Personal Question From EA

  • March 2024

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Seeking Guidance! Dive into my honest and vulnerable video where I open up about my internal conflict. Help me decide between reaching millions with polarizing content or playing it safe. Join the discussion and share your perspective in the comment section below. Thank you for your input!

652 thoughts on “Personal Question From EA

  1. Girl this is totally your choice! But I do err on the side of caution when it comes to my family and being too “loud” on social media. Censorship is waning and their powers are waning too, so there is that. And their resources are drying up. Kim Goguen, Donald Marshall, and maybe a couple others are the only ones I’ve seen really spitting the big, dark, hairy truths. As someone who has gone down all the rabbit holes, I’m choosing to mostly take in info on the light side for my continued awakening. But I do get intrigued by the status updates on their power plays, I just don’t give them any energy or thought forms to make their dark agendas grow. I’m very detached from their scare tactics, which is a step in the journey for each of us. If you want to do these kinda of posts along side the light ones, I’d just add a trigger warning and tell everyone to use their own discernment to see what resonates with them. Keep your guard/protection levels high! Love your content.

  2. We’ll stand by you with whatever you decide. Can you put it all out there with people who want to join your platform? That way you still play it safe publicly, but still get your information out there to the people who want to hear it, and show up for it? Either way we love you!!! And appreciate you 💕👽🌻

  3. Hi EA,
    Speaking your truth is very important at this time, as there is not much truth out there at the moment.
    However, it should not endanger yourself or your family. As you said, you are a prepper. Before speaking your truth, prep for safety. There is no need to offer yourself willing to the wolves, when you start drawing attention to yourself.
    However, next to that, I believe that the people who need to hear you will do so anyway.
    To give you some of your own advice, whatever decision you make, see if it resonates, follow your intuition, see what feels good. You will know which path to take.
    Thank you for all you have been doing. Wishing you all the best!

  4. If you need to save yourself and family, then we understand. You have already made a great impact. You have many great topics and info to help awaken souls. If your insights cross the dark side, have great security and stay safe.

  5. Elizabeth, Several people have wisely commented, Those who need and want this information WILL FIND YOU.

    You are doing Gods/Source’s work.

    Bless you young lady.


  6. So much I want to say. First off, girl you’re a badass!!!! You say the uncomfortable things! I have only in the last year or so started to get out the spiritual closet and now even the conspiracy closet and its of course scary, the mainstream and most of society needs you to shut up because you challenge their whole identity and belief system! But that’s what we are here for! And you have been a HUGE inspiration to me for it!!! I am looking to go in the spiritual career direction and I love having a strong intelligent authentic leader with integrity like you!! I honestly feel you are just a little scared, and that’s normal, but you are excited about going big, that’s what I hear anyway. And excitement is a good indication that it is on your path! You will be strong when you need to be! Now with that said, if you decide to play it safe and keep your family safe you have total support from me and this community because we love you! ❤️

  7. I signed up to your website because I am looking for this level of channelling. I also channelled that KM is dead and had been cloned but didn’t feel I could talk to anyone about it and then, as you say, with the cancer thing, there is no chance of sharing. Could you keep the most far out stuff to the community away from YouTube? With so much love and appreciation for the way you are putting yourself out there now.

  8. You may still be wrapping your mind around the hundreds of comments that flood in to support you… knowing that at the end, it is really only your heart that can say what is right for you…

    BUT as your sister on this planet, If you were asking advice, I would ask you to be curious about your response/ reaction to the end of your life paths that you witnessed. Was that your higher self perspective? Or the human 3D perspective that one was “safe” and one was “accomplished” although with more struggle? Is that the ultimate truth of it? Or yet another story?

    That would be interesting to be curious about that. What came up for me as you said that was the egoic mind, making up stories as if one life, or choice is more important than another. When they all exist, as equal potentials. you are an eternal being. There is no wrong way. Only what is exciting for YOU, passionate for YOU. I believe that is our piece to do here. The language of the higher mind, is to follow what is the most exciting. Follow the light sister! <3

