Hello, again, beautiful beings of light and welcome back to my blog. I highly appreciate all of your participation in all of my content. Also appreciate your feedback and your love and your expansion because we are in the middle of an incredibly exciting time, which can also equate to an incredibly scary time as well. So, I just wanted to say thank you!
Today we’re going to talk about anxiety. I have spoken about anxiety before on this blog, and I’ve spoken about it quite a few times in my live videos. The reason why I cover anxiety so much is because not only do I suffer from it, but a lot of people on this planet suffer from it, especially the cosmic souls, especially those beautiful indigo children, the rainbow children, the star children. A lot of these high vibrational beings suffer from anxiety.
I received a download, maybe about a year ago, regarding anxiety. One of the main things that anxiety is created from is a switch in vibrational frequency. When there is a switch in vibration around you, you will automatically feel anxious. Now, anxiety is mostly felt in our solar plexus chakra. That’s actually right in between your rib cage right where your stomach area is. If you think about when you were a kid and you were set to go on stage for some sort of play or talent show, you would feel that kind of twisting in your stomach. Likewise, anxiety can be very intermingled with the feeling of excitement. A lot of the times when we are very excited about something, we also feel some of that anxiety as well, and vice versa when we’re feeling the anxiety, we’re also feeling the excitement. When we’re about to do something that we’ve never done before, we’ll get this reaction, this feeling of anxiety and excitement, because we are about to experience a vibration that is different from our current vibration, because we’ve never experienced it before.
Another example that I like to give with this is the example of going about your day, maybe you’re having a really fantastic day and you’ve done some meditating and some yoga and some journaling and you’re feeling very aligned. Then, all of a sudden, your friends are like, “Oh, come on, let’s go out to the bar, let’s go out to a club.” All of a sudden, you feel super anxious, and you get this bout of anxiety, excitement, that feeling in the stomach. The reason being is because you are switching your vibration into something different. It doesn’t really matter if you’re switching from positive to negative, or negative to positive, high vibration to low vibration, low vibration to high vibration, you’re going to feel that twisty feeling, you’re going to feel those butterflies in that solar plexus chakra, because that’s our power center. That is our confidence. When we’re not feeling entirely confident, when we are unsure of things, that is when that feeling arises.
Once again, a year ago, I got the download that anxiety really comes from that switch in vibration. A lot of the anxiety we can actually mitigate by preparing our body, our mind especially, for the coming vibration that we’re about to step into. The preparation really helps because if we’re prepared, then we don’t feel nervous. We don’t feel we’re taken out of our current zone or out of our current vibration, and we’re prepared for the vibration that is about to hit us or what have you.
The biggest thing is, I don’t want you to not do things, because you know that it doesn’t currently align with your vibration. One of my biggest lessons that I’ve learned and one of my biggest teachings simultaneously, is the fact that we are human. we can’t deny our human existence, we can’t abandon this human state of being. We have to surrender, accept love, and release, and let go, in a lot of ways. I don’t want you to just never go to a bar because you don’t think that it aligns to your highest and best vibration. I don’t want you to avoid having a cocktail, or having a cold beer on a hot day, because you don’t think that it’s at the highest vibration.
Ultimately, I want you to live life to the best of your capacity. I want you to live a very fulfilling life, the universe wants you to live a very fulfilling life, and the you-niverse, also, wants you to, that’s basically just your higher self, wants you to live life as a human. You wouldn’t be a human, if you weren’t supposed to be a human and have these human experiences. I want you to have to experience it all. Everything I want, that’s my mentality. Killing someone or some hardcore drugs or whatever, I don’t really mean everything-wants. Okay, but you get my drift right.
