just be healthy and have no construct of what a normal regular or beautiful body should look like. Everyone is beautiful, no matter the skin color, no matter the age, no matter the shape. We need to get there. However, we’re really stretching it out to both ends of the extreme scale before we come to a place of what feels right and is healthy to you, is right for you. I think that’s really important.

That’s body image though. Body image aside, a lot of Starseeds struggle with food. You may abuse food by not taking it, not eating as much as you should, or you abuse food on the side of eating way too much of it because there is shame and guilt. I also know a couple of Starseeds who are so interdimensional and galactic and not used to food that they overeat food because it’s so delicious and good. They’re not used to this sensation. It’s like a drug. Food is and has been referenced to being very similar to a drug for quite some time. It’s so yummy, so flavorful, and so stimulating that I know some Starseeds who overuse food in that way as well.

I know some Starseeds and old souls who try to over control what they eat too much. No matter what end of the scale that you sit on, it’s all detrimental. It all sucks. We don’t want to be slaves to food on any end of the spectrum. It’s sad. These days with diet culture, veganism, and keto, there are so many ways to limit how you eat. I understand that some of these are medical issues such as gluten intolerance and food allergies. There are so many different ways to work with food these days, that the control around food is at a peak point. It’s getting wild out there. 

I was vegetarian, vegan, and plant based, I don’t even know what to call it because it was an intuitive diet but without the meat. I know that my body really flourished with that diet. I also know that I was very ungrounded, and I was very not in my body. I was very not human. I wasn’t really enjoying a lot. I was just working, channeling, downloading, and being a messenger more than a human with that diet. I’ve explored that. I also realized too, as bad as it sounds, that my body does really thrive and flourish with fish. I know we have a huge fishing industry issue. Huge issues with raising cows and the methane they produce. Just meat production, in general, is an issue. We could look at things like palm oil and palm trees. We can look at other aspects of deforestation and destruction.These are all issues as well. 

I just want to mention that we’re not going to go into any of the environmental issues associated with food. I do want to recognize that this world is pretty fucked up. I really want to recognize that. For now, for the sake of this blog, we’re really just talking about food freedom.

I came to California, and I am in a new relationship and partnership. I still loved cooking as a vegetarian vegan. My partner, Nat, has a huge allergy to soy. She had problems with any soy product and basically most fake meat is totally soy based. She would have major issues every time. That’s not the reason why I started eating meat again. As a matter of fact, I started having bizarre dreams of a really beautiful juicy steak or eating a burger. It was actually a lot of red meat. I don’t know if I was iron deficient. I was taking all the appropriate B12s and the different multivitamins, but I started dreaming of meat. When we were in Greece in late 2019, I started eating meat again. I guess it was probably between 2015 to 2019 when I stopped eating meat altogether. Then, I started having these dreams of eating meat. I was like, “This is bizarre,” but I still didn’t want to eat it. Then while in Greece, I wanted to eat gyros, so I did. It was freaking delicious, and that’s what started my meat eating.

I promised myself two things. One, as I went back to eating meat, I wanted to really thank every animal that I consumed and every fish that I consumed. I was already doing that with the vegetables that I was consuming. I was thanking the tomatoes. I was thanking the spinach. I was thanking even the nuts that I was eating, cashews or almonds. That was really important to me to do that. Then moving forward, I was thanking the meat. It was really cool because I’m such a visual clairvoyant person. I was able to say eat a hamburger or eat a chicken nugget and go back to actually observe the lifetime of that chicken or the lifetime of that cow to the point where they passed away. I would go back in time, and thank them while they were around. I would say, “Thank you for your service. Thank you for choosing to incarnate into that incarnation to give me the nutrients that my body needs at this time.” 

I truly believe that when we do that, we can actually absorb way more nutrients in the food. When we recognize the same thing with animals, fruits, and vegetables, we appreciate their service in taking an exit point in choosing to incarnate into that solitary thing and that momentary life to serve us. Their life is not in vain when we do that.

If we’re going to do it, recognize it. Don’t feel shameful for it. I felt so shameful for going back to eating meat. I felt it mostly because of vegans and that kind of pressure that even the spiritual communities put on us for feeling shameful about eating those kinds of things. Now, I talk openly about it, and it’s important because we can’t hide away and feel shameful because we’re actually bringing shame to our food. We are eating that shame. That’s the worst thing that we could really do when eating food. We have to be very cognizant and aware of our vibration at the time when we’re eating. 

For me, preparing the food, working with the food, speaking telepathically to the food, thanking the food, even presenting the food in a very artistic and creative way makes me feel so much joy. It’s funny because my wife doesn’t really feel the same. I cook for her, but she doesn’t really appreciate food the way that I do. It’s really just for me. I’m not showing off; I’m not posting it to Instagram. I’m just cooking and eating and presenting for my own pleasure. I enjoy the way that it’s presented, the colors that are in it, the smells, the garlic, and the onions. I mean everything just really goes into the experience of sharing time with food. 

