The Downside of Generational Parenting

The Downside of Generational Parenting

Today, I want to write about my observations with generational parenting. Yeah, this is a big one. No matter what generation you are in, you are really going to resonate with this content. There is definitely an observation that I have witnessed a lot in the past couple of months. This year is really showing and exposing the truth in plain sight, right in front of our eyes. We can choose to look at it, listen, and change, or we can choose to look away and continue our lives. Either way, I am glad that you are here and reading this blog.

I want to address the topic of parents these days then move onto the older generations. It’s all basically the same theme. This is what I’ve witnessed, not necessarily in my own life or maybe partly in my own life, but mostly in the outside world. Now when I was taking clients, I really enjoyed that part of my life. I did it for quite some time, probably eight years. Then, I got to the point where it was really exhausting for me to do what I was doing. However, I learned so much from it. 

I had clients whose ages ranged from 16 years old all the way to the oldest client who was 92 years old. I think actually the youngest client that I ever had was around 10 years old, obviously someone’s child. So I had clients from 10 years old to 92 years old. That’s pretty awesome. I gained perspectives on the topic of parenting from the side of the child and from the side of the parent many different times, from different ages, and from different generations. I received both sides of the story. What I found was the biggest trauma and pain, the biggest issue in many of these clients’ lives was always family issues. I have my own family issues. Luckily for me, my family has been very low maintenance as far as drama and issues. I’ve been really, really lucky to be in the position that I’m in. Thanks, mom, for being so low key and being such an amazing parent. I really do love and appreciate you. 

Here’s what I’ve observed. Let’s address the millennial generations and then the baby boomer generation. Take it or leave it as always. I’ve observed that a large portion of the baby boomer generation really struggled because they’re post-World War II babies. A lot of them had immigrant parents. Not all of them, but a lot of them had recent immigrant backgrounds. Some of them really grew up struggling in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. 

A lot of baby boomers struggled specifically with the way that their parents parented them and also what they didn’t have access to as a child. Typically, there was a lot of poverty, a lot of struggling, but it was also a kind of post industrialization time. There were also a lot of parents not at home, working a lot, and many mothers entering the workplace full-time as well. It was just a changing dynamic. 

Now, the biggest thing that I’ve observed in the baby boomer generation as parents is that many boomers felt like they didn’t have access. A large portion of boomers felt like they grew up with emotional lack, financial struggles, or lived as lower middle class families. They felt like they didn’t get the childhood they wanted. What I’ve observed is that the baby boomers feel obligated and in a sense, pressured into giving their millennial children everything and anything that their children wanted, desired, and needed. Because of the boom in the economy, because of other ways of making money, and the strength in the financial market, they were able to provide these material things to their kids.

Think about the Walmartization of the globe. The fact that Walmart has this price model that drives down all the prices of everything because everything they sell is mass produced. All of a sudden, these baby boomers were able to give their kids everything. There’s a fun little nickname that the millennial children have, which is “Generation Expectation.” There’s also some funny jokes about millennials. One  of the ways that millennials are poked fun at is about the participation ribbon. The idea and sentiment behind it is this: “Oh, good for you, honey. You participated. So you get a ribbon. You get a reward for participating.” It is about raising children with this kind of over coddling, over optimistic, over giving sort of parenting. Once again, I believe this is because the baby boomers parents lacked A) genuine nurturing and B) any sort of support as children because many families were just focused on surviving and making a living. They bought into the idea of material wealth as a way of saying, “I can now give you not only my love, attention, affection, and pride, but I can give you material things as well.” This created an overcompensation of overgiving. That is what I have observed. Unfortunately, this has created a generation of kids who are prone to be spoiled and living at home until they’re 26, 28, 30. Once again, no judgment and to each their own. It’s just an interesting dynamic to observe. 

What I’ve noticed about the current millennial generation is that they feel like they didn’t grow up with technology as young children. I’m a millennial. I don’t know where I sit on the millennial scale. Actually, I think millennials ended in 1990. I think it goes from 1980 to 1994. I was born in 1992. I was 14 when I got my first cell phone, and it was a crappy flip phone where you T9 text. From my observations, I think that a lot of millennials did not grow up with early access to technology. In response to this, millennial parents are exposing their kids to technology right away. It is crazy when you see a four-year-old playing with an iPad better than you can. It really blows my mind when you see six-year-olds coding. There are all these crazy kids games and different things where you can teach your kid how to code or create a website at a young age. It’s mind blowing, which is really cool but scary. Now, an iPad or a cell phone can replace the babysitter. Now, parents can just turn on some cartoons and wait in the line, grocery shop, and entertain their kids at the same time. It’s wrong in so many ways. I know that I’m not a parent yet, and I know that my perspective might change when I see how convenient it is. For me, limiting screen time is going to be a very important thing, which is 100% hypocritical because I’m probably in front of the screen way more than I should be. I honestly think we all are in front of the screen way more than we should be. 

Now, the millennial generation is having kids and oversaturating their children at young ages with technology. Four or five years ago, I was so worried. I was so triggered, so disgusted, and so worried about these poor kids. I’m thinking to myself that these kids are not going to have any sort of social life. They’re not going to understand proper communication. Their eyes are going to be messed up. Their neurological patterns are going to be messed up. They’re going to externalize their reality through a screen, and I’m really scared. These are the future presidents, and leaders, and influencers of the world. 

