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🌟 Introduce Yourself and Connect🌟
Let's start by getting to know each other better! Take a moment to introduce yourself and share your cosmic journey.

  • Answer the following questions:
  • Name: What is your name or the name you resonate with?
  • Origin: Where are you from (either physically or energetically)?
  • Cosmic Society: How did you find the cosmic society or become aware of your Starseed or Lightworker nature?
  • Something Interesting: Share something fascinating or unique about yourself, whether it's a talent, a passion, or an extraordinary experience.

By sharing these aspects of ourselves, we aim to build connections based on shared vibrations. Feel free to engage with other members, ask questions, and discover kindred spirits. 🌌

Together, we can manifest meaningful connections and create opportunities for physical meetups. Remember, the universe conspires to bring us together! ✨🌟

Posted : 22/05/2023 5:34 pm
Cailin OConnor, Rose Toner, Momo and 21 people reacted
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  • Name: Hello beautiful, My name is Kissy. 
  • Origin: Her I am originally from Puerto Rico, but currently live in Maryland and work in DC.
  • Cosmic Society: I found EA through a special friend we both have been searching to find what's really happening out there as I got really sick back in November 2023 and doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me. I always suspected there was more to life than what we grow up learning but dint have any idea how to navigate for it. So it really wasn't till 2021 when I traveled to Greece that something magical and unexplainable happen where I was able to go into my physic abilities and see things. My life started to change from that moment forward. 
  • Something Interesting: I'm a mom of 3 beautiful crystal child. I make sure I can help and guide them to see the reality to everything around us. I of my child is still skeptical about everything but little by little starting to see things herself. I work as a Human Resources for a company in DC, and finally know I want to do so much more, so I started my online business selling Crystal. I want to be able to help and guide others that are searching for more. Dragonfly Crystals and More is my online page and I really hope I can this year open up a store in the town I live in. I also want to offer other services to humans so I learning everything I need to make this possible. Finding this site has help me know we are not alone and that I wasn't imagining nor going crazy with things I been seeing. I am happy that I can finally embrace the gift and enjoy learning to understand what's going on around us. I look forward to connecting with the community and being part of it. 
Posted : 05/01/2024 5:45 am
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@nickq1233 Your story is awesome. Glad to have gotten to know a super human like you.

Posted : 05/01/2024 2:11 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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Hi all. My name is Hal. I live in Australia. I just joined at creator level

Posted : 06/01/2024 3:16 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@keeta Thanks, lol. I’m humbled. I’m no super human at all. Just a starseed trying to figure this journey out like everyone else. Dealing with all the new paradigm shifts that have presented themselves to me in the last 3 years. We’re all in this together with the same gifts and abilities. ❤️ 💡 Nothing special about me. 🙂 The ETs and Divine Spirit are responsible for everything. 🙏

Posted : 06/01/2024 11:34 am
Keeta reacted
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@alexandros Hey brother. I just saw this. I’m sorry for the late response. Thanks man. I’m very grateful for them and everything. Yes, I’m still in contact daily. My Telosion guides are like family at this point. They’re kind of my main point of contact for Earth affairs. They are located here and so close to me physically. They keep me in the loop on things that i should know about. I’ll call them in energetically every day while I do energy work, channeling or whatever. My Telosion guides are really mission focused and task oriented. Heavily engaged is Earth affairs. Definitely soul family. I have so much ❤️ love for them and view them as family for sure.

The experience has changed everything for me. I wasn’t spiritual before my awakening and was caught up in the false religions. I had no idea that ETs existed. Any ET experiences I had as a kid were subconsciously buried. Including abductions. All to come out later into my awakening. My whole world was turned upside down. I wasn’t awake when it started so I thought I was experiencing a mental health crisis. I saw a psychiatrist, I took a leave from work. It took me a while to come to terms. I was in denial big time. They had to keep engaging, keep coming back over and over for me to finally accept the truth that ETs were real, here, talking to me, working on me, guiding me, asking me to do things for them etc. I had some trauma attached for sure. I was exposed to a lot of darker truths that I had a difficult time accepting. The realty of who’s in control on Earth, what their agenda is and what their true intentions are. Not positive and certainly not in our best interests at all.

