Members Q&A: GFL Corruption, Las Vegas UFO, Intuition vs Ego, Dark Spirit Guides ++

  • June 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April talks about personal challenges with family dynamics and navigating human emotions. They address questions about the corruption within the Galactic Federation and the recent UFO sighting in Las Vegas. They also discuss the distinction between intuition and the lens of trauma. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of understanding personal trauma and recommends setting clear intentions to manifest desired outcomes. Lastly, they address the belief that guides can become dark or weak and clarify that guides can vary in vibration, including human guides who may not necessarily be in a high vibration.

63 thoughts on “Members Q&A: GFL Corruption, Las Vegas UFO, Intuition vs Ego, Dark Spirit Guides ++

  1. mmmm the family boundaries with having a child are tough! esp bc we are doing it SO differently than they did 🫣 please do share because my family thinks we are nuts for home schooling and eating whole real foods (avoiding added sugar and dyes), etc. thank you!

  2. This is freakin’ sweet. She’s had a bad week like I have – I swear it’s been a testing 3D week for the past solid 7 days. Finally coming out of it, and it’s reassuring to hear EA not only mention it, but assure that it’s completely NORMAL to get down low for a second. It is growth.

  3. I just have to say Wows, June 18th and 19th Q/A, Discloser have REALLY hit Home. Last week was rough but you have giving me many answers to feelings and negative thoughts that were not serving me well. Take it or Leave it , Thank You I am so grateful for your input and knowledge. I thought I was lost! Luvs back at Ya!

  4. I went on the IG account and it only has shorts, topics videos on there…where may I get the long versions of the videos please? It was confusing about where to watch them, find them? I didn’t see the same ones on here.

  5. Yes, I heard they confirmed it was a crash landing. Billy Carson said that is the info he got anyways. Lol So I guess sometimes if their equipment is sensitive to low density 3D, it can cause them to crash, I think , yeah?

  6. As usual, wonderful questions and beautiful answers. By the way, I completely agree with the person who brought up the idea of your Dad. Always love him in any of your videos. I know I have requested this before, but I would love it if this could be extended for just another ten or fifteen minutes to allow for one or two more questions. Wishing you, Nat and Bodhi a wonderful time in Canada.

  7. Headaches for weeks, lots of challenges, including family and relationships, vision issues, flashes of things from my past to deal with again.
    Warrior feelings, feeling more capable, more resilient.

  8. For anyone who doesn’t know what they want, I’ve been visualizing being crystal clear about my desires after I meditate. I focus on feelings of relief, relaxation & joy.

    If you don’t know what you want, you know at least one thing you want. You want to know what you want! Intend to manifest clarity on your desires. Once clarity manifests for you, then you can manifest your actual desires.

    Love to all of you! ❤️☀️🌱

  9. Thank you EA! I wish I could just hug you sometimes <3 little fun fact: before I watched the video, I was actually thinking about you saying, that your videos are having the potential to activate DNA within us and I said to myself, yeah, that's what I want right now, activating some more cosmic DNA .. so while I listened I got a new awesome download about my galactic origin, which actually had nothing to do with what you said 😀 I just thought it's really funny how fast the intentions come to manifestation these days :))

  10. ​ Thank you so much for addressing my concern about the GFL, Elizabeth. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and to understand more. I trust you, it’s just them I’m a bit on the fence about. I did hear you say in an interview on GAIA from a few years ago that the GFL was compromised to a degree. I think it’s entirely possible that they could indeed be infiltrated by now, but I get your point about it not being a problem. It reminds me of what I heard RFK Jr. say recently about the CIA. Most of the employees are good, but certain higher ups often tend to go sideways, so to speak.
    I believe there are organizations up there in space that are quite pure, and it would be awesome if you wanted to check them out! The sources that are cautious about the GFL include Ismael Perez, Kerry Cassidy, and I think David Wilcock…or was it Corey Goode, or both. I​ am just glad and grateful that you are remaining open and diligent and aware. The last thing we want is for you to be deceived by the nefarious AI! We should all be on alert regarding that nonsense.
    Keep up the good work, I swear you are prophet-like.
    Much Love, Your 66-year-old superfan, Judy

    1. I agree with you Judy! Diligence and discernment is ALWAYS key!! We are humans trying to get messages and figure this all out. It would be easy for higher beings to take advantage of that. ALWAYS use INTERNAL judgement when listening to others. 🙂

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