A Different Take on Western Medicine

Hello, again, beautiful beings of light. Today, I am talking all about a topic that honestly, I’ve never really spoken about before. We’re going to talk all about the western medicine system. Before I dive deep, I just want to mention that I am not a doctor, I have absolutely zero expertise in this field, I don’t even consider myself to be a medical medium. Just take this information with a grain of salt. I always understand the best teachers as the ones who never tell you what to do or what not to do. This blog post has nothing to do with what you should or should not do. I will never be that teacher. The second that I am telling people what to do or how to behave or how to act or what to eat, call me out on it, please! I want to continue to keep myself aligned to a higher vibrational frequency, which basically means that I need to keep aligned to a higher perception above the polarity. 

I don’t want to say that there’s a lot of issues within the spiritual community, but there are. I just think that in a lot of ways, the New Age spiritual community, we have a lot of different directions. There are a lot of different foundational factors within this community and belief system. One of the most brilliant things about New Age or Spiritual Awakening is that one of its main foundations is free will. Ultimately, no matter what you want to believe in, you’re open, and you’re free to believe in that. That should always be the number one biggest foundational factor of spirituality and awakening and ascension and 5D, is free will. You have the right to agree or disagree with anything. That’s what I try to promote in my content as well. If this doesn’t resonate with you, then it’s not for you.

But there’s also still a lot of attachment to dogma and belief systems, and entrapment, and bypassing, and judgment, even within the spiritual community. I’ve been judged before on the fact that I don’t meditate every day. People are like, “Oh, well, you can’t be a spiritual teacher, if you’re not meditating, if you’re not doing the work.” Then my response is, “Okay, so in your perception, meditating to you is doing the work.” That’s obviously how that person perceives being spiritual, which is not what I believe at all. The basis for my belief, and understanding of the nonphysical, metaphysical world, and essentially, the center point to where we are right now is that it isn’t just all about the nonphysical, metaphysical world. It’s not. If we were a 12-dimensional, etheric, ascended master being that did not take shape, or form or have a body, then yeah, sure, let’s focus all on the energy, let’s focus all on the ascension, let’s focus all on moving forward and raising our vibration. But that’s not where we are right now. We have to accept that and admit that in order to find full balance, and full harmony between both realities.

Let’s talk about the western medicine world. I personally come from a background of questioning everything, of major conspiracy, of the understanding of the light and the dark, the understanding of the nefarious agendas that are out there on the planet. Yeah, absolutely, all of that stuff is real and legit. I also come from a background of exploring alternative medicine, beliefs, and understanding in the eastern world, and me personally, I don’t want to say I cured myself from lupus. But yeah, I mean, I was diagnosed with lupus at 18. All the blood tests, positive ANA tests, all the red flags, so the blood vessels in my fingernails were, I don’t know, capillaries or whatever were blown up. All my fingernails were jagged. I don’t know, but they said that that was a sign. I had secondary Raynaud’s syndrome. My legs would blow up and got super inflamed. My joints would hurt. It was all there, it was all positive. It took me six months of internal meditation, contemplation, inner work, self-love, breaking down, building up, took me six months. I went back to the blood specialist, I forget what they’re called. All of my ANA tests, all of my positive blood tests came back negative. He didn’t know what to say, he was baffled.

That proved to me that it really comes down to energy and vibration. I still believe that, although it’s not all about energy, energy comes first and foremost. The aftermath of the vibration that you’re holding is then portrayed within the physical container or the body that you’re in.

One of the problems that I see time and time again is individuals completely avoiding and evading the western medical system, because they hold the energy of corruption, or of scams, or of money laundering, or of pharmaceuticals. I agree. Once again, I agree with that perception. What I don’t agree with is completely axing out a whole world of possibility, and only focusing on eastern medicine, and only focusing on alternative healthcare practices. Like I said, if something’s going on, it could be cancer, it could be autoimmune, it could be a skin rash, it could be an ache and pain in your leg, the number one first thing that I recommend that everyone does, and this is what I do in my own reality is, okay, so why is this happening? What is the lesson? What is the limiting belief associated with that lesson? How can I learn that? How can I be vulnerable? How can I learn my lesson? How can I break down my walls further? How can I release this energetically? I also believe at the same time that there are solutions within the western medicine system, not necessarily like pharmaceuticals, but I’m also talking about surgeries and things like that. There are solutions that I strongly believe were actually given to us from interdimensional beings. I know it sounds weird. 

Think about Tesla and free energy machines, or Leonardo da Vinci, and drawing up the first ever helicopter way before flying machines were ever a thing. I believe that there’s certain people within society who have had higher connections to other realms, other dimensions, maybe other lifetimes, maybe just interdimensional beings as is. Those people have been anchoring in solutions for humanity. Things like penicillin, antibiotics, certain surgeries, there’s a lot of things that we don’t have issues with anymore that allow us to get ourselves out of survival mentality. This honestly, now that I’m talking about it, it brings up vaccines, it brings up the whole vaccine debate. I am not one to be a huge anti-vaxxer. I don’t label myself as that. What I am is someone who is a proponent or a support system to anyone who has the free will to say no. I encourage that free will. But I also want to say that only focusing on one aspect of what you believe may be right, may actually be limiting you to what else could be out there. It’s important that we look at all possibilities. Yes, there is a lot of corruption within the western medical system. Absolutely. But we need to realize that there’s also solutions as well. 

What I recommend is just opening your mind and your eyes to all possible scenarios, all potential solutions. I’m not going to name one thing or another and say, well, chemo is bad, vaccines are bad, I’m not going to go ahead and mention these things because I want you to make up your own mind. I also don’t want you to just only look at the energy behind things and only look at the alternative medicine and solutions that way. To be 5D is to look at both polarities. To be 3D is to only look at the western, only look at the physical, only look at the pharmaceutical, only look at that. Once again, to be 3D is to only look at the eastern, to only look at the vitamins and supplements, to only look at the energy. We need to realize that that’s not the only solution, and there are certain things that you may not have thought about before, that are actually going to be a pretty good solution for you.

If you’re sitting there thinking, “I’ve dealt with chronic pain my whole life, and I’ve never been able to overcome it. I’ve tried all the things, the CBDs, and the rubs, and the acupuncture and the inner work,” sometimes it is deeper, sometimes it is a past lifetime. Sometimes there’s a solution out there that you just weren’t looking at, because you hold resentment against a certain faction within society. It doesn’t have to be that way. We need to look at all of our options. We need to have a balance, and that’s just what I want to put out there, is just to really open and expand your mind. 

Honestly, it’s difficult to say with the vaccinations. It’s difficult to say, in my own mind, and I don’t have kids, so this isn’t really a debate in my own life. This isn’t something that I have to deal with yet. But right now, I hold the perception of, we can’t just say that all vaccines are bad, it would be wrong energetically, just to say, “No, they’re all bad.” We can’t say that they’re all good either. Ultimately, we need to ask ourselves, and remove ourselves from the emotional reaction of holding some sort of belief system within our body in order to be objectively aware and get ourselves back to neutrality and zero point in order to fully understand what works for us and what doesn’t work for us. 

Within the spiritual community, what is wrong is that people believe that there is a right and wrong. There is just a right here right now. There is just harmony or disharmony, but we need to realize that that harmony or disharmony signature vibrationally changes every single moment. If right now, in this moment, you eat a mango, and you have a reaction to the mango, it doesn’t mean that you’re allergic to mango, and you never can touch it for the rest of your life. You’re creating a pattern that doesn’t need to be there. When you limit and pigeonhole yourself into some sort of belief based off of an experience, whether that experience be firsthand or secondary, getting the information from a spiritual teacher, or an article, or a TV show, or a video on YouTube, ultimately, the greatest power that we can have, as a true master in this binary reality is the power and the ability to understand what is in alignment with us in that one moment. 

Say for example, next week, going back to the mango example, you have a friend say, “Hey, mangoes are super detrimental to your health.” You’re like, “Oh, really? I never knew that. Okay, cool. Yeah.” You think to yourself, “Well, I’m conscious, I attracted that conversation for a reason.” Fantastic. Good for you for being aware of that and taking responsibility for attracting that. Checkmark. Then, a couple of days later, you watch a YouTube video, just “randomly” pops up on the suggested YouTube page. You’re like, “Yeah, sure. I’ll give this mango video a try.” You watch a video. Same thing. Mangoes, oh, who knew? Super detrimental to your health. You’re like, “Oh, here it is again. This is so wild. Okay, message received, message from the universe.” Then subsequently, instead of just taking this information verbatim, bringing it into your life, you try a mango, you actually eat the mango. 

Once again, your body has a negative reaction to the mango, ding, ding, ding, okay, validated, validated, validated! Fantastic. Those moments as an awakener, as a conscious sentient being, those moments happen all the time. When you’re in it, it all has the same theme. Whether you’re dealing with an ego-death or vulnerability or shadow work or happiness or opportunity, there’s always a theme, which is beautiful. But that is the theme for that moment. That is the theme for that week. Don’t hold that theme as your individual truth moving forward.

Let’s just bring it to a more serious example. Say, for example, you have a tumor. Okay, I believe that a tumor is a buildup of old vibrational frequency that turns into a mass of cells in your body. Typically, it’s where you hold that vibrational frequency in your body where that tumor is going to be built up. Say, for example, you have an aunt, who also had a tumor, who got the tumor removed, and the surgery was a success, and it was great. She could just continue to live her life and she lived a nice long life after that. Say, for example, you read a book of this woman who decreased her tumor by taking turmeric and supplements and coconut oil and whatever, castor oil, whatever the combination of things was. So, you have the perspective that you can do it one of two ways. Just like I mentioned in one of my previous podcasts, you can say yes and yes, to both options. I’m telling you, you really can, you can do both. Why does it have to be all one or all the other? Why do you have to pigeonhole yourself into just choosing one option? 5D is seeing everything the way that it is, the way that it could be, and then making a choice of what feels best to you. You’re aware of both sides of things. Now what? Now how do you move forward? That piece is up to you. 

In one of my recent blog post, I also said you can play the game until you can’t. Play the game until you can’t. Play both sides of things until you simply can’t anymore, until you have to make a choice. It’s okay to be on the fence as long as you’re moving forward with both. If you’re on the fence and you’re stagnant, and you’re not growing, and you’re not hustling, and you’re not moving forward, and you’re not learning, and you’re on the fence because you just don’t want to make a decision, then that’s a different story. That’s called bypassing. I’ll just let the universe figure it out. That is giving your power away. That’s not good. It’s not a good thing. 

Once again, I’m not here to make any decisions for you. I’m not here to say what is right or what is wrong for you. I’m simply here to say take a look at all options, and try not to demonize the western medical world in the way that it has been demonized. Yes, there are a lot of things wrong with it. There are a lot of things that I don’t agree with, but that’s because I don’t feel in harmonic alignment with those things. There are some things that I do feel in harmonic alignment with, and I feel that these were brought to the planet for a reason. When I go up on these ships and I talk to interdimensional beings and we have a little powwow up there, they have tons of technology, they have tons of advancement, they have tons of solutions. They don’t get disease in their body, not only because they’re spiritually advanced, but because they’re technologically advanced as well. 

A lot of us, if we were to look at that society, we would say, “Oh, well, that’s all western medicine.” In a way it is, is what these beings have. But in a way, they are able to advance, they are able to ascend consciously, they are able to figure out greater understandings of the universe, because they are not locked into suffering, because they have those solutions. Let go of any fears that you may be holding, or having behind the western medical world, or really let go of any fears or resentment that you’re holding or having behind any aspect of this reality, good, bad, or ugly. It’s not about that. It’s about opening your mind and understanding that there is a lot to look at. The more we have attachment to looking at just one thing, the more limited and confined we become. 

Once again, everyone, thank you so much for reading this blog. Bye for now!!

3D to 5D Relationships

Hello again, beautiful beings of light. Thank you all so much for being here. As always, I greatly appreciate your presence. 

I always love having names for situations that humans go through. Just today, I channeled a new situation that humans go through all the time. Whether you are in a straight relationship, a gay relationship, a fluid relationship, or just a relationship with yourself, you’re probably going to connect with the content in this blog, because it deals with masculine-feminine energies, not just male, female genders, it deals with energies. The word or the terminology that I came up with, associated with this syndrome is DID syndrome. I know it sounds super professional. Basically, it’s called Damsel in Distress Syndrome, DIDS. Ultimately, what this means is when you’re in a relationship, or you just have some sort of dynamic situation, connection, relationship with anyone else, there’s typically always a more masculine energy in that dynamic and a more feminine energy in that dynamic. 

The easiest dynamics that we can talk about are relationship dynamics. Ultimately, what it comes down to is when the divine feminine person in that relationship, which gender doesn’t matter in this case, when that divine feminine energy is in full flow of their own beautiful divine femininity, it typically creates this damsel in distress energy, which means that that divine feminine is very open, very floaty, very go with the flow, very empathic, very sensitive, very all of the things. The divine masculine energy in that dynamic or relationship will instantaneously need to have this overprotective, overcautious, over controlling type of vibration, type of energy. It’s important to know and to understand that this is what’s typically created between divine masculine and divine feminine energies in a romantic relationship. The problem with this is that the divine male will always try to be protective. If anything, the divine male will actually try to be more protective, which means more controlling, and more structured, and more logical and analytical, and more closed off, and more walls up. The divine feminine gets even more divine feminine. We need to realize that the more polarity we have within relationships, the more polarity we’re creating.

If you’re sitting at home, and you’re reading this, or you’re wherever, and you’re thinking to yourself, “Yeah, me and my wife, or me and my husband, we just can never get on the same page. We always try to communicate, but it’s always a hit and miss.” Most likely, it’s just because you’re communicating in one extreme polarity and your partner is communicating in another extreme polarity. It’s really important to realize that, in order to be balanced within the relationship, you must first be balanced within you, within yourself. The more feminine you are, the more masculine he’s going to be or she is going to be, because that divine male feels like they need to save you from yourself essentially is what it comes down to. 

As the divine feminine, the more you step into the power, take the lead, make decisions, prove to your partner even though it shouldn’t be done through the energy of proof, but prove to your partner and to yourself that you can do this, that you don’t need their help to solve your problems, the less and less that partner of yours is going to feel like they need to solve your problems and the more the two of you can communicate on the same even playing field, if that makes sense. 

Same thing with the divine masculine. If you feel your partner is very over emotional, very hysterical most of the time, very over-reactionary, and you’re pretty much cool, calm, and collective and very logical and analytical, then for you to be more vulnerable and more compassionate in your communication and expression style is going to allow space for your partner to once again step up, and take care of you. Instead of always having it figured out, instead of always knowing what the next step is, it’s really important that you let go of that a little bit, let go of that leadership, and allow your partner, your divine feminine partner to take care of you. This is really important. 

