AI troll online commenting
I had a realization the other day about some of the wild online comments you see online. You will see people sharing very neutral posts or questions, and they get (on public facebook groups, for example) the very most inflammatory comments possible. This then creates a huge number of people getting all fired up and responding, feeding the algorithm to show it to more people, and effectively making many many people angry and upset. Could many of these comments simply be AI bot trolls programmed to comment the most inflammatory things? In order to create discord and division?
Absolutely this is intentional to keep people divided not unified
Some people are negative just for the sake of it. But I definitely know what you're talking about. I see this happening frequently on Youtube. They will either praise, or talk a lot of smack about an individual. If you look deep enough, you'll see the same comment posted several times by different accounts. A lot of the times, the comments seem synthetic.