So I tapped into it one day. I was so stressed out about the future of the generation of humanity that I had to tap into it. It’s funny because I don’t forget that I can channel, but I think my human self gets so worried or focused on something that I forget that I can just tap into it. So I did that. I’m like “Oh, screw this fear, screw this worry. Let me tune into the future of humanity. Let me tune into the future of this generation.” And I did. And guess what I saw? I saw that the children of the millennials are going to grow up solidly with technology, but at a certain point in time at around 18, 19, 20 years old, they are going to be sick of it. They are going to be absolutely done with it, and we are going to start to notice a trend that all of them want authentic, real, organic, in-person experiences. 

Now, I channeled that long before COVID, long before this pandemic. Now that I see kids wearing masks and doing online school, I’m all about homeschooling. I am concerned about the lack of socialization. They would rather hop on a video game and talk to their buddy down the street rather than get out and kick a ball around. You know what I mean? The parents are enabling this behavior unfortunately because it seems easier, it’s less dangerous, creates less worry, and it’s more “safe.” Basically, what I saw is that all of these kids of millennials, called Alpha Generation or Generation Alpha, are all going to want to ditch technology or allow technology to assist in having real, organic, in-person, live experiences. This made so much sense because when you have something pushed on you so intensely, all you want to do is swing the other way.

This is what we’ve seen generation after generation after generation. If hard work is pushed on you over and over again, all you want to do is slack. If slack is pushed on you over and over again, all you want to do is work hard. There’s going to be a natural swing. Look at most of the millennial generation who was really given everything material. We are now starting this movement of being entrepreneurs of all wanting to work for ourselves. It’s changing the workplace as we know it. It’s a very exciting time for the workplace and for future careers. So it’s fascinating; it’s so interesting.

I want to just swing around to another concept. There’s no judgment here because no matter what age and no matter what generation you’re in, there’s going to be this pushback from your children. It’s weird, but I had a flash forward the other day about being with my kids and them getting frustrated at me for not understanding where they’re coming from. This really blew my mind in the future because I thought I was a very compassionate, very emotionally intelligent, very tuned in, and very understanding parent, and they were still blaming me. I laugh because no matter where you’re at in your life, there’s going to be this push-pull with your kids. It is what I’ve seen generation after generation. The children say, “It’s not enough. You’re not giving me what I need. It’s not enough.” The parents say,” I’m giving you more than I’ve ever had. I’m giving you what I lacked as a kid.” I am noticing that this kind of parenting is coming from a place of lack. I didn’t have this, so I’m giving you more of this. Then the child who grows up to be a parent is like I had too much of this, so I’m giving my child less of this and more of this other thing. It continues to spiral over and over again with the extremes of what you had too much of and what you didn’t have enough of. 

As I’ve said in prior readings, the parent is often in this position of “Elizabeth, I just don’t know what’s wrong with her. I’m giving her everything that I can possibly think of. I’m doing all the things that I can think of doing.” Well, what about just listening? What about just asking what she needs? What about just being open rather than parenting from a place where you think you should be parenting or giving what you think that you should be giving based on what you didn’t have? It is true that the generations are changing very rapidly. Human beings are evolving so rapidly, spiritually, technologically, consciously that it’s hard to keep up with what our children need at that moment. We have to be in a place where we are not attached or jaded, just really listen to what they need, and tune into that. It’s so, so important.

The children may feel, “Well, it’s not enough.” The parents are struggling and feel like “Well, I’m giving everything.” If you’re a parent, obviously you’re also a child, and you’re a kid of someone. The biggest advice that I could give you is to understand that your parents only have so much that they can give you. I’m sure that you’ve already thought about this, but maybe you need to think about it again. Understand that they are limited by their own parents and background. They only have so many tools to give you. You chose to be with them as their child to learn through the experience of what they couldn’t give and the surplus of what they gave you. The best advice that I could give to you is to understand where your parents are coming from and forgive their lack and limitations because they really just don’t know what you need. They really don’t know. They don’t have enough tools. Some of them admit that, and some of them definitely do not admit that. For those of you who are potentially moving into parenthood or are a parent right now, remember to always just listen and have balance in your parenting abilities. Don’t overgive, undergive, or assume that you know what your child needs.

Definitely, limit, monitor, and understand screen time. Allow your children to connect with nature, bring them up in a world where energy, consciousness, and dreams are real. It’s real. Don’t shy away from contentious topics or topics that could be frightening like light versus dark energy. It’s important that we understand that children, especially today are not just kids. If anything, it’s most likely that your children are older than you, are wiser than you are, and more attuned. If we’re downplaying their gifts, their connections, their knowledge, and their abilities,it’s going to be to your detriment. If we’re condescending towards them or not really listening, it is going to be potentially harmful to them and to the future of humanity. Seriously, there have been a lot of traumas throughout many of the generations. I want to remind you that your job as a parent isn’t to make your kids happy all the time. It’s to help your child be more human. That means experiencing all aspects of this polarized reality. 

With that, beautiful Starseeds, thank you as always for being part of my community. Keep up the good work. Be sure to stay tuned with my blogs, listen to the podcasts, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and check out my Instagram feed. And of course, share with your people, your friends, your community, other parents who need to read this, and other children who need to be supported and heard. I will see all of you in the fifth-dimension frequency.


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