I believe that a fifth-dimensional relationship really comes down to a balance between both parties of divine feminine and masculine energies. A 3D relationship, which is singular, it’s linear, it’s polarized, it’s one or the other, a 3D relationship, which, especially if you have been with your partner for a while, really is the old traditional way of thinking. “Oh, you complete me.” “Oh, you’re my other half.” “Oh, you’re my better half.” Ultimately, that’s fine, but I’m telling you right now that it’s unsustainable. The reason why is because you will continue to feel there is a void, to feel there is a gap within you, to feel you need to fill that gap within yourself with the other person. The second that that other person is not in your life, guess what’s going to happen? You’re going to be scrambling feeling like you’re not enough without that other person in your life. 

A 5D relationship means that you step into the relationship as a whole individual, without any lack, without any polarity, without any gaps, you are stepping in whole and complete as you are, and then you attract an individual, who is also whole and complete within themselves. There are no missing links, there are no gaps. It’s just you and that other person, and then you can create a beautiful relationship where there is no lack, there is no filling voids, there is no even missing that person. I know it sounds awful. It’s like, “What? I want to miss my partner,” but it’s not. It just means that you’re whole and complete. I want you to ask yourself right now, are you the damsel in distress or are you the protector? Are you the divine feminine or are you the divine masculine? What roles do you play in your romantic relationship? What do you expect from your partner?

I want to give you all a challenge moving forward. I want you to play a different role. Honestly, if you’re a single person as well, I just want to include you into this. If you’re single, and you’ve been frustrated, because you keep attracting the same guy over and over again, or the same girl over and over again, once again, I want you to ask yourself, who am I being and therefore, who am I attracting? Am I whole and complete within myself? If you are in a beautiful relationship, that maybe isn’t always as loving as you’d like it to be or the communication is off every once in a while, then I want you to ask yourself, how can we recreate this relationship so that it satisfies and fulfills both of us to the highest vibrational degree. That’s really important as well. We are all being pushed and tested to move into this 5D place. This place where we can be both the male and the female, both the mom and the dad. 

I know I was pushed into that place when I went into a same-sex relationship. I’m like, “Wait, how does this work? Who’s who here?” A 3D relationship as well, you have your role and I have mine and you’re the man and I’m the female, and it just doesn’t work that way anymore. It doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, gray, or fluid. Ultimately, we’re being pushed into being whole and complete within ourselves. There will still be tension. There will still be resistance within your relationship if there is something within you that is missing, and then the expectation that your partner will fill that, which is an old and traditional way of thinking, and navigating this world. Ultimately, what do you want in a relationship? 

One more piece of homework that I’m going to leave you all off with. I’m going to give you homework for if you’re in a relationship, and I’m going to give you homework if you’re single. It’s going to be very similar. If you’re in a relationship, I want you all at home, in your own free time, maybe right after reading this blog, I want you to grab your notebooks, I want you to create a T-chart, kind of looks like a cross. On one half of the T-chart, I want you to say, “What is either my current relationship, or what have my past relationships been like?” Writing down all the characteristics, and all the traits, all the pros and all the cons of your old relationships or your current one. Then on the other half of the T-chart, I want you to ask yourself, what is my most ideal relationship? What do I really want? How do I become in the most harmonic alignment with a partner, and therefore with myself? 

I know that I’ve assigned this before to other clients and individuals who have been married for many, many years. They have apprehension in filling out the second half of this T-chart, and I don’t blame them. Their apprehension comes from the fact that they’re worried, they’re scared, and they turn to me and they say, “Well, Elizabeth, what if I want all of these things and my partner is just not that and they never will be that?” I say to them, “Have you tried? Have you even asked for what you want?” Or, “Have you been completely feeding into the consistency and the safety of the norm, of the right now? Have you even asked for what you want from your partner? Have you had that dialogue and conversation? Don’t just assume that they’re not willing to change, you need to ask for what you want.” 

For all of you single people out there, it is no longer time to settle when dating in relationships at all. I always tell my single friends and they always roll their eyes at me, but it’s true. If it’s not fire, don’t bother. Fire, what I mean is that passion, that drive, that connection, that spark! Sometimes, that fire is karmic. Sometimes, that relationship and connection is momentary. Maybe it’s a couple days, maybe it’s a couple weeks, maybe it’s a couple months. Sometimes, that fire is a life partner. Sometimes that fire is just a lesson, a very painful and stubborn and angering lesson that you have to learn. But if it’s not fire, why bother holding space for someone, again, on another date? I always get mad at my single friends. “What are you doing? You said you didn’t really feel it.” “Oh, I’m trying again. I’m just hoping that this is going to be the time.” I tell them every time, it’s not going to be the time. If it wasn’t there initially, you can’t build on that. You build on fire, and then you navigate, and then you see. Then just because you have fire doesn’t mean it’s the end all to be all. It just means that there’s something there that you have to experience together. 

For all of you who have been in long-term relationships, and you don’t feel fire with your partner, and you’re sitting there thinking, “Shit, what am I going to do?” You can create that fire again. I know you can. I’m saying this from experience. You can start a brand-new relationship with the one that you’ve been with for years. I know this. Once again, if you’re not willing to change, and you’re not willing to ask for change, then nothing will change. You’re reading this blog for a reason. You’re here for a reason. It’s time to live your best life in the highest vibration possible in a 5D relationship. But once again, you’ve got to have that 5D relationship with yourself first, and then you can start to have that with someone else.

Thank you all so much once again for being here. 

Keep up the good vibes everyone. I know it’s a crazy tumultuous time, but you’re here for a reason, you signed up for this for a reason and it’s finally time to live your best life. 

Bye for now!!

How to Override Destiny

Today, I’m talking all about your soul contracts, your blueprint, and essentially your destiny. How can we override our contracts? How can we override our destiny and utilize more of our free will? Maybe we don’t even want to. I’ll be talking all about these concepts, free will versus destiny, how to override your original blueprints, how we can be most in balance, and what the blueprint is altogether. I’m just going to briefly define what a soul contract or a soul blueprint is. Before I get into that, I just want to say that I’m going to be interchanging the words blueprint, destiny, and contract. For the sake of ease for this podcast, they’re all the same thing. Soul contract, soul blueprint, and soul destiny, once again, all the same thing in this context. 

First, I want to just define what a soul contract or blueprint is. Essentially, what it is, is a plan that you made before your incarnation. This plan consisted of all of the challenges, hurdles, and the beautiful successes that you would have in this particular incarnation. We do this for every single lifetime that we ever live, both on and off this planet, both in the past and in the future. You do this if you are a tree, you do this if you are a dog, you do this if you are an ant. Every incarnation has a soul blueprint, no matter where you are in the universe. 

I want to talk about my experiences with blueprints. I tap into people’s soul contracts and blueprints all the time. The reason why is because I check into someone through my channeling, and I want to see if they’re on the right path. If they’re on the right track, and that’s a question that I get asked all the time. “Elizabeth, am I doing the right things? Am I on the right track?” Technically, there is no right or wrong, you’re living your life, you’re in the journey of things, and there’s no, “Am I on the right path?” You are always on the right path. The better question would be, am I aligned to my soul contracts? Am I aligned to my blueprint? 

I want to just briefly explain our spirit guides and their relation to your soul contracts and your blueprint. It’s really important that all of you understand that spirit guides are simply just guidance for you. They never make a decision for you. Every once in a while, they’ll come through and support you, or give you synchronicity, or send you a message that you’re on the right track. Every once in a while, they’ll come through and give you a little bit of a warning, and a red flag and tell you you’re maybe not aligned to your blueprints and you’re going a different direction. 

Once again, your blueprints are also a part of your challenges. It doesn’t mean that your blueprints are all rainbows and butterflies. Your blueprints are also bad things as well that we have to experience in order to learn our lessons. I tap into my own blueprints and other people’s blueprints all the time. 

Your blueprint, the plan that you made before your incarnation. Who created it? This is really important to understand that it wasn’t your guardian angel. It wasn’t your spirit guides. It was you. You are the only driving force behind your reality, whether that be free will or destiny. We need to all take our power back and realize that our blueprints were created by us, not by anyone else. Our destiny was created by us, not by anyone else. 

A lot of religious people like to think that our destiny was created by God. I believe that we all have source energy within us. We are all a part of God, in a sense, if you want to use that word. I like to use source. That being said, we as a part of source energy, are the only ones who set in motion our destiny. We are the only ones who put challenges and hurdles and experiences on our path so that we can transcend, so that we can move forward, so that we can grow as a soul.

What makes up our existence? This is very important. Our existence consists of two main things. That is, if you scrape away all the projection, all the chaos, all the emotions, all the attachment, our existence consists of two main things. One half of it is free will, and the other half, just like we mentioned, is destiny. It’s our blueprint. It’s our contracts. 

A lot of people understand and think that our free will and our destiny are two very separate things. From my own experience and my channeling, I’ve understood that they are essentially the same thing. The reason why I believe this is because if you think about our destiny being our blueprint, or contracted, guess who created that? We did. With our free will before our incarnation, we created the blueprint of our life. Our destiny was created by our free will. Therefore, technically, there is no difference between free will and destiny. 

The reason why people believe that destiny or our blueprint or contracts are out of our hands is because we do not remember creating the initial contract, to begin with. Just because we don’t remember doesn’t necessarily mean that we didn’t create it. There is no other entity, no other force in the entire universe that can override our free will to create a destiny for us. It simply goes against the laws of the universe. Nothing else can take away our free will. Nothing else, no one else, no other entity or being or force can create our destiny or our contracts for us. It’s simply impossible. We need to take our power back and realize that our destiny was created by our free will. 

If we go a little bit deeper into what really creates our blueprint, what was the mindset in a sense, what was the soul set that we were in, in creating our blueprint for this lifetime, for this incarnation? From what I understand, in sitting down with my own spirit guides and guardian angel, I sat down to, once again, put challenges, hurdles, and successes in my life for two reasons. One is to learn new lessons. If we’re not learning new lessons, then essentially, we’re not growing and moving forward. The only way we can learn new lessons is if we complete the lessons that we were set out to learn in past lifetimes, or past incarnations. 

Say, for example, it’s like, “Okay, great. Well, my last lifetime, I was a cheetah, and I had to leave my little baby cheetah behind because he was injured, and it was soul-crushing for me, but in order to feed the other two cheetah babies that I had, I had to make that decision.” So, you start to realize that these challenges are growth points, and no matter what body you are incarnated into, we’re actually all learning the same things in a physical capacity. Based on that lesson that I learned in that past lifetime, I’m now moving on and learning a new lesson in this lifetime. Our contracts consist of new lessons and our contracts also consist of old karma. 

A lot of spiritualists, a lot of people believe that karma is only a concept that was created on this prison planet, Planet Earth, when that’s not the case at all. Any energy, any lessons that have been left uncompleted have to be revisited in the future. That is the same rule that applies to every incarnated being all across the universe. Every incarnated being has some sort of karma from some sort of lifetime. I have tapped into people’s contracts and blueprints and akashic records and seen that in an Anunnaki lifetime, millions, billions of years ago, technically in our timeline, billions of years ago, they had an Anunnaki lifetime where they destroyed a whole civilization, and they’re back here as a human, basically repenting their sins, if you want to be all religious, but really, it’s completing old energy, it’s completing old karma.

Karma can follow us for decades, it’s something that is always within our cloud storage. It’s something that’s always within our soul. Eventually, we have to revisit it, we cannot run away from energy. It is simultaneous, it is consistent, it is constant. Once again, our blueprints for every incarnation consist of new lessons and old karma. How can we learn something new, revisit something old, and move forward with all of that, and really still enjoy ourselves? So, that’s what makes up our blueprints. Let’s talk about free will a little bit. 

Free will is a concept that is always in action in every moment from the point of soul creation to the point of soul evolution. Free will is always a constant, always, always, always! You may hate your boss and think that you have no choice in the matter of doing the work or being in that job, but essentially, you always have the free will to choose whether or not you want to be there or whether or not you want to move to a different job. You always have that choice. Every being in existence has free will. Once again, it is a universal law. It is a universal constant. Free will is always in action.

I want to talk about how to override your blueprint. First of all, I just want to mention that you probably don’t want to do this. The reason being is because we all created our blueprints in the most divine, the most aligned, the most unhindered place possible. We were pure souls, we were pure consciousness, without ego, without attachment, without projection, without emotion. We created our blueprints in the best way that we possibly could so that we could get the most out of this lifetime.

I want to give you an example. Say, for example, you had a contract, you wrote in your blueprints that you are going to meet a person, a partner, a romantic partner in this lifetime. Say, for example, you and this romantic partner have had five lifetimes together. Part of your contracts in this lifetime was to meet, to get married, to have children, to complete the karma from a past lifetime where maybe you weren’t able to have children, and then to move on. Your contracts, your blueprint was simply to be together with that partner for 10 years to go through those experiences. Within that relationship, you could have learned new lessons with your children, with that partner. You could have also completed old karmic patterns as well from past lifetimes. But at the end of the day, that blueprint with that partner was for 10 years. That contract was for 10 years. You always have the free will in every moment. You have the free will to leave that partner after five years. Subsequently, you also have the free will to continue with that partner for the next 10 years. But guess what? The second that we resist and go against our blueprint with our free will, it’s totally fine, it’s up to you, that’s when you’re going to start receiving a lot of messages, a lot of patterns. You’re probably going to start hitting a lot of walls. There are probably going to be a lot of red flags around you. It’s up to you whether you see the signs or not. It’s up to you whether you want to continue with that blueprint or not. 

Typically, when people leave relationships, say, five years, even though you’re supposed to be together for 10, maybe a year goes by, and all of a sudden, out of the blue, you’re reconnected. Then you’re reconnected for the next four years. Then after the 10-year blueprint, you leave the person and you move on. That’s great. That’s amazing. Your spirit guides will be right there to help you maintain and be on that blueprint. Our blueprints are very strategic, and they help us be the most ideal version of our incarnated self. Essentially, we don’t really want to override our blueprints, but of course, life isn’t perfect, even though it’s always divinely perfect, and we can override our blueprints, and most likely do override our blueprints in every moment with our free will. This is when listening to the signs is very important. 

I also wanted to mention that it’s our ego, that typically overrides our destiny most of the time. Say, for example, back to the job. You have a job, you’re blueprinted to have that job for three years. After three years, you’re like, “Ah, I’m really unhappy. It’s getting more and more apparent that I’m unhappy and more and more apparent that I’m not being respected.” In order to learn that lesson, to overcome that challenge, you need to stand in your power, you need to follow through on your blueprints, and you need to leave that job after three years because you’re no longer learning anything more. That’s really what the blueprint is all about. 

There’s not a lot of growth. You’ve completed your new lessons, you’ve completed your old karma, now there’s nothing there for you. We feel that way in a variety of ways. In friendships, in romantic relationships, in jobs, in opportunities, there’s a point in time where we all hit a wall and that thing in our life is no longer serving us. Listen to the signs, let that go. If your ego or your auto autopilot programming, tells you, “Oh, but this job is easy, and I get a good salary. It’s got benefits. What if I’m not strong enough to get another job? What if no one wants me? What if I’m too old to be in this field anymore?” What is all of that? All of that is your attachment to the life that you’ve lived full of your expectations, full of your memories, full of your actions, and reactions of the past. It’s your autopilot, it’s your ego, that is holding you back from listening to the signs, and from aligning yourself to your original soul contracts.