Since my initial contact with my Telosion guides I’ve come into contact with the Arcturian collective, Andromedans, Pleaideans , Sirians and others. They've put me on missions to connect starseeds with their ascension teams and other tasks. I’m going out tonight with another local starseed to help connect them with their ascension team. They put me on grid work tasks with my twin. We’re constantly healing , transmuting timelines, ley lines, portals and other things that I had no idea that we could do 🤷. All guided by and supported by the ETs and Galactic forces here. They activated us but they are putting us to work. Paying it off and forward in that way I guess. It’s been wild and very hard to stay balanced and grounded but I’m so so grateful for everything. Divine Spirit has been equally amazing. I really had no clue how big the Divinity aspect is to all this. The Arch Angels, Angelic Realm, Saraphim, Ascended Masters. I try to stay rooted in my Divinity and focused from that perspective in Christ Consciousness.

I think we all have our moments where we resonate closer to 5th density or higher. From that perspective. We hold 5th dimensional Consciousness by being aware that there are higher dimensions and understanding the truths attached to those realities. Then we can resonate in lower realms having to work a job to pay for basic shelter, food, water. I feel like I’m walking with one foot in the 3d and one foot in the 5d. Having the awareness of the 5d and above but still attached to the 3d systems in place. I am guided by ET, GF, Divine Spirit but I still have to work a job and pay bills in the same environment as everyone else. I’m enslaved in the same systems of economic slavery, oppression, control that everyone else is. In that fact I can’t say I’ve ascended. True ascension to the 5d in my opinion is complete liberation and freedom. Reclaiming full power and sovereignty and not adhering to the Draconian systems in place currently. A utopia isn’t possibly in an environment of power of others. Only service to others will sustain a higher realm existence. 

@alexandros That’s an amazing experience with the angelic beings. Did they glow a little? Like transparent white in a way but still in the physical? I’m sorry to hear about your encounters with the darker stuff. I have my fair share of negative attacks, and targets out on me. I heavily rely on energy work daily. I’m constantly setting protections, clearing , transmuting, healing and all that energetically. You can stay clear of that energy and rise above it but it takes daily energy work. Everyone can get their chakras activated and their abilities online. Providing the ability to clear energies, set protections, activate others, heal, channel our guides and more. I always recommend the Cosmic Awakening group for accelerated activations and developing abilities if you’re interested in getting your abilities online where you can communicate easier and more intentionally. Otherwise we wait for them to engage us. With our abilities activated we can reach out to them any time through telepathy. It’s like having a communication device online but you can talk to more than just ETs. 

QHHT/ Regressions are great for communicating with our higher selves and guides. As for as the wars. There’s several going on right now. The public just has no idea yet. That will change. There has been many, many wars and there is certainly a lot misunderstanding. The Reptilian topic is one of the more obvious misunderstandings related to the war in process. Not all reptilians are negative. anyways we can dive deeper into anything you want. Super large topic.

Sorry for the long response. Lots of detail and Information and we haven’t touched the surface on.

Posted : 06/01/2024 1:33 pm
joannarkelly reacted
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You are indeed my friend and it is a pleasure to speak with you as you are rooted in Christ. 

Who is my First and last resort to everything. 


The Orthodox Church has saved me. 


You have been Kind and trusting in opening up your experience to me with a detailed and lengthy message that I deeply appreciate 🙏


I want to communicate with you about important information but concerning the war, I am In it and don't want to risk you.

Trusting you will know what I mean and act to find out. 




L X 

Posted : 07/01/2024 1:31 am
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Posted by: @le-o-ns


Ha Corky, 🤗

So nice to read your post, thank you!
While reading your post, questions came up, 
What time did it look like,past, future, was the sergeant of the same age as you knew him?  
On what mission did the aliens work together with you? 
Together against another race? Was it about an event?
Were the aliens already in the militairy for their own beings? 
Who wanted to start to work together? 
About what did the aliens communicate telepathically with you?
You wrote there were smells, what kind of?
What I saw of militairy bases in channelings, it was about investigations by humans on aliens.  
It also felt as another dimension, like a collective manifested energetic field where the situation, investigating aliens, was repeated over and over again, including the intense emotions of the aliens.  
Mostly it had the appereance of the fifties, sixties.  
Thank you for sharing your dream about passing away and coming back, and going on journey again. Hope you have a great journey!
Beautiful that you got so inspired.
Hope you like the book. 
At the moment I m filling in a sort of form what I all wish for in 2024. Its getting such a long to do list that i enjoy more that its still 2023:)
But i do wish you a very happy new year too!🪄 Leonie


Posted : 10/01/2024 6:47 am
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Hi again Leonie, I was trying to respond but his the wrong button.  Anyway, you've asked really good questions.  I hope I can answer them clearly.  