I will say that going along the lines of everything-wants, most likely, you have been a murder in a past lifetime. Okay, so technically, yeah, everything wants and you have done it all on this planet. Now, since you are this wise old soul that has been around a little while, now it’s time for you to really just follow your highest excitement. If you all of a sudden feel anxiety about going out to a bar, or a concert or something, I want you to check in with yourself, I want you to ask yourself, “Why do I feel this way? Is it more excitement because it’s a high vibration and I don’t know what to expect, and that’s why I feel a little bit apprehensive? Or, is this anxiety warning me that this isn’t meant to be for me. This isn’t in my highest alignment.” We can actually go a little bit deeper by asking ourselves where the anxiety is coming from, or why it’s in our life at that moment.” It’s really important that you tune in with yourself as well and not just say, “Okay, cool, I’m sure it’s just excitement, let’s keep going.”
Anxiety is not all bad, and simultaneously, it’s not all good. We’ve got the balance as well. Especially when you are going through an awakening. Oh, my goodness! Talk about anxiety, everywhere, when the entire planet is raising, and lowering, and shifting, and melding and molding, the collective consciousness and at an individual level, when people, family members, loved ones, friends, romantic partners are going through their own ego death, it can be very difficult for us to cut those chords and have those healthy boundaries. The number one thing that I can say to you is, stop living through other people’s vibration because it’s even worse than going to a bar and having a beer, it really is.
Other people’s vibration can and could, okay, not does, affect us in every moment. For most people, especially those older souls, those beautiful empaths, which are basically all of you, for most people, we are all inundated with these vibrations, feelings, thoughts, emotions, projections, realizations, ego deaths from others all the time. If you don’t have a clear understanding or grasp on who you are in the moment, it’s much easier for your current moment to be affected and influenced by other people’s current moments. I always teach this, that we need to be identifying ourselves from moment to moment. Let go of that identity. As we let go of our current state of identity, once again, we are more susceptible to being influenced by others. It’s kind of this catch 22. I don’t want to say that you have to be more protected, you just have to be more aware of healthy boundaries. That’s obviously another topic for a whole other podcast.
Let’s talk a little bit more about anxiety. I made a huge realization recently, well, definitely the past three weeks, I have been going through extreme amounts of anxiety, and had no idea why. I’m usually pretty grounded, I’m usually pretty good. Yeah, now that I think about it, since that psychic attack, I don’t know if you guys follow my content, but I was pretty brutally psychically attacked a couple weeks ago. Since then, I’ve had a lot of anxiety, but it actually wasn’t coming from then. I was pretty good, maybe there’s a little extra fear in me or what have you. Ultimately, I just realized two days ago, where all this anxiety was coming from.
For about two or three weeks, my right ear has been bothering me. Internally, it’s been itchy, it felt blocked, it’s been a little bit painful. I didn’t realize that I had something called swimmer’s ear. I went swimming, I think some bacteria got in there, and I have this outer ear infection. It’s still inside the ear, but it’s more in — I don’t know, that’s what they call it outer ear infection. Anyway, I didn’t realize for three weeks that my body was fighting off something that wasn’t aligned to me. It was something that was foreign to my body. It’s so funny, and I think this is the case for a lot of old souls and a lot of empaths. I personally am so hyper-aware of my physical body, that any little thing that is amiss, I am so on top of. To a point where it’s maybe a little bit too much. That’s why it shocks me when people– there’s these stories of these women who are pregnant, and they don’t even realize that they’re pregnant for nine months. How do you not know, there’s a child inside your body? That also equates to someone who’s very disconnected from their body. I’ve done a lot of grounding work, I’ve done a lot of human work, and I’m almost hypersensitive and hyper-aware of my body. I had a friend who is a massage therapist, and I couldn’t handle the deep tissue stuff that she was doing. She’s like, “Oh, you’re always so tough. I figured that you could handle this.” I said, “Look, I am so sensitive to every little cell that you’re touching in my body, it’s really painful. I’m over sensitive.” Also, I can overcome that sensitivity by relaxing my mind consciously. I’m just not doing that most of the time.