Have you ever heard of a story, really weird, maybe not a glitch in the matrix, but something weird and coincidental? Like a family member of yours, saying, “Oh, I was on the highway the other day, and I had a near-miss of a car accident. I’m so glad that I missed that car accident.” Then, a week goes by and they’re in an intersection, and they get into a car accident anyway. No matter how much you try and resist your contracts, you have to go through that. A lot of the times, those negative challenges are actually quite positive because that person then changes their life because of that accident. Or that person then completes and clears karma because of that challenge. These blueprints, whether perceived as negative or positive, are around us for a reason, and they help us transcend and move through life as fast as possible. We want to be listening at all times. We want to let go of those pre-programming ego autopilot projections. 

In order to be the most balanced in life, we should have a really good mix of predestined contracts, destiny, and free will. It’s great to allow life to happen to us but it’s also great to be in the driver’s seat and say, “No, I don’t think so,” or, “Yes, I want that.” Once again, at the end of the day, even though it was in your blueprints to leave your job after three years, it always, always, always comes down to your own free will and essentially your action that either continues and perpetuates that blueprint, or stops that blueprint in its tracks, and holds you back from getting the most out of life. Your free will and your action behind your free will, whether you’re aware of acting with your blueprint or against your blueprint, your free will, will always be the guiding factor. It will always be that action step to take you in the right direction. 

The more conscious we become, the more aligned we are to our original path. It’s a paradox. It’s a thought experiment in thinking about it. What came first, the chicken or the egg? What came first, the free will or the destiny? Now we know it’s always been free will. Free will creates our destiny. When we think about aligning ourselves consciously to our blueprint, it almost feels like we don’t have free will to choose where we want to go, because life is just happening to us. Once again, you are the one who signed the contracts, who created the blueprint, and who set in line and in motion the entire life that you’re living today.

Well, that is all from me and how to override your destiny. At the end of the day, I don’t recommend trying to override your destiny, but I do recommend bringing conscious awareness to every moment. Next time you’re faced with a life-altering situation or decision, I want you to ask yourself, “Was this in my contract?”

I hope you all have a beautiful rest of your day!!

Don’t Be an Oversaturated Sponge

Today, we are preparing you for the energies to come in 2020. One concept that seems to be coming up over and over again in the work that I do, and the clients that I have is sacrificing yourself for other people. Now, of course, we all get into this routine. I guess most of us get into this routine of sacrificing for others, and the reason why is because most likely you are a service to other’s individual. You are a service to others’ souls. This means that you have the natural inclination to give aspects, if not all aspects of yourself away to other people. That seems like a very powerful, courageous, beautiful act on your part, but it can lead to a myriad of health complications, issues, lack, imbalance, and overall suffering. No one wants to suffer. But time and time again, we choose to make decisions for other people through fear, attachment, obligation, and ultimately, those decisions that we’re making, they actually just don’t help that person. Ultimately, they don’t help you either. I’m sure you’re sitting there thinking, “What do you mean, they don’t help that other person? I’ve given my whole life to my mom, or to my best friend, or to my partner, husband, wife, my brother. I’ve given my whole life to these people, of course, it’s going to help.” But ultimately, no. What you do when you give to someone else, is you override that person’s contracts, and you give them something that they’re not necessarily prepared or ready for. You’re giving them something based on the projection of what you think they need. You’re literally projecting yourself onto that person. 

What that results in is, once again, a lacking within yourself, because you’re giving way too much of yourself, and it also results in an enabling situation for that person. You’re enabling them to not feel, think, and do on their own. You’re giving so much to them that you’re actually essentially taking away from their own struggles, their own challenges, their own lessons in life. If you’re with that person or they’re in your life for 10 years, you’re spending that 10 years sacrificing yourself, draining your lifeforce energy, and enabling that person so that they’re not able to learn their own lessons. It’s literally a lose-lose situation. You need to stop convincing yourself that it’s anything else. Because ultimately, by you giving to someone else, by you are giving your lifeforce energy to someone else, you are just completing this programming within yourself, that you’re not good enough, that you have to suffer, that you have to sacrifice in order for satisfaction and fulfillment. Most likely, if you are one of these people or you were one of these people, then you know very well that you have a hard time receiving.

Say for example, someone comes over to your house, and you don’t expect to receive anything, as per usual, and they bring you this beautiful gift. You’re probably one of those people who says, “Okay, oh, thank you so much for this wonderful gift basket. Hold on, I actually have something for you.” Then, you run away, you scrounge around your house, you find something that you can give back to them just so that you don’t have to feel the guilt of receiving. That feeling of guilt, obviously, is buried away and comes from deep imbalances in childhood and deep imbalances in past lifetimes. But ultimately, that guilt is creating this paradigm that you’re not good enough to receive, which ultimately creates a paradigm that you’re not good enough at all. It creates a lack within you.

What I like to call this is the oversaturated sponge syndrome. That would be OSSS. I know it’s a lot of words, but I want to paint a picture for you. Someone who gets into the pattern of sacrificing, and giving, and thinking that they’re helping the whole of humanity, or the whole of that person, which I think we’ve all been there, and hopefully, if you’re there right now, hopefully, this blog will help you get out of there because you deserve to get out of there. You deserve to be free. You deserve to live for yourself. If no one has given you permission to live for yourself yet, I’m giving you permission right now. You deserve freedom. You deserve to live free of obligation. You deserve to say no, when you don’t feel like picking up the phone, or going over to a friend’s place. You deserve that. You deserve to say no when your boss asks you to work overtime. You deserve that. 

The Oversaturated Sponge Syndrome

I want to paint a picture. Imagine your kitchen. In the sink of your kitchen, you have a sponge. Now, this sponge could be dirty, and old, and used, and gross, and withering away, or this sponge could be brand new, sparkly, shiny, never been touched before. This sponge represents you. The more that you’ve been taking on, probably, the dirtier, and grimier, and more withered away that sponge looks. If you’re young and you’re sprite, and you’re ready to take on the world, and you’ve got all that oomph, then, maybe your sponge is brand new. Regardless, think about putting water into that sponge, cleaning your new countertops or what have you. You put water in, and you put water in, and you put water in, you put water in to the point where that sponge is so saturated, so oversaturated that one more drop into that sponge is going to literally push one drop out. That’s the point where you become the oversaturated sponge. This is the metaphor that I want you to have in your mind any time you start taking on someone else’s crap. Once again, you don’t deserve that.

Talking in a spiritual way, we can think about this in terms of you being an empath, and all that means is that you’re just sensitive to other people’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and the more you tend to take on from someone else as an empath, the more full your sponge gets, the more full your body gets to have all of this energy, and emotion, and confusion, and worry, and all of that. Ultimately, the only thing that you need to do is to release the emotion and the energy that you’ve taken on in order to be clear and clean in the present moment, so that all you have to deal with moving forward is your own shit, is your own emotion.

I want to put this into perspective. Think about childhood for you. Maybe, your childhood was really beautiful, which that’d be a really rare case, because ultimately, what I tend to find is, our childhood is comprised of aspects of our past lifetimes that come back in this present lifetime in childhood to retraumatize us only because that trauma allows us to release those patterns. We need to bring that energy back around. We need to bring that energy back up in our soul system in order to fully release it. Anything that happens in childhood, basically, between the ages of 0 to 14, are some pretty pivotal years that create the paradigm, and the programming, and the reality that we’re currently existing and living in today. 

A good example is, say for example, in childhood, your parents fought a lot. You didn’t realize it at the time, but you took all of that on. In your adult life, this could affect you in a myriad or a variety of ways. All of a sudden, maybe anytime you get scared with your emotions, you pick a fight with your partner, or maybe you’re so passive and you’re so scared of fighting with your partner, that you don’t bring up any of your thoughts and feelings. Maybe, that scared you so much that you don’t even have a partner, and you’re just fearful of getting one, because you don’t want to be in conflict. Because you feel like based on childhood, maybe this is not a conscious thought. But based on childhood, you feel any partnership is going to end in fighting and eventual divorce, because of the childhood that you had. We’re talking about your parents fighting, which is definitely not an uncommon scenario. But there are many other more unique scenarios that I’m sure you can piece together from your own childhood. These things seriously do affect us. We have been walking around our entire lives, since those incidents carrying the sludge and the emotions of someone else’s energy, of childhood energy you’ve been taking that on.

If you’re really an empath, like a very sensitive empath, then you’ll get this example as well. For example, if my partner has a stomachache, I will console her and then all of a sudden, I’ll start to get a stomach ache as well. Now, we’re both feeling nauseous. That’s because I’m so connected to her, I’m so empathic that I’m taking that on. In that moment, I need to cut the cords, clear the energy, and create some healthy boundaries and say, “That is not my energy. That is not my lesson. That is not my challenge. I refuse to take that on.” I need to do that for myself. For her, so that she can take that on and learn that. That’s really important. It’s important that we realize that without even thinking about it, we are constantly taking on other people’s energy. If you’re walking around with the past 45 years, or however old you are, of all of that energy, then you are unable to live your life for yourself. You are the oversaturated sponge. I guarantee you that if you haven’t already had health complications and weird red flags happening in your life, you might just start if you continue to take on other people’s stuff without having the ability to deal with your own stuff.

I tend to find that either this creates an autoimmune issue, or it creates a nervous system issue. All of a sudden, your body will go into chronic pain, or chronic fatigue, or chronic headaches, or maybe lack of appetite, or over-appetite, or pains in certain areas of your body like your feet or your knees, or maybe it’s a skin irritation, or rash. Maybe your hair starts to fall out. Literally, your body will start yelling at you to say, “Stop, please. Stop taking on other people’s energy. I can’t handle it anymore.” Your body becomes an oversaturated sponge. At a certain point in time, when you’ve not listened to, not listened to, not listened to all of those red flags, your body will fight back. Not just push back, not just nudge back, as it probably has been in the past many years, it will scream at you. It will fight back. Once again, you don’t deserve that. But you’ve been creating that paradigm and only you can release that.

Let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about releasing. Let’s talk about squeezing that sponge out. The majority of the issue especially since I’m able to see other people’s chakras. When I see someone within this same complex and paradigm, basically the two chakras will– Well, essentially, three main chakras but two main chakras that are affected are the throat chakra and the sacral chakra. The throat chakra, if you don’t already know, is a blue color, and it’s all about communication and expression. Then, the sacral chakra is an orange color, and it’s right underneath your belly button, and it’s all about emotions. When you have an overactive throat chakra, you have an overactive communication, which usually means that you’re questioning yourself way too much. Am I doing the right things? Did I let that thing go? What happened last week? I can’t believe that happened? I can’t believe I didn’t go to the gym. What’s going to happen tomorrow, and I prepared for this dinner party this weekend? Who’s coming, what are they going to bring? What are they thinking about? What are they expecting? Am I doing the right things? Am I saying the right things? All of that, so unnecessary. It’s creating a buildup in your throat chakra. 

Then, when we think about your sacral chakra, your emotional center– actually, before I get there, I also want to mention, when you have that buildup in your communication chakra, in your throat chakra, and the only– It’s okay to have the thoughts of, “Oh, I don’t really feel good energy from that person. It really seems they’re having a rough day.” It’s okay to have those thoughts and pick up on those energies, but it’s really important for you to clear and release those thoughts, and communicate, and express whatever you’re thinking about. That could be talking to a best friend about what you’re thinking about, that could be going to a counselor or therapist, that could be getting support, like I said, from friends or family members, that could be writing in a journal and not needing support from anyone else, but supporting yourself. But you need to be able to communicate and express your thoughts and your feelings. Communication is key when draining out that oversaturated sponge. That’s a big part of your emotions. I find that communication is the translation of your emotions. You feel something, but you don’t know what you feel until you categorize or label that thing with words, of course.

One more thing about the throat chakra. When you have an overactive throat chakra, it’s going to affect you definitely not right away, but you have an overactive throat chakra without the release, and this is building up year after year, after year, after year, eventually, this is going to cause major physical problems. This is where we see the translation between the nonphysical, the energetic, the vibrational into the physical. I’ve seen people create thyroid issues from throat chakra buildup. The more common ones are neck. Back of the neck, back of the head, back of the shoulders, and the upper back, aches and pains, issues, discomfort all in those areas. Also, having to clear your throat a lot, or coughing a lot, or getting a sore throat often are all major indications of needing to clear that energy. Listen to yourself, listen to your body. Your body will tell you when it’s done. When that drop goes in, the drop goes out, and your body will tell you about that. 

Going over to the sacral chakra, the emotional center, once again, right underneath the belly button235. When you’re taking on too much of your best friend’s energy, or your mom’s energy, or your kid’s energy, or what have you, you’re going to really just keep it in that sacral chakra area, and you could have an overactive emotional area. But the combination of not speaking your truth and taking on too much at an emotional level, this is going to create a major buildup, a major blockage in your system. Typically, what tends to happen when we’re not releasing our emotions through communication is it builds, it builds, it builds, it builds, and then, one day you’re going to have a complete break. You’re going to break down. You’re going to start crying spontaneously, you’re going to get really freaking pissed off at something super silly, but the anger that comes out of you is going to be unprecedented because it has nothing to do with the current situation and has everything to do with old energies that you have not dealt with, that had been sitting in your lower abdomen. It’s an emotional buildup. 

One way that we can literally release the emotional buildup is to emote more often. Be like a fluid vessel. If you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like laughing, laugh. If you feel depressed, be depressed. Don’t hold that shit back, because it’s going to be a major detriment later on for you. The biggest thing that I find, the number one word that I would use for your emotional center is support. Ultimately, all your emotional self needs is support. The more that you try and rely on your husband, or your boss, or your best friend, or your parents, or whoever, your children for emotional support, the more that you tend to rely on that, the more you subconsciously disempower yourself to think that you’re not strong enough to support yourself. You’re not good enough to support yourself. 

Ultimately, you need to cut those cords, you need to cut those ties, and you need to figure out what do I need to support myself. This could be anything. It doesn’t have to be directly related to your emotions. It could be weekly self-love practices. That’s a ton of support. Writing in your journal, taking a bath, taking a walk in the woods, playing with cats, painting on a canvas, going to an indoor skydiving thing, trying something new, going horseback, whatever it may be, but you need to start supporting yourself. By doing that, you’re saying, “Hey, we’re going horseback riding today, and I love you.” This is why I’m choosing to do this, because I love you. The more you do that to yourself, the more you say, I love you to yourself and support yourself at an emotional level, the more you start to understand, the more your body starts to understand that it doesn’t have to sabotage your energy by taking on too much and holding it there. You’re allowing yourself to release, because you feel safe in the support that you’re giving yourself.

When someone has an overactive sacral chakra, the main issues that I tend to find in people are indigestion, so issues on one end of the spectrum or the other, but indigestion, that’s your lower abdomen. That’s where you’re storing your emotions. Cramping, bloating, indigestion are all very, very common symptoms of holding back your emotions. I also tend to find hip issues with people who are holding back their emotions, and especially lower back issues. When you’re holding back your emotions, you’re going to have many different issues all in that area. It’s going to feel like a lot of red flags or unrelated symptoms, but they’re all related to energy, and the doctor can’t tell you that. Hopefully, the doctor won’t diagnose you with something. Even though we all want proof, “Yes, finally, something’s wrong with me, so that I can get a pill to fix it.” No, it doesn’t work like that. 

Then, the other thing, the other symptom that I tend to find as well, is weight gain in your lower abdomen. A lot of us struggle with that. What happens when you’re not supporting yourself, and you’re taking on too much external emotion, or even you’re not releasing your own internal emotion, your body will cling on to whatever it can, because energetically, you’re clinging on to whatever you can. See, your body will absorb all of the fats, or the sugars, or whatever, and it will just sit there. It’s important for you to realize and take a look at these symptoms, and once again, listen to your body. Your body is always speaking to you. It’s always telling you what’s up. We just have to listen.

With that being said, I hope that this was a really good blog post. I hope that it allows you to maybe look at things in a different way, and moving forward, I hope that you give back to yourself. I hope that you listen to yourself. I hope that you ultimately love yourself, because you deserve that. As always, thank you all so much. Be kind to yourself, support yourself, do not become the oversaturated sponge!

Bye for now!!

Cosmic Disclosure WILL WAKE YOU UP!

Hello again and welcome to another blog post with yours truly, Elizabeth April. Today, we’re going to get into something, definitely a topic that I love talking about that honestly, I haven’t really talked about in a while. We’re going to be talking about aliens, and the impact of Alien Cosmic Disclosure on not just the world as a whole, but on our very consciousness. Information shifts your vibration. How does the information of aliens affect and shift our vibrational frequency? How does it change and impact our lives? This is going to be a very interesting blog, a very interesting topic for everyone today.

The first thing that I want to say is that let’s talk a little bit more about knowledge and information, shifting our vibration. This is a silly example, but if it came out as the fact that when you go out on the street, you’re going to be followed by some government agency, and they release it to the public, and they say, “Hey, we’re watching you. We’re following you,” what are you going to do with that knowledge? With that information?” Before you knew that information, you were just living your life. Upon hearing that information, you may or may not take action on changing the way that you live based on that information. Information and knowledge only impact us when we integrate it within ourselves in either a positive or a negative way. Information is impactful, but you need to understand that you are the only one who is allowing it to impact you in one way or another. For example, you know the saying of one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. It could be the exact same knowledge, and two people can take it two very different ways, one very positive and one very negative. 

Say for example, and this is actually a personal example. But yesterday, I had a session with a client, and it was really incredible. She told me that her life has been really challenging recently, and there’s been this flurry of events, a lot of deaths, she went through a divorce. Everything that could have happened really happened to her in the past six months, the end of 2019. One of those things, one of those events was a car crash, a car accident. It’s crazy. Apparently, this woman just fell asleep at the wheel and rear-ended her, rammed into her. She fell asleep. It’s crazy, anyway. This woman, this client of mine, she tells me, she’s like, “Yeah, so, I got into a car accident and it really gave me a bunch of whiplashes, and I’ve been in and out of the doctors,” and whatever, but she instantly said, “This has been such a blessing in my life.” I said, “Oh, really and why is that?” She tells me that this car accident actually forced her to take care of herself. It forced her to go and get physio and chiropractic appointments. Guess what? It was all covered. It was all paid for. She’s like, “You know, Elizabeth, I don’t want to say this, but I called this in.” She’s like, “I don’t want to say that I’ve created this car, but in a way, I feel like I did. I’m so appreciative for it.” 

Anyone else or the majority of people out there are going to take that very same incident in a very different way, in a very fear-based way. Could be the exact same knowledge, and you can take it, and interpret it in very different ways. We can take all of the knowledge in life. The good, the bad, the ugly, the high vibration, low vibration, we can take it all in, and not really allow it to impact us. Essentially, when we find that middle ground, when we find that neutrality, when we find that zero point in between the high vibrational knowledge and the low vibrational knowledge, that’s when we can really master this reality. It’s when we’re not getting caught up in one side or another, because ultimately, when we think about source, or the universe, or God, or whatever you want to call it, that vibration, that pure consciousness is completely indifferent. There is no such thing as fear, and I think we can all agree with that. There’s no such thing as fear in the universe or in source energy. 

But likewise, and something that people have a hard time agreeing with, is that there’s also no such thing as love on source energy. It is both simultaneously. Source is everything and nothing all at the same time. When you’re able to find that zero point, that middle ground, that neutrality, not because you’re being stuck on the fence and you’re not choosing a path or direction, because that’s not good either. You’ve chosen both. You’ve swung to the dark side. You’ve swung to the light side. Now, you’re just chilling in the middle. You’re not necessarily attached or resentful for either side. That’s mastery. That is true mastery.

How does the concept of aliens tie in with all this? I wanted to preface with the understanding of knowledge affecting and changing your reality, if you choose to have it change your reality. The thing about Alien Cosmic Disclosure is that you don’t even need to take action on the knowledge. You don’t need to make a choice whether you believe or not. You don’t need to make a choice. If that knowledge is going to impact you. Hands down, the knowledge and information that aliens exist will impact you no matter what and here’s why. Deep down, you are an old soul who has lived many lifetimes, both on and off this planet. I don’t care how materialistic you are, how sensitive you are to this physical world. I don’t care, how old are the soul or young of a soul you feel. You’ve lived many lifetimes. I know that because of this planet is a mastery planet. It’s an experimental planet. You came here, all of you, came here with a strong motivation, a strong purpose, and a strong intention. You didn’t just wind up here. You didn’t just wash up on the beach and say, “Oh, I guess I’m a human on planet Earth now.” No, you came here with full purpose and intention. You came here to master, to become a master. 

Understanding that you are this old soul, you need to realize that deep down it’s never been a question of do aliens exist or not? Your soul already knows the answer. If we really think about it, it’s ridiculous not to believe in other intelligent life forms out there in the universe. How old are human beings? 500,000 years? How old is the universe? I don’t know. I don’t even know the answer to that question. 8 billion years? 80 billion years? 10 billion years? It would be ignorant of us to not believe in the existence of aliens, or I should just say intelligent life out there. We are also in the category of aliens. We are intelligent life in the universe. That’s it.

What happens when you fully start to actualize this concept is that you start to unlock the memories of those past lifetimes that you’ve had experiencing yourself as an alien or interdimensional being. Let me give you kind of a relative example, and I’m just trying to think of a good one. Okay!  This is such a silly example. Say for example, your father is a redhead, and you have dark hair. But when your friends ask you, “Hey, have you ever known anyone with red hair?” It’s such a silly example. You’re like, “Nope, nope. I have no idea. They’re probably evil.” I don’t know– Sorry, Rob, that’s my brother! He’s a redhead. Anyway, and so you’re literally denying the existence of your ancestors. You’re denying where you came from. To deny your father as a redhead to just avoid his existence, because you’re not into it is disconnecting you from your lineage. Likewise, if we apply that very silly example to believing in aliens, you are denying a massive part of your soul to say, “Nope, that never happened. Nope, that never existed. Nope, that’s a lie.” You’re denying a huge aspect of who you are to do that. 

The second that you’re like, “Mm, yeah, I could see that. I could see there being something else out there. I don’t know what, but I could agree.” When you really start to open up, and you let go of the resistance, the entire universe opens up to you. This is why the existence of intelligent life has been the number one biggest, blocked information in society. Every government organization in the entire world, every religious organization in the entire world has denied this very obvious fact. Even more mind-blowing than that is that we have been contacted since the dawning of humanity with these beings. The angels from the sky coming down on these weird spaceships. We have been contacted since the beginning. It hasn’t just been information that has been convoluted and passed aside, because no one really knows the truth. The truth is seriously out there. I don’t want to say this, but I’m going to say it. I do astral traveling and remote viewing, and there are a ton of documents in the Vatican that prove the existence of alien life. Tons of documents, believe it or not, that are there. It’s not just this passive, oh, we don’t know. We’re not going to make a claim. No, no, no, they know. They’re actively consciously covering that shit up. That’s what they’re doing. 

Why? The reason why is because if they were to come out with the fact that aliens exist, that they’re real, it would wake us all up instantly. Everything that we’ve ever been taught, everything that we’ve ever known is a complete illusion. When we think about the existence of aliens, we instantly go into the who are they? How did they get here? Why are they here? Why do they exist? What is their purpose? Are they commingling with us? Are they on this planet? Are they disguising themselves as humans? It really opens up a world of freaking truth. That world, even though maybe when you step in and dabble into that world of aliens, and that world is very new, and you don’t have any legitimate answers at all, just the process of questioning their existence will literally allow you to break through this illusion of a matrix reality. No doubt about it.

If someone were to ask me, what is the number one piece of information that could wake up the entire world, hands, down without a doubt, I would say, the existence of aliens. I wouldn’t say something like, “Oh, we’ll just heighten your vibration.” No, that’s not going to do it. That requires action on the part of the person. Just understanding or questioning the existence of intelligent life out there will wake us all up from this illusion, and what that means is that it starts to wake us up to the power that we have within ourselves, within our own DNA. Our DNA is linked directly to the experiment, and the gifts that we’ve been given as this weird hybrid that we are from other races. If we can understand that they do exist and the implications or potential implications surrounding that, then we open ourselves up to who we really are. We stop denying the essence of our physical self. 

Now, I talk about quantum physics a lot, and I talk about there’s really only two things that exist, which is the physical and the nonphysical. If you think about being a human and you think about these two components, you have your physical body, and then you have your consciousness. That’s a very spiritual, very third eye-opening concept, very great concept, awesome! But what if I told you, yeah, you have your consciousness, you have your soul, and you have your physical body. But your physical body is split into two different components. Also, a 50:50. If not, sometimes 60:40 and beyond. Those two components that make up your biological vessel or you’re human, or say, evolutionary neanderthal DNA, but then you also have interdimensional DNA.

What if I was just a fact? Thinking about it, we have tens of thousands of strands of DNA in our body. Yet, we’re only using 10%? Actually, I think the real number is 8%. We only actively use 8% of our DNA, and the rest that 90% is just junk DNA? I would say, how come no one’s ever questioned it. But ultimately, I know why. They have questioned it, and they’ve been suppressed in their answers, or in their questioning themselves. It’s wild, what that piece of information can do. It can open us up to everything. Whether you are on the train of alien life or not, all I’m asking you is to question their existence and to understand that deep down your ancestral lineage is directly connected to our cosmic brothers and sisters in the night sky. 

Thank you, as always for reading. Open, awaken yourself, you are ready, and question every aspect of this reality. Until next time, thank you as always for reading.

Anxiety is Your Superpower

Hello, again, beautiful beings of light and welcome back to my blog. I highly appreciate all of your participation in all of my content. Also appreciate your feedback and your love and your expansion because we are in the middle of an incredibly exciting time, which can also equate to an incredibly scary time as well. So, I just wanted to say thank you! 

Today we’re going to talk about anxiety. I have spoken about anxiety before on this blog, and I’ve spoken about it quite a few times in my live videos. The reason why I cover anxiety so much is because not only do I suffer from it, but a lot of people on this planet suffer from it, especially the cosmic souls, especially those beautiful indigo children, the rainbow children, the star children. A lot of these high vibrational beings suffer from anxiety. 

I received a download, maybe about a year ago, regarding anxiety. One of the main things that anxiety is created from is a switch in vibrational frequency. When there is a switch in vibration around you, you will automatically feel anxious. Now, anxiety is mostly felt in our solar plexus chakra. That’s actually right in between your rib cage right where your stomach area is. If you think about when you were a kid and you were set to go on stage for some sort of play or talent show, you would feel that kind of twisting in your stomach. Likewise, anxiety can be very intermingled with the feeling of excitement. A lot of the times when we are very excited about something, we also feel some of that anxiety as well, and vice versa when we’re feeling the anxiety, we’re also feeling the excitement. When we’re about to do something that we’ve never done before, we’ll get this reaction, this feeling of anxiety and excitement, because we are about to experience a vibration that is different from our current vibration, because we’ve never experienced it before.

Another example that I like to give with this is the example of going about your day, maybe you’re having a really fantastic day and you’ve done some meditating and some yoga and some journaling and you’re feeling very aligned. Then, all of a sudden, your friends are like, “Oh, come on, let’s go out to the bar, let’s go out to a club.” All of a sudden, you feel super anxious, and you get this bout of anxiety, excitement, that feeling in the stomach. The reason being is because you are switching your vibration into something different. It doesn’t really matter if you’re switching from positive to negative, or negative to positive, high vibration to low vibration, low vibration to high vibration, you’re going to feel that twisty feeling, you’re going to feel those butterflies in that solar plexus chakra, because that’s our power center. That is our confidence. When we’re not feeling entirely confident, when we are unsure of things, that is when that feeling arises. 

Once again, a year ago, I got the download that anxiety really comes from that switch in vibration. A lot of the anxiety we can actually mitigate by preparing our body, our mind especially, for the coming vibration that we’re about to step into. The preparation really helps because if we’re prepared, then we don’t feel nervous. We don’t feel we’re taken out of our current zone or out of our current vibration, and we’re prepared for the vibration that is about to hit us or what have you. 

The biggest thing is, I don’t want you to not do things, because you know that it doesn’t currently align with your vibration. One of my biggest lessons that I’ve learned and one of my biggest teachings simultaneously, is the fact that we are human.  we can’t deny our human existence, we can’t abandon this human state of being. We have to surrender, accept love, and release, and let go, in a lot of ways. I don’t want you to just never go to a bar because you don’t think that it aligns to your highest and best vibration. I don’t want you to avoid having a cocktail, or having a cold beer on a hot day, because you don’t think that it’s at the highest vibration. 

Ultimately, I want you to live life to the best of your capacity. I want you to live a very fulfilling life, the universe wants you to live a very fulfilling life, and the you-niverse, also, wants you to, that’s basically just your higher self, wants you to live life as a human. You wouldn’t be a human, if you weren’t supposed to be a human and have these human experiences. I want you to have to experience it all. Everything I want, that’s my mentality. Killing someone or some hardcore drugs or whatever, I don’t really mean everything-wants. Okay, but you get my drift right. 

I will say that going along the lines of everything-wants, most likely, you have been a murder in a past lifetime. Okay, so technically, yeah, everything wants and you have done it all on this planet. Now, since you are this wise old soul that has been around a little while, now it’s time for you to really just follow your highest excitement. If you all of a sudden feel anxiety about going out to a bar, or a concert or something, I want you to check in with yourself, I want you to ask yourself, “Why do I feel this way? Is it more excitement because it’s a high vibration and I don’t know what to expect, and that’s why I feel a little bit apprehensive? Or, is this anxiety warning me that this isn’t meant to be for me. This isn’t in my highest alignment.” We can actually go a little bit deeper by asking ourselves where the anxiety is coming from, or why it’s in our life at that moment.” It’s really important that you tune in with yourself as well and not just say, “Okay, cool, I’m sure it’s just excitement, let’s keep going.” 

Anxiety is not all bad, and simultaneously, it’s not all good. We’ve got the balance as well. Especially when you are going through an awakening. Oh, my goodness! Talk about anxiety, everywhere, when the entire planet is raising, and lowering, and shifting, and melding and molding, the collective consciousness and at an individual level, when people, family members, loved ones, friends, romantic partners are going through their own ego death, it can be very difficult for us to cut those chords and have those healthy boundaries. The number one thing that I can say to you is, stop living through other people’s vibration because it’s even worse than going to a bar and having a beer, it really is. 

Other people’s vibration can and could, okay, not does, affect us in every moment. For most people, especially those older souls, those beautiful empaths, which are basically all of you, for most people, we are all inundated with these vibrations, feelings, thoughts, emotions, projections, realizations, ego deaths from others all the time. If you don’t have a clear understanding or grasp on who you are in the moment, it’s much easier for your current moment to be affected and influenced by other people’s current moments. I always teach this, that we need to be identifying ourselves from moment to moment. Let go of that identity. As we let go of our current state of identity, once again, we are more susceptible to being influenced by others. It’s kind of this catch 22. I don’t want to say that you have to be more protected, you just have to be more aware of healthy boundaries. That’s obviously another topic for a whole other podcast. 

Let’s talk a little bit more about anxiety. I made a huge realization recently, well, definitely the past three weeks, I have been going through extreme amounts of anxiety, and had no idea why. I’m usually pretty grounded, I’m usually pretty good. Yeah, now that I think about it, since that psychic attack, I don’t know if you guys follow my content, but I was pretty brutally psychically attacked a couple weeks ago. Since then, I’ve had a lot of anxiety, but it actually wasn’t coming from then. I was pretty good, maybe there’s a little extra fear in me or what have you. Ultimately, I just realized two days ago, where all this anxiety was coming from. 

For about two or three weeks, my right ear has been bothering me. Internally, it’s been itchy, it felt blocked, it’s been a little bit painful. I didn’t realize that I had something called swimmer’s ear. I went swimming, I think some bacteria got in there, and I have this outer ear infection. It’s still inside the ear, but it’s more in — I don’t know, that’s what they call it outer ear infection. Anyway, I didn’t realize for three weeks that my body was fighting off something that wasn’t aligned to me. It was something that was foreign to my body. It’s so funny, and I think this is the case for a lot of old souls and a lot of empaths. I personally am so hyper-aware of my physical body, that any little thing that is amiss, I am so on top of. To a point where it’s maybe a little bit too much. That’s why it shocks me when people– there’s these stories of these women who are pregnant, and they don’t even realize that they’re pregnant for nine months. How do you not know, there’s a child inside your body? That also equates to someone who’s very disconnected from their body. I’ve done a lot of grounding work, I’ve done a lot of human work, and I’m almost hypersensitive and hyper-aware of my body. I had a friend who is a massage therapist, and I couldn’t handle the deep tissue stuff that she was doing. She’s like, “Oh, you’re always so tough. I figured that you could handle this.” I said, “Look, I am so sensitive to every little cell that you’re touching in my body, it’s really painful. I’m over sensitive.” Also, I can overcome that sensitivity by relaxing my mind consciously. I’m just not doing that most of the time. 

Going back to the ear infection. For the past two or three weeks, I’ve had these weird bouts of anxiety. I’m like, “What’s going on?” Literally, when I went to the doctor, and I said, “Hey, something’s up with my ear. I’m about to travel. I really need this looked at because I don’t want to go traveling and have this be an issue.” She’s like, “Oh, yeah, you’ve got an ear infection. I’ll just give you some drops.” “Okay, perfect.” The second that I had the validation that something wasn’t quite right in my body, all of the anxiety that I had was completely gone. I had tons of anxiety driving to the doctor’s office, I had zero anxiety driving back, it was such a stark difference. For me, it’s really beautiful because anxiety, I have now realized through that experience, is a superpower! I call anxiety now, a Spidey Sense. You know how Spider Man, when something bad is about to happen, he gets the sense when something is looming around, he gets this weird feeling, and he turns around and there’s something there. Anxiety is our spidey sense, it is a part of our superpower. Anxiety tells us when something isn’t quite right, when something isn’t fully aligned. 

When we think about anxiety, as a superpower, as a mechanism of awareness. Just think about that. Anxiety is a mechanism of awareness. That’s pretty mind blowing. That really helps to flip the switch, and flip the script on how we originally perceive anxiety as such a negative thing. It’s not anxiety itself that’s negative. It’s the anxiety that is telling us that something around us isn’t quite right. Whether that be something going on in your body, something going on outside in your external world, something going on mentally, something going on emotionally, something going on spiritually, it’s a really incredible, powerful, beautiful mechanism of allowing us to realign, of allowing us to heal, of allowing us to tackle the things that aren’t in full alignment or to realign our energy so that we are in full alignment. Anxiety is incredible! 

One day, I hope they come up with a better term, because the term ‘anxiety’ itself elicits so many preconceived notions, not only within myself, but I’m sure within other people, within all of you as well. I just wanted to bring this concept up, this is a new concept that I have stepped into. Now, moving forward, so how do we apply this? How do we deal with anxiety, apply this in order to move forward much more aligned? The biggest thing is, when we feel that anxiety, I want you to use that as a check-in system with your reality. What doesn’t currently feel aligned? Say, for example, when you’re about to call a friend that you talk to every week, and right before you call them, you feel this overwhelming sense of anxiety. You’re like, “Hmm, that’s weird.” Then, you call them, and they tell you that they have cancer, or whatever it may be. It’s a spidey sense. It tells you, it prepares you, it warns you. But if we react to the warning, if we react to the thing itself, then we’re never actually getting to the root of the cause. 

I want you all to let go of the reaction of the anxiety, I want you to appreciate anxiety for what it is, a switch in vibration, and furthermore, a superpower, your spidey sense. It tells us how to be more prepared in our day-to-day life. With that kind of mentality in mind, I want you to take that a step further, and every time you have a feeling of anxiety, I want you to check in with yourself. Is this excitement? Is it because I feel like I’m stepping into something that I’m unaware of? Going back to the example with calling a friend, it’s like if you feel anxiety, and you’re like, “Okay, I’m checking in, is it excitement?” “Yeah, I guess, I like talking to my friend, but not that extreme kind of excitement.” “Is it a fear of the unknown or the anxiety of the unknown?” “No, not really, I talked to her every week.” “Oh, so it’s got to be something different. I’m being prepared.” Then, you can set the intention to be aligned to the vibrations around you, within that call, within the environment, within the concert, within the whatever, you can prepare yourself for that, by just setting the intention that you are going to harmonize to whatever the energy is around you without taking any of it on and having those clear and healthy boundaries. 

Anxiety is super important to talk about in a spiritual sense because it affects a lot of us, especially as we awaken the vibrations and energy around us are all over the place. The vibration energy within you is all over the place because we are ascending. It’s a super exciting time but can also be quite a daunting time and quite a heavy time to be around if you don’t have the proper tools. So, please, I highly recommend, share this blog post, share my whole blog to anyone on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, I don’t know if you can share things on those platforms, text message, share it, because other people need to know that the answers are out there. This isn’t some crazy alien, UFO conspiracy. This is just talking about anxiety in a whole new way. It’s time for you to love yourself, harness your superpowers, and be aware of what our body, our mind, and our vibration are trying to tell us in every moment. 

Once again, guys, thank you so much for reading, for listening, for awakening, for consciously connecting. I love and appreciate each and every one of you, have a beautiful rest of your week. Keep up the good work. Very proud of each and every one of you.

Bye for now!!

A day in the life of a psychic

Today I want to talk about a day in the life of a psychic. What is it to live every day with more of an awareness than say the average person? I think it’s important for people to understand what it’s like to live a more awakened or aware life but I also think it’s important for people to understand that it’s also quite a normal life as well. At the age of 26, I would say my life is pretty normal. I value all the same things, which is a healthy diet, but I definitely have a sweet tooth, so I love my snacks, for sure! Focusing on a healthy diet, trying to exercise every day, which definitely doesn’t happen every day. I Love animals and working, I love what I do, so I work quite often. That’s typically what my day looks like. I usually try to put quite a focus on the physical vessel, because there’s a lot of maintenance that goes into just taking care of the body in general. Drinking enough water and all those things. 

When I compare myself and my own life to other people, I would say, overall, my life is really quite normal, but the biggest difference would be my ability to tap into that ultimate, unlimited source, that consciousness, and that really allows me to be more aware every day. Say, I burned myself making dinner, it’s not just something that’s happening to me, I don’t think life is just happening to me. It really feels like I am the ultimate driver of my reality. I believe that everything that happens to me is something that I’ve created. In having that awareness, I am then forced to take full responsibility over everything that happens in my life. When I do get burned by the oven when I’m cooking dinner, the first thing that comes in is, what am I learning from that? What am I gaining access to at this moment?” When I accidentally break a glass when I’m putting the dishes away, what does that really mean? 

Just for an example, just the other day, I accidentally broke an essential oil bottle in my bathroom, and glass was everywhere. The essential oil that I broke was the blend of motivation. In that moment, instead of just reacting and acting upon something that has happened to me in life, I dig a little bit deeper, and I put a little bit more consciousness behind it. I ask myself, “Why did that happen to me?” Because I created it. The answer that came through was the motivation piece. I don’t have to push so hard to be motivated in every single moment. Sometimes, it’s okay to just let go and do absolutely nothing. After that motivation, the essential oil blend broke, the next day, all I felt like doing was just laying in bed and doing nothing. You know what? That’s exactly what I did all day, was just nothing. It was amazing and glorious. There was some guilt that crept in, but I squashed it. I was just totally relaxing in that mode of nothingness, and it was fantastic. 

I would say my biggest advice for other people who want to live in more awareness and working with their consciousness is just stopping more often throughout the day and questioning their surroundings. That’s really it. The more that we stop and take into account the fact that everything that’s happening around us we’ve created, then you pair it with asking the question why, you start to really dig deep at the true essence of life, rather than thinking life is separate from our reality, life is separate from our consciousness. Stopping more often, asking questions more often, trusting your own intuition more often, is what’s really going to help someone else trying to raise awareness in their own conscious reality. 

It’s really tough when you have people in your life who don’t necessarily want to hear the truth. I find this quite often with friends and family members. When one person starts to really wake up and realize that life is just so much deeper, it’s really tough to stand by and watch your friends and family, the people that you love the most suffer, in unawareness. To be honest, that’s the number one difference that I find between myself and maybe the rest of the world or other people who are not awakened. It’s that people are really sad in thinking that this is all that there is, and I know what that feels like, because I was once caught up in the loneliness and the separation of, I would say, the mundaneness of the day-to-day life, it is really sad to think that this is it. The more you realize that every moment and every day is actually a miracle, and that you’re creating that miracle, the more we can appreciate our day-to-day mundane life, and the more exciting life becomes. Most of society is living in that autopilot programming, most of society is living confined to the boxes and the limitations and the labels that they put on themselves like, “I’m a mother. Therefore, I am obligated to do _____,” or whatever role or position that you put yourself in. 

The number one thing that everyone can do to become more conscious and more aware in life is to let go of the boxes, to let go of the labels, to let go of the limitations, to stop attaching yourself to who you think you should be based on what society tells you you should be, and just be exactly who you are in that moment, and be okay with being the lonely one in that moment. Be okay with being the stressed-out one in that moment, be okay with being the animal lover, or the nature lover, or whoever you decide to be in that moment, accepting that wholeheartedly, and not putting any pressure on yourself to be anything different than who you are in that moment. To be honest, I would even say New Age spirituality puts us into limiting boxes and belief systems as well. You have to be enlightened. You have to be awakened. You have to be living in the light and the love all the time. I say, “Fuck that,” you don’t have to be living in the light and the love all the time, you can be miserable in that moment. The more that we accept and love ourselves for being miserable in that moment, the less time we need to spend in that moment of being miserable. 

The biggest thing that I would probably give advice to everyone reading who wants to live a more healthy, awakened, aligned life would be just to let go. Let go of the expectation and the attachment that we have in every single moment. Just like I was mentioning, even if you are doing all of the things- that’s what I like to call it, “The things.” “Okay, I’m going to yoga. I’m meditating. I’m stretching. I’m vegetarian, or vegan.” you’re doing all of the things, but are you connecting at a deeper level to any of those things. Just because you’ve got the projection within the outside realm of your reality, it doesn’t mean that you’ve got the inside connection to any of it. Stop putting expectations on yourself to do any of the things or to be any of the people that you really value or look up to. It’s not about that, it’s about understanding that everyone is just a person. We all have our own physical limitations. We all have to take care of our vessel in one way or another. When we really just let go and we accept in every single moment, we start to raise our vibration organically and naturally. We start to really align to our highest self without the expectation and attachment. All expectation and attachment will do, including the really positive high vibration expectation and attachment, all it does is put pressure on ourselves, and that pressure will limit us at the end of the day. 

I’ve got a lot of opportunities in front of me right now. I would say that my main focus at this time is just reaching more people, but it’s not even that. It’s reaching the people that I already have at a deeper level. How can I give you as much information as possible in a way that you’re going to be able to conceptualize it, and not only that, but actually apply it to your life? Because it’s through that experience where we can all get to the same level. It’s not just through knowledge. I have speaking engagements coming up for this year. I have awesome podcasts every Tuesday coming up. I’ve got incredible collaborations with other thought leaders and changemakers in the society coming up, so definitely check out my Instagram, Facebook, YouTube page. If you’re loving these blogs, you are absolutely going to love the other content that I put out there. Keep your eye open, keep your heart even more open, and start to really question every aspect of your reality and slow down, stop limiting yourself with expectations and just love yourself in every moment. 

Thank you all once again. Hopefully, it was a little lighter than other week’s topics and hopefully you enjoyed it!

It’s Time To Stand In Your Power and Understand Your Truth

Hello beautiful awakeners and welcome to the month of August! What I have channelled for August is that this is a month of peaking. Now, what I mean by that is everything on the polarity scale, which is pretty much this entire reality is getting to a peak point, which it’s kind of like water boiling, like the boiling point, from what my understanding and what I’ve channelled. There are really only two directions that we can go after August. And really, even within August, we either get to the boiling point and we spillover, or we get to the boiling point and we change who we are. I’m not just talking at an individual level, but I’m also talking at a systemic level. We are getting to this peak point within society. I will put it into other terms for you.