Food freedom is all about eating what your body tells you it needs. In order to eat what your body tells you it needs, what do we have to do? We have to listen to our body. There’s no other way around it. When you start dreaming of carrots, a hamburger, or whatever it may be, listen to your body and listen to those dreams. Understand that you don’t need to have a diet. You don’t need to choose that you’re going to be one way or the other. Maybe for a week or a month, you’re full vegan and that feels right to you. I love being able to order vegan food from amazing vegan restaurants all over Los Angeles. I love making all-vegetarian food for a night and having this beautiful salad. I love switching it up. I love not being confined or limited to just one way of eating. 

I had this farm delivery service giving me boxes of food, raw vegetables, and things. One time he delivered this box, and I was talking to him. He’s like, “Well, yeah, I don’t know if you eat meat or anything. But I also have a grass-fed, more holistic, proper way of accessing meat.” I’m like, “Oh, yeah, I have an intuitive diet.” He’s like, “What? What’s an intuitive diet?” I said, “Oh, I just eat what I feel my body needs me to eat.” He says, “Oh, I’ve never heard that before.” I thought about it and shared, “Yeah, I guess this isn’t really a thing.” Recently in some Instagram posts and things like that, I’ve been seeing more and more talk of this. I think other people are also calling it an intuitive diet. That’s not something I picked up on. That’s just something I call it, which is eating what your body needs you to eat. 

One week, I don’t even like honey, but I felt this urge to buy honeycomb, believe it or not. Not just honey but honeycomb. I was consuming not just the honey but the wax as well. It was just bizarre. I consumed a pound of honeycomb in a week. I took a spoon, and I had the honeycomb at my desk. I was just spooning honeycomb into my mouth during the day. It was the weirdest thing ever. I ate it for that week, but I didn’t touch it again. 

Same thing, one week, I was just eating peanut butter. I don’t like peanut butter, and I never have liked peanut butter. Just scooping peanut butter into my mouth. Also obsessed with drinking grape juice at the same time. And someone was laughing saying, “Oh, you’re just consuming a peanut butter and jam sandwich, right?” 

Super interesting. Really just listen to where your body is at. Last night, I made this most amazing garlic bok choy. I’ve never made bok choy in my life. I actually didn’t even think that the grocery store in my small ass town in Canada would even sell bok choy. But I had this obsession with buying bok choy, and my wife loved it last night. She’s like, “This is amazing, babe.” For whatever reason, I was able to steam it and fry it in the right way because it was just soft and just crunchy enough that it was so freaking delicious. I’m for sure going to buy it again. I’m for sure going to make it again. I might make it tonight. I’m just so obsessed. You just have to listen and have food freedom.

For those of you who are struggling to eat, be present with your food, smell your food, cook your food, prepare your food, and ask your body what food it needs. Maybe you’re feeling these societal pressures, and it’s all too much, so you shy away from it completely. Stop doing that, stop punishing your body for the resistance that you have because I know where you’re at. For those of you who are overeating, you’re overeating because you’re not giving your body the right kinds of food. You’re falling back into old programming of opening that bag of chips or eating that chocolate bar.

The rule of thumb when I go grocery shopping is if you don’t buy it, you don’t eat it. Just kind of moderating what you buy and having a whole grocery order where you buy no snacks, no chips. If you do, maybe it’s a healthy rice cracker or something. Something that’s more beneficial. I love, as a snack, apples and oranges. Oh, my goodness, they’re so naturally sweet. They give you this natural pep and that makes it a great snack. Or carrots and hummus, man, love it. It’s my go-to. Just be cognizant of what’s in your shopping cart. How many greens do you have in your shopping cart? How much fresh food do you have in your shopping cart? How much frozen, processed food do you have in your grocery cart? Just be aware of that. Practice asking your body before you go grocery shopping, what do you need this week? That’s what I always ask my body.

The other thing too is that I always try and buy something that I’ve never tried before. Almost every time I go grocery shopping, if I feel like I’ve tried all the fruits now and the weird ones, I think about going to the international section of the grocery store. I try a package of seaweed crisps in all Asian writing. Go for it, try something new. Once you try it once, then you never have to go back to it if you don’t like it, but that’s how you discover new foods. That’s how you expose yourself to new experiences. That’s how you switch up your autopilot programming. Try something new, and ask yourself what you need. 

Hopefully, this blog resonated with you. Hopefully, there was something that you needed to read. Please share with others who may benefit. As always, beautiful Starseeds, thank you for being here. Keep up the good work. You are exactly where you need to be. Until next time, I will see all of you in the fifth-dimension frequency.