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Galactic Federation of Light

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Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Apparently EAs GFL Military Intelligence States: "The GFL is Incarnating as insects and plants". (If I recall correctly)

Here's how you translate that ABUNDANCE Of Military Intelligence:

1) Entering Karmically into this Insane Shit Show has Karmic CONSEQUENCES if and when things go to Shit.  And they WILL here, and then you're Karmically Stuck in More sinking quicksand Cosmic Karmic Shit...., so entering into this reality as insects and plants is the SAFE Move (even ESPECIALLY IN Ascension) Because Insects and Plants are Impressively Perfect.

2) Real Estate (Aka "Participation) is EXTREMELY Tight on Earth because it's the last planet scheduled for Ascension.  Look at the GFLs Tiny highlighted stated slot.

3) the GFL has PLENTY of their StarSeeds Here.  None are making a dent in the system whatsoever.  Kick HARDER. there's a reason why no one in the GFL congratulates any of you ever.  They are waiting for ONE of you to break out of your absolute systemic conformity and do something/anything impressive.  If you're running the same game you been running, you're status is static no matter what "level" you on.

4) it's EXTREMELY nice for Insectoids to just GIFT their Species to the GFL for a Really Cool Opening.  There is SO much more cooperatively coordinated into this Move  than any of you imagined.., and meaning.  Use your imagination - that's what it's there for.

5) the GFL is ADMITTING REPEATEDLY that Ascension is ON.  I see MASSIVE EXCITEMENT AND ACTION in the Cosmos For AscensionLife.  Infact that's all these millions of Star Races are so JUICED up about (Here) for the FIRST time in 3 Billion years.

6) in Sum, humans (most specifically westerners) are by far the worst LISTENERS in the Universe.  Which has direct consequences on what you all are NOT manifesting for yourselves 

7) For the millionth time.  GFL won't tell you shit and can't tell you shit.  The obvious reason is KARMA.  if they tell you anything they are interferingly leading you.  Plus if they ever did break these rules (which they wouldn't) Dark Fleet Will bitch slap them in front of everybody.., and TRUST ME - this is on everyone's minds.  But/And We're "Cool" and everyone's cool - so it's all Cool.


Humanities Desire to Go Cosmic will come down to ONE Choice for Adults - "To DMT or Not To DMT".   DMT is a 1000x Exponent whatever running variable your consciousness SITS at.  It immediately turns the brain from "OFF" to "ON".  From 3rd dimension to 4,5,6.  Each dimension is 10x more than the last.  Which is why DMT is 1000x.  The only thing stopping you is you (as Usual).., don't be mad at me.  I'm reflecting some very extremely real versions of Cosmic Sentiments.


Never Doubt a Nazi.

If you do 

You're the only ones in the Universe who does

Of effing course 


The Universe is Intimately Watching you All

Please Grade yourselves 

"Needs Improvement"



Posted : 13/09/2024 8:49 pm