At a systemic level, there’s a lot of corruption. There’s a lot of lies. There’s a lot of really bullshit that is happening and being projected at this time, the dark side is going to get to a peak point where they are so scared, they’re going to push even harder. That means psychic attacks. That means more fear. That means more propaganda. That means more pressure at a systemic level. But then if we take a look at an individual level, that means, the individuals in your life, your loved ones, your family members, your friends, the individuals who are refusing to change. And Hey, we all have one of those in our life. They are going to get to a boiling point. They’re going to get to a peak point. And at this peak point, they are either going to double down on their behaviours, their old habit patterns, their belief systems and their pride, their ego, double down, I’m all in, Fuck it I’ll lose whatever I need to lose, but I’m all in. Or tail between the legs.

They’re going to realize what a fool they’ve been and they’re going to change. That’s what we’re gonna see in August. It is going to be a month of extremes, but hopefully, a month of also change and transition and awakening. I also believe too, that the number of individuals who have been asleep, who have been on autopilot is also going to awaken and ascend because once you get to that boiling point, and instead of boiling over, you choose to change. You start to activate yourself and you start to awaken. You get to a point where the behaviour, the route that you’ve been taking has not been getting you to your most ideal, most loving, most happy life. And you decide to take a different path. That’s how I awakened. I realized that I wasn’t the person I wanted to be. I realized that my life wasn’t actually as great as I was convincing myself.

It was, and I decided to take a different path. It doesn’t mean that that path has to be right, but at least it’s different. At least it’s a change. And that’s what August is all about. So for you, because you’re here, you’re reading this. Obviously, you have awakened you’re on your journey and, you’re in it. So what I can predict for you listening to this right now in the month of August is that you’re going to be hit with challenges. You’re going to be hit with repeated patterns. And in those moments, you are going to be forced to either boil over and double down or to change. 

And that’s all that I ask is that when you are confronted with a challenging situation and you would think to yourself, what would I usually do? Um, I would usually not say anything. I would usually not stir the pot. I would usually back out completely. What could you do instead is, speak up, say something, stand in your power. As long as you are willing to change for the month of August, then you’re willing to grow and move forward and ascend to a higher vibrational frequency level. So what we’re going to be experiencing in August is a very, very small fractal of what the world is going to be experiencing at a systemic collective level. But also what the people who haven’t changed are going to be experiencing at an individual level.

So, what I would recommend for other people in your life who are changing or being forced to change is to stop enabling them. Stop not speaking up, stop giving in to their demands, Stop shying away from their energy. Stand up, stand in your power, understand your truth. And that right there is not only going to create change within your vibrational frequency level but will create change within everyone, around you as well. And that’s why we’re here to learn and to give back.

So have an amazing month of August. Stay true to yourself. Choose change whenever you can, and always bring Conscious awareness to every choice that you make throughout your day.

I will see all of you in the fifth dimension frequency.

Powerful Message for Starseeds: Follow Your Intuition

2021 has been a year of chaos, polarity, fear, duality, projection, toxic masculinity… to say the least. But it’s also been a year of uncovering the truth and figuring out who you are and accessing new channels and opportunities and vibrations. This month is all about balance. How do we find a balance between our own reality and the projected matrix that is around us?

I’m gonna tune in, see what the vibration holds, see what the GFL has to say right now at this time. And then we will unpack this information further in the Galactic Federation event.

So just one second…

Okay, so balance always comes down to neutrality. We’ve talked about this a lot, as well as objective observation. And so the first thing that the Palladian Security Council wanted to relay is the easiest way to experience this dualistic reality is to become a master of this reality. Which is to say, to fully experience one side of the coin, as well as allow yourself to fully experience the other side. How do we do that? They basically relayed the message that as long as we are in one aspect or one paradigm of this reality, and we’re aware of the paradigm that we enter into, then we will always have the awareness to switch out of that paradigm. It’s kind of like saying, we are disempowered when it comes down to our, autopilot programming. If I’m just a human, and I’m doing the human things, and I’m cooking dinner, and I’m taking care of my kids, and I’m doing my job, and I’m communicating with my husband, or whatever the thing is. Sometimes, most of the time, when we’re in that place, we’re not actually fully aware of the things that we’re doing. Therefore, we’re not aware that we chose to do those things. Therefore, we’re not aware that we have the power to and choose or to rechoose what we want to do, or how we want to experience it on a day-to-day basis.

So say, for example, you’re having an issue with a family member. It’s not enough to just kinda spiritually bypass and say, “Oh, well, the universe will take care of it and I’m just gonna float along.” Dive into it! How does that make you feel? What energy are you navigating with that dynamic and that challenge? What past life are you tapping into? What are you clearing? What are you healing? What are you learning? If you’re going to be there, then be there but be aware of being there. Then allow yourself to pivot into a new frequency, into the opposite of that perception, into the opposite of that challenge. Allow yourself to spend time with friends who see you, who get you, they are your cosmic family. But it doesn’t undermine the experience that you’re having in a low vibrational frequency. As long as you are aware of the experience that you’re having, and that you’ve created from moment to moment every single day, you will always maintain the power to choose a different frequency. That means to either step back completely from your current reality existence day-to-day and just chill in neutrality. Just watch Netflix… I don’t know, right? But find that neutrality. Or you can choose to pivot into the extreme opposite end of what you’re experiencing.

The biggest thing is awareness. That’s what the security council really has to relay at this time. It is the objective awareness of the state of being and not necessarily the state of being itself, that counts. And of course, I do have to add in perception. It is the perception of the state of being that you’re in. For some people, getting into a car accident is the worst day of their lives. For other people, it’s a miracle that helped them to pivot their lives in a more positive direction. We have the power to choose the perception surrounding our reality from moment to moment. And if you can truly appreciate, like really truly appreciate every moment and every challenge, then you will allow yourself to pivot and realign.

This month, I wanna talk all about transition, change, ascension, moving into the fifth dimension frequency, but also balance. We exist in a polarized reality. And sometimes it’s good to check ourselves. Make sure that we are balanced and aligned to our best and highest self, even on the shitty days!

So thank you all so much for being here and reading this. I hope to see all of you in my new VAX course, and even more so I hope to see all of you at the Galactic Federation event where we can all feel a little bit more connected to the individuals who really care for us, and a lot more aligned in our human day-to-day lives.

Bye for now, I will see all of you in the fifth dimension frequency!

Never Lose Your Stuff Again… A Guide to 5D Memory

Let’s dive into one of the most exciting topics that I love talking about, which is 5D memory and the awakening. Throughout the years of going through past life regressions, and being on my own journey of awakening, I have discovered that the use of memory can really change and shift our entire lives. So, I’d like to talk a little bit about my understanding of memory and give you my own personal story and experiences. Then, we will dive even deeper and talk about how you can actually overcome and be in complete control of memory within yourself. I find that having complete control over your own memory really can dictate and determine the way that your life unfolds. 

The first thing that I want to talk about with regards to memory is that all of our attachments, reactions, and expectations typically come from memory. The reason why I say this is because our memory creates something that we like to call our Ego. Most of the time, we hear about the ego being a really bad thing, “Oh, that guy’s got too much of an ego,” or, “They were stuck in their ego,” or, “it was an ego projection.” Those are all very valid, but not a lot of people talk about the ego as being a really good thing. 

The way that I perceive the ego, especially in objectively being aware of my own and helping others through theirs, what I understand is that our ego is simply an autopilot programming. Especially when we go through a lot of trauma, pain or heartache in our life, our ego tends to step in, and take control. When we feel like we are spiraling out of control or when we feel like our emotions are getting the best of us. We basically put our walls up, we don’t want to make any decisions, and we take a step back. And that’s when our programming, our autopilot steps in and says, “You’ve done this before, you’ve made this choice before. Therefore, you’re going to be safe in making that choice again.” In taking that safe route, our ego basically tries to protect us from going into directions that may not be safe.

Say, for example, you are walking home from work, and it’s really dark, and usually it’s not that late when you walk home. Instantly, in that moment you have a choice to make, do I go through the park? Or do I take the street? In the past, you’ve always taken the street, and you’ve always been safe. Also, in the past, you’ve taken the shortcut through the park, and yet there’s maybe some sketchy or shady characters in the park. So, instantly, your ego, your autopilot programming is going to alert you and let you know that the safer route is on the street, using the streetlights. 

Our ego is just a safety mechanism, and is not a bad thing by any means. But that being said, we don’t always need to be safe. We don’t always need to be protected. When we don’t think about things consciously in life, and we don’t make those conscious and present decisions, then we allow that ego or that programming to rule our lives. Then all of a sudden, we are not making our own decisions, but we are allowing the past to dictate our present.

I just want to define the ego in my own definition. Feel free to take or leave this definition. I would define the ego as an accumulation of memories, thoughts, actions, and reactions of the past that make up who we are/our perception in the present moment. I truly believe that who we are as a human is the embodiment of what our perception is perceiving. So, if I were to show you the color of teal, half of you are going to say that it looks green, and the other half of you are going to say that color looks blue. It doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, there’s no right or wrong, but there is a perception. Our perception is based on the past, and our perception creates our reality. It creates our ego. It creates our attachment to labels. It creates our projection. Essentially creating who we are.

We don’t always have to be our perception. We don’t always have to be our ego. And that’s the whole point. Not only reprogramming and deprogramming our ego and our habit patterns, but also choosing when to listen to that programming. Sometimes, the ego is important to step in and to let us know that something doesn’t taste right because you’ve tasted it before. That’s the whole purpose of the ego. But that being said, the ego was designed, the ego, the pre-programming, the autopilot in our mind, was designed for survival. Our ego, our programming, is actually designed around the fight-or-flight function of our brain. Some scientists even like to call this function, the reptilian brain, that fight-or-flight mechanism. 

When we have traumas, emotions, triggers, heartbreaks that happen in life, more and more and more, we build our walls up, we design and create our ego, our perception, our programming, and a lot of the times our ego is designed and created around the fight-or-flight mechanism. So, at every single moment, we’re looking to defend ourselves. In every moment, we’re looking to protect ourselves, blame others or prove ourselves right or wrong. And it all comes down to that ego. 

One of the biggest aspects of ego that I have observed is memory. If you really think about it, our current state of perception is based on our past actions and reactions to life. That being said, our actions and reactions are based on things that happen. We only ever repeat decisions of the past based on memories of the experiences that we had in the past. Therefore, our memory is creating our present moment. Our memory is creating our perception. A lot of the times we remember the things that are the loudest that have happened. 

I want you to take a moment right now, and think about your biggest memories of the past. Just take a minute. What can you remember the most? What comes up as clear as day for you? Just take a moment, move through all of the emotions, move through all of the memories.

Okay. What I want you to really think about is the context of those memories. What where the ones that came up the most and were the most vivid? I guarantee you that the memories that came up for you are ones of either high-high elation, high joy, or they’re ones of super, super dark times. Maybe it was your father passing away. Maybe it was the day that you got married. Maybe it was the birth of your first child. But most likely, the memories that came up for you in that moment were a very extreme of either the love or the fear. Life or death, really. It really comes down to that. So, here’s my story. Here’s how I started to really perceive and understand memory, and then I’ll tell you what to do with this. 

It was years ago, maybe six or eight years ago, time is kind of weird, I was getting my third tattoo, and this tattoo was on the back of my neck. Now, of course, I always get tattoos based on downloads, which means when a huge revelation, when a huge piece of the universal puzzle comes to me, I love to imprint it on my body. It’s weird, but I love to do it. Anyway, I was getting this tattoo on the back of my neck. I had a friend of mine come over and do the tattoo. So, here I am, I’m laying in the middle of my kitchen on a bunch of pillows, and he’s doing the back of my neck. Now, you would think that a neck tattoo would really be painful. At that time, I had just come back from a retreat called Vipassana. I was really practicing the understanding of equanimity, which is the practice of observing everything without reaction. It sounds simple, but it’s pretty tough. 

So here I am, I’m getting this tattoo and I’m trying to observe the sensation of the tattoo without reacting to the sensation at all. By doing so, I started to get into a very deep state of meditation, a very deep state of trance. I was so relaxed and focused on this objective observation of the sensation that I actually fell asleep. It was nearing the end of that tattoo, where my friend kind of shook me awake and said, “Hey, hey, are you okay? Did you pass out? Is it that painful?” And I tell him, “Oh, are we done? I was just so relaxed, I ended up falling asleep.” And he’s like, “Whoa, that’s pretty wild.” It’s very rare that someone falls asleep on a tattoo table, and I passed right out.

Then afterwards, I was sitting on the couch, and we were just chatting, the artist didn’t cover the tattoo yet and we’re just waiting for it to air out. I go up and I stretch, and I actually rub my hand on the back of my neck. So, here I am, touching my open wound, my tattoo on the back of my neck, and I say, “Whoa, that was weird. Why would I touch this thing that just happened to me?” Then we carry on, go through the conversation. Couple minutes later, boom, I end up touching the back of my neck again! Now I’m really thinking to myself, “This is so weird.” The reason why it was so bizarre for me to do that is because of the simple fact of– remember, when you were a kid, and you would scrape your knee and that was all you could think about? Not just in that moment, but the whole day, is the burning sensation. Maybe it wasn’t even just that whole day, but it was the whole week that you thought about that injury on your knee.

I went through at least half of that tattoo completely awake and just in that state of observation. And then, the other half I was asleep. So, it’s not like I just fell asleep and forgot that it happened. Here’s where the huge download of memory came to mind. When we are in a state of observation, it means that we are not reacting to situations around us. When we are in a state of not reacting, we actually don’t create a memory of that thing in the third dimension. Before we move on, I want to talk about and define third dimension memory. It’s super simple, super easy. I define the third dimension as this physical reality. Everything that we can touch, see, smell, hear, taste. This is all contained within the third dimension.

There are two main aspects of the third dimension that we all need to just be aware of, time and space. Space being the physical atomic structure of the world around us. And then, of course, time being that ticking thing on the clock. Within the third dimension, we are limited by both time and space. So what is third-dimension memory? Third-dimension memory is memory that is created and stored in our brain. And the only reason why it’s third-dimensional is because it is stored by a physical component. It’s like thinking of an external hard drive being our brain. Third-dimension memory is memory, situations, actions, reactions that happen to us that are stored in the cortexes of our physical brain.

Once again, there is a huge correlation that I have discovered, and I’m sure many other scientists and whoever else have discovered this as well, but I don’t do external research. So, I’ve discovered that memory, 3D memory, physical memory is created by reaction. When we do not react to something, either physically or emotionally, we do not create a memory around it. Once again, why is this relevant? It’s relevant because our memory dictates all of the things that we really don’t want to be thinking about. All of the questioning, the self-doubt, the limitations, the beliefs, and holding ourselves back. It’s created by fear that has been derived from memory of situations that have happened in the past. We can override this by stepping into something called 5D memory, fifth-dimensional memory. 

My definition of 5D memory is memory that is stored in the cloud. This has actually been talked about and has been talked about for generations. In very ancient times, 5D memory was called the Akashic records. Some of you may know what this is, some of you may not, and that’s okay. The Akashic records are basically all of the– let’s call them memories and experiences, stored in our soul’s vibration. Everything that has happened to us in the past including past incarnations, past lifetimes, as well as anything and everything that has and will happen to us in the future, are all stored in something called the Akashic record. I like to call it 5D memory. It just resonates with me more.

