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Being Aware...

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Consider for a moment, the extraordinary power of your intuition – that ‘knowing without conscious thought’. You are suddenly thinking about a person, or a thing, and in a matter of moments they appear in front of you, or on the phone or in a message.

You have had the déjà-vu" sensations. That is when for an instant you are provoked by the strong but fleeting impression that you’ve lived this experience before.  It is so real, a very familiar place, person, or event.

Your favorite color is blue! Whatever the color, you have never doubted that this is what you respond to, it suits you and you use it constantly.

You are looking for answers about a job, a place to live, a person or the way to handle a situation. There is a perceptible prompting to go in a certain direction. When you are right on track, it’s smooth. When it isn’t, it is awkward, nothing flows, and you have to retrace your steps.

You bump into people throughout your day. There is that one person who comes into focus, and you instantly feel the attraction, a comforting, heartfelt “connection”. Somehow you “know” this person. And it happens the other way - there is that negative sensation when someone crosses your path whom you feel you must avoid, must retreat from or protect yourself.

You may always be drawn to sit by a window when in a public place. That attraction to sit in the energy of the light of the day is comforting and reassuring.

You may feel love and passion for the trees, the flowers, the ocean, the magnificence of the night sky, music, writing, the mountains, the desert, other cultures, science, languages, people, the beauty of all living creatures and animals… You know to which of these and others you are drawn. 

As many of us know, you and I are not here on this Earth by accident.  It was planned that way. We have contracts. We each have something special to learn and contribute in this “school” we call life on Earth. We are all on a mission. There is no coincidence about anything that we are experiencing on the physical, emotional, spiritual or mental at this very moment. It is happening for a reason. And in all of this we are compelled to constantly ask questions in order to grow. We are so fortunate that Elizabeth is showing us the truth, guiding us and giving us answers! 


Posted : 28/02/2024 5:31 pm
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@rogo ✨✨✨

Posted : 28/02/2024 6:43 pm