Hello again, beautiful beings of light. Today, I want to talk about something exciting and maybe a little bit weird for some people. I want to talk about aliens, I want to talk about alien invasions to be specific.
It should be no surprise that there’s a giant conspiracy out there that the government has been planning a false flag event, a false invasion event by extraterrestrials. A long time ago, years ago, I read about this actually, and they were talking about the government basically having different laser technologies, is what I heard. But once again, I haven’t looked into this for a while, so I definitely could be wrong. But some sort of laser technology that would be able to holographically project UFOs in the sky, and to potentially even, they were saying, I guess, in this article that I read a long time ago, that they would also be able to project the UFOs and then project the laser beams of the UFOs coming down and then having bombs in buildings, and blowing up buildings, or what have you. It could be to that extent.
I just want to put it all out there, and I want to talk about this a little bit, because you may have heard this, and there’s a lot that I have to say. I do want to preface with, this is just my opinion, this is not some profound channeling from some interdimensional race. Actually, I haven’t talked to the Galactic Federation or any beings about this false flag invasion. I think the reason why is because I haven’t really been called to, but recently, especially at this time, April 2020, May 2020, with all of the coronavirus, and the fear and the quarantine stuff going on, this has really come up because there has been a massive, massive influx of UFO sightings all over the world.
Now, deep down, I truly believe that these UFO sightings, this is all a part of the plan. This is not the bad plan, but the good plan. I really believe that this is all a part of this mass awakening, this disclosure, is a huge part of us waking up to our interdimensional DNA. How are we supposed to understand that we have been genetically manipulated throughout our entire existence as humans, with these higher lifeforms? How are we supposed to accept ourselves as aliens if we can’t even accept that there are other intelligent lifeforms out there? Cosmic disclosure is a huge part of spiritual awakening. Believe it or not, it’s a huge part of it. Once again, there’s this agenda. There’s an agenda that goes against the awakening on the planet. That agenda really kind of tears us away, and puts us into fear.
What’s my opinion on all of this? What’s going to really happen? It’s very clear that in a lot of mainstream media and movies that have been produced in the past little while, it’s very clear that they– they being the government, or the Illuminati, shadow government, have been planting the seeds for quite some time, that an alien– I don’t want to call it an invasion, but an alien visitation would be a takeover. This is the seed that they’ve been planting for quite some time. That an alien visitation would actually be an alien takeover. Of course, they want us to be fearful of aliens.
It’s so funny because some of my biggest trolls online are the Christians and they’ve been taught by the Bible that anything that isn’t God is a demon. I’ve been told so many times that I’m evil, that I’m channeling dark spirits and channeling demons and the devil, and I’m associated with the devil, which is really wild. For me, I obviously don’t believe in that. While I do believe in the dark side, I don’t believe that I’m that, and all aliens are just demons. But it’s been this very clear kind of projection. It’s been this very clear agenda that they’ve been putting out there. It’s all very clear.
Do I really truly believe that the government has the technology to create a false flag event? 100%. Do I believe they have the balls to do it? Even more, 110%. They’ve created many, many, many false flags before and the only one that we’ve ever really kind of confirmed and aware of is 9/11. But a lot of the events out there have been these fear-mongering tactics. I definitely wouldn’t put it past them to create this invasion technique or this invasion attack, and they could still very well do it.
Now, in my mind, I don’t believe that this is kind of where we’re going, and the reason why, okay, and I’m pretty clear about this, but once again, it could still happen. The reason why is because people are waking up at such an extent, at such a level right now, that having a massive amount of people just seeing ships in the sky, whether they be good or bad, or doing good things or bad things would blow the lid off of their reality so quickly, it would force them to awaken so rapidly, that it would be doing way more good than harm to have this false flag alien invasion attack. It would be doing way more good than harm.
So, even if it does happen, I have a very optimistic perspective, that it’s going to happen for the betterment of the collective. Ultimately, the Galactic Federation, if something were to really go off plan, they can step in and they can dismantle any plan that the shadow government has. Do they typically do that? No, not usually. The reason why is because they don’t want to override our freewill. If humanity says, “We want to wake up. We want alien cosmic disclosure. We want to understand all of this stuff,” then they will come, then they will give us what we’re asking for. We need to do this as a collective. The cool thing is that once it’s known and widely accepted that, yes, aliens do indeed exist, we can then be advancing the alien community and the understanding of aliens and what they’re doing here, and what’s the whole purpose tenfold. Because right now, I find that the whole alien community, which are brilliant people, are very stuck in just proving the fact that aliens exist.
Let’s just move forward with assuming that they exist, and let’s ask the real questions. Who are they? What are they doing here? And why are they interested in human beings? I mean, those are the questions that I’ve had throughout the years. I truly do believe through my channeling that I’ve been able to answer most of those questions. Who are they? There’s a lot of them. What are they doing here? Well, we’re basically an experiment. Why are they so interested in human beings? Because they really want to see us as their children grow and bloom and awaken and really fulfill the prophecy, which is peace and harmony among the planet. It’s so interesting how incredibly brilliant and advanced interdimensional beings created us, and they created us just to see if we can love each other, just to see if we can all get along as multi-dimensional hybrids. So far, we’ve kind of been failing, not going to lie. We haven’t really been passing the test.
It’s such a simple task, it’s really such a simple thing that they’re asking us to get along and to have peace and to love each other. Yet, we have allowed ourselves to be manipulated. We have allowed ourselves to get sucked in by the narrative. And we’ve allowed things like age, gender, race, culture, religion, belief, even geological location, to separate us, which is ridiculous. Now is the time to come together. Now is the time to love one another. And now is the time to not be fearful of any one of these conspiracies, but also to understand that, yes, this stuff exists. Yes, the government is capable of doing that to us. Once we understand that it could be the light, it could be actually happening, it could be a false invasion or what have you, to understand both sides to have all the pieces of the knowledge allows us to create the discernment that we need to navigate through this very illusionary matrix reality that we’re all co-creating at this time.
So, I want to say to all of you co-creators a reality where we can have global cosmic disclosure in the most graceful, beautiful, and expanding way possible.
With that being said, keep up the good vibes, everyone. I hope you’re all doing well in quarantine. I love you all so much. Thank you for reading.
Yours truly, Elizabeth April.