I call this 5D memory cloud memory storage. If you could imagine a huge cloud above you of all energy, and this energy is all of your experiences in this lifetime as well. So, the beautiful thing about 5D memory and cloud storage is that you don’t need to think about things in a linear way to know the answer to something in the moment. Let me make it tangible, let me bring it down, and let me just give you a pretty good example.

You’re just about to leave for a meeting, or for work, or for lunch, and you’re leaving your house and your keys are nowhere to be found. You have no idea where your car keys are. In that moment, you have a choice to make. Do you want to utilize 3D memory? Which is old, traditional, linear memory stored in the brain? Or, do you choose to use 5D memory? I’m going to give you a tangible application to this. In that moment, we all typically go right for 3D memory, which means that in that moment, you’re tracing your steps back, which is very linear. Backtrack. “Where was I?” “ I was here, and then I was here. Where did I have my keys last? I think it was there, but then I might have placed them there.” Okay, that is  a lot of headaches, it’s a lot of pushing yourself. It just doesn’t feel right, and it doesn’t feel free. That’s 3D memory. And then, maybe eventually, you’ll end up finding your keys, it’ll just take a little longer.

5D memory is something different altogether. Now, in that moment, instead of freaking out and allowing your ego to project this feeling of uncertainty, in that moment, have confidence in yourself and say, “I’m the last one who touched my keys. I know exactly where they are. All I have to do is tap into the cloud.” So, instead of freaking out or projecting a reaction to the situation, because it’s within the reaction where we create a memory, it’s definitely difficult to go back into memory when we’re in a state of reaction. 

In that moment, if you want to use 5D memory, it means clearing your mind. Getting to a place of absolute clarity. No reaction, no attachment, no expectation, just a clear mind. And then, you also have to have the trust and the confidence in yourself as well. You can do it!  In that moment, just say, “I know where my keys are. So, where are they?” Close your eyes, quiet your mind, allow the image to pop in. Maybe it’s not an image, maybe it’s a word, maybe it’s a knowing. A lot of times it’s just a sense of knowing. It’s going to take a little while at first. This is channeling! I mean, you can literally channel. This is tapping into your psychic abilities. Everyone can do this. Quiet your mind. Focus on the intention. What do you want? You want your keys. Where are they? You know where they are. Allow the image to pop in. It may take a minute. For some of you who are difficult and trusting yourself, it may take five minutes. 

The more and more you do this practice, the easier and faster and faster those memories are going to be popping into your mind. There is no thinking involved. It’s actually the opposite. You are not using your logical physical brain. You are using the 5D memory. Why store anything in your brain when you can just get it from the cloud? I promise that not only using this technique is going to allow you to have more confidence, more trust in yourself, but it’s also going to allow you to utilize your intuition more often. And it’s going to allow you to pull a lot of crazy information into the present moment when you need it the most. Not when you’re pushing for it. 

As we raise our vibration, we are all shifting. As we are shifting into this new vibration, there are a lot of aspects of society and of our own internal personal dynamics that are no longer serving us. They’re no longer exciting us. They’re no longer really even working for us. So, it’s time to step up, raise your vibration, and understand that there’s a different way that you can go about thinking and doing just about anything. I hope that next time you lose something in your life, you will stop in the present moment, and you will trust yourself enough to receive the information that you need in that moment. 

It’s time to understand who you are and what you’re capable of.

Welcome to the Awakening!

Let’s talk about the Awakening, and how we can all shift into the right vibrational frequency. A lot of us have been feeling the shift and have had symptoms of Awakening. But many of us don’t exactly know what’s going on. 

I’m going to be talking about the physical symptoms, energetic signs of the Awakening. As well as guide you on how to Awaken and how to shift yourself to that vibrational frequency level where you’re feeling content, happy, elevated, energetic, passionate, and motivated. That’s a place that I think all of us want to get to. And it’s not that far away, either.

So, what exactly is the Awakening? If I were to really summarize it, how would I define it? And a lot of people are starting to wake up, yet not a lot of people are aware of the terms. With that considered, I would define the Awakening is a shift in vibrational frequency. I believe that waking up (in a sense) is just simply shifting your vibration. And in shifting your vibration, a lot of things happen.

Essentially, if the shift happens the right way, your whole life changes, but the number one thing that I find that typically happens during an Awakening, is that you begin to be self-actualized. That’s a pretty cool term, but what does it really mean? From my own channeling and understanding, I believe that self-actualization is the awareness of oneself to the point where we can really be either subjective in one moment, coming from a perception, or we can be objective in one moment, coming from this third-party detached view. It’s really important for all of us as Humans, to hop in and out of our own perception.

Why is it important for us to hop in and out of our own perception? As you probably know, if we get too caught up in our own mind, and our own projection and perception, we really hold ourselves back from seeing things the way that they are. Rather than the way that we think they should be. If we get too caught up in our projection and our perception, then we lose sight at the bigger picture. The more and more we become self-actualized, the more we raise vibrational frequency or this Awakening, the more we see life from a different perception, which can be a really huge benefit! Through that different perception, we can also start looking and analyzing our life in a very different way as well. Part of that analysis comes down to the age old question… “Am I really happy?” Part of that analysis has a lot to do with questioning, not just everything and everyone around you, but questioning yourself. 

“Am I happy?” “Am I living the life that I’ve always wanted to live?” “Am I where I need to be or where I want to be?” “Am I doing things out of obligation or out of pure want and desire?” 

Once we start to raise our vibration, a lot of things in our life are called into question. To be honest, they’re called into question for good reason. When we think about waking up, it’s really just the understanding that we are starting to be much more aware of who we are in the grand scheme of things, rather than what we’re doing in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately, a lot of people out there are living their lives on autopilot, they aren’t necessarily awakened because they’re not simply aware of who they are and why they’re here. To be honest, from my own perception and awareness of Humanity, people are scared to ask those bigger questions. I think that people are afraid to ask if they’re happy or not for fear of the answer to be “no… I am not happy.”

So what happens if that is the ultimate answer? Well, then we have a decision to make. 

Are you going to change your life for the better? Of course, but change takes work. Or, are you going to continue to live that mundane, rudimentary, day to day life, where you’re questioning everything, but you’re not doing anything about it? A big part of the shift in vibration is, it’s almost pushing us, all of us, myself included, to change, to shift, to awaken. You have to ask yourself, “Are you ready?” “Am I ready to shift, to change, to awaken?” 

Whether you know who I am or not, most likely you’ve been Awakening. There are a lot of dates that have come up, but I find that between 2016 to 2018 was a huge shift for everyone. A lot of people broke down and scraped back the layers of their life that no longer serve them. Maybe it was a relationship that crashed and burned, or a job that was lost. Even if it is perceivably out of your control, you are always creating your own contracts. 

Let’s talk about the physical and the energetic symptoms of Awakening. It’s important that you are validated in what you’ve been going through so that you don’t feel: A) alone and, B) crazy. And I know, trust me, I’ve been there too. The main physical symptom of Awakening from my own perspective is exhaustion. Once again, the Awakening is a shift in vibrational frequency. As we are shifting, we are raising our vibration, we’re raising our energy, as we do so, we’re still dealing with the lower vibrations or the lower energies that are around us. In the middle of your Awakening shift, you will constantly be hopping from a high vibration to a low vibration.That’s why a lot of us have been hibernating. I don’t know about you, but I have been hibernating for the past couple of years. It’s because it’s too exhausting to deal with the outside world when I’m going through my own thing, but it’s getting better. 

Second physical symptom of the Awakening is body pains. This is important because having weird aches and pains all across your body, especially when they come on very suddenly, has a lot to do with your body releasing energy, that does not serve you anymore. Part of that is intermingled with karma and past lifetimes. So, we’re actually releasing a lot of old injuries or old traumas to our body now from past lifetimes and that’s a huge part of the Awakening as well. 

If you think about trauma, pain, and injury in your body in past lifetimes, or this lifetime in the past, it’s a low vibrational frequency or it’s a low perception that we have attached to that area of our body. That’s why the pain has to come up again, just to release anything else that you’ve been holding in there.

The third symptom of Awakening is developing weird eating habits. This is really funny, and I’ve really been going through this myself in the past couple of years. Sometimes, I’m really, really hungry for pistachios. Sometimes, I’m really, really thirsty. And other times, I’m so nauseous, I can’t eat a thing. It’s just weird, either over hungry, lack of appetite, and also nausea. These are big symptoms of Awakening. It has a lot to do with your solar plexus shifting. I also have headaches as well, which has a lot to do with your third eye and crown chakra activating.

Let’s talk about energetic signs of Awakening. If you have been more emotional in the past three years or even just more emotional in the past couple of months, then you are definitely feeling the signs and the symptoms of Awakening. One of two energetic signs are at play here. The first is that we are living our lives on the surface level. So, you’re going to work, you have a family, you’re listening to podcasts, you’re doing your thing, and that’s great. You’re living life on the surface level. We deal with things, or maybe not, on the surface level at a moment-to-moment, day-to-day basis. However, there is actually a whole other layer of energy, vibration, and emotion that we cannot perceivably or tangibly see in front of us, yet it is still always affecting us.

The other energetic sign typically, you might hear, “Oh, you’re just being sensitive.” But really, it’s your empathic qualities and empathic abilities, heightening. What’s happening is that you’re getting more and more sensitive to the world around you because you are more in tune with your own energy. If you are becoming more and more self-actualized, which is really just self-awareness, then essentially you are becoming more aware of the energies that affect you.

Have you ever heard of nature versus nurture?  Let me pose another question… When you’re growing up and what has the bigger impact?  Is it nurture and how your parents raised you? Or, is it your nature, being your genetics and your predispositions? I believe that not only are we dealing with the effects of nature and nurture, but I also believe that we’re dealing with past lifetimes.

Now, unlike nature and nurture, there are things that affect us energetically and we move on. With past lifetimes, they affect us and we perceivably move on at the surface level, but they still follow us and affect us on a day-to-day basis. Think about an irrational fear of the ocean yet never having a bad experience in the ocean. This is one of those layers that I’m talking about that are always there, but we cannot perceive it. 

In the past couple of years, not only have we been dealing with the world around us as it is, but we are also dealing with the rush of past life karmic energy that is coming up to the surface that we are being forced to deal with. Once again, when moving on to this higher vibrational state, we cannot take any energetic baggage or low vibrational frequency with us.

I just want to mention that it is quantum physics that states that two vibrations, two energies, of a different frequency cannot coexist in the same space creating polarity. Within this scientific understanding of polarity and energy, a tangible example is the radio. A radio doesn’t work without stations right? You think about 91.7 and 105.5. That’s fantastic, two great radio stations!  Those two radio station frequencies cannot coexist on the frequency. You’ll hear both frequencies interrupting each other with an incohesive mix of heavy metal and country… It’s just the laws of physics. We have to think about this with energy and vibration as well. We’re purging out all of the low stuff in order to really live that high vibrational life. 

Let’s dive into a few other energetic signs like experiencing anxiety and depression. Let me just start by saying that it’s okay if you’ve been feeling really sad, or really lonely, or really disconnected, or really freaking anxious. It’s a huge part of raising your vibration and ascending to the next level. The reason why it’s a huge part of raising your vibration is because we have to deal with the low vibration before we step into the high vibration. We have to deal with our old selves before becoming our new selves. We can’t take any of that old, limiting stuff with us. I feel for the poor people out there who have no idea there’s something called ‘New Age Spirituality” or Awakening. They’re just going through all of these symptoms, and they have no idea what’s going on with them. They’re going through this phase of feeling everything, experiencing this rollercoaster ride of emotions on their own, and feeling they’re absolutely crazy. 

The feeling of thinking that you are the only one going through this shift or wondering “why aren’t I strong enough to deal with this?” or “why am I all of a sudden so sensitive” or “why am I eating everything in my fridge?” Can create a lot of depression. Mostly the feelings of anxiety, and the fluttering in the stomach comes from shifts in the solar plexus. We have to realize that these things have a very logical explanation as far as why they’re happening. There is a lot of Ego pushback, strong mind thoughts, negativity, and a lot of old habit patterns are coming back. This is all a part of your shifting signs of Awakening.

I bet the whole shifting process doesn’t really sound like a great experience does it? Well, that’s because we are forced to deal with the stuff that we haven’t dealt with for years. I think we can all agree that we haven’t been properly dealing with our emotions, our energies and our traumas of the past, (whether or not you’re aware of them) very well. Then the main reason why we haven’t been dealing with our shit is because in reality, we were never taught how to deal with our shit. We were busy in school, engulfed in the education system, learning about geography and history and bullshit that we’re never going to apply to our present moment. What we weren’t taught is how to properly deal with things like abandonment or anger or jealousy. Which can affect us in our present moment. 

So, How do we overcome all of that? I would say the number one thing is just surrender. Try not to push back on the emotions that you’re feeling. Just accept and love yourself, no matter what. That’s the number one thing. Surrender to it. You’re not waving a white flag. You’re not throwing in the towel. You are just openly surrendering, and within that surrender, you can actually be vulnerable. Within that vulnerability, it’s a lot easier to break down your walls to actually shift. Not for anyone else, but for yourself. 

The other thing to help you shift is let everything go that doesn’t serve you. If you go into work every day and you tell yourself, “I hate what I do. I hate my job. This isn’t serving me,” or, “This doesn’t make me feel good,” or, “My boss makes me feel disempowered,” that’s pretty much a good indication that all of that isn’t serving you and it’s about time to move on, to move forward.

The last is trust and listen to your intuition. Super, super, super important. You are the only one who knows what you need. You’re the only one who is able to get you to where you want to go. That is not a teacher, that is not a guru, that is not your boss, that is not your wife, that is not your husband, it’s not your dog. No one is going to show you what you need. No one is going to tell you how to live your life. It really comes down to you. Therefore, in taking full responsibility for the life that you are living, you have to make choices that really do serve you. 

You may be thinking “how do I make that choice? How do I make that right choice?” It all comes down to trusting yourself. Do not externalize your power into anyone or anything else other than you. That’s it. So, trust and listen to your intuition. At all times, your intuition is telling you, “This is good. This is not good. This feels right. This doesn’t feel right.” It is with our projection, our autopilot, fears and our walls, where we actually refuse to listen to our own intuition. 

Say, for example, you walk into a grocery store, to do your weekly shop.  You look around and think, “Well, Wednesdays, we have spaghetti. Friday is meatloaf,” You get all the things you usually get. But what if you were to stand there and just say, “Okay, intuition, lead the way. Show me what I need to make the kids this week.” All of a sudden, you’re going down the pharmacy aisle. All of a sudden, you’re looking at the cough medicine. You’re like, “Oh, no one is sick right now. I don’t need this, why would I spend extra money?” You forget about it, you go home. Two days later, your little boy is coughing on the couch. You’re like, “Ah, dang. I wish I listened to my intuition.” We all have those moments, but if we catch ourselves in those moments, and we just trust the intuition that’s coming through, our life is going to be a lot easier because there’s a lot of back and forth that we all do, not listening to our true intuition.

