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How to become your own God video

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I absolutely loved that video about how to become your own God. However, something needs to be clarified for me. You state that:

"If you make decisions whether they will be perceived by yourself as right or wrong, you are the only one that has to decide whether or not you have learnt the lesson based on that decision. You are in control of your own faith and judgement."

You also mention discernment and going within.

This is great, but how does this relate to people who aren't awakened or have big egos? A weird example would be Hitler - he decided that what he did for the world was a cleansing of the world of dirt (by killing millions of innocent people), and perhaps in his head, he made the best decision of his life or fulfilled his life purpose. How does this work?

Posted : 18/03/2023 5:40 am
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