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Maui Meditation, Painting and Rain Energy Surge

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Hi there,

My name is Sabrah and I was very happy to join the meditation for Maui. I was more emotionally capable to join today, September 2nd, 2023, and I'm so happy and inspired that I did. This experience was nothing short of powerful and cathartic for what I felt for Maui and all the others participating but for my own path as well. 

As I painted and listened to Elizabeth, what first stood out to me was her recognition that there would be newcomers to the meditation. I happen to be a another happy newcomer and what she said about being open to a different type of meditation experience, she was so right in a very meaningful way.

I'd also be amiss if I did not state my absolute gratitude for the connection that was shared with everyone in a fight for regained resilience and a stop to this continued attack on humanity. Thank you all so much. Thank you Elizabeth. Thank you to my amazing partner who introduced me to this community. 

When the replay began I was absorbed into this journey immediately, though I've never really had any success with meditating before this. I felt drawn and empowered to give my all in congruence with the message of genuine battle and service.

Around the Island I was spiritually focused on the energy of the Ocean to overcome the negative works of what was attacking. I visualized (involuntarily?) a white misty boundary of positive force surrounding Maui, focused predominately on the West. 

I pushed my thoughts and intention towards the ones that were combating the actual spiritual beings/giants. I was unable to feel those negative forms in a concentrated way so I gave where I could and thankfully had Elizabeth's guidance.

There was a very pivotal moment where Elizabeth lead the meditation toward healing the inner self and then everything came to an extreme cumulous of emotion and understanding that bolstered the amount of push I could emit. 

I heard the rain begin to pour outside as I felt this rush of internal strength pass through me to the Island and I was overcome with the urge to race to my patio. Outside I was shocked that as soon as I stepped outside it began down-pouring. I stood out there feeling the surges of energy and as I felt them the rain would fluctuate in symbiotic boosts. 

I do believe that if I wasn't ushered back into my home by the breeze that so graciously relinquished me from the trance of the beautiful and powerful connection I was feeling, I would have stood there until morning.

I'm so happy to be apart of something so much bigger than myself but also one of the most personal things I've joined in commune with.

I hope this is of some confirmation to anyone that this is such an important endeavor for the work towards our enlighten future and I'm grateful to have this with me from now on.

Bless you all, Blessings unto Maui and Bless this new day towards Our True Light.


Posted : 02/09/2023 7:38 am
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@sabrah-bruner Thank you so much for joining the meditation! That was an epic🥰

Posted : 04/09/2023 4:37 am