The last step is to find new things that excite you. We’re letting go of stuff that doesn’t serve us. We’re surrendering to the emotions that are coming up. We are trusting and listening to our intuition. After you’ve done all of that, it’s time to really start anew. It’s time to really live the life that you deserve to live. A part of that is doing new things, meeting new people, trying new foods. If I were to ask you what excites you, you are probably so in between two different vibrations, you don’t even know what excites you because all you know is that the stuff that used to excite you a year ago or 10 years ago, no longer fuels your fire, no longer pushes you forward. So, you’re kind of at a loss, and that’s okay. 

The reason why you have no idea what excites you right now, is because you haven’t rediscovered/discovered your new self. Who is the new you at a new vibration? What do you like to eat? What don’t you like to eat? What movies do you like to watch? All of this has changed with your vibration. You are a new person, and it is finally time to start asking yourself, who am I? Why am I here? What do I want? And what’s really going to fuel me every day? What’s really going to challenge me and wake me up and bring me into the present moment and excite me? What is that? What is that ideal life that I promise you all could be living? 

Let’s review our steps to overcoming the process of Awakening. Step number one, surrender. Step number two, let go of everything that doesn’t serve you, that could be a job, that could be a friend, that could be unhealthy dynamic with a parent. Number three is trust and listening to your intuition. Lastly, number four, how do you shift? How do you awaken? Get excited and try something new.

I hope this inspires you to step out of your comfort zone and really start questioning the reality you have created. You have the power within to make that SHIFT to a higher vibration.

Are you ready for the experience? 

3D-5D Choices Epic Download

3D – 5D Choices Epic Download

Hello, again, beautiful beings of light. Today, I wanted to talk about the choices that we have in front of us. I wanted to entitle this blog, or this episode, ‘As you play the game until you can’t,’ which I find is really funny because playing the game, as I’ve talked about many times before, has everything to do with being third dimensional, and being okay with being third dimensional, and essentially conquering this 3D plane, because you know how to play the game. If all you want to do is be 5D, then you will have resistance to doing everything here. That resistance, that vibration to doing things like eating, or sleeping, or socializing, or making money. All of those aspects are just aspects of this reality, this paradigm. If you hold resentment and resistance to those aspects, then you are vibrating that energy out into your 3D reality. Ultimately, you’re making it hard on yourself. Everything will be much more difficult if all you’re doing is resisting. 

As I’ve talked about before, it’s important to actually transmute that resistance into the 3D by playing the game, by becoming consciously aware of what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it, what choices you’re making, and how you’re responding and reacting to the outcomes. That’s going to allow you to conquer this 3D reality. The reason why you would conquer this reality by making conscious choices is that all of a sudden, you start to recognize that you are the only one in control of this reality. No one is forcing you to do anything. Nothing that happens to you, is happening to you. You are always the one creating this now moment, good, bad and ugly. The second that you take responsibility for this now moment and what you have created, you can then either, A, change the reality that you have created, or just simply relish in the reality that you’ve created, knowing that it is the best reality and most harmonious to you right now in this moment. 

As a matter of fact, being 5D is relishing in the moment that you’ve created, understanding how grateful you are for what you have created and simultaneously being able to change this current reality, given the vibration that you emit in the next moment. Living is as simple as that, but it’s actually not that simple at all. We tend to get caught up in the semantics. We tend to get caught up in the layers, and trust me, there are a lot of layers. It is as simple and as complex as you make it. I want to just take this whole concept of 3D, 5D and where you’re living and how you’re living, I want to take it a step further. I want to talk about playing the game until you can’t. This is a really funny concept. You may resonate with it, you may do this all the time. As a matter of fact, I probably assume that you do. Or, you may have never heard of this, and maybe that’s just not how you live your life. Let’s talk about it!

In every single moment, and I’m just going to let that sink in. In every single moment of your entire day, there is A and B, and an infinite number of other options. But let’s just assume that there’s option A and option B. You open the fridge in the morning and you have option A, water, option B, orange juice. You open your cupboard in the morning and you have option A, coffee or option B, tea. Obviously the world isn’t just black and white. The world isn’t just a series of yes or no questions. It is, it really is, but it’s not. For the sake of complication, let’s just assume right now, that in every moment, you have one of two options. Say, for example, your alarm goes off at 6:30 AM, you have option A, turn it off and keep sleeping, option B, turn it off and get up, A and B options in every moment.

Now, think about bigger options, bigger choices, life-changing choices. Say, for example, option A, you stay with your husband, option B, you leave him. Option A, you move from your house and sell your home and buy another one. Option B, you stay where you are. And so on and so on and so on. Do you want to know a little hack that I have for this system? This binary world? I don’t know if it’s a hack, or if it’s just a scapegoat. That’s completely up to you to decide. I just realized that I do this all the time. Once again, I don’t know if this is the best way to live, or if this is just my human. Listen, respond, take it with a grain of salt, let me know how you feel about it with a comment. 

I think this is a human thing. What I tend to do is I actually play both sides. I play the game of option A and option B. When it comes to smaller choices, option A, coffee, option B, tea. In order to play both of those choices in a very simple way– there’s not a lot of variables, there are not a lot of pathways, there’s not a lot of choices being made to lead to the end goal of coffee or tea. Say, for example, instead of waking up in the morning and just unconsciously autopilot turning on the coffee machine, I would instead give myself half an hour. In that half an hour, I leave it open to the universe, which is just me. I say, “Well, what’s going to be better for me today?” Then, maybe I’m craving caffeine, maybe I’m leaning towards green tea, or whatever it may be. But just allowing yourself that space to make that decision. That’s easy. Once again, not a lot of lead-up, not a lot of variables, you’re just giving yourself space and time to think about it.

However, when you make a bigger decision, such as a relationship decision. Are you going to stay with your partner, your husband or wife, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or, are you going to leave and start a new journey? You can actually sit on the fence and ride both of those parallel realities until you simply can’t anymore. It’s called playing the game until you can’t anymore. Playing the game of both options, both sides. You could write a list of pros and cons for both. You could ask for signs and messages from the universe for both sides. You can be consciously aware of both sides and ask yourself, “Wow, if I wasn’t with my partner anymore, what would a day in my life look like?” Let’s just do that day now. Or, “If I do stay with my partner and I want to create or recreate a new relationship, what kind of effort would I have to put in to create that? What kind of change do I have to make in order to clear space for that?” 

It’s not just sitting back and passively allowing the universe to show you what side is going to be better. It is actually as a matter of fact, taking solid action on both sides. Yeah, it’s a lot, especially with these big decisions. You’re playing two parallel worlds at the same time. If you live a crazy busy life, maybe that’s not the best option for you. If you’re freaking indecisive, like I am, and you’re like, “Hmm. I’ll just wait. I’ll just let the universe decide.”

Another good example of this would be a job. God, talk about big changes. I also want to mention that in my own life making these changes in the past month, I’ve been really split. Well, I think I’ve really been splitting the past year or two, but especially it’s all come to a head in the past month. When I was really vulnerable and put out this big decision that I’ve been making in my own life on social media, all I got back was so many of you, so many people, all telling me that they’re also in the middle of making a big decision. Another big decision that a lot of people are in right now is their job, Option A, do I go back to my job? Option B, do I change my job or start even my own business, my own career as an entrepreneur? There’s so many options in front of us right now. Once again, this whole podcast is about not actually choosing a side until you absolutely have to. Until you’re absolutely sure.

The reason why this is a really good strategy, a reality hacking strategy to take is because most of the time, as human beings, we tend to make obligatory impulsive decisions that do not serve us. What’s happening right now? We’re breaking down a third dimension reality. We’re breaking down the disempowerment that we’ve been playing within this entire time. No longer is it our boss making a decision for us. No longer is it our partner, or parents or our beliefs, or our attachments, it’s none of that. Now, we’re all being forced to make the choice and the decision of what do we want, what do we really want? How do we want to move forward? To make a choice out of fight or flight, or to make a choice out of fear is not going to be the best direction or decision. Take the time, play both sides.

Say, for example, the job. What you can do in that situation is say, “You know what? I don’t even know right now. I’m shifting so much every day, moment to moment. I still need to pay the bills but I don’t know what I want. I know that my current job doesn’t fully serve me, but it fills the bank account.” Say yes to that. But say yes, knowing that it is not the only thing that you’re saying yes to. Remember my podcast, a little while ago? Yes and yes, you can have it all. You really can. You fucking deserve that. As a beautiful, intelligent, pure source energy you deserve whatever it is that you want, and you still don’t get it, you still don’t realize that. You get caught up in making the highest choice for you in every single moment because you know that you fucking deserve it. Then, you get caught up in saying no to everything, and you’ve got nothing. It’s not about that. It’s about saying yes to the choices that are stepping stones, to get you to ultimately where you want to go. It’s not about being a CEO. It’s not about whether or not to work for someone else or work for yourself. It’s not about being married or not married. It’s about what the end goal is. 

Ultimately, I’ll tell you right now what my end goal is, it’s freedom. I want to have the freedom to be away from the system. I want to have the freedom to make my own choices. I want to have the freedom to do whatever it is that I want to do every day and it does not mean that right now in this moment, I’m fucking off on all of the duties and obligations and emails and stuff that I don’t want to do. It doesn’t mean upheaving your entire life right now to do what you want to do, which is freedom. It means asking yourself if everything in your life is aligning you to the end outcome of freedom, and if they’re the right stepping stones to take. If you have a friend in your life right now that isn’t serving you and you’re like, “Oh, well, I don’t know, they’re fine for right now,” ask yourself why you’re keeping them in your life. 

Are you keeping them in your life because you think that one day they will change and they will align to your vibration and you honestly believe that? Then fantastic. Keep them in your life. If you’re keeping that person in your life, because you’re scared to let them go, you’re scared to be alone and not to have friends, or you feel obligation towards that person, that relationship, because you’ve been friends for 15 years, then I say absolutely not. They’re not a good stepping stone. They’re not leading you to the success of what you really want. So, stop convincing yourself that, A, you either need to make a solid decision right now. If it’s not the right decision, and you’re making wrong decisions, that’s not the truth at all. Also on top of that, the decisions that you’re currently making no longer feel obligatory, because you understand that they’re all impermanent. You understand that they’re just one step on the stepping stone of this beautiful journey that you’re on to get to your end destination. All of a sudden, every day you work is your last day. 

Now, getting back to the choice between working for someone else or working for yourself, just as an option. You do everything that you need to do to work for someone else to fill up your bank account to get some money going. That’s okay. Don’t feel bad about making that choice, but on the weekends, after your 9 to 5, it’s time to hustle for yourself. It’s time to create to-do lists and knock them off one day at a time in order to move towards your goal. Is that freedom for you? Yeah, you know what? You are going to have to sacrifice more? Yeah, you know what? You are going to have to work harder. Yeah, you know what? You are going to have to hustle for a little while. But you’re grinding it out to get yourself to freedom, because you have to play both sides, until you can’t anymore. At that point in time, when you have created a thriving business, when you’re getting clients in, when you’re landing contracts and deals, that’s when you can say no to your current job right now.

But if you go all or nothing on this, you’re trying to move into 5D, and you’re making 3D traces of the linearness of the black or the white, that’s not what 5D is. 5D is playing both sides. 5D is having both of your toes dipped in different pools of water. That’s what 5D is. 5D is never all or nothing, ever. It’s all and all. It’s yes and yes. Then, you can step into yes and yes. Wow, I can have happiness and abundance? Wow. Right now it’s like, “Wow, yes, I will work for you. Yes, I will work for myself.” But eventually, that’ll flip around. You can go from an all or nothing 3D mentality with your current job and say, “Okay, all yes, into my entrepreneurship, all yes, into my own business. Then all of a sudden, you’ve got fear, because you’re not making enough money. Then you’re lowering your vibration, and you don’t think that you can’t do it, and you’re disempowering yourself. Then, you just go back to working for someone else, because it’s easier. Do you see how that can be detrimental? Do you see how that impulsive, obligatory choice can actually lower your vibration? 

Same thing with your current partner. If you’re debating should I be with them or should I not be with them, ultimately, you need to do both. When you’re with your partner, when you’re with your husband, or your wife of 10, 15, 20 years, or maybe even just 2 months, I want you to be fully present. I want you to be fully with them. Say yes and yes. Yes to being together and yes to enjoying your own free time. You know you can have both. You know it doesn’t have to be all one or all the other. When you’re with them, fucking be with them for once! Put down your phone, turn off the TV, turn on some music, have a conversation, do some eye gazing, be with your partner. 

When you go away, and you hang out with your friends, or you go for a long motorcycle ride, even though that might not be you, or, I don’t know, in the garden or painting or whatever it is you do. If you don’t have things to do, then find them because there’s so much you can explore. There is something for everyone out there. There’s a hobby out there for you. There’s a human expression out there for you. Write in your journal, take a bath, do some stretching, take a walk, go in the woods, ground yourself. When you’re doing that, and you’re finding your freedom within the relationship, be completely centered in yourself, be completely present with yourself because you deserve it.

You need to ask yourself, “What am I not getting in my current relationship that I’m really yearning for?” and try giving that to yourself first. If you don’t feel satisfied after that, then it’s time to really seriously think about a separation within that dynamic. But I promise you that the only thing that you’re lacking right now is what you’re not fully fulfilled within yourself in your own soul. Your relationship is a mere reflection of you. Fill that void first, then you will know if the relationship is no longer working. 

Yes, you can keep telling yourself that it’s about them. Or, they’re not enough or they need to grow more but it’s not, it never is. It’s about you looking at yourself from the past, because that’s what your partner is, a mirror reflection. That’s what your job is, your old job, your 9 to 5, that’s what that is, that’s a mirror reflection of your past, your old self. Your self before fucking COVID, that’s what that is. That’s a reflection. I don’t know about you, but every single enlightened– not just enlightened star seed, old soul, self-aware soul, everyone waking up right now, says that they were a completely different person before COVID. I hope that all of you reading this feel the same way that you were different. I hope that who you are now is way better. I also hope that there is no fear in dipping your toes back into the 3D world, in socializing again with people that don’t resonate with you. Play the game. Ask yourself what you can get from that, how that’s assisting you on your journey to ultimate freedom. If that person or that thing or that opportunity is not assisting you, then it’s time to make a change. 

You can say yes and yes. You can play both parallel realities, until you simply can’t anymore. At that time, when you’re thriving in your own business, and you’re thriving and working for your boss, you can’t say yes and yes anymore. You have a limited capacity in this third-dimensional realm. Once you’re abundant in both sides, once you’ve transmuted and neutralized and worked on and forgiven and grown, and connected to and harmonized to both realities, that’s when you get to choose what is the ultimate path for you. But never say no out of a place of fear, of lack of judgment, or misunderstanding. Neutralize, transmute, love and forgive, before you make that choice. 

Thank you all so much for reading my rant. Make more conscious choices. 

Bye for now.