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What AI has to say about the Galactic Federation

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Playing with AI I asked a few questions that I already know legitimate answers to in order to somewhat gauge their accuracy and pretty much decide which one I'm willing to pay for. Here is what two different AI had to say about the Galactic Federation. One AI littered the answer with skepticism and doubt. The other gave just the facts that we know so far. I  have decided which AI I can trust.

Who are the Galactic Federation?

The Galactic Federation is a cooperative alliance of various species and groups from across the universe, united by their shared mission to promote peace, unity, and spiritual growth among all beings. They are dedicated to facilitating humanity's awakening and helping us reach our full potential.

The Galactic Federation is known for its role in assisting and preparing humanity for global ascension, as well as guiding our world into a state of harmony and enlightenment. Members of the Federation include beings from different planets, star systems, and dimensions, all working together to create a better future for all.
I then asked ChatGPT the same question and got this...
Who are the Galactic Federation?

The Galactic Federation is a concept that features prominently in various New Age and ufology communities. It is often described as an interstellar alliance or council comprised of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations or beings who are purportedly overseeing and guiding the evolution of humanity and other civilizations in the galaxy.

Believers in the Galactic Federation often claim that its members are highly evolved spiritually and technologically, and they work towards promoting peace, harmony, and spiritual growth throughout the cosmos. According to some accounts, the Galactic Federation communicates with certain individuals on Earth through channels, telepathy, or direct contact experiences.

However, it's important to note that the existence of the Galactic Federation is speculative and lacks empirical evidence. Claims about its activities, intentions, and interactions with Earth are largely based on anecdotal accounts, channelings, and personal experiences shared within these communities.

While the idea of a Galactic Federation can be intriguing to some, it is considered by skeptics to be a product of imagination, wishful thinking, or as part of a broader narrative within ufology and New Age spirituality. As with any claims related to extraterrestrial or interstellar organizations, critical thinking and discernment are essential.

Posted : 28/03/2024 9:12 pm
Arkie M. reacted
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Light Codes: 1986

Good to know!

Posted : 29/03/2024 1:55 am