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Was I visited at age 6, what happened to me?

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I'm curious to hear your views on what happened.  I never fully shared this story,  just bits and pieces. 

My story.  At age 6,  I was run over by a van.  I had numerous broken bones, head trauma, etc.   That night, after surgery.  I remember all this tugging and pulling as my tubes/life support was being removed.  I opened my eyes and saw this blinding white light and three very tall, slender beings on each side of me.  Then no memory after that,  until my Mom early the next morning said to me,  "Why did you remove your tubes?"  I had no answer for her.  Her asking me this question is vivid.  She didn't step back and ask herself, "How could he have done this?"  I was a mess and spent nearly a year in the hospital.  

This is odd;  talking to my mom later in life about this accident.  My memories from ages 6 and 7 are sparse.  She said a neighborhood girl (I have no idea who,  yet I remember my male friends stopping in) visited me daily until she moved away.   I have zero memory of a neighborhood girl before or after the accident that I was friends with.  I was an odd,  shy kid.  Who was this mystery girl?  An angel or ? 

Throughout my life, from the accident,  age 6 to age 43,  I was sick and disabled.  I was diagnosed with Bipolar, multiple sclerosis, PTSD, migraines, arthritis, and a few more things. 

I did manage to work,  and after work, I would zone out in front of the TV.  I liked watching ghost-hunting shows but didn't know if they were real or fake.  So,  I saw a tweet for a ghost hunt.  I went to that event and had paranormal experiences that my mind could not explain.  So,  I began to do some research.  I stumbled upon meditation,  the one benefit that got my attention was inner peace.

So,  I began to meditate.  Within two weeks, I discovered that I had thoughts, but I wasn't my thoughts.  If I'm not my thoughts,  who am I?  I knew myself as Soul, Spirit,  Consciousness, etc.  

Then, I simply knew that all was well,  and all fear about my health was gone.

Within 16 months, my body had zero signs of disease.  No more medicine,  or cane,  or team of doctors.   At my last Neurology appointment for MS, my doctor was confused.  My brain scans were clear,  my blood work was excellent, and he only saw a non-specific hand tremor that most people have.   Is this the rapid healing EA talks about in her book about the Angel soul type?  After my healing.  I also have a remarkable ability to heal individuals but I'm more focused/driven on expanding their consciousness and helping them remember their true essence.  


Posted : 05/02/2024 2:45 pm
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Light Codes: 2090

@baba_sam Wow! Fascinating! Thank you for sharing your story❤️

Posted : 06/02/2024 5:24 am
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@baba_sam What an incredible story and example for many in the same situation 😍

Posted : 07/02/2024 11:46 am