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Hi there, I just bought this workshop and am curios if the one or other has managed to start travelling out of body? I was hoping for some discussions and experiences of members in this forum who already achieved this skill.

If there are some topics around Astral Travelling in other forums, please let me know as I could not find any topics in other forums related to the Astral Travelling.

Thank you so much - karlie

Posted : 13/11/2023 1:09 pm
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@karlie You are in the right spot😊

Posted : 14/11/2023 8:34 am
Nick Quinn and Tay Ryn reacted
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Hi @karlie, I also purchased this workshop a couple of weeks ago. Let's make some stories-- I say. 👍 😉 

Posted : 21/11/2023 1:02 pm
Tay Ryn reacted
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Hi Karlie, Lyn, Pal & other community members who come across this post. I just bought it today. I have had some experiences. It started when I was younger like 17/18 and learned the Merkaba meditations followed by the Heart Space Meditation with Drunvalo Melchizedek. I just popped rt out and could see all around and move around it was exhilarating but didn't think to do much but go sort of around the house and nearby area. Later I had other experiences with wisdom plant ceremonies during my twenties and also had two very specific other race encounters. I still hope to ask EA about one of these if I get chosen on a coaching call. Anyway, Then nothing for years I got kinda into matrix roles and jobs and bad relationships for a while experiencing Earth stuff and human stuff haha. Now in my thirties and since June it has just been opening up hugely after I had some powerful reiki healing sessions & tried out the Dream Porting process with Daniel Raphael for clearing past life imprints holding my consciousness back in this life. Since then I felt a different person and new tools just started opening up. I wanted more sort of confirmation of them and clarity with regards to whats happening. I find so many gems from EA. My first recent experiences this year were auditory and then I started a different program to learn but there was no one to talk to nor any support in it... yet it got me leaving my body and having what I thought were my spirit guides communicating with me. The first few experiences were also quite similar to what people described in NDE's as I met loved ones who passed on and we communicated plus other guides all came and spoke with me in this huge golden or white light. Other times I went far away to a specific beach at Findhorn in Scotland. Still I could not see these beings, but hear very clearly. After the initial meetings with loved ones passed on, that stopped and then there were more guides and other planetary beings. I started asking more questions or better questions the more it happened. So I started learning some I remembered to ask for a name to call them by or what consciousness or collective or star race they are from. I have had mostly interactions with beings who are Pleidian or Arcturian and they give upgrades and teach me about frequency and the astral realm. I started with silly questions and realized it was ego stuff not really useful so i checked in why and what am I really truly from my heart hoping to do by learning these things.I understood it was about upgrading and releasing old so can serve more here. So far they are helping to guide my consciousness in a sort of activation of gifts to serve others. But I have work to do more to be able to clearly use and understand these gifts. As i am sure we all do on this journey. Even though I have had many experiences, I still am so new to it all. I have also had two angelic encounters. One informed me and reminded me he has been with me a long time and gave me protection when I was about 17/18 around the time of the first OBE experience. I was at that time practicing lucid dreaming fervently and the angel came to me while in a conscious lucid dream and this dream was a huge one for me as I was pulled out of the dream by someone very close to me who was also in the dream and then sitting next to me waking me up gently. The transition was almost non existent from dream to waking that time it was super matrix like. I was shocked and amazed of the retelling of this something I had not shared before with anyone in detail and it was being confirmed. When I ask they give clear imagery yet it doesn't always come naturally or stay and can be blurry or clear or just a momentary glimpse. This is part of their messages to me on my personal process rt now and they seem to inform it will shift and stabilize more later on. So it is a psychic connection of telepathic communication and bits and pieces of imagery and feeling of their frequency which can be overpoweringly beautiful, joyful, loving and healing or that brings on tears and emotional release or laughter at other times. This is how I knew it was a sort of light being not ones with negative agendas. Feels healing or neutral and they explain they have a message for me or transmission to share. Until I learned or remembered that I could more consciously choose what I allowed and set up that intention myself before I go exploring. Since I had one scary entity and knew immediately it's vibration invoked fear and it wasn't welcome. I could shield that and choose to move through my experience of it with neutrality and trust I was safe and could call in that as needed. Still...makes me feel people should take care. I decided I would like to practice more to do it by conscious choice and get better at the upfront intention setting. With regard to the out of form entities and other star race beings. I mean it feels very important to make absolutely sure of being sovereign and claiming personal power with your own highest intention for explorations upfront and setting that intention before beginning any explorations to only allow beings of higher frequency love and light who have my highest or best interest at heart and all the same for beings here on Earth as well as the Earth it-self's highest good as a clear boundary for who may come into contact with my consciousness and what I will allow or give permission to. I felt guided to then find some incredibly useful information on this from a YouTube podcast called, "Becoming Awesome" with a man named, Peter D. He has even further resources on his website. I have discovered as I work through clearing more of my own and my family/relationship baggage these experiences become more sharp and clear. Now I no longer need to leave my body to communicate with some of these beings however, I would like to learn more conscious control with regard to perhaps later doing remote viewing and remote viewing that would allow exploration of different time-space frequency signatures of past or future knowing it is all simultaneous we can tap into it. At least it sounds like it would put certain puzzle pieces in place as EA does. Who knows it seems we all have to lose our limitations in order to master the higher frequency realms. It is exciting to have a place to share. I have never written on any forums here so I hope the community is kind and more will share their experiences too, if any. Thanks, Tay.

Posted : 23/11/2023 1:04 pm
Arkie M., Ksbolwell, Rock Orms and 3 people reacted
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@karlie Hey Karlie. I didn’t know that we had an astral traveling section. My Twin and I astral travel pretty regularly. Like @tayryn was mentioning it’s better to do it in your Merkaba. Some have their light vehicle activated already and others don’t. We make sure we enter our light vehicles then we get into a deep meditative state which allows us to travel. We always invoke protections ahead of time with a sacred space, Arch Angel support and Divine Spirit guided. We’ll state our intentions for the highest good, benefit for all and we’ll go. It’s easier at first to be lead by ET or Angelic realm to an appropriate location for you for your mission but you can do it independently as well. I don’t like to come across any lower 4th astral energies or anything of negative nature so when we do it , we always follow rules and attached to Divine Spirit with our intentions.

This is a super interesting topic. Thank you for posting. You can interact ET’s , higher realm energies, guides or look into things like timelines, potential outcomes, what’s going on at a particular location etc. If you have your energy work activated you can apply your energy work while you astral travel. Like heal a timeline, heal someone, heal yourself, heal past life versions of yourself, transmute energies attached to anything that you’re observing or interacting with. Really a ton of actions you take take while you’re astral traveling. Grid workers are doing that daily. Astral travel to a timeline or grid, ley line location and transmute or heal what’s needed. Typically guided by ET when they need a timeline correction or grid work done on the Crystilline grid or a portal or whatever. Endless possibilities with astral traveling. Just gotta be careful not to run into negative or parasitic energies or beings in the astral.

Posted : 24/11/2023 8:29 am
Rock Orms, Arkie M., Tay Ryn and 1 people reacted