Going back to the ear infection. For the past two or three weeks, I’ve had these weird bouts of anxiety. I’m like, “What’s going on?” Literally, when I went to the doctor, and I said, “Hey, something’s up with my ear. I’m about to travel. I really need this looked at because I don’t want to go traveling and have this be an issue.” She’s like, “Oh, yeah, you’ve got an ear infection. I’ll just give you some drops.” “Okay, perfect.” The second that I had the validation that something wasn’t quite right in my body, all of the anxiety that I had was completely gone. I had tons of anxiety driving to the doctor’s office, I had zero anxiety driving back, it was such a stark difference. For me, it’s really beautiful because anxiety, I have now realized through that experience, is a superpower! I call anxiety now, a Spidey Sense. You know how Spider Man, when something bad is about to happen, he gets the sense when something is looming around, he gets this weird feeling, and he turns around and there’s something there. Anxiety is our spidey sense, it is a part of our superpower. Anxiety tells us when something isn’t quite right, when something isn’t fully aligned.
When we think about anxiety, as a superpower, as a mechanism of awareness. Just think about that. Anxiety is a mechanism of awareness. That’s pretty mind blowing. That really helps to flip the switch, and flip the script on how we originally perceive anxiety as such a negative thing. It’s not anxiety itself that’s negative. It’s the anxiety that is telling us that something around us isn’t quite right. Whether that be something going on in your body, something going on outside in your external world, something going on mentally, something going on emotionally, something going on spiritually, it’s a really incredible, powerful, beautiful mechanism of allowing us to realign, of allowing us to heal, of allowing us to tackle the things that aren’t in full alignment or to realign our energy so that we are in full alignment. Anxiety is incredible!
One day, I hope they come up with a better term, because the term ‘anxiety’ itself elicits so many preconceived notions, not only within myself, but I’m sure within other people, within all of you as well. I just wanted to bring this concept up, this is a new concept that I have stepped into. Now, moving forward, so how do we apply this? How do we deal with anxiety, apply this in order to move forward much more aligned? The biggest thing is, when we feel that anxiety, I want you to use that as a check-in system with your reality. What doesn’t currently feel aligned? Say, for example, when you’re about to call a friend that you talk to every week, and right before you call them, you feel this overwhelming sense of anxiety. You’re like, “Hmm, that’s weird.” Then, you call them, and they tell you that they have cancer, or whatever it may be. It’s a spidey sense. It tells you, it prepares you, it warns you. But if we react to the warning, if we react to the thing itself, then we’re never actually getting to the root of the cause.
I want you all to let go of the reaction of the anxiety, I want you to appreciate anxiety for what it is, a switch in vibration, and furthermore, a superpower, your spidey sense. It tells us how to be more prepared in our day-to-day life. With that kind of mentality in mind, I want you to take that a step further, and every time you have a feeling of anxiety, I want you to check in with yourself. Is this excitement? Is it because I feel like I’m stepping into something that I’m unaware of? Going back to the example with calling a friend, it’s like if you feel anxiety, and you’re like, “Okay, I’m checking in, is it excitement?” “Yeah, I guess, I like talking to my friend, but not that extreme kind of excitement.” “Is it a fear of the unknown or the anxiety of the unknown?” “No, not really, I talked to her every week.” “Oh, so it’s got to be something different. I’m being prepared.” Then, you can set the intention to be aligned to the vibrations around you, within that call, within the environment, within the concert, within the whatever, you can prepare yourself for that, by just setting the intention that you are going to harmonize to whatever the energy is around you without taking any of it on and having those clear and healthy boundaries.
Anxiety is super important to talk about in a spiritual sense because it affects a lot of us, especially as we awaken the vibrations and energy around us are all over the place. The vibration energy within you is all over the place because we are ascending. It’s a super exciting time but can also be quite a daunting time and quite a heavy time to be around if you don’t have the proper tools. So, please, I highly recommend, share this blog post, share my whole blog to anyone on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, I don’t know if you can share things on those platforms, text message, share it, because other people need to know that the answers are out there. This isn’t some crazy alien, UFