✨ January Cosmic Oracle Reveal!! ✨

What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
Comment Below!!

Card 1 – Cheetah
Crystal 1 – Blood Jasper
Key Words 1 – Solar force, action, achievement, masculine energy

The Cheetah is the epitome of the solar forces at work. The sun doesn’t shine onto the cheetah, it shines from inside this great creature and expands outward to brighten the Universe. The energy within a cheetah’s personality is palpable to others, and they naturally attract an audience to bear witness to their remarkable achievements. Purpose and passion are the best fuel for a Cheetah’s forward momentum, so if you’re lacking in those areas, reconnect to the why before you start running.

When in balance: Achieves anything, boundless energy
When out of balance: Impatient, competitive
To bring into balance: Reconnect to purpose

Card 2 – Panther
Crystal 2 – Peacock Ore
Key Words 2 – Annihilation of the unnecessary, purging

The Panther won’t stand to see our growth or energy stagnate, Instead, it pounces into our lives and causes all kinds of havoc… with the ultimate intention of bringing us toward more fulfilling lives. It’s unexpected, uncomfortable, and sometimes feels devastating, but after all the dust clears it’s easy to see the Panther’s wisdom at work. We’ve all been through these experiences, and they’ve made us better people. Trust that the Panther’s journey always leads to a brighter place.

When in balance: Brave, productive
When out of balance: Self-destructive
To bring into balance: Get rid of the unnecessary

Card 3 – Firefly
Crystal 3 – Tiger Iron
Key Words 3 – Inspired and fantastic, yet fleeting

The Firefly contains the light of a thousand stars. It’s pure, radiant, and illuminating. This high-frequency charge cannot be sustained for long, therefore the Firefly card indicates a moment of inspiration of awakening that quickly fades if we do not catch it. There is Firefly energy behind every poem, song, and invention… our job is to be ready to harness this creative spirit when it graces our path. What can you do to support this precious and elusive light?

When in balance: Writes, creates, brainstorms
When out of balance: Burnt out, Feels dull
To bring into balance: Write a poem, draw

Karma’s a B*tch

Karma’s a Bitch

Hello again, beautiful beings, and welcome back to another blog post. Today we’re talking all about one of my favourite topics, which is karma. Karma has always been a really big, hot topic for spirituality, and I can see why it’s very interesting! Now, of course, I can’t get everything I want to into just one blog post about karma. So maybe I’ll just start off with the basics. I also want to mention my second book is going to be dedicated solely to karma. And this next book will be really taking the concept of karma to the next level. 

So when I say that there’s a lot to talk about, it’s at least an entire books worth of information, but I want to just kind of start with the basics today. And before we deep dive, I also want to remind you that I personally do not do any sort of extra research. So if this information resonates with you then great, but if not, then that is totally okay, too. 

What is Karma?

So first of all, let’s talk about the definition of karma in my own words, I believe that karma is simply an energetic reverberation. So you can think about karma as a boomerang, with every thought action and reaction. We help create an energetic ripple effect in the reality around us. So what does this mean? That energetic ripple will eventually hit something in our future and come back around. It’s kind of like a droplet in a bucket of water, hitting the edge of the bucket and reverberating back towards us. 

In this case with karma, the energetic reverberation will typically hit something of a similar vibration in our future. And that old vibration will come back around. Say, for example, if you’re going grocery shopping and you’re afraid that, you have a $20 bill in your pocket, and that’s not going to cover the groceries that you have, turns out that day with that $20 bill, your whole grocery basket is covered. And you’re good to go. Two weeks later, you go back to the grocery store. At this time, you have a debit card and when you go and swipe the debit card, it doesn’t work. Maybe insufficient funds, maybe it’s a technical error, but either way that old energetic reverberation, that thought that fear that you had inside your mind created the effect in a future later moment. A lot of the time karma is referenced as a negative thing. 

And I get that it’s actually in a lot of memes and, you know, used as the butt end of a joke in a lot of situations, right? Well karma really, isn’t just a negative thing. And maybe if you are spiritual and you use this kind of verbiage, then maybe you’ve never thought about good karma. Oh, well, you know, it creates good karma to help out a little old lady across the street. Of course we have to be aware that we don’t get trapped into doing things just to create good karma because that takes away from the essence, the purity of doing the thing for the sake of doing the thing at the moment if that makes sense. So at its simplest form, karma is an energetic boomerang. It does not discriminate between high vibration or low vibration. 

Karma does not discriminate against high and low vibrations.

It’s just a ripple effect, whatever vibration you’re in, in that moment, move ripple back to you eventually. Now in this way, we need to be very aware of everything that we’re doing, everything that we’re saying. And beyond just that everything that we’re thinking about, this awareness is a key component of spirituality as a whole, but it can also be extremely exhausting, personally. It’s tough for me to be fully focused, fully alert, and fully aware for longer than probably five minutes and that’s me. So it can be extremely exhausting and even a daunting process to really be hypervigilant and hyper-focused. But what’s beautiful about karma is that it is an energetic reverberation. What we can do is create potential karmic outcomes by asking for what we want and setting an intention. So the linear way to go about bringing awareness to every thought action and reaction in your reality is to literally do just that to the full awareness all the time, exhaust yourself, the quantum way, the five D way of going about doing that is setting an intention. 

So maybe you do this on a per day or per week basis. It’s actually better if you do this more frequently than not. And so maybe it’s on a Monday that you set your intention for the week and your intention for this week, for example, is I want to only create high vibrational frequencies from my thoughts, actions and reactions. When we start to work in a quantum way with a full-fledged intention that wraps around every day, every moment, every thought action and reaction, we start to actually naturally align to that. The more that you’re hyper-vigilant and focused on every moment from moment to moment, the more rigid and potentially limited, you can create your reality to be, oh, I’m not aligned, or I’m not doing the things right. I wasn’t aware. So a lot of blame and judgment when you take that path, if that makes sense, if you choose the quantum path of setting an intention and in a way forgetting about it, then all of a sudden you’ll start to recognize that anything in your reality, in that moment, that does not align to the highest frequency, which is unconditional love and support and fluidity or change or whatever that intention is. 

It will bring your focus to it. I don’t know why this feels so weird right now. I don’t know why I’m just not resonating with this person. I don’t know why I feel so tired when I try to do this work. Once you set an intention, there will be a reminder of that intention. Anytime you do something that doesn’t align. 

Whether you believe in it or not, the universe is a cause and effect.

I want to talk about another topic within karma and so much to talk about. Like I mentioned, I’ll just kind of give you these little nuggets of information. So we have the ability to clear our own karma instantly from moment to moment, rather than allowing karma to come back around and clear itself. And this can be applied in such a healthy way to pretty much everything within our reality, all of our traumas, all of our attachments, all of our memories and experiences can be cleared by us. 

And that’s also kind of the equivalent of saying I’m doing shadow work. That really just means I am choosing consciously to go back in time and to clear the layers or the aspects of myself that I don’t want to look at that I refuse to see that’s the shadow stuff right there. Now for an average person who has no idea what karma is, doesn’t really seem to care about karma or spirituality or energy as a whole karma is still a thing. Whether you believe in it or not, the universe is a cause and effect, truly to its core. So to the average person who has no idea what karma or shadow work is, karma will come back around in their life through really random experiences. And that’s kind of what I called them. It’s these things that happen to us absolutely out of the blue. 

And they’re just so random and so, we have no idea why it’s happening in our lives. And of course, if we deep dive at that moment, if we really feel the vibration of that experience, there’s a good chance that you will be able to consciously remember the initiator of the experience originally. And a lot of us can’t and that’s totally okay, too. So like I said, whether we’re aware of it or not, Karma’s going to come back around. And a lot of the time when it does come back around the situation that we get into all of us, no matter how aware you are, you will get into this karma comes back. It’s bad karma, it’s All right, Karma comes back around and we end up reacting to the karmic release from the past and through reacting to that random, moment that we are not aware of and not aware of the connections, we end up creating a new karmic thread in the future it’s cause and effect. 

The links between the past, the present and the future.

So if you bring cause to the effect, you create another effect in the future. And it’s this crazy cycle. It’s a crazy loop that we all get into because we are so forgetful and we rarely as human beings make the links between the past, the present and the future. The more and more we do that, the more and more we collapse linear time as we know it, the easier it is to navigate through karma. Now, if you make a statement to the universe, which is really just you, and you say, I am ready to fully release any and all layers, any and all energies, any, and all karma from the past that I need to complete, that is holding me back, right? Because we could complete karma. Maybe we don’t want to cash out all of our lottery tickets at once, but ultimately we really want to work on the negative stuff. 

We really want to work on the limiting beliefs, the attachments, the emotions, the traumas, all of that. And when we ask for that, when we ask for that release, it truly does come up. So watch out be careful what you ask for. You’ve got to be ready when you say that you’re ready or you ask for this release, that’s really important. And so instead of just allowing life to unfold, karma comes up randomly. We’re not in control of it. We can actually take our power back by being fully aware of what we want to release when we want to release it and bring awareness around how it’s releasing. That awareness in and of itself is so empowering. We’re taking our power back by choosing when we want to do the work that we’re doing. And that’s pretty amazing. 

So, like I said, maybe for example, in one week or one month, all of this money stuff is coming up. Every time you expect to get paid, you know, the payment is late. Anytime you expect something that you purchased to be $10, it’s more than that. You know, there’s a lot of money stuff by the second or third clue or navigation or target into money, we should start asking, what else do I need to release in relation to finances? Or what else do I need to know in relation to finances? And then make a statement. I am ready to release anything and everything else that is no longer serving me in relation to finances and by doing so this allows me to have, you know, financial freedom or what have you, right? Whatever your intention is. Likewise, if you start to notice that all of a sudden, your friends, your family members, your confidants, you know, the people that you really trust in your life, your coworkers, all of a sudden, they’re all turning their back on you. 

Maybe that person that you dated last week, ghosted you and all of this stuff is happening all around the same time. That right there should be an indication that there is a lesson that you need to learn, or there is karma for you to clear. So at that moment, ask yourself, what am I learning right now at this moment with all of these similar situations? And likewise, what am I releasing? And the beautiful thing about releasing is you don’t even have to know a, what it is or B where it came from in order to just truly release. Releasing and neutralizing karma needs to be done through non-reaction. It’s impossible to release an old energetic reverberation. If you’re currently creating a new energetic reverberation, does that make sense? We have to be in zero point in order to neutralize and release karma, we can neutralize and release karma through learning the lesson of what you’re learning through that experience because that’s all, a reverberation is, is it’s just an experience. 

Reverberation is an experience.

I feel this way because I’m experiencing this. I think this way because I’m experiencing this, I perceive this way. I say these things, I meet these people because I’m experiencing things. All reverberation is, is an experience. Once we better understand why we’re experiencing these things good, bad, and ugly, we can let them go sometimes fully understanding where they’ve come from in past lifetimes or within our contracts allows us to instantly release them. And likewise, if you can’t go into the past and understand why or recognize the lesson that you’re learning in the present the best fastest, and ultimately the easiest way to release karma is to sit with the experience, to sit with the reaction, just sit in the present moment, scan your physical body, ask yourself where that vibration, where that energy, where that reaction, where that thought, where that emotion sits in your body, and then just observe it. 

Like when do we really truly just sit and observe objectively our vibrations. Even I don’t do that enough. And that’s really what, like a monk lifetime or a Buddhist lifetime is all about. It’s a dedication to sitting and observing. And in that way, it’s a completely neutral life. There’s nothing created. There’s only clearing. That’s why most likely you’ve done and had those lifetimes before. It’s like imagining a vortex in those Buddhist lifetimes, where all you’re doing is sitting and observing and day by day emotion and reaction and energy and pain. And all of these things come up to you and you continue to hold space for them. You continue to sit and observe them when you do that, you too release that energy and frequency. And so even though the pain in your knee, when you’re meditating feels the exact same as the pain in your knee yesterday, when meditating, it’s actually a different layer of the vibrational frequency of the same trauma. 

You don’t need to know why you’re releasing it or where it came from. All you need to do is just surrender to the energy that’s coming up within you. And that’s the best way. So be proactive about the karma in your life, make a statement to the universe that you’re ready to release. And definitely don’t get freaked out when you start having a lot of symptoms come your way, because it is really all a part of that release. You are loved, you are supported. There is so much more that I’ve loved to talk about like karma uploading or karma looping, but I think I’m going to stop it there for now. I want to just introduce this concept of energetic reverberation and let each and every one of you know, that you are in charge of your own karma. And with that, you have the ultimate power to be within any frequency you wish to be within, to direct and navigate your future frequencies. 

That power has always been yours. Bye for now!!

The Truth about Simulation Theory

Today, I am deep diving once again, into one of my favorite topics, which is simulation theory. I had a huge breakthrough the other night in understanding that simulation theory is flawed. Not only am I going to really just lay out the basics of simulation theory, but I’m also going to be adding to the theory as well. Whether you have no idea what this is, or you’ve done a lot of studying about it, you will learn something new in this epic blog post. 

The first thing I want to talk about is my own personal obsession with simulation theory. Even before I ever knew what it was, I was interested in it. We’re going to be talking about what it is and all of that great stuff. Just to start off with, I just want to mention that simulation theory is basically the theory or understanding that we are all living in one giant virtual reality, that everything that we have around us is actually just an illusion, that it’s not real. Now, we’ll talk a little bit further about this. I wanted to mention my own obsession, how this has sparked my own internal exploration of this theory. 

Ever since I was a kid, I was obsessed with the game, The Sims. Some of you may know it, some of you may not, maybe you’re a millennial, and you love it just as much as I do. To be honest, I’m 26, and I still play The Sims. Now, you could be an alien as a sim, you can be a ghost, you can be like a child. I’ve always been really intrigued with this video game, because you can make your own character. You service all of the needs of that character. You build on your skills, you build a career, you build a family. There’s just so many different options and directions to take as a sim, very similar to being a human. I’ve always found it very fascinating to play out different realities within different characters. I will say though, typically, I play myself in The Sims. I always make my own character and then, I’ll have a variety of different realities to play out as myself, which is always really cool.

The second reason why I’ve always been obsessed with simulation theory without even knowing it, is I have always been really pushing and seeking for purpose. Why are we here? Who are we really? What is the purpose of all of this? I believe that simulation theory, it’s not all of it, but it definitely leads us in the right direction. Let’s talk about some definitions before we go any further. 

What is simulation theory? 

I had to google this because I don’t really know what the real definition is. Basically, the definition that came up, I believe maybe it was on Wiki, is that all reality, the Earth, humans, and the entire universe is an artificial simulation. The definition even said that it’s most likely a computer simulation. Once again, this is just a theory. This has not been proven, but a lot of astrophysicists, quantum physicists, and other really cool science people have looked into this. They basically all come to the same conclusion that it’s most likely that we are indeed living in a simulation. Before you freak out and think that your whole life is a lie, we’re going to talk about how this could actually be not so much of a scary thing and quite a liberating thing. We’re going to get to that, but let’s further break down the simulation theory and the definitions so that we’re all on the same page. 

If the definition of simulation theory is that all of reality, Earth, humans, and the universe, is just an artificial simulation, what is the definition of artificial? We really do need to break this down. I did look this up as well. The definition that I found on artificial, was that it’s not occurring naturally or it’s not real. I’m sure we can talk all day about what is real and what is not real. There’s just so many things to go into with this. But I’m not going to talk about that, Let’s just take it at face value. Artificial is just not occurring naturally. That’s what artificial is. 

Then, I just wanted to further define simulation. What is simulation? Artificial is that it’s not real and then the definition of simulation that I also found on Google is the imitation of a situation or a process. We have something that’s not occurring naturally and furthermore, it’s actually imitating a situation or a process that is occurring naturally. That’s actually what that definition of- it’s an artificial simulation. That’s very interesting!

Let’s just go over the arguments for simulation theory. If you are really interested in deep diving into this topic, please do your own research because I don’t have enough time to talk about all of these things. It is very technical. I just briefly pulled up a couple of the arguments towards and for simulation theory. The number one argument that I keep hearing over and over again, is that the universe is just simply too perfect. If you’ve ever learned about or heard about the Fibonacci sequence, the law of one or the law of binary, and if you’ve ever seen or looked into geometry, or sacred geometry, you start to understand that every single facet of this entire universe is created around these divinely perfect sacred geometric structures. Once again, it’s almost too perfect to be natural. When we take a look at computers, and we even take a look at the functionality of our brains, we start to also realize that those functionalities, those simulations, if you will, are also very divinely perfect. We’ve all learned in school that nature isn’t perfect, which is definitely a lie because it is. It really truly is when we look at nature mathematically. Okay, so that’s argument number one, is that the universe is too perfect to be natural. It’s got to be a simulation. It’s got to be created. 

Argument number two for simulation theory is simply the use of supercomputers, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. We were unable to even conceptualize the understanding of simulation theory in the past because we weren’t able to create technology that could think for itself. Now, we have these incredibly powerful supercomputers that basically function very similar to a human brain. We have virtual reality, which is really blending the lines between what is real, and what is artificial. On top of that, we have artificial intelligence that is beginning to think for itself. Really recreate what it is to be human, which is kind of scary, but also kind of cool. Now, we’re saying, “Well, if we can create these technologies in less than 40 years with our advancement, then it just makes sense that eventually, we’re going to create our own reality and our own world, with our own sentient beings. We’re just going to play out different situations and scenarios just to see how we react and respond, or how this new civilization reacts and responds.” That’s basically argument number two. Those are the biggest arguments for simulation theory.

I just want to remind you that one of the richest and most powerful men on the planet right now, Elon Musk, stated that there is basically a one in a billion chance that we are not in a simulation. Just take that in. A billion is a really big number. He says that it’s a one in a billion chance that we’re not in a simulation. Basically saying that there’s a one in a billion chance that we are in a simulation, if that makes sense. That’s really powerful. He has a lot of information. 

I just want to play a little thought experiment with all of you. Just take the time right now, maybe you’re driving, maybe you just finished work, maybe you’re at work, maybe you’re walking your dog. But just take the time to think about this with me. Think about creating a computer simulation. Let’s go back to the video game, The Sims. You’ve got all your little kind of people, let’s call them, in this computer simulation. All of a sudden, you have the power to give those sims or those people free will. All of a sudden, you’re not controlling them, you’re not directing them. You have given them free will. They can feed themselves and create healthy social dynamics and throw parties and make decisions and get married and do all of these things. Now, think about these sims or these beings that we created in an artificial video game. Think about them all of a sudden waking up. What I mean by that is the word ‘sentience.’

All sentience means is that being, that living thing is aware of itself. This means that when you look in a mirror, you see yourself, you understand that you’re living on this planet, and you can conceptualize the idea that you are a part of the whole and also simultaneously separate from the whole. You are sentient, you are awakened, you are aware of your existence. What if all of a sudden, these characters in the video game started to be aware of their own existence? What would that mean? Would that mean that they now have full responsibility over their own lives? Or, would that mean that we now have responsibility over what they do because we created them? It messes with your mind, doesn’t it?

Simulation theory does not have to be a scary thing. One of my biggest problems with simulation theory, and I’ll just put it out there that at this point in time, with the knowledge that I have, I do believe that we’re living in a simulation. Once again, it’s not a scary thing, but I do believe that everything was created perfectly and divinely for us. Not just us as humans, but for this entire universe. It was created. That’s basically the essence of simulation theory, that we are in a created universe, not a naturally occurring universe. Very cool!

The one thing that simulation does not take into account is consciousness. Simulation theory only takes into account the container of which we’re in, not the lifeforms itself. Once again, simulation theory is all about the environment, it’s about the container, it’s about the concept of, is this entire reality just a simulation? I do believe that this entire container, this entire reality, everything that we see around us in this entire universe was created. I also believe that the bodies that we’re existing and living in as well, were created.  I don’t believe that every single being in this entire universe was created by something else. I believe that the fundamental physics within this universe, so the limitations of this computer simulation was created. 

Say, for example, you have a computer. Of course, every computer, every system, has its own limitations. The computer software itself has limitations. The hardware of the computer has limitations, very similar to this entire universe. We have limitations within the laws of physics. I believe that all of that was created. I believe that we as a soul created the containers that we’re currently existing in. And of course, we’re playing this game within this simulated reality. Therefore, we have to play within the limitations of the confines within this container. I know it’s a lot to think about, but it really starts to make sense. I believe that our own sentience, awareness, and conscious free will choice, as a soul, decided to be in the body that we are in right now. But I believe that the container of our body and this reality was created by something else.

Then, if simulation theory thinks that this entire reality is artificial, therefore it wasn’t created naturally, then the biggest question that I land on is who created this reality? If we are created, if this is artificial, then who created us? I haven’t really looked into this at a research base level. I’ve only channeled what I know. I wouldn’t be surprised that this freaks a lot of people out to think that there’s one being out there, or maybe religious people think it’s a God that created this reality or simulation. Actually, I do know this answer, which is a lot of scientists believe that it is a future version of ourselves that created this version of our virtual reality. I honestly don’t believe that that’s the case at all. I think- I don’t want to say a waste of time, but there’s bigger fish to fry than just doing that or focusing on that. 

I believe that consciousness created this physical reality. If we go all the way back into the microcosm understanding of reality and life itself, we go back to the double-slit experiment. All that says is that our conscious observation creates the physical world around us. It is only through observation, where the atoms and the particles around us are in a state of solid or wave. It is our consciousness that creates the physical reality. Therefore, energy creates this physical reality. Same goes with health. You think you’re sick, you’re going to get sick. Our thoughts create our reality. That I know for a fact has been proven, really cool! What’s to say that our consciousness, the collective consciousness in the universe, the sentient energy and vibrational frequency that just is, the heartbeat of the universe, I believe that is what created this physical simulation. 

Here we are, we’re back at the understanding and the knowing that its source energy, and conscious vibrational frequency that normally runs through and has now created the entire universe. The understanding that consciousness created this reality is not a new concept, but when we apply it to simulation theory, it is a new concept. I think that if physicists and scientists really start to take in and understand this concept, then we’re going to get way farther ahead than using the measurement and the materials and the observations that we’re using right now. If we observe our reality through our container of a human, then we are only observing the physical aspect of this reality, which means that we’re really only observing 10%- Well, let’s just say 50% of this entire reality, we’re missing a whole other world that we’re not taking into account, that we’re not observing, and that we’re not applying to simulation theory. Simulation theory is flawed because we’re only looking at the physical existence of this universe. 

When we take into account consciousness, just like in any other study, we open it up to the answers that we’re all seeking. That’s it. I believe that the only reason why consciousness created this simulation, this video game that we’re all playing, is because source, consciousness, wanted to see itself play out a variety of different experiences. That’s really what I think it is. That’s what I love to do. As my own sentient awakened being, I love deep diving into The Sims, and playing out a reality where I have kids or a reality where I’m a vet, and I have 10 dogs, or a reality where I have a girlfriend or a reality where I have a boyfriend or a reality where I’m an actress. There’s all these different things, and the observation and the intelligence and the awareness behind how these sentience freewill beings in this video game are contained within a container and having the power of consciousness, what are they going to do right with their own free will? That is the ultimate test in life. It’s not even a test, it’s the ultimate experience in life, is to just be here, and to understand our limitations, but then also to understand that we can surpass any physical limitations with our vibrational frequency with our non-physical energy. That right there, that is the true power of the universe. We all need to realize that we hold that power within ourselves in every single waking and even non-waking moment. Now that, my friends, is something to really think about, what can you do beyond the limitations of this matrix reality? 

I will leave you all with that and I encourage you all to play The Sims!

Have a beautiful and wonderful and amazing rest of your week!!

How the Universe Works

Today, I’ll be talking all about the way the universe works. I’m going to be talking about neural networks. I’m going to be talking about the two components that make up the universe. I’m going to be giving you a couple of definitions. I’m going to be really deep-diving into how, we as humans, but also how we as souls can transcend the universe. How do we move through the universe, learn the lessons that we came here to learn, in order to move forward, grow, and, of course, expand?

The first thing I want to talk about is just where and how I gained access to this information. I just want to put a little disclaimer out there and say that I do not do any external research. I don’t read books. I don’t watch videos on this spiritual, quantum physics type of stuff. Everything that I’m going to be explaining today, I have received from my own experiences. Now, of course, the experiences that I’m talking about are not just the experiences that I’ve had as a 26-year-old human. I’m talking about the experiences that I’ve obtained through my astral traveling, my remote viewing, and, of course, my ability to transcend space and time, which allows me to go into past lifetimes, as well as future lifetimes.

Now, if you really start to understand the way in which the universe works, which we are going to be talking about today, then you’ll understand that lifetimes not only are on this planet, in all different species, meaning, animals, plants, insects, humans, but also past lifetimes, and future lifetimes can especially be off of this planet. If you think about the little speck of existence that we have here on this one planet floating around the universe, there are trillions and billions of other specks of existence, and species and lifeforms that are also out there in the universe. 

Now, if you can’t wrap your head around that, that’s okay. I just wanted to let all of you know that I have gained access to the understanding of the universe through my own internal and otherworldly exploration. The first thing that I want to go into is the definition of the universe. Now, once again, this is my own definition. I have not received this from anywhere else, other than my own understanding. 

The way that I define the universe is a collection of atomic and subatomic particles, which are navigated through the vibration of consciousness. I know it’s a lot of words, and probably words that you have to stop and lookup. Essentially, what I’m talking about is, the universe is a place full of physical atoms. We’ve got the physical aspect of the universe. I truly believe that the only driving force behind the physical, atomic aspect of the universe is energy. Energy and vibration are the only things that actually motivate and push the particles forward.

If you really want to get technical, this actually comes down to a very famous experiment in quantum physics, called the double-slit experiment. This is definitely a topic for another podcast, but I just want to briefly mention that it has been proven by quantum physics that our conscious observation changes and manipulates the physical world around us. Therefore, what that means is that part of the biggest component of the universe itself is consciousness. All consciousness is, is vibrational frequency. When we put intention and awareness behind vibrational frequency, we can actually manipulate the world around us with that conscious vibration with our soul, with our consciousness. Once again, my definition of the universe is a collection of atomic and subatomic particles, which are navigated through the vibration of consciousness. Consciousness is the driving force behind the physicality of the universe. Here we’re going to really unpack that. 

The next definition that I wanted to just start off with, is the definition of a neural network. You might have heard this term before. If not, that’s totally okay too. Once again, a neural network is an energy system, devised of patterns, conductors, and receivers. This is just my own definition. I want to talk about popular examples of neural networks or networks in general. Computers are the perfect example of a neural network. Once again, it’s an energy system. There is electricity that is actually directing the pulse and the conductors and receivers of the computer system. It is a system, it’s an energy system. None of these neural networks would be even created or in existence without the push, and the conductivity of energy. Energy is the fundamental baseline of everything in existence within the universe. For a very long time, classical physics only ever looked at the physical, atomic components of this reality. Now, as we begin to wake up, we start to realize that the physical aspect of this reality is only a very small portion of what’s in existence. It’s the energy that really flows, defines, and creates patterns. 

Another really good example of a popular neural network system is actually the chakra system. If you really think about it, the chakras in the human body, which is I believe, a Hindu belief system. I know it was created in India. The chakra system is basically a network within our body of energetic meridians. For those of you who don’t know, energetic meridians are basically points in our body where the lines of the energy system intersect, which actually creates a mini vortex. Believe it or not, our entire body is created and made up of all of these lines, and that’s what they are. They’re actually lines of energy systems. When multiple of these lines, both vertical and horizontal, when these lines intersect, over and over and over again, then it actually creates this little energy vortex in our body. The smaller energy vortexes are called meridians. We have them behind our ears, we have them all over our head, we have them on our wrists, and the bigger energy vortexes in our body, we have seven of them. We’re opening up to 13. Those energy meridian systems are called chakras. Those little vortexes in our body are called chakras, which is actually a neural network, believe it or not. 

If you want to be more physical about neural networks, just like the computer example, another physical example of a neural network is in our brain. Believe it or not, all of the computer systems, even the supercomputers that we have on the planet are all mirrored after the neural network that we have in our brains. On top of that, all artificial intelligence (AI) operations, are also mirrored and recreated after the neural network system in our brains. We’ve got little neural pathways in our brains that fire off signals that tell us when we’re cold when we’re hungry when we see something that’s enticing when we see something that’s scary, the neural networks are fired off in our brains. 

One of my biggest teachings is that we can actually reprogram our brain and redefine the neural network system and basically override our own programming to live life and react, respond in any way that we seem deem fit, rather than in a way that we have been programmed to believe. Just like looking in the mirror and thinking, “Ah, I wish I could lose that extra 10 pounds.” That’s not you that actually believes that. That is the neural network programming that has been programmed within you with those triggers, those thought patterns that fire off, every time you see a celebrity in a magazine, or anytime you see a photoshopped image on Instagram. Guess what? They don’t actually look like that all the time. We need to reprogram our brain to understand that we are perfect and beautiful, just the way that we are. Essentially, we can actually reprogram any neural network in the entire universe. Just like we can reprogram a computer and upgrade the software. That’s exactly what we’re doing right at this time during the awakening. It’s a really cool time to be awakened, it’s a really cool time to even just live! 

I’ve said this before, and I’m going to say it again, that absolutely everything in the universe has a mirror reflection to everything else. If we look at the micro, microcosm of our brain, or the microcosm of the chakra system in our body, that can be mirrored to the energy system on the planet. Believe it or not, not only does this planet earth have its own chakra system, but it also has vortexes, portals, and it has energetic ley lines, it has meridians, just like we have in our body. You will actually hear scientists say and talk about the ley lines on the planet. They are once again just simply an energy system on this planet. They’re energetic lines all over this planet, when two powerful energetic lines intersect, it creates a vortex. These lines are called ley lines. The vortexes are essentially called vortexes, which are really cool. 

Likewise, if we mirror what’s happening in our bodies and on the planet, if we mirror that within the universe, physicists talk about something called flux lines. These are really cool. I’ve personally experienced these flux lines within the universe because I’m able to astral travel within the flux lines of the universe and go to any dimension, any planet that I want to based on travelling through these energetic meridians within the universe. This is how time travel, space travel, travelling at the speed of light, all comes down to these flux lines within the universe. Likewise, just like the body, just like the planet, when two or more flux lines in the universe intersect, of course, it creates a portal, a vortex, a gateway or a Stargate, if you’re a Star Trek fan or a Star Wars fan, you’ll know what this is. So, it’s really cool. 

Neural networks are everywhere. If you want a really quick example of a neural network, just research “Sacred Geometry,” if you don’t already know what sacred geometry is, check it out. It is the most profound example visually of what a neural network system really looks like. If you really start to study and get into sacred geometry, you start to see the patterns. The number one thing about neural networks is that the patterns are everywhere. That has a lot to do with the theory of simulation. We’re going to leave that for another blog post. It’s really cool! It basically says that we are living in a giant simulation, like virtual reality. The only reason why scientists say that we’re living in a giant simulation is because the neural networks of the universe and the energy system of the universe just simply seem too perfect to be natural. I’m just going to leave it at that because that’s a whole other topic. I’m also really excited about that too. 

I want to talk about the two components that make up the universe and how that really affects us as humans. I’ve mentioned this before, but I want to go over it one more time. There are really only two aspects of the universe that we need to be aware of that create the universe. One half of the universe, as we all know, we’re living it is the physical, atomic component of the universe. Scientists can look into the sky and observe the stars and the Milky Way and other planets and other solar systems, and basically observe all of the particles and subatomic particles that make up the universe. That is the atomic structure of the universe. This atomic structure we need to understand is linear. Now, if you think about both time and space, it is a linear function of this atomic world. Without getting in it too, too much. If you think about time as linear, well, the past was yesterday, the present is right now, and the future is tomorrow. It is a linear structure, point A leads to point B, and therefore leads to point C. In a way, the universe in its atomic form can be quite easy to comprehend and understand because what you see is essentially what you get.

There’s this second component of the universe, that is, we’ve honestly barely scraped the surface within quantum physics, understanding the energetic and vibrational component of the universe. That’s what it is. The other half of the universe or even more than half of the universe is this non-physical, energetic vibrational aspect. 

They say that 10% of the universe is material matter, and they say that 90%, that’s right, I think it’s around there, 90% of the rest of the universe is created and devised by dark matter. That’s what they call it. The only reason why scientists call it dark matter is because they cannot see it, they cannot observe it, although they know it’s there because they can measure it. That’s the only reason why it’s in existence is because it’s measurable. The reason why it’s measurable is because vibrational frequency emits a vibration. A vibration, which can be studied, however, it’s not necessarily understood at this point in time. Okay, so that’s cool! 

We understand that the universe is both physical and non-physical, and we also understand that the physical component of the universe is linear. What we need to understand on top of that, is that the non-physical, the dark matter, the energy of the universe, is simultaneous. This is what makes studying it so freaking difficult. 

There’s something called superposition in science in quantum physics. I don’t know too much about this, but I have experienced it myself. Essentially, what I believe that I understand from superposition is that one particle can simultaneously be in one place in the universe, while simultaneously be existing somewhere else in the universe. They have proven this with the Hadron Collider in Sweden. I think it’s in Sweden. Basically, what this means is that the present can affect the past. What this means is that, me, as Elizabeth April, in this moment, can also be in another moment, simultaneously. This is what’s really confusing to physicists because they’ve only ever studied the linear progression of the atomic world. 

When we get into the nonlinear, when we get into the vibrational, and the energetic, everything is happening all at once. Now, because I am able, in my abilities to tap into other dimensions, I’m actually able to surpass both time and space altogether. I am constantly throughout my day, experiencing superposition. I am constantly tapping into the simultaneous nature of both time and space. I know it’s a lot to take in, but a really good example, this would be past lifetimes. 

I’m able to tap into someone’s energy and their Akashic Record, which is basically like that 5D memory, I’m able to tap into their cloud storage, and I’m able to actually move into the past whether on this planet or off this planet. I’m able to surpass linear time itself because I’m hopping into an energetic dimension where everything exists all at the same time. Even though I have a client named Cindy, I can tap into her past lifetime as John in the 1700s. That’s possible because vibration and the non-physical aspect of the universe is simultaneous. It’s really important to understand that. 

Just for the end of this, this is a huge download for all of you. I just want you to really, maybe even reread this blog if you find it interesting, or, read it again in a year from now, if you’re at that point in time. I want to talk about the way that we, as humans, transcend through the universe. Before I get into the way we transcend, I want to just briefly define the word. 

My definition of transcend is just moving. It’s just movement. Transcension is movement. It doesn’t really matter which direction you’re moving. It’s just movement, and any movement is forward movement. That’s how I look at it. How do we as humans move through the universe? This is a whole other blog in itself, but I just wanted to briefly touch upon this.

In every single lifetime, in every single incarnation, whether it be on this planet, off this planet, whether it be as a tree, as a dog, as a squid, as a whatever, as an ant. The way that we move through the universe, is we basically learn lessons. I believe, through my channeling that there are about 12 dimensions within this universe, even though there are many multiverses. In this universe, just for sake of these 12 dimensions, we’re here on the physical third dimension. What I’ve understood from tapping into simultaneous time, is that in every single dimension, and with every single incarnation, we are learning a subset of lessons. Those lessons are basically just challenges that we need to confront and face in order to move forward. Every lesson that we are faced with, every challenge that we overcome, we actually raise our vibration. That’s where a lot of people get stuck, “Elizabeth, why is there so much suffering? Why do we have to be challenged?” If we’re not suffering, if we’re not challenged, if we’re not experiencing the negative within this universe, then we essentially cannot grow and move forward. There’s no purpose for being incarnated if we’re not experiencing both the binary of the light and the dark.

In order to transcend, we need to learn lessons, in order to learn lessons, we need to be challenged, in order to be challenged, we need to be confronted with things that trigger us. As we all know, we’ve all been very triggered very recently. Say, for example, there are 2000 lessons to learn in every dimension. Once we’ve learned all of those lessons through many different incarnations, many different experiences, many different challenges, triggers, tribulations, and successes, then we move on to another dimension. Of course, because the universe doesn’t work in a linear fashion, we could be simultaneously here as a human, well also simultaneously somewhere else on another planet in another dimension, existing as another being, learning another set of lessons. Once again, it’s all simultaneous. I’ll give you a really good lesson that a lot of humans have to learn here on this third-dimension planet. 

Before I go into that particular lesson, I just want to say that every lesson that we are learning correlates to a bigger universal lesson that every soul in existence has to go through and has to learn. Say for example, as a human, you are learning the lesson of grief and grieving. This is one of the hardest lessons for all humans to learn. Death is a very difficult thing to overcome as a human. The reason being is because our consciousness in this limited state of this vessel, of this body, only understands that what we see in front of us is the only thing that exists. How scary is it, to only think that our body, that this life, that that mother is the only thing in existence, and that one day, all of existence will collapse for you? That’s pretty fucking scary. At the end of the day, that’s not the truth. There is no such thing as death. Once we start to really liberate ourselves from grief and grieving, and we liberate ourselves from the concept of death, then we are fully liberated in all aspects of life. 

Grief and grieving is a lesson that every single incarnated soul needs to learn in this entire universe. Whether you are a Pleiadean living within the Pleiades, or you’re a human living on planet Earth, you have to learn the lesson of grief and grieving. The reason why is because grief and grieving is one of the biggest and most fundamental aspects of a universal lesson. The universal lesson is the law of impermanence. The law of impermanence within the universe, basically, is the law of letting go of anything within the physical world. We are not just simply physical beings experiencing a physical lifetime. We are energetic powerhouses of soul consciousness, that are experiencing this impermanent moment contained within a physical vessel. We do this billions and trillions of times over until we go back to source, source consciousness, where everything exists all in one and there is no division, no binary, no polarity, no separation between light and dark. It’s just oneness. 

We are here on a journey. We are not here for a destination. Part of that journey is being challenged, transcending, moving forward, loving ourselves in the process, and finding that divinity and that peace in every moment. No matter if the moment is light, or dark. We have set that on our path within our contracts, to learn lessons and to move forward and to essentially transcend. 

Thank you so much for reading my blog! I hope all of you have an extra piece of the puzzle, and you’re aware of a little bit more than maybe when we started this blog. With that, have a beautiful rest of your day and keep up the good work!

Communicating With Aliens

Today, I’m going to deep dive into one technique that really seems to work when trying to communicate with extraterrestrial beings. There are many different techniques, many different tools and tips and tricks, as far as how you can connect with your star family, with the fractals of yourself. 

Now, the main thing that I always want to mention when talking about connection with ETs is raising your vibration. You have to remember that we are at a lower-density dimension, we’re at a lower density of energy, and it takes a lot of work for them to get to higher planes or higher dimensions, and communicate with us all the way here in this lower dimension. So, instead of you trying to contact an eighth-dimensional Palladian, and them trying to contact you back in the third dimension, we can all independently raise our vibration to the fifth dimension and even beyond in order to better communicate with them. We need to realize that any sort of broken communication, or anytime you try and sit there in meditation, open up your third eye, connect to the ethers, and maybe you get an image, but it’s blurry. Maybe you sense that there’s a being in the room, but it’s not clear, any of that kind of stuff means that somewhere in your system, you are holding fear, which is a low vibrational frequency. Maybe part of the fear that you’re holding is that you’re not good enough to connect. Maybe part of the fear that you’re holding is that you won’t connect to the right thing, or the right being or the right frequency. Maybe part of the fear that you’re holding has to do with persecution of if you do connect, will you ever be looked at as the same by society? 

In so many cases, when we try and tap into our telepathic abilities, tap into our extrasensory abilities, tap into precognition, anytime we really try and tap in, we’re going to have to move through the lower density of the third dimension. We have to move through the fears of being human that we hold in this container of ours, and that takes a lot of work. Think about things like meditation or raising your vibration or letting go of those fears, think about it as a muscle. We have to be working diligently with that muscle, in order to be at a place where we can just tap in unfiltered, without any sort of restraint or being held back. And that’s really important. 

Once again, the main thing that I have always taught in the past is to raise your vibration to connect with them, because that’s going to be the number one thing that we can all work on, that’s easily going to get us to that place, even though it isn’t actually that easy. 

Now, the next thing that I want to mention, and the real reason for this podcast episode in particular, is a little bit of a download that came to me, and I forget actually what exactly that moment was. But it’s a tool that we can all use to communicate with extraterrestrials better. Many years ago, I would channel a lot of gray beings, just short, medium, tall, gray beings, all the good guys in a sense and all looking out for our best interest and our consciousness, vibrational frequency, and unity. Every time I would channel them, they would always give me these very odd names. Before I was able to see what I was channeling, I could feel it, I could sense it, I could hear it, it was kind of like that clairsentience of, you ask a question and you just know the answer. I was doing that a lot with these beings and this is how I telepathically communicated with them. It actually wasn’t until I asked to see them face to face, where I actually started to see them face to face. It took a little while of being comfortable in that realm and tuning into their frequency to be able to see them. I think I was just worried that I was going to be freaked out about what they looked like, really, is what I was worried about. 

Every time I would communicate with them without being able to see them, I would ask for their names. I always knew that it was a gray being, or I got extra validated that it was a gray being, because they would always give me the most human name, it was so funny. Even to this day, when I communicate with grays, maybe a part of the Galactic Federation, maybe a part of someone’s spirit guides, they always give me names like George, Peter, Jonathan, Sarah, and it’s just really funny how they give me very “white guy” names. 

I started to realize that they did this to be less intimidating, because they know that they look different than us. Also, because they have this funny sense of humor. They’re just like a foreigner to this planet. They’d want to be funny, but they don’t really– it’s always like this weird, awkward, almost humor. Another good example of their humor, which gets me to the tool that I’m about to teach, is they would show up to me all the time in these weird hats, these funky hats. Maybe sometimes it was like a sun hat. When I started to see them, they would show up, maybe it was a Santa hat. I’m like, “What are you guys doing?” This gray being in this Santa hat. I’m like, “What is happening?” Once again, I realized that it was just their sense of humor. That’s just who they are. It’s quite funny. 

This leads me to the tool. The tool is working with vibration and visuals in order to elicit an emotional response in your body and your mind, so that you can actually easily connect to these beings. Sounds weird, but it actually works. I think that in a lot of ways, this is why I’ve received a lot of gifts from these beings. They’ve given me things, maybe it’s a necklace, maybe it’s an invisibility cloak, maybe it’s a piece of information, but it looks like it’s a golden locket. They’ve given me gifts that represent downloads of information, or almost like representing a graduation. I don’t know if any of you listening have gone through this experience. It’s like an upgrade, a DNA activation, a shift, a connection to pure source, a graduation, an aha moment, a cosmic euphoria experience.

You can call it so many different things, and I’ve had these moments in my life at very pivotal moments. At first, they would come to me as this overwhelming sense of unconditional love, and I would start crying and laughing, like I look like a crazy woman. Luckily, most of these moments happened in my own home, and I was alone most of the time. The type of crying where snot is just running down your face. A lot of laughing too, because it’s just like if you could imagine that this was a God, but really, its source energy. Just imagine the golden rays of source energy shining down on you for the first time ever, that’s what it feels like. It’s being showered in this unconditional love, and you want to cry and laugh, and just feel the bliss and the joy and the cosmic euphoria.

Then eventually, I started seeing visuals that went along with these experiences. It was incredible! Also, some people would probably akin it to a psychedelic experience, even though I’m at this point in my life where, I don’t think I’ll ever probably do psychedelics or even plant medicine again. There is zero need, I am already at that place. I do not need to be tipped– Some people I’ve heard of are either maybe on ayahuasca, or taking magic mushrooms, and they’ve had very similar experiences to this as well. Literally, once again, stone-cold sober, but going through this incredible burst of pure love energy. As I closed my eyes, my third eye opened and I was in this room. It looked like it was this great hall, almost like a ballroom from back in the day. There’s all these beings there. Maybe a couple of humans, but mostly just tall, short, wide, thin, blue skin, pink skin, just all these different types of beings that were in this room. And they were celebrating, and it almost felt like confetti was falling all around us. Everything had this shimmer of gold to it. Even the room itself was just golden. 

I was walking in the center of everyone, everyone’s celebrating, and I was walking down the center. There were other people there who are also getting graduated, I wasn’t alone. There were other graduations where I was fully alone, but at this particular moment, there were other people who were walking down the center as well getting celebrated. Then at the end, we received, like I said, I think it was some sort of medal or something that they put around your neck. The word is, “You’ve graduated, you’re going to the next level.” Then it was over. It’s almost like a burst of DMT, dimethyltryptamine, is released, but also, yeah, it just feels like all of the cells in your body are singing. That’s what it feels like! 

Then, I got back into my body, I guess, and it was like nothing happened. Especially after these activations, you feel like, “Whoa, what can I do now that’s different?” I feel us as human beings, we were always looking for that tangible proof of what has changed, show me the change, rather than just being in that moment with that experience. Once again, I’m totally getting off track here, I just had to go through that, for whatever reason it came up. And maybe that validates some experiences that you guys have.

I’ve had moments as well, where these beings are giving me things like roses, and they explained that the rose represents me and as my petals fall off, I’m actually getting rebirthed. What happens is, if we use tangible, visual items in our astral world, it can actually help us connect at a deeper, more significant and even more tangible level to interdimensional beings. Imagine, right now, just taking you through a little thought experiment, imagine that you had one of your future selves in front of you off in a distant dimension, but all of a sudden, you tune into their frequency, and they’re right there, and you want to connect with them, you want to tell them how grateful you are for them being in your life. So, you give them a gift, and you give them this candle, and it’s a pure white candle, and it’s got this flame that’s already been lit, and you give them this gift and you tell them, “This flame represents our soul.” No matter how much wax or how much candlewick is there, the flame is always going to be burning. I appreciate that flame burning in your body, and you being here to support this flame, same flame burning in my body at this time. 

I mean, it doesn’t have to be that deep, and it doesn’t have to be that specific. But giving a gift allows you to connect to that moment where you are face to face with an interdimensional. In that moment, sometimes it’s so intimidating, sometimes it’s so overwhelming, having that item in your hand, maybe it’s a crystal, maybe it’s an etheric crystal, maybe it’s a flower, maybe it’s just a token of your appreciation, it’s like a little jellyfish that just floats in space, and you want to give that as a gift, that will actually anchor you into that experience rather than you just standing there with an interdimensional. That moment can be so overwhelming that it’ll take you away from the moment. It’ll put you back into the low vibration of fear and doubt. Am I really doing this? Are they really here? Are they a good guy or bad guy? It’ll put us back into that questioning.

Focusing on an item, focusing on a prop, an etheric energetic prop will actually help you connect with them and elicit a feeling. And you know what, maybe the next time you try to connect with your spirit guides, you try to connect with them with a silly hat on your head. Maybe instead of just waiting and waiting and waiting for them to respond, you start to hear laughter and you’re like, “Oh, they get it, they get my joke.” That, right there, will allow us to connect emotion to emotion. These beings, although some of them are not as emotional as human beings, we do all have this intrinsic ability to understand binary, because we all exist together in a binary universe. 

What I’m saying is work with the binary, work with polarity, work with emotion, and what spurs emotion the most is familiar items in our life. Maybe you want to show your Palladian brother how AirPods work. How hilarious is that? That’s going to allow you to connect on something tangible. So, I want you to try that technique. If it resonates with you, and if you have a cool experience, comment, comment the experience that you had from this podcast. If not, just keep up the good work, because your third eye is a muscle. We all have the ability to tap in. 

I just want to put an offer out there, that if any of you are really struggling with lower densities, lower dimensions, thoughts of fear, judgment, attachment, expectation, and you find yourself reacting a lot in life, then what that means is that you’re not in control of your own emotions. If you’re not in control of your own emotions, then you’re not in control of your reality, because your emotions are perpetuated by the thoughts in your mind. If you think about accidentally slamming your fingers in a car door, ooh, that creates an emotion. If you’re not in control of your emotions, you’re not in control of your thoughts, and therefore you’re not in control of your life. And that is our greatest gift of freewill, of absolute divine control. If you’re really struggling with that, and you’re looking for guidance, support and help and accountability, then check out my courses! 

Originally, I was selling this course for $3,000, when I just knew that it needed to be more accessible. It’s on right now for $500, that’s where it’s going to stay, four payments of $125, or whatever the math works out to. It’s an eight-week course that allows you to be aware consciously of your humanness, to be aware of your emotions, to understand where your reaction, your trauma, your triggers, where they lay in your body. This course will allow you to understand the third-dimensional aspect of yourself and allow you to release that, to let that go, to transmute and to move into 5D. The course is called 3D to 5D Shift Masterclass. I highly recommend it for anyone who’s struggling at this time. 

This is the time, right now, at the end of 2020, to get your shit together. You don’t want to be holding old limiting beliefs in programming and patterns of your mind. You don’t want to be holding that and bringing that into the new year. You deserve more than that. It’s time to invest in yourself. It’s time to wake up to your own power. And then, anything is possible, but you have to be committed. This is not a miracle course. You have to do the work. You have to critically think and analyze your life and make sure that you truly do know who you are. Therefore, you know what you want, and therefore, you’re harmonizing the cognitive dissonance that you’re creating in your own mind. 

With that, beautiful beings, lots of stuff to work on, but this is the time to do it, this is the time for inner reflection. I love each and every one of you! 

Bye for now!!

This Will Give You Chills

Hello again beautiful beings. Today I’m going to do something a little bit different instead of teaching, I actually just want to explain and go into detail about some really cool experiences that I’ve had in this lifetime. Even though I’m 26 years old at this time in this incarnation, I have not only lived many lifetimes on and off of this planet, but I have had many experiences in my short 26 years that has really allowed me to tap into other worlds, realms, places, dimensions, and vibrations which really allows me to have a full type of human experience.

So today I’m going to be talking about a lot of my non-physical experiences. There are so many things to talk about, I have decided to just focus on my first’s. You know, so the first in every aspect of spirituality, especially since a lot of my clients and a lot of the people out there have been having a lot of their own first experiences with spirituality and with the non-physical energy. And you know what? I teach a lot, but I don’t always explain how I’m able to receive that information or how I’m connected to spirituality through my own experiences.

The “Alien Girl”

So let’s start with my first ever alien abduction. Now, I have to just preface with the fact that I wasn’t consciously aware of the abductions that I went through when I was younger. You know what? I’m glad that I was not aware of my abductions when I was younger because I was already a weird kid, I didn’t want to be any weirder, so I’m actually really thankful I wasn’t that UFO/alien girl when I was a kid, because I’m going to be that alien girl for the rest of my life. I’m really thankful that those memories came later on, and it was actually three years ago, at the age of… I think around 24, where I got my first hypnosis regression session.

I let this hypnosis therapist know that there were memories that I knew I had blocked out from childhood, I felt like I only remember clips of childhood and I couldn’t remember all of it. I had a feeling, and it could have been anything, but I was open to understanding what was blocked out from childhood. So at the age of 24, I went back into childhood and she took me into this very, very deep trance-like state where I was able to release and let go of my ego, of my mind, of my present state of being. She told me to go back to the very first time that I had a memory relapse (that’s the way that she described it). I go back to the age of four, and I get this image, it’s clear as day, and instead of me being my four year old self in the image, I had two different perspectives. One was me at four and the other was this really odd third person viewpoint into my life.


So I was in my bedroom, but I wasn’t my four-year-old self, (it’s almost like I was floating around in the bedroom and just observing the scene). I had a first-hand view of things and I had an objective third-party observation view as well. So I thought that was really interesting to begin with that I could really tap into either state of being in that moment. I’m being put into this hypnosis, I’m going back to the age of four, and I’m put back into my room, my childhood bedroom. I remember the bed that I had, all of a sudden all of these memories start flooding back. And I had these teddy bears that were in tutus as wallpaper, right at the top of the ceiling… So all of these very finute details come back to me about my room and the placement of my bed.

I was sleeping, it was clearly in the middle of the night and all of a sudden there was this really bright flash of light. I actually consciously remember this, when I was a kid, I remember seeing this bright flash of light right outside my window. And I didn’t really think anything of it, but I didn’t remember anything after that bright flash of light.I specifically remember the blinds that I had and the way that the light looked coming in between the blinds, I thought that was just very interesting. In this hypnosis session, there was this bright flash behind the blinds and in that moment there were two short little gray alien beings who appeared in my room. I’m getting up in a haze and I see these two short beings beside my bed, and they telepathically speak to me. 

Without words, they’re speaking to me telepathically and in this moment, I can feel all of the feelings that I was experiencing at that age as well. The feelings were definitely fear, and shock, it’s definitely something that I had never really seen before in this lifetime. But at the same time I felt this overwhelming sense of calm and even validation. It felt like I knew them but I didn’t know where that feeling was coming from. They telepathically spoke to me, they said, “Elizabeth we would like you to come with us.” 

And at first thinking, I don’t know, I don’t know, my parents told me don’t go anywhere with strangers, so my first reaction was no. They told me very calmly, “You don’t have to come with us, but we want to show you something and you’re going to be safe.” They gave me this really overwhelming sense of love when they told me this. And so, I got out of my bed, my hair was a mess, I remember the pajamas that I was wearing, it might have been winter because they were very fleecy. I get out of my bed, standing beside them and I’m in first-person view, now I’m in the little body of my four-year-old self and I remember very distinctly that I was looking up to them. One of them reached out their hand, and they said, “go ahead and take my hand” and I did. 

I remember feeling the skin of this alien being. It wasn’t warm, like humans, but it wasn’t super cold like you would touch a snake, but the skin was very smooth, absolutely hairless. I remember looking at its hand and seeing only four fingers, instead of five. I lifted up my arm to take their hand, and in that instant we teleported to a ship. I don’t know how exactly we ended up getting to the ship because even in the hypnosis session, it was almost like we were in the room one moment, and then we were in the ship the next. I don’t remember getting beamed up, I don’t remember the time in between, I just remember from one to the other. Once I was in this ship, I was looking at this giant room, almost like an auditorium and the room was full of other children. There were maybe even close to a hundred kids, it was interesting to witness because they were all very clearly taken in the middle of the night. They were all in their pajamas, their hair was this way and that way. To my surprise they were all extremely attentive to the teacher who was at the front of the room. They were all different ages, some were five years old, some were 12 years old, and they were all in the same class. 

There was this teacher at the front of the room, the teacher was a tall gray, (like the gray beings that picked me up, but much taller.) It looked like there was a giant chalkboard at the front of the room, but it was more or less like a projector or a TV screen and the chalk was just his finger. So he would actually draw and write on the board but it was all electronic. I’m sure at four years old I had no idea what was going on, at 24 I definitely perceived that in a way that, oh yeah that was technology, instead of a chalkboard. They continued to do a couple of different tests on me to see what my cognitive ability was to put me in the right classroom. 

Astral Projecting

Now before I go any further, I just wanted to just plant the seed there, in that experience. I mean I could talk for hours about that particular experience and I have spoken about that experience on other platforms like YouTube and Facebook. So I definitely highly recommend that you check out YouTube and you check out my first abduction at four years old, and I go into telekinesis and being taught by another teacher and all of that. So if you want to continue that story, which I’m sure you do, definitely check out that video on YouTube. But I wanted to move on, I wanted to move on to my first astral projection into a cat.

I truly believe that after these experiences; being abducted by the grays as a kid and being taught in what I like to call “Earth school”. I was taught about vibrational frequency, quantum physics, consciousness, and humans. You know it was really cool. Five or six times between the age of four years old and 13 years old, and I was taken to this school. I think that really opened up my psychic and spiritual abilities. I was able to speak to my guides, see ghosts and spirits when I was a kid as well, and a couple of other weird things that I was very connected to. One of these things was the ability to astral project. Now of course, when I was four years old I didn’t call it astral projecting, I actually didn’t call it anything, I just thought it was cool. I distinctly remember, once again around the age of four, maybe five years old, being in the basement of my original childhood home, and we had a cat that was a long-haired fluffy dark brown cat. And the cat’s name was Lucy, so cute! One day I was just watching Lucy, just doing her thing; walking around, looking at all the things, jumping on counters, rubbing her face on corners and things like that. And in that moment, at four or five I wondered “is it possible to experience that? What would it be like to be a cat? Hmm, I wonder what it’s like to be Lucy?” And then in that instant I hopped into the body of my cat, no word of a lie.


And all of a sudden, I’m really low to the ground. I remember walking around on all four paws. What I remember the most about that moment was rubbing… This is going to sound weird but, rubbing my face on the bathroom corner. It was the corner of the wall, and I remember this because it literally felt so good. And it was like the feeling of scratching an itch, that you didn’t even know that you had. Right. So I felt what it felt like to be this cat, I didn’t jump on anything at that time, I was just popping into the body, rubbing my face all over something, and then back into my body. I thought that was really cool, and I didn’t have to be regressed in order to remember that, that’s a memory that has stuck with me for quite some time. Other channelers and other people also have the ability to hop into other people’s bodies and even hop into inanimate objects to receive the download or the vibration from that object or that person. Since then I don’t think I have hopped into another living thing, maybe once in a while I have hopped into the body of a tree, but definitely no other animal or human have I hopped into. Especially humans, you need permission to do that.

So then I want to move on to my first ever past life regression. I was 16, I was going through a really dark phase in my life, I was really questioning everything, really unhappy with life in general. Really unsatisfied with things, thinking that I was crazy a lot of the time. And my Dad suggested to me that I do something called a past life regression. And for those of you who don’t know what this is, it’s basically like hypnosis, it’s taking someone into a trance-like state where they’re able to let go of their ego, attachment, and perception so that they are able to experience simultaneous time. So that they are able to, with guidance, tap into past lives, which is also known as the Akashic Records. My Dad in University,  took some sort of past life regression course, which is pretty cool. So he was the one who took me into a trance-like state, to allow me to experience myself in other lifetimes. I went into about five lifetimes, but I only want to talk about one lifetime in particular, and the major clip that I got out of this lifetime. It was this moment where I had then gone through four lifetimes, I had understood that it’s possible to be incarnated in any location in the world, in any culture, speaking any language and in any body including both male and female. I was breaking through a lot of my own limitations at such an early age, in understanding that anything is possible and there is no such thing as an end.

The New Shawman

The very last lifetime that I went into, which was also the most impactful, was a lifetime where I was within the ancient Mayan or ancient Aztec civilization. I was a Shaman, you could call me, I guess in that lifetime. So I would do a lot of incantations and rituals, a lot of meditation, and channeling where I would relay information. Basically they ended up finding me, and they being I guess, the hierarchy of that civilization, they were looking for another Shaman and it was very similar to the Dalai Lama, they were looking at children who were born at a certain time who had a particular gift. So they tested me and they asked me to pick objects out, they asked me to intuitively choose which basket had a snake in it. They really tested my intuitive ability at around the age of eight years old, they determined that I was the next shaman and that I was to go to the temple and study. And this is what I did.

I meditated for a very long time in that lifetime, in order to gain access to the abilities that I had, which was  to channel information from the Universe. I was in my blissful state, and  I decided that I didn’t want to take on an apprentice, because I just wanted to basically be free and to receive the information that I needed and to allow others to be on their own path and expand at their own rate. The very last image that I got when I was in this past life regression at the age of 16, was me as this Mayan Shaman, and I’m walking into a room that is at the top of, I guess a pyramid type structure. It’s a pyramid but it has a very flat roof on the top, it went up as a pyramid, it had stairs at the front of it, but the top of it was just completely flat. There was this room at the top of the pyramid that was really dark, (it must have been nighttime), it looked like there were candles or fire, there was something burning in the room, but it was still very dim. As I walk into this room, I see about nine other Monks or Shamans that are there at the top in this room, and they’re all sitting in a cross-legged position around a circle. It was very clear that there’s one spot left in this circle and just intuitively I knew at that time in my life, that that spot that was left was a spot for me. I walk into this room, I sit down in my spot in the circle and I look up. As I looked up, I noticed that the flat roof of the pyramid, it was like a rectangular or a square flat roof, was actually completely open. It looked like there was a giant rectangle that was cut out of the flat roof so that we were all sitting, cross-legged in a circle right below the stars, it was like the open sky of this pyramid. It was really, really cool!

So I sit down, look up, and I connect with the stars. I look back down, I close my eyes and the weirdest thing happens. The second I close my eyes, I can feel my energy as this male Shaman, I can feel my soul move out of my body going into the center of the circle and then each and every one of their souls comes out of their body, in turn we all join our souls together… There’s 10 of us, we all join our souls together in the center as one acting entity, and we shoot ourselves into the center of the Universe. This is really interesting because when I was 16 and I was going through this past life regression and I was seeing that, the second that I connected with those other Shamans and we shot ourselves into the center of the Universe to receive information to bring back to our people, (and eventually that information would be carved on these big boulders in our society), I was not able to see the visuals that I was receiving as that Shaman.

As the Shaman I was receiving all of these visuals and connections and probably seeing aliens as well, in that realm but as a 16 year old, I was unable to get a clear picture on what I was connecting to. I did however get this overwhelming feeling of oneness within the universe, and I just started crying and crying and crying. My dad stopped, he’s like, “Are you okay?” And I said, “Yes,” I said, “It’s just so beautiful, this is amazing” I couldn’t even comprehend it, it was incredible and that was it. That was my first ever past life regression where I started to really open up and realize, there was so much else out there, and there was so much else that was possible. Once again, I discovered and realized that I was back in this lifetime, in this incarnation to do something very similar. To once again receive information from the Universe and to translate it in a way that can actually shift, change, and upgrade the consciousness of humanity. 

Thank you for reading.

My Visit to a Psychic Village

Hello again, beautiful beings. Welcome back to another blog post, with yours truly, Elizabeth April. Today, I’m going to be bringing you a very personal story. It’s not going to be the usual information and learning. It’s a personal experience story that I had that does have a lesson to it, and I hope that you gain something from it. I also hope that you understand my past and my history a little bit better as well. 

When I was- I want to say I was around the age of 19. I know this because it was the first year, the first summer that I got my motorcycle. Other than tripping around with my motorcycle, one of the first things I wanted to do was take a longer motorcycle trip, and I only had a little 250 Yamaha Virago, so it was a tiny bike and I’m a tiny person. But yet, I wanted to take a trip five hours away or something. So, I packed up my camping bag and got everything that I needed. I didn’t even bring a tent, I just brought along a hammock. I rode my bike to New York City from Hamilton, Ontario, where I was staying at the time when I went to university. 

I went on this gorgeous bike ride up to New York, and I wanted to go to this village. This village is called Lily Dale. Now, you can go check this out online, it’s really cool. For those of you who don’t know, Lily Dale is a psychic community. It’s really awesome. My dad, of course, the engineer Catholic, also a past-life regressionist, has always gone to Lily Dale. He’s actually visited Lily Dale since we were kids, since we were babies, and even before we were born, me and my brother, my dad went to Lily Dale. There was always one psychic in particular that he would go see. He would go see a couple, but one in particular that he would see. She’s the one who mentioned that when I was just born, they went and they got a reading for my brother and I.

My brother’s reading was actually kind of scary for my mom, because she said, “I can’t really see any future for your son.” That really freaked my mom out, of course. For me, she said that I was going to be helping a lot of people in my lifetime and that I was going to be akin to Mother Teresa. She literally said that I was going to be the next Mother Teresa. Now that we know that potentially Mother Teresa was quite corrupt, I’m hoping that I’m not exactly Mother Teresa in that way, but more of that statement. Regardless, there’s been this deep connection to Lily Dale in the psychic community. 

When I was 16, my dad took me to Lily Dale. It’s all I wanted for my 16th birthday. He got me a psychic reading. She told me very similar things. I remember her telling me that I’m an old soul, that I’m here to assist humanity, that I’m here to help them. She said that I was going to be writing books, many books, many, many books, which is really exciting. So, yeah, that was really validating for me at that time, and really one of the last psychic readings that I think I’ve ever really received. I don’t really seek that information out anymore. 

Anyway, fast forward to 19 years old, and I have my motorcycle for the first time. I’m going to do this trip to Lily Dale, and I was very excited about it. At this time, I was really starting to step into my spiritual gifts. I was really starting to understand myself as such, but I would never call myself a psychic, which is kind of funny because I was getting glitches in the matrix and future visions and telepathy and you name it. Astral traveling, all of that stuff was really real and coming to me quite rapidly. At this point as well, I had already had alien experiences. So, I had pretty much a full picture of what was going on. I didn’t have all the answers. I still don’t, but I was pretty attuned. 

Then, I ride my bike over to Lily Dale. I purchase a campsite for, I think, four days, four nights or something. The beautiful thing about Lily Dale is they have these meetings. One of them is called a sacred stump meeting. Where everyone gathers in the woods, and it’s like a church, but you’ve got the pews, but it’s deep in the woods, and you all sit on these pews, and you receive messages from these psychics and these mediums. 

Also, I wanted to mention that all the mediums who live in the village are all registered. I don’t really know what that means. It’s like they’ve been tested and tried, and they’re registered to do what they do, so it’s pretty legit. At one of these stump meetings, I went, and the beautiful thing is, when I went there, my dad also came as well. He joined me on the second or third day. I went to one of these stump meetings. I met a couple of people who were there, and they told me that they’ve been going for years, and that they’re psychic themselves. I’m like, “Oh, that’s so cool. I’m just here visiting, getting readings,” whatever. 

I booked a session with the psychic that gave me a session when I was a baby and gave me a session when I was 16. I obviously coincidentally booked a session with the wrong psychic. There’s Patricia Price and there’s another Patricia, who’s a psychic, so I booked it with the wrong Patricia. Instead of it being a psychic, past-life, amazing, whatever reading, it was a mediumship reading, and I haven’t really experienced a lot of death or passing in my life. What she brought to me didn’t really give me a lot of answers, so I was a little bit frustrated and sad that I paid a ton of money to not really go anywhere, not really get anything. Which was fine, because it really made sense a little bit later on why that happened. 

Then, that night, I got invited to a secret stump meeting in the middle of the night, and I’m like, “What?” This woman said, “This is really only for the people who live here and the people who have been coming here for many years, but I just feel called to invite you.” I’m like, “Okay.” I was really debating whether or not to go to the secret stump meeting in the woods. I was laying in my hammock, it was getting late, it was getting dark. I don’t know why I didn’t want to go, I was nervous, da, da, da. I ended up going. Finally, I’m like, “Oh, just go.” 

I end up going. It’s perfect timing, because we’re all just getting there, sitting down. As we’re all sitting, pitch black, in the middle of the night, we were just sitting in these pews in the middle of the woods, it was so amazing. You could feel the energy, and no one was saying anything. Here I am, thinking to myself, “This is my first time here, what do we do? What’s the whole point of this? Where are we going to go with this?” It’s dark, and I spoke up in the middle of the night and I said, “Hey, everyone, my name is Elizabeth. I’m just stepping into my psychic abilities, but if anyone wants a reading, just speak up,” because I couldn’t say raise your hand, “but just speak up and let me know what your name is, and that gives me permission to tap into your energy.” Silence, just dead silence. 

Eventually, this one very brave man speaks up and he says, “Hi, yep, my name is Bill.” I could hear the apprehension in his voice. I’m like, “Okay, Bill. Yep, let me just tune in, give me a second here.” I close my eyes, not that I had to, and I tune into his energy and I’m taking a look and I’m like, “Bill, your heart chakra, it’s pretty damaged, and I’m really taking a look and I’m seeing a lot of this black tarry goo that’s sitting in your heart chakra and it just seems like there’s been a lot of trauma and I’m taking a look. In childhood, you were really battling with this father energy and you needed to forgive your father. You’re still holding that energy within yourself, and you’ve got to let that go. Does that resonate?” He’s like, “Wow, yeah. My wife is sitting beside me, and she just keeps poking my leg, because it’s so true.” I’m like, “Anyone else?” Of course, now I have like 10 people who are all saying, “Yeah, me, me, me.” I did another two readings for these people who are psychics and mediums themselves and it was amazing. 

Literally, after I’m done, I’m like, “Alright, well, anyone else wants to do readings or whatever you guys do here, go ahead.” Then people just start leaving. It was amazing. That whole night was just dedicated to me stepping into that, in the pitch black. It was safe. It was safe for me to do that. 

The next day, my dad comes, and we go to a stump meeting, like a legit one in the middle of the day and they allow the guest mediums or guest psychics to come to the stage and do readings for the crowd. My dad is like, “Go, you’ve got to go up. This is you, this is your time.” I think that’s pretty incredible because here I was, getting readings as a baby, getting readings at 16, which validated everything that I’ve been feeling, and now at 18, 19, getting readings, or giving readings to others. I signed up. I said, “Okay, put me on the list, I want to do these guest readings.” They said, “Well, are you a medium? Or are you a psychic?” I said, “I do both.” They’re like, “Okay, but we only do mediumship readings here.” I’m like, “Okay, cool. I can read dead people. Bring it on.” 

Typically, the mediums who do their readings on stage, do it a different way, like the old school– I forget what the show was back in the day, the TV show with the medium who would read the crowd. “Okay, I’m picking up on an older man. He was in the military, first name starts with a G.” That’s how they did it, the mediums who are at the village, that’s how they did it. I do something different. I got up on stage, so nervous, and here I am, like a little baby, 18, 19 years old, everyone else is at least twice my age. I’ve got the mic, and I said, “All right, who here wants a reading but hasn’t been picked?” And a ton of hands go up, because a lot of the time these spirits are so strong and medium after meeting, they all pick up on the same spirits, and you want a little diversity. I’m like, “Who here hasn’t gotten a reading, but wants one?” Ton of hands went up, and I just intuitively picked.

I said, “Okay, give me your first and last name.” Once again, that gives me permission to tap in. They do, and instantly I’m like, “Oh, okay, I’m feeling a sister energy over on the other side, and she’s very worried. She’s very worried because she’s not allowing herself to cross over to the other side. In a way, she’s actually stuck in this weird liminal in-between place. The reason why she’s stuck is because she feels you haven’t forgiven her for something. Does that make sense?” I’m asking the woman. “Does that make sense? Do you need to forgive her for something?” She’s shaking her head, and she’s bawling at this point. She’s crying. I said, “It’s time for you to forgive your sister. She says that she forgives you for whatever it is that happened, and that’s all that needs to happen. What I recommend for you is that you write a letter to your sister, you forgive her in the letter, and you say whatever it is that wasn’t said before her passing. That’s actually going to allow her to cross over. It’s going to free and liberate her soul. Your sister says that she loves you so much, and she’s grateful for the time that you guys did have together.” The woman’s crying and crying and crying. Then, I’m like, “Okay, anyone else?”

I did another two readings. They were really impactful, really incredible. One with a man, and he came through, he was a father of someone, and he had something that he wanted to give his daughter. I said, “He wants to give you something, it’s one of his possessions. Did he have instruments?” The woman’s shaking her head, this look of amazement on her face. I said, “Yeah, there’s some instruments that he wants to gift you and your siblings, and it looks like they’re in a closet. He’s pointing to a closet. Did you happen to find these instruments in a closet?” She’s shaking her head and she’s smiling. Then, I’m like, “One of the instruments looks like a tiny guitar.” She’s laughing. She’s like, “Yeah, the ukulele, he always wanted me to have it.” I’m like, “Well, he really wants you to have it.” She’s like, “I do have it.” It was just good. It was validation.

I did probably about three readings in total. Then, my turn was over, and they said, “Oh, you’ve got two minutes left,” or whatever. Then I get offstage, and I go back to sitting on the pew and my dad’s hugging me, like I did a great job. This man, kind of like the emcee of the stump reading, he walks over to the woman in the front row, who’s bawling about her sister, and he’s crouching down and tapping her leg and saying, “Are you okay? Are you fine? Are you traumatized? What’s going on?” I thought that was odd, because many other people were crying before me, and he never went over to them to check and make sure that they were okay. I thought that was weird. Then, this man, this emcee comes over to me. He says, “Look, you didn’t follow the rules.” I said, “Well, what do you mean? I gave messages and connected to loved ones and seemed to be impactful.” He said, “Well, you didn’t follow the rules. It’s really wrong what you did.” I said, “Well, sorry, but what did I do?” And he said, well, you’re only supposed to give messages from loved ones who have passed on. You’re not supposed to say that they’re stuck. You worried that woman. That woman is crying and bawling because she feels her sister is stuck in this place.” I said, “No, I didn’t just say that her sister was stuck. I gave her advice on how to liberate, how to bring freedom to her sister.” This man was quite upset at me for what I was doing and what I did.

In that moment, I started to realize that Lily Dale and the mediums and the psychics that were in Lily Dale, were very much so rooted and very much so stuck in tradition. I felt it extremely disrespectful, and I still do today, extremely disrespectful for mediums, in general, not all mediums, but mediums, in general, to be able to connect to the other side, to be able to connect to loved ones who have passed away, to just get a message from them and then to let them go. “Oh, cool. Thanks for the info. Bye.” It’s disrespectful to not say, “So, how are you doing on the other side? Have you crossed over? Have you found your bliss? Have you released the trauma of the past? Have you done the work yourself? Or, is there something that you need from me, because here I am having this conversation with you?” For most mediums out there, especially in Lily Dale, it’s very much so, a one-way communication, which I find and even still, to this day, quite disrespectful. A lot of these ghosts and spirits, they need our help. Finally, after waiting, potentially generations, after waiting, hundreds of years, after waiting a very long time, they finally get someone who can see them, they finally connect to someone who can hear them, and listen to them, and relay messages from them. And yet, these people are unwilling to help them.

I’ve actually been invited to be a psychic or medium on many different shows, TV shows, like Ghost Hunters and stuff like that, and it’s never really resonated with me. Every time that I get this opportunity, I always say, “Am I allowed to cross them over? Am I allowed to do the work that I need to do on these spirits?” Some of the responses that I’ve gotten back from these production companies are, “But if you’ve crossed them over, how are we able to go back and have another experience with them?” How sad is that? I don’t believe in these mediumship or ghost hunting shows, because it’s really sad what they’re doing to these poor, poor spirits, who are stuck on the other side. They’re using these ghosts and spirits, these poor lost souls who have been stuck in that abandoned building or that house, they have been using them as entertainment, which is not right. That is not okay. It really does anger me that people, even mediums who deal with these people, who deal with these spirits, do not have respect for them in that way. I just think that it’s not that they’re purposefully disrespecting them, just that they don’t know better.

So, I learned a huge lesson upon going to Lily Dale as a psychic myself, and honestly, I’ve never been back. Last time I went, and I think I haven’t been back because I don’t really believe in what they’re doing over there, and they didn’t really get me. Which is fine. A lot of people don’t. I went there seeking answers, and I left there understanding that I already had them all, for myself anyway. I also left there understanding that I was powerful enough and strong enough to receive these answers for other people myself. That’s when I started to do the full psychic work.

I got away from the past life regression in a structured way, and I started doing energy work, psychic work, downloading, channeling for others. The beautiful thing is that that day that I went to the stump and I said, “Hey, I’m Elizabeth, this is who I am, this is what I do,” after that Stump meeting. I had so many people walk over to me and my dad, and a couple people said, “Oh, my goodness, are you the same Elizabeth that came to the secret stump meeting last night?” And I said, “Yeah, that was me.” The one man said, “I’m the Tar Man. I’m the one with the tar in the heart chakra.” I’m like, “Oh, my goodness, Tar Man, what’s going on?” He said, “Oh, is this your father?” I said, “Yeah, this is my dad, his name is Mike.” And he’s like, “Wow, I just want to say, Mike, you have an incredible daughter, and she’s so gifted and talented. After she gave me my reading last night, I cried for a couple hours, and I did a bunch of processing, and I forgave my father. And now, I feel so liberated today.” It was so cute because my dad felt like a little celebrity because we would go places, and people would walk up to me saying, “Wow. You were so good at that stump meeting. Thank you so much for giving those messages,” and da, da, da. Once again, so validating for me, and just tears were brought to my eyes and still are today, and just thinking that I love helping people.

I love helping humanity. This is my mission. This is my purpose. It’s been my mission in this entire lifetime. It’s been my mission in every lifetime leading up to this one. I just want to say for all of you reading this and watching my YouTube videos and following me on Instagram, I just want to say thank you so much. I think a lot of you look at me as this Almighty– I don’t even know how you guys perceive me, but I’m assuming that you guys look up to me in a certain way and perceive me in a different way. I just live my life. I’m just a human. As much as I can channel inter-dimensional beings or go into past lifetimes, which is really cool, I still have to take a shower every day, I still have to use the bathroom, still have to sit and answer boring emails. My every day is not as incredible and amazing and mind-blowing as you may think it is. At the end of the day, I am just a human, and who you see on the screen is exactly who I am right now.

In the past month or so, I’ve been targeted by psychically attacks. We had a couple weeks where a bunch of people were either spreading rumors or creating rumors on YouTube that my assistant is reptilian, which is so ridiculous because she is the biggest sweetheart, and so shy and such a pure soul, just like my wife, just such a pure soul. Anyway, so that happened, and then three other YouTube channels, all said, they put out videos saying, “I’m going to expose the realism of April.” In my mind, I’m like, “What are you exposing? There’s nothing to expose. I am who I am. There’s no deceit, there’s no lies, there’s no embellishment, it is what it is.” Then, of course, taking a step back, realizing that this is just one psychic attack coming from a variety of different angles, to see how they were able to affect me. 

I don’t know why I’m talking about this, but I guess I’m talking about this just to let you all know that some of you may perceive my gifts as amazing. I believe that we all have these spiritual gifts and abilities, I don’t believe that what I can do is anything new or different, whatsoever. I also want to let you all know that I can be emotional, I can be vulnerable. In these past couple of months, I have been very vulnerable and very humbled and very emotional and feeling very attacked in a lot of different ways. I deal with all of that stuff. I am a very strong, confident, empowered, person online, but I’m also just a human as well. I think for that hour every week, you guys don’t see enough of my human. I try and be as real as possible, especially on platforms such as Instagram, and Instagram Stories, and stuff like that as well. I just appreciate all of you being here, holding space for me, holding space for yourself, willing to open your mind, willing to expand your viewpoint and your perception of the world, and just hear me out. It’s quite amazing.  

I even have a friend who she’s really been battling her own psychic attacks with her family. She reached out to me the other day, and she’s like, “Wow, I just watched one of my videos from the eyes of my family and I sound absolutely insane. I sound crazy. Can you watch this video and let me know if I sound crazy or not?” She was talking about light versus dark, and it was a very kind of, in my perspective, muted video, as far as– it was really good light versus dark and super important information, but it definitely wasn’t crazy. It was pretty bare-bones spiritual. I’m like, “If your family thinks you’re crazy, because you’re putting out that kind of video, what do you think people think of me when I put out a reptilian video, where I believe that giant dinosaur beings take over the government?” That right there I think is probably the craziest you can get, and I’m openly talking about it. All I receive really is love from you guys. 

I just want to say thank you all so much for being here, being a part of my journey and exploration and expansion, and awakening and teaching. I’m just feeling so privileged and grateful for being in this position at this time. This is the time and I’m finally being heard, compared to all my other past lives, and hopefully, you all are finally being validated compared to all of your other past lifetimes as well. 

Thank you all for reading to this. I hope that you’ve learned a lesson from my whole Lily Dale experience. I hope that the lesson that you’ve learned is something along the lines of even if the rules and the regulations that you’re listening to or following are within the spiritual realm, I hope that you are strong enough and aware enough to question those rules and regulations, to understand that you can create your own rules. You don’t have to have a certain diet to be spiritual. You don’t have to pull a certain amount of tarot cards to get messages. You don’t have to do anything in this realm. You can just be yourself and follow your heart, and no one else, not even in the spiritual community, has to agree or believe in what you’re doing as long as you do. 

Have an amazing rest of your day. Have a great rest of your week. Bye for now!!

False Flag Alien Invasion!

Hello again, beautiful beings of light. Today, I want to talk about something exciting and maybe a little bit weird for some people. I want to talk about aliens, I want to talk about alien invasions to be specific. 

It should be no surprise that there’s a giant conspiracy out there that the government has been planning a false flag event, a false invasion event by extraterrestrials. A long time ago, years ago, I read about this actually, and they were talking about the government basically having different laser technologies, is what I heard. But once again, I haven’t looked into this for a while, so I definitely could be wrong. But some sort of laser technology that would be able to holographically project UFOs in the sky, and to potentially even, they were saying, I guess, in this article that I read a long time ago, that they would also be able to project the UFOs and then project the laser beams of the UFOs coming down and then having bombs in buildings, and blowing up buildings, or what have you. It could be to that extent. 

I just want to put it all out there, and I want to talk about this a little bit, because you may have heard this, and there’s a lot that I have to say. I do want to preface with, this is just my opinion, this is not some profound channeling from some interdimensional race. Actually, I haven’t talked to the Galactic Federation or any beings about this false flag invasion. I think the reason why is because I haven’t really been called to, but recently, especially at this time, April 2020, May 2020, with all of the coronavirus, and the fear and the quarantine stuff going on, this has really come up because there has been a massive, massive influx of UFO sightings all over the world. 

Now, deep down, I truly believe that these UFO sightings, this is all a part of the plan. This is not the bad plan, but the good plan. I really believe that this is all a part of this mass awakening, this disclosure, is a huge part of us waking up to our interdimensional DNA. How are we supposed to understand that we have been genetically manipulated throughout our entire existence as humans, with these higher lifeforms? How are we supposed to accept ourselves as aliens if we can’t even accept that there are other intelligent lifeforms out there? Cosmic disclosure is a huge part of spiritual awakening. Believe it or not, it’s a huge part of it. Once again, there’s this agenda. There’s an agenda that goes against the awakening on the planet. That agenda really kind of tears us away, and puts us into fear.

What’s my opinion on all of this? What’s going to really happen? It’s very clear that in a lot of mainstream media and movies that have been produced in the past little while, it’s very clear that they– they being the government, or the Illuminati, shadow government, have been planting the seeds for quite some time, that an alien– I don’t want to call it an invasion, but an alien visitation would be a takeover. This is the seed that they’ve been planting for quite some time. That an alien visitation would actually be an alien takeover. Of course, they want us to be fearful of aliens. 

It’s so funny because some of my biggest trolls online are the Christians and they’ve been taught by the Bible that anything that isn’t God is a demon. I’ve been told so many times that I’m evil, that I’m channeling dark spirits and channeling demons and the devil, and I’m associated with the devil, which is really wild. For me, I obviously don’t believe in that. While I do believe in the dark side, I don’t believe that I’m that, and all aliens are just demons. But it’s been this very clear kind of projection. It’s been this very clear agenda that they’ve been putting out there. It’s all very clear. 

Do I really truly believe that the government has the technology to create a false flag event? 100%. Do I believe they have the balls to do it? Even more, 110%. They’ve created many, many, many false flags before and the only one that we’ve ever really kind of confirmed and aware of is 9/11. But a lot of the events out there have been these fear-mongering tactics. I definitely wouldn’t put it past them to create this invasion technique or this invasion attack, and they could still very well do it. 

Now, in my mind, I don’t believe that this is kind of where we’re going, and the reason why, okay, and I’m pretty clear about this, but once again, it could still happen. The reason why is because people are waking up at such an extent, at such a level right now, that having a massive amount of people just seeing ships in the sky, whether they be good or bad, or doing good things or bad things would blow the lid off of their reality so quickly, it would force them to awaken so rapidly, that it would be doing way more good than harm to have this false flag alien invasion attack. It would be doing way more good than harm. 

So, even if it does happen, I have a very optimistic perspective, that it’s going to happen for the betterment of the collective. Ultimately, the Galactic Federation, if something were to really go off plan, they can step in and they can dismantle any plan that the shadow government has. Do they typically do that? No, not usually. The reason why is because they don’t want to override our freewill. If humanity says, “We want to wake up. We want alien cosmic disclosure. We want to understand all of this stuff,” then they will come, then they will give us what we’re asking for. We need to do this as a collective. The cool thing is that once it’s known and widely accepted that, yes, aliens do indeed exist, we can then be advancing the alien community and the understanding of aliens and what they’re doing here, and what’s the whole purpose tenfold. Because right now, I find that the whole alien community, which are brilliant people, are very stuck in just proving the fact that aliens exist. 

Let’s just move forward with assuming that they exist, and let’s ask the real questions. Who are they? What are they doing here? And why are they interested in human beings? I mean, those are the questions that I’ve had throughout the years. I truly do believe through my channeling that I’ve been able to answer most of those questions. Who are they? There’s a lot of them. What are they doing here? Well, we’re basically an experiment. Why are they so interested in human beings? Because they really want to see us as their children grow and bloom and awaken and really fulfill the prophecy, which is peace and harmony among the planet. It’s so interesting how incredibly brilliant and advanced interdimensional beings created us, and they created us just to see if we can love each other, just to see if we can all get along as multi-dimensional hybrids. So far, we’ve kind of been failing, not going to lie. We haven’t really been passing the test. 

It’s such a simple task, it’s really such a simple thing that they’re asking us to get along and to have peace and to love each other. Yet, we have allowed ourselves to be manipulated. We have allowed ourselves to get sucked in by the narrative. And we’ve allowed things like age, gender, race, culture, religion, belief, even geological location, to separate us, which is ridiculous. Now is the time to come together. Now is the time to love one another. And now is the time to not be fearful of any one of these conspiracies, but also to understand that, yes, this stuff exists. Yes, the government is capable of doing that to us. Once we understand that it could be the light, it could be actually happening, it could be a false invasion or what have you, to understand both sides to have all the pieces of the knowledge allows us to create the discernment that we need to navigate through this very illusionary matrix reality that we’re all co-creating at this time. 

So, I want to say to all of you co-creators a reality where we can have global cosmic disclosure in the most graceful, beautiful, and expanding way possible. 

With that being said, keep up the good vibes, everyone. I hope you’re all doing well in quarantine. I love you all so much. Thank you for reading. 

Yours truly, Elizabeth April.

Coronavirus, Conspiracies, & Spiritual Awakening

We are currently experiencing the greatest awakening that this planet has seen since back in ancient Lemuria and ancient Atlantis. Now is the time that all of us have been waiting for. Now is the time that you are being pushed to step up and help the world awaken.

Today, I want to talk about a really important concept, and it has everything to do with the stages of your awakening, regarding, the current position of the pandemic on the planet. I want to talk about the coronavirus, but I really don’t want to talk about the coronavirus at all. If you are interested in hearing more information about what is really, really going on, on the planet, I have an incredible download from the Galactic Federation on YouTube. You can go check that out.

There are three levels of where people are at right now in their own conscious expansion related to the coronavirus and the huge worldwide pandemic. Everyone is affected. Everyone is feeling it. Everyone. Which is quite incredible that we have this global phenomenon that everyone is being affected by it, good, bad, or ugly. Now, there’s three levels that I want to talk about, the three stages of interpreting this pandemic really come down to your conscious awareness level. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised because all of you are reading this blog, which is basically you are resonating with a certain frequency that you’re currently at, which is the frequency that I’m at. So most likely, you’re not going to be stuck in the first level of the interpretation of the coronavirus. Every level of the interpretation also comes down to the different dimensional planes as well. We’re going to be talking about the third-dimension frequency, the fourth-dimension frequency, and the fifth-dimension frequency when we’re talking about the different levels of awareness related to the coronavirus. 

Now, I’m not going to describe or define the different dimensions. I have many, many videos talking about the different dimensions many, many times over. I want to talk about the effect of where your perception is based on your vibrational frequency level. Let’s talk about level one, or should we say dimension three, the third dimension. Now, as you all know, the third dimension or as you should know, we’ve all been living in the third dimension. Basically, the third dimension is this matrix system. We’ve got the polarity. We’ve got the money or the lack thereof. We’ve got the judgment, and the hate, and the obligation, and the fear, and the attachment to the physical material world. Really, when you think about the third dimension, you can look around in your room, in your quarantine space right now, and you can say this is it. This is the third dimension. 

In a lot of ways, we can’t just totally get rid of the third dimension, or else we literally would not be existing here on this planet. The third dimension is important, but if you have an overattachment, or you don’t really understand that in a way, this is all just an illusion, this is a video game that we’re playing, if you don’t understand that or you don’t have that perception around it, you will get sucked in, and that will lead to anxiety, that will lead to depression, that will lead to drinking a lot of alcohol, that will lead to things that are not in your best and highest interest. The individuals who are stuck in the third-dimension frequency are going to be freaking out right now. Freaking out. We all know, we all have at least one person, if not many, many people around us, that are all freaking out because of this coronavirus.

The interesting thing about what’s going on with this pandemic is, I truly believe that it is purging out all of our deep-rooted fears. What is the number one most realistic, let’s call it fear that society would have? It would be the fear of death, the fear of dying, which the coronavirus perpetuates, and that implicate and push over and over and over again. It’s this fear of dying. It’s really important that we understand that there’s probably at least 90% of the world out there that is stuck within this level of the third dimension. They’re so attached to their lifestyle, they’re so attached to their identities, whether that be the identity of being a mom, or having a job, whatever that job may be. Oh, well, I’m a mechanic, oh, well, I’m a lawyer. Oh, well, I’m a life coach, or whatever that job or a teacher, whatever that job may be. Every single thing that these people who have been stuck in the third-dimension frequency, everything that they’ve been attached to is collapsing right now. Every aspect of their life, or I go to the gym every other day. They can’t do that anymore. They’re collapsing their identity right now at this time. 

You remember, when you went through your last ego death and trust me, we go through a lot in one lifetime. It’s not just one. It’s many, because we constantly are creating and recreating an identity, and we’re constantly attaching ourselves to whatever identity it is that we’re creating. Ultimately, whatever you’re attached to is collapsing. The more work you’ve done on detaching yourself from attachments, the easier it’s going to be to exist in this state of the world right now. But it’s important that you understand that this is the worst-case scenario for the majority of people out there in the world.

I personally have heard stories of people’s bosses, or lawyers, a very like limited, say, perceptions people, have been having full on mental breakdowns, just a full-on breakdown of they just can’t handle this. Right now, they just want everything to go back to the way that it was. Once again, for those of you who have done that work, this is not going to be impacting you as much. You’re going with the flow. The first stage or the first level of where people are going to be at with all of what’s going on is this third-dimension frequency level. It’s the fear level. It’s the fear of losing everything, and moreover, the fear of losing their life as well. 

Let’s talk about the second stage. Because most likely, you can really have compassion for people who are in the first stage. But most likely, you’re not there right now, because you wouldn’t be reading this if you were. You’d be stuck in fear. Really, really stuck in fear. I have so much compassion for all the people out there who really have no idea what’s going on, and all they’re doing is consuming news, media, which is just perpetuating the falsity of what’s really happening. Let’s talk about the second level.

The second level of perception, let’s say, the second dimension that people are entering into right now at this time is the fourth-dimension frequency. Once again, don’t really have to know what this dimension is, but it’s like this in-betweener. It’s an in-between dimension, this weird liminal place between the third and the fifth, right? You’re awakening, but you’re not awakened yet. In a sense of, I don’t even think that I’m fully awakened yet. I really feel it’s always a journey that we’re always going to be on, is this awakening journey. Regardless, it’s just weird in-between phase. People who are at this vibrational frequency level of the fourth dimension are basically people who are not necessarily agreeing with or attaching them as to what’s going on in the mass media. These people are kind of a step above all of the fear. Yeah, things are still collapsing for them, yeah, life still probably sucks in a lot of ways, but at the same time, there’s something greater going on, and they feel it. These people who are a step above the third dimension are really starting to question things. Even one of my parents the other day, we were on call and my dad was like, “This is just weird. This is weird what’s going on. It’s not normal. There’s something else going on here,” is basically what he was hinting at. I was like, “Oh, very interesting that he’s coming to this conclusion,” and a lot of people are. It’s so interesting!

The word ‘conspiracy’ comes through here. It takes something like this mass quarantine to drive people to really question what we’re being said. If you get yourself out of the overwhelming sense of fear of loss or whatever that fear may be, then you start questioning. Well, why is this happening? What else could be another explanation of what’s going on and what’s happening? Well, why is there a discrepancy here? Well, why is every mass media outlet literally saying the same thing verbatim? Oh, because one family owns all of the mass media. Hmm, that’s interesting. I wonder what their perception on everything is. I wonder what kind of agenda they’re pushing. What’s happening in this fourth-dimensional luminal plane is people who have never questioned anything before in their entire life are starting to question things.

In one of my recent videos, I told people I said, now is the time to become a conspiracy theorist. Now is the time to question everything. I hate that term ‘conspiracy theorist.’ Because it was put out there by the elites to discredit the people who question the government. That’s all it means. Conspiracy theorists, all that means is people who are questioning what’s being said. The black sheep, because you’re not a sheeple, if you’re questioning things. You’re the black sheep. You’re exiled, you’re persecuted. And that’s okay. That is completely okay, especially now.

A lot of these people, it’s like, “Oh, well–” I want to go through maybe to some of the layers of the conspiracy theories as well,” because a lot of you will be at this place of really questioning things, and I hope that you are. I really hope that you are. You have to, especially at this time. These concepts, I’m not going to dive right into it, but I’ll just briefly mention. If you’re not questioning, if you are in the third dimension, you are in fear, and you stumbled across this blog, welcome to the greatest awakening we’ve ever seen, first of all. Secondly, here are some things to look up. I just want you to google. Google, google, google some of these things, and even googling will not get you the answers that you’re looking for.

I want you to look up 5G. The symptoms of 5G technology and the coronavirus. I just want to say that there’s a huge correlation. There’s a huge, huge correlation. There are doctors and scientists all over the world right now, who are making this correlation. One more thing I want to say about 5G and then I’ll let you do your own research is, I think about three years ago, 26,000 scientists all over the world signed a petition against 5G, because they knew it was going to be that harmful for the people. I’m just going to leave it there. 

There’s other theories, other concepts as well, other conspiracies that are floating around. One of them is that this huge cabal, shadow government is being taken down. They’re being taken off the planet at this time, and the reason why they needed to keep everyone in quarantine is because they didn’t want these one-percenters, these members of the elite, celebrities, newscasters, very wealthy families, politicians, you name it, they didn’t want them running across borders or going to some safe house, so they had to shut down all the borders and really keep it very tightly monitored. Basically, what I’ve heard, and this is just research I’ve done, this is not a direct channel by any means. But what I’ve heard is that there’s over 500,000 indictments, basically arrest warrants, for these individuals who have all participated in genocide crimes, in drug trafficking, in weapons trafficking, also major, major, major arrests being done in the pedophilia ring on the planet. Really wild stuff. 

Personally, I 100% resonate with this. I’ve known for a while that this stuff is going on, and I really truly believe that this is happening, and it is proven, proven, proven, proven that in the past year alone, over 1700 major CEOs have all stepped down from their position. It has been the biggest amount of CEO step-downs, and that’s just a nice way of saying, they were either going to get arrested or fired, and that’s just the PR version of them leaving their company. In January alone before this coronavirus hit the rest of the world, over 200 top CEOs, I’m talking about CEOs from Hulu etc. Major stuff like Google people, YouTube people, Bill Gates stepped down from his own company he hasn’t been the president for a while, I believe but he’s stepped down from being like the chairman or being the head of the board. Major people are stepping down. You have to ask why? You have to really wonder why are all these CEOs being stepped down or stepping down? Also, on top of that, the media isn’t covering it? Why? Because we’ve got something bigger to cover. You know what I mean? That’s interesting. Then, it gets really crazy, guys. Then, it gets really, really insane. 

Once again, I’m just going to let you do your own research and look into this on your own, but I do say that there’s another conspiracy here. The other conspiracy is related to basically the reptilian agenda, the reptilian shapeshifters, and what the conspiracy theory is, is that these reptilian shapeshifters, these elites of society who look like humans, but they’re actually these giant, ugly reptilian beings, that they actually torture and drink the blood of children who they’ve tortured because it releases a chemical compound called adrenochrome. Basically, what the white hats, which are the good guys, the Galactic Federation, whatever you want to call them. What they’ve done is they’ve tracked down all of the elites who are buying this adrenochrome, which is like a drug and also anti-aging for them, and so they’ve tracked down all of the people who have been buying this, and they’re trying to arrest them, and kick them off the planet or “They die because of the coronavirus” or what have you, but they’re being taken down from their power. That’s the biggest thing. 

The other thing too, to think about, along with the adrenochrome, actually this is what they say, that they are freeing mass amounts, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of children who have been a part of the pedophilia ring for the global elites, for this drug, adrenochrome. They’re being freed from these underground tunnels all over the world. Like I said, take it or leave it! This is pretty wild stuff, but I just figured and just put it all out on here. You’re really going to be hard pressed to find information about the children underground. That’s really, really closed up right now. But anyway, it does really resonate with me. They’re talking about a lot of the tents that are especially in New York City have things like Pampers in them. They have little baby incubators, and a lot of people are taking these pictures inside the hospitals saying, “Why is this IV bag filled with nutrients for people who are malnourished, not necessarily for people who have coronavirus?” There’s a lot of questioning that’s going on. They’re thinking that these tents in New York are actually housing these children. It’s super interesting. Super, super interesting. 

Another thing you’ll find too is there’s videos from people all over the world who are walking into hospitals, whether it be in Sweden, in Germany, in Brooklyn, New York, I’m telling you, all over the world, and they’re walking into hospitals, and they’re saying, “Where is everyone? No one is here. This is the corona testing tent. Why isn’t anyone in here?” It’s just really interesting. You’ve got to look at the other source of information.

Then, there’s another kind of conspiracy going on too, which is part of the global currency reset. They really have to shut everything down in order for the global currency reset to take place, because America has been printing money without any gold standard or backing whatsoever, which is definitely a little bit ridiculous. Yes, definitely some things to think about. Take it or leave it, guys. Do your own research. 

Let’s talk about the fifth-dimension frequency of people. The third dimension is fear. You’re believing all the numbers, you’re believing everything being said. The fourth-dimension frequency of people are people who are questioning things. This doesn’t seem. You know why? Why am I hearing alternative facts or what have you? Then, the fifth-dimension level of people, this is pretty much where I feel like I’ve been, but I can’t say that I’ve been upholding the system engine frequency this entire time, because it can be quite exhausting, battling the frequency of the third dimension right now. But, man, it’s exciting. The people who are entering into the fifth-dimension frequency in observing and perceiving what’s happening on the planet, they’re excited. I’m excited. These people are excited for what’s happening because they know that this destruction needs to happen in order for this epic and incredible awakening to take place. They don’t really even care which conspiracy is true, which is not true. They’re actually not allowing themselves to get roped into any polarity. No matter if it’s light, or dark, or good, or bad, or what have you, they’re just excited that this is finally taking place, and they have been waiting for all of this to happen for quite some time. 

The fifth-dimension frequency, these people are happy, they’re doing their own thing. Now, I just want to say once again, that just because you’re feeling this way, it doesn’t mean that you have to feel this way all the time. You may have days where you’re fricking depressed and anxious, and you feel you can’t catch your breath, and you feel sweaty, and then you freak out a little bit, because you think you have the virus. That’s okay, I’m telling you. I also want to say too things like sleepless nights, and feeling exhausted, and having pressure on your chest, and waking up unable to breathe, these are actually all symptoms of a huge shift in vibration. Even anxiety is a very big symptom. Just like my other blog stated, anxiety is your superpower. These are actually huge, massive amounts of awakening symptoms that people are feeling. They’re going into the hospital with an anxiety attack thinking they have coronavirus, and they don’t. 

One more thing about the conspiracy is basically because coronavirus is one strand of virus that includes anything from SARS to the flu, to even just a common cold, what they’re saying, and I’m just going to leave you with this, and then I’ll let you go do a bunch of research, and maybe binge-watch some of my videos. What they’re saying about this is that everyone or 80% of people on the planet, all will test positive for coronavirus if they have ever had the flu before, if they have ever had a common cold before, they’re going to test positive for coronavirus, because that strand of virus is actually in their body. Yeah, it’s really interesting. 

One more thing is, there’s a lot of videos of people calling out the authorities saying, “My grandma went into the hospital with a broken hip, and she ended up dying because of her injury, and you said that she died because of coronavirus.” “Oh, well, my neighbor went into the hospital, because he had a bad fall, and you come over in hazmat suits saying that he has coronavirus.” It’s just really interesting. I just want you all to question things, and ultimately the number one thing that each and every one of you need to know is everything is happening exactly the way it needs to. You are exactly where you need to be.

That being said, I’m going to leave you for now, but thank you all for reading. 

Bye for now!

Chaos Frequency

Hello again, beautiful beings of light. Today, I want to talk about vibrational frequency and something that I like to call Chaos Vibration, Chaos Frequency, Chaos Energy. I’ve spoken a little bit or a lot about anxiety, depression, and some other kinds of mental health things that we as human beings all experience on a variety of different levels. When I think about vibration and energy, I actually see it rather than feel it or even have to think about it. Usually, the first thing that comes to me based on my psychic abilities, is that I see the vibrations around me and then I follow up with those vibrations with thinking and feeling.

Okay, that’s great! How do I feel about that vibrational frequency? And then, words will come to me like harmony, disharmony, ease, disease, alignment, unalignment, I don’t think that’s a word!?. I’ll get a pretty good idea from the visual. Now obviously, I can discern for myself, what visual vibrations, what they mean, and what these different vibrational frequencies mean when I look at them. Of course, that feeling aspect of the vibrations also helps me discern between, “Okay, I see it, I feel it. Now, what do I think about that?” If I get the message of– if I see the image of a chaotic vibration, and I get the message of disharmony, then I ask myself, “Well, what does that mean to me? What does that mean to my client? How can they stop this? How can they make this better? What’s going on here?” 

So, I wanted to talk a little bit further about this energy that I like to call Chaos Frequency. It’s hard to explain because you can’t actually see my hands when I do this, but if you think about the energy of– Okay, I don’t know what it’s called, but you know one of those like super stretchy balls, and it’s got all of these little plastic pieces, and you can expand it and it opens up to this huge sphere, this huge orb, and then you can crush it down, and it looks like these little spider legs that are spiking out? Hopefully, you guys get the picture that I mean, but that is the energy that I see. If you can imagine that kid’s toy, and when the energy is all squished in, it is the chaos frequency. The energy is everywhere, moving rapidly around an individual in all different spikes and dips and valleys in all different directions. And it’s absolutely chaotic. Absolutely 100% chaos. 

Okay, now, if you think about stretching that huge sphere, that toy out, and having it be this giant, very smooth sphere, you can think about that as the Calm Energy. When energy is the opposite of chaos, obviously, it’s nice and calm, and there are smooth vibrations. The vibrations are usually moving at a bit of a slower pace, but usually they’re swirling around in this beautiful kind of dance of energy, vibration, and color. There’s usually a rhythm, there’s usually a harmony, there’s usually a connection to the vibration, rather than the chaos that we can see in people who are stressed out, overworked, anxious.

I want to talk a little bit more about what calms the vibration and then what throws the vibration into chaos. And more and more as we enter into this quantum field, we are experiencing entire moments, no matter if that moment is two hours long, five days long, or three months long, we are experiencing entire moments of simultaneously calm vibrations, while simultaneously spiky, chaotic, restless, extreme vibrations. And that’s totally okay. That’s totally normal, in a sense, especially as we enter into this quantum frequency. This is why it’s important to talk about this. 

Now, obviously, most of you know how to calm your energy. Calming your mind will calm your vibration and frequency. Being around water or submerging yourself in water. So, taking a swim in the ocean, in a pool, in a hot tub, in a bath. Even taking a shower, even though it’s not a full submersion, definitely does the trick. Lighting things like sage or having crystals around you will help to harmonize, equalize, and mellow out your vibrational frequency. Obviously, calming the mind through meditation, physical exercise, also chills out your vibration.

Usually, your vibration gets into that chaotic state when a lot of things are coming up or wanting to release and purge out in you, but you’re not listening to them, and you just allow it to keep going, keep going, keep going. You’re just not taking the time to either release the vibrational frequency, deal with the emotions within yourself, and move forward. You need to be taking that time in between your daily activities to just chill, set intentions, quiet the mind, be present, and let go of the polarity between want and have and when and how much, and all of those thoughts that we have throughout our day. 

When we talk about chaos energy, this energy can be seen in a variety of different ways. But the most important thing is that a lot of the times that energy and vibration of chaos gets very misinterpreted within ourselves regarding what is excitement, what is something that is positive that’s happening within us, and what is anxiety. I believe that the energy and vibration of excitement and anxiety are the exact same, but we just perceive them in different ways. 

I see it all as the same. If someone is really, really excited, but also simultaneously maybe a little bit nervous about a big production that they’re going to be playing in, then likewise, that same person three months earlier, is really nervous or really anxious about a big test that they have, I will see their vibrational spikes and their aura and their frequency all as the same thing. 

We need to realize that it is our discernment, it is our perception on life that is going to actually propel that vibration into, one, harmonic frequency of a high vibration or, two, a disharmonic frequency of a low vibration. Either way, there are the same amount of spikes, the same amount of quickening, the same amount of vibration that is going to be around you, despite how you perceive it. The more positive you become, the more higher vibrational you become, and the more you change your perception away from being the victim, and into creating your own reality, the easier life becomes to see everything in a positive way, even if it’s something that’s kind of shitty that happens to you. 

We need to understand and know how to transmute that chaos energy, because in every moment, we could be triggered into that state of chaos energy, or that state of reaction, because that state of reaction is the same as that chaos energy. Everything is smooth and flowing and calm and aligned, then all of a sudden, something happens that throws off your expectation in that present moment, and you are in that state of chaos, you’re in that state of reaction.

It’s almost like that state of chaos is like three steps ahead of your present moment state. It’s like you’re running, you’re running, you’re running, and then all of a sudden, you run so fast that you trip over yourself. That is that state of reaction or chaos. You are literally vibrationally jumping too far ahead, you’re jumping to conclusions and you’re getting your energy in a bundle. You’re creating this chaos around you. It is completely unnecessary and doesn’t need to happen. You need to start trusting that everything in your life, everything in your reality, you created, you are the universe, the universe aligns everything in your life. Therefore, it’s trust, it all comes down to trust. The more that you trust yourself, the more that you trust the universe, the more you can trust that every moment is so beautifully and perfectly aligned into your life. If you feel that that moment wasn’t aligned to your life, then allow that moment to show you what a better alignment would look like. That’s it! 

Change when necessary, but don’t worry, and chaos yourself into this state of frenzy or needing to change or grasp onto something that isn’t happening just because you feel like you aren’t where you should be, you are. Half the time, people don’t want to change, and then the other half the time people are running away and creating way too much change. It’s got to be that healthy balance in allowing the chaos state to show you what the calm represents, but simultaneously allowing yourself to just let go and be in that state of calm, simultaneously. 

I want you to maybe go home, maybe you’re at home, light some sage, set some intentions for the moment. Light a candle, take a bath, be at peace, walk out in nature, spend time with your animals or pets, spend time with your kids, and just let go of that chaos state. Anytime you feel yourself veering, I want you to remind yourself that you love and trust yourself. Therefore, you love and trust the universe. Remind yourself that you are exactly where you need to be right here, right now. 

Once again, everyone, thank you so much for reading! I hope you’re having a beautiful day, a beautiful week. Bye for now!!

Are You FEELING it?

Hello again, and welcome back! Today, we’re talking all about emotions. Now, it’s very clear to most of us that emotions are the things that rule our everyday lives, whether it be an emotional attachment, an emotional rejection, an emotional reaction, we are dominated by these emotional states from moment to moment. Then, of course, you have the emotions on either end of the extreme. We need to understand emotional extremes and we also need to understand emotional neutrality. From my understanding, there really is no better or worse. Today, we’re just going to deep dive into everything- emotions. Hopefully, by the end of it, you feel a little bit more aligned, a little bit more educated, and a little bit more ready to be in control of your reality moving forward.  

Naturally, everyone has their own emotional equilibrium. I want you to just take a second in this moment to think about what that equilibrium is for you. On just a normal day of your life, what are the emotions, the thoughts, and the feelings that move through your mind and body? Now, I want you to think about your most exciting day. If you could have the best day of your life, first of all, what would be incorporated in that day? Also, once again, what are the thoughts, feelings, emotions that you’re going to be experiencing during that best day of your life? Really just sink into that. What is that for you? We need to understand, we need to know what these extreme levels are within ourselves. Likewise, I want you to think about the worst day of your life. Maybe it hasn’t even happened yet, but think about the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, the reactions that occur in you, physically and non-physically, in that state of mind.

Now, I want you to just wash away all of that energy. Just clear it off from your system, just right now, right in this moment. I want you to ask yourself, “Am I in control of my emotional state?” For an example, I want you to think about a person in your life that you love very dearly, and you respect their opinion, and you enjoy communicating with this person, and all of a sudden, one day they start yelling at you and shouting at you, and twisting all of your love. Twisting it all around and projecting it back at you and saying, “You don’t love me. You don’t care about me. You’re selfish.” Really everything that you are, they twist around so that in their mind, you are not. In that moment, in that experience, where are you at with your emotions? Are you getting sucked in? Are you yelling back? Are you walking away? Are you laughing? Are you hugging them? Where are you at in that moment? 

By being in control of your emotions in an organic way, we allow ourselves to experience the wide range of what life has to offer us. I believe that as a human being and a hybrid and many other things, that’s important. The problem is that as we exist as humans, we limit our human experience, because maybe in childhood, we are told to suck it up, or to get over it, or to stop crying, or that showing emotion is a form of showing weakness. A lot of your ability to navigate your emotions really comes from your parents, and the tools that they had, or maybe quite possibly the tools that they never had. Ultimately, you can’t blame them for where you are. Ultimately, you can’t blame yourself for where you are. It’s about accepting exactly where you are, and also realizing and understanding where it came from, and being able to be aware of the past, the present, and how this is going to affect your future, where you all of a sudden become free and sovereign of some of those old limiting beliefs around emotions, and you’re able to express yourself freely.

Some people overemote to seek subconscious attention from those around you at an extreme level, let’s just say. Some people underemote to garner this projection of strength and independence, and some people are right in the middle, but they have their own limiting beliefs. Pretty much every human that I know, especially high vibrational spiritual ones, including myself, have some sort of block or limitation with emotions. Once again, as humans, in a lot of ways, emotions are our greatest strength, but also, simultaneously, emotions can be our greatest weakness. 

There’s no right or wrong with emotions. I would say to be an overly emotional person is to be very open and sensitive, and empathic, without having proper filters, or healthy boundaries around your ability to connect with other people’s emotions, and with the energies of the world as a whole. If you’re sitting there, and you tend to have an overreaction of emotion, especially the emotional spectrum of crying, feeling hurt a lot, feeling left out a lot, it’s just such a wide spectrum, but typically the more divine feminine emotions, like crying and releasing that way. I really, honestly honor all of you out there, whether you’re women or men, who have this spectrum of emotion, the crying aspect, because it is such a divine way to release pent-up emotion. In another way, it is a good representation of a very pure and very divine soul. You don’t have those blocks that are limitations that a lot of society have. Then there are whole cultures that really prohibit and shut down this natural release of emotion, even with women, which is very difficult. So, I really respect the individuals who are able to be open vessels of energy.

But also, these individuals because of their openness, and their consistent vulnerability, they tend to see the best in everyone and essentially, they tend to get taken advantage of because they can see the best in everyone, and that can be an issue. Or, maybe they’re so emotional that they have a hard time making decisions or finding direction, because they’re so caught up in the moment of experiencing that thing. That can be overstimulating. That can be too much. Almost so emotionally open, that you can’t really get anything done, because you’re just feeling the world around you, that can be paralyzing. If you are that type of individual, what I recommend is attempting to view things more objectively. 

Say, for example, I put an actual piece of luggage in front of you, and I said, “What does this bring up for you? What does this spark for you? How could you comprehend this piece of luggage?” You would say, “Oh, wow. Well, on my last trip to France, my partner engaged to me, and it was one of the best days of my life. I so want to do that again, and the luggage represents this love in this unity, in this expansion and expression.” Or, “Wow, yeah. I went ended up going to Thailand and wasn’t a great experience. My luggage got lost, and I had no clothes, and I had no money to buy any clothes. There was something important in that luggage,” whatever. If you’re more of an emotionally open and vulnerable individual, your instant association to anything in your life is going to be based off emotion and experiencing that emotion. We are so freakin’ powerful and so divine as beings, that we can take ourselves into a moment from childhood, and re-experience that whole moment in our own mind. 

The crazy part is that our brain can, as a matter of fact, not differentiate the imagination that we have to the actual living experience of everyday life. I think that that was a dream study that they did. So many people get very viscerally affected by their dreams and the study showed that our brain can’t tell the difference between waking life and dream life, which is pretty remarkable. Pulling yourself back into a memory can be quite exhausting, because you are embodying that entire experience in that moment, because you’re just an emotionally open vessel.

There are downfalls to that. What I would recommend is observe things in your life and even people in your life in an objective way. The luggage, for example, well, it’s luggage, and technically it holds things to go travel places. That’s a little extreme of being objective and aware, but hopefully you get my point. If you’re observing a loved one, maybe it’s a child of yours that you have, and they’re really struggling, and they’re really going through something. Maybe their first-ever boyfriend just broke up with them or something. You’re so in that emotion with them, you’re crying along with them, because you see your poor baby girl getting hurt, that you can’t actually objectively help them. This is where once again, cutting cords, clearing energies, separating, healthy boundaries is really important for everyone, even between husband and wife, or a parent and child, it’s really important to have those healthy boundaries.

Then, if we go all the way over to the extreme opposite end of the emotional spectrum, which I tend to find affects more divine masculine energies, it doesn’t matter what gender you are. Typically, you will have more of a divine masculine or more of a divine feminine energy. The more and more you strip away the layers of projection and expectation from others, you actually get closer and closer to the core of who you are organically. Slightly more divine masculine, slightly more divine feminine, and I’m talking energetically. You could be the girliest girl who dresses like a Barbie doll, who is like a bro. The way that you present yourself has nothing to do with the divine energy that you hold from within. Yes, of course, we all have both, but it’s it’s on a scale.

Right now, there’s more females who hold divine masculine energy than there are males who hold divine feminine energy. I believe because there has been so much trauma and limitations with the male and who the man is supposed to be that there’s this liberation within women first and then, there is going to be this switch around with men. It’s already happening. It really got started with the women’s movement, the women’s ability to buy property, the women’s ability to vote, the women’s ability to work. All of a sudden, now the women are working, the men are working less. This change is already starting to happen. It’s not a bad or a good thing. I think it’s a positive thing, because we get to end up at this place, where each and every one of us are balanced between the divine masculine and feminine energies. But I’m definitely digressing. 

Emotional neutrality. It is basically this place where you are objectively aware of everything. You don’t really move forward on experiencing everything emotionally. It’s almost like when you have this emotional neutrality, you’re removed slightly from every aspect of life, until there’s a cue or a sign that ticks off in your mind that says, “Ding, ding, ding, this is the time to blank, be emotional.” “This is the time to blank, be compassionate.” “This is the time to be loving.” “This is the time to be angry.” Then, it kicks in, and then you move forward from there. This also has many pros and cons. With that divine masculine energy, it’s really about holding the space, and we need that in society. Just as much as we need emotional vulnerability, we need the divine space holders for the vulnerability. Essentially, like I mentioned, moving into 5D and a higher vibration, we’re all moving into this place where we can not only be emotionally vulnerable in one moment, but in the next, we can be holding the space for others, or even for our own selves. I mean, that’s ultimately sovereignty, that’s freedom, in that way. 

We’re going to get there, but until we do, some of the negative effects of the emotional neutrality are, it’s very difficult to hold relationships, could be sister-brother, parent-child, even romantic partners. It’s very difficult to hold relationships that are meaningful in your life if you don’t allow your walls to be broken down, and allow yourself to be a little bit, just a little bit more emotionally vulnerable. Because in a very structured, analytical, logical, mind-oriented, thinking way, it’s easier for relationships to be contractual than it is for relationships to be emotional and connected at deeper levels. Maybe some of these people who have emotional neutrality, maybe it makes more sense for them to block out emotions. Maybe that’s how they were raised in the old country or in childhood, is that in order to be a man or in order to be strong, you need to do this instead of this. Maybe there were a lot of emotional people around you in childhood, and you felt you didn’t want to be an extra burden, so you held back on your own emotions. Maybe you needed to be older than you were, and you held back your emotions. 

Whatever the case, may even go into past lifetimes. A lot of people also have these emotional blocks. What happens if we don’t allow ourselves to release the emotions through crying or yelling– I mean, yelling in a positive productive way, not just yelling out of anger, or journaling, or communicating, or jogging, or just allowing yourself to feel those emotions and release them. The problem with that is that they will be stored in your body, and they will come out. Oh, trust me, one way or another. Today, tomorrow, 10 years from now, just wait and see, it’s going to be a big surprise when all of those pent-up emotions come out. Maybe all have those pent-up emotions build and they create a tumor. Maybe it’s creating high blood pressure. It’s going to have physical effects on your body. 

What I would recommend for people, individuals who are dealing with emotional neutrality, being really removed from emotions, really removed from relationships, most of the time in order to protect yourself. What I recommend for these people is, I want you to play around with emotions, but in a safe environment. If you were to write a list about all of the things that make you feel emotional, whether it’d be happy emotions, or sad emotions, most likely they’re going to be people and relationships and very complex dynamics of life. I don’t care about any of them. I want you to focus on emotions that are simple. What do you feel when you eat your food? What do you feel when you go out for a jog? What do you feel when you dress yourself in the morning? These are the emotions that we need to focus on from moment to moment.

In order to conclude this blog, I just want to say there is no better or worse, there are pros and cons to both the extremes in emotions and the extremes in emotional neutrality and being removed, and a little bit blocked from emotions. There are pros and cons to both aspects, both sides, but it’s always going to be about finding a balance. You should always be releasing your emotions. At the same time, checking in with yourself and trying not to be too invested in the experience of the emotional realm around you. 

As always, thank you all so much for reading. Bye for now!!