  9. Appreciate you and what you bring in. I’m so not going to be helpful!! HaHaHa! I’m here to listen. I don’t find the content that you are providing to be dark this 2024. I am at times concerned for your and your families safety from the “powers that were.” I channel the light and have a difficult time being a human living in polarity. I just quit teaching yoga at a studio. I have taught for over 21 years and the studio owner (at this newer studio) asked me to not sing and play the ukulele because it makes one students uncomfortable. I can’t not play. I can only be myself. I don’t want to be anyone other than me. Music is healing frequency and Sanskrit is a light language. I’m weird and always have been. And I’m just getting weirder.
    Let’s all grow weirder together, Shall We?!! Keep on Keeping on EA and be safe. Much love and respect. You are doing an amazing job. And at your mission work too. xoxoxo

  10. Hi Liz,
    please don’t be afraid of this dicision, you make the right thing. I personally appreciate the TRUTH before anything else.
    It is up to each of us how we deal with the information, and I firmly believe that there are many of us who can handle such information without heaviness.
    Be strong and stand by the TRUTH you give us. You can alternate such videos so you don’t put pressure on yourself.

    If you already know that you can handle both life routes, I would choose the more demanding one, so you can really say to yourself… wow, that was a ride on the Earth.
    But you know your heart best. Just push away all your fears. This is exactly what you advise us to do.
    After all, you can ask for increased light protection for yourself and your family.

    However, I firmly believe that whatever you decide, either way…we will love you and support you no matter what you decide.

  11. Hi Elizabeth, In a way I faced the same challenge a couple of years ago: telling my whole view on money and losing friends, or just taking it one step at a time. I chose the latter: step by step. Somethings need time. If someone has been in the Matrix for years, it is difficult to suddenly accept different, contradictory information. This is also what Morpheus says in the movie ‘The Matrix’. Set the intention that only those people who can receive your information will come your way/find you. And that becoming visible happens in a livable, pleasant and safe way. We create our own world. The other thing is that’s it is also important that every step you take first feels completely safe within you. Feeling that safety within yourself can take a while. It may even be that your system still contains a trauma/memory from a past life, when telling your truth has cost you your head in that lifetime. As long as you don’t feel safe, don’t take a step.

  12. Discretion is always a wise course, know your audience and what will be met with respect for you and your message even if some can’t quite wrap their mind around it they should still be respectful. That being said you know your answer because you are in tune with your higher self and what you truly feel you need and are here to do. None of us can give you that answer. It’s always tough when you have family but you knew that when you chose to become a mom. Your messages and channeling opens minds that are willing to open and helps confirm and reaffirm for those of us who are more or less on the same page as you but may not have as direct a channel to the info. We as humans do like affirmation of our things that seem odd or off from the mainstream. Those of us that really appreciate your knowledge and your openness to share it want you to continue full on but we do not live your life so again you are the only one that knows the timeline you can honestly commit too and live in unity with. Ultimately you have to put your soul above all else, even your family which is tough. You have your truth and you know it but the choice is not easy. If it makes any difference I had already been given the downloads about Kate that very closely matched what yours were. Being an Oprah means you WILL have to go to the dark side for that much fame. So yes landing in the neutral area between selling your soul to the dark side to reach huge fame and audience or facing ridicule and hate but telling your truth is tough. Finding that happy medium is the key which brings me back to know the audience, there are some that you can let it all out on and others not so much and having the wisdom to know who is who. As you tell us trust yourself! Trust your higher self. It’s not wrong either way, go the way of sounding crazy or being more discerning, either way you have done amazing things already! The people who really get you and your message will be here for you and the rest just aren’t your people and that’s ok! Love you and your decision never compromise with yourself! Those of us who love you always will no matter what! Sometimes what seems Ike the tough choice ends up being the choice that frees us and makes us the happiest in the long run 🤷🏼‍♀️ cuz the tough choice actually wasn’t tough for us but for others. Truth wins in the end even if we don’t see it’s fruition. Hope my rambling made sense! 💕 👽 🙏 🌞 🌙 🌚 🌔 🌕 😈 😇 ❤️

  13. My dear Elizabeth, don’t play it safe like I did. Go through with wat you have started.
    You must not doubt. The path you chose is the only path, it’s wat you came here for.

    Don’t reed the evil comments, if you see them…skip them.
    Reed the good comments from the loving people that trust you!
    If you speak out there shall be always people who don’t agree with you, so be it.
    You always say ” take it or leave it” so it’s not your problem, it’s there’s.

    Lean on the trust that your followers give you and love live for wat it brings.
    I understand your problem and hope you continue your very important work.
    Hope it helps you further.

    With love to you, your wife and body.
    Theo van Overbeek.
    The Netherlands.

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