1.  For the timing, I feel like it would have been in the mid to late 90's. I feel that way because of the rank I was promote to in the dream.  If I had remained it would have been around then.  The SGT was the same age as I knew him.  I believe he has passed away since I last saw him for real.

2.  I think the aliens were doing some kind of rescue missions for humans and possibly other aliens on this planet and maybe the moon. Since there were so many beings down there I'm guessing it was a ongoing event. Not clear on that.  Somebody told me it sounded like a scene from Men In Black. Maybe I was influenced by that, but I can't get over how real it felt.

3.  I think it was a joint operation with mutual goals.

4.  Some of them stood and said hello but I cannot remember how they did it.  I remember looking for mouths on some of them to see what they were saying but I didn't understand everyone's anatomy.

5.  Yeah there were smells.  I took it as some of the beings simply had an oder. 

6.  The times I was sent to the moon felt like now or maybe some time in the future.

Because there were so many others involved I didn't get the impression it was about investigating other aliens. it felt bigger than that.  I can't really describe that.  I am really curious about your channelings.  That must be amazing.  What do you think is the greatest benefit from doing that? 

Thanks for the questions and interest.  My New Year was spent on my own as usual, but I didn't mind.  I don't feel lonely anymore even though I am mostly alone. How was yours?  I hope this year proves to give us awakeners some real breakthrough to continue to bring us all closer.  Stay well!  


Posted : 10/01/2024 7:12 am
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@lalarob909 Can I assume you liked her book? She has another one coming out soon.  Hope your New Year started great and goes up from there!

Posted : 10/01/2024 7:27 am
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@carococo091668376047 Thank you for sharing your experiences.  I cannot help but feel happy for you. I'm still learning so much here.  My sincere condolences about your husband. I'm not certain if egodeath is a good thing or not but it sounds positive and I hope it is.  Sounds like you're in a great place to be creative. Keep it up!

Posted : 10/01/2024 7:36 am
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@le-o-ns   Yeah I believe they would have been fun to watch if we weren't focused on avoiding a mishap. I know what you mean by orbs but this thing looked more solid if that makes sense although fairly bright with NVG's.

Posted : 10/01/2024 7:40 am
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@kissyfr That's a great story.   Gracias! Donde es tu direccion web?  Also I always thought crystals were kind of a feminine thing, like I've never seen a man wear pearls.  Do men use crystals?  Should we?

Posted : 10/01/2024 7:47 am
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@kissyfr That's a great story.   Gracias! Donde es tu direccion web?  Also I always thought crystals were kind of a feminine thing, like I've never seen a man wear pearls.  Do men use crystals?  Should we?

Posted : 10/01/2024 7:48 am
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@don-paul-ap-arfon Hello Paul, Apologies for the slow reply.  I've been to Wales once but didn't get to see much on the ground as I was flying a helicopter at the time.  It waas so beautiful and green. I still have not meditated.  I'm looking for a meetup group near me so I can commune with others.  In the meantime Im trying to determine which style is which and how they are different. I'm hoping they all are positive.  I have a feeling your pronunciation has been overlooked since I'm sure your heart was in the right place.  It is kind of funny.  Sort of like singing the wrong lyrics to a song all your life until the first time you hear it correctly. I like moments like that because I feel enlightened and goofy at the same time. That can't be bad.  Please stay well and keep meditating.

Posted : 10/01/2024 7:59 am
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@corkymitchell that is really nice of you !! I think egodeath is just a new shift that is not based on the past anymore, but on the present as you want to create it.. but it comes with a lot of grief and healing! Totally Worth it 🤍 I wish you a amazing new year !

Posted : 10/01/2024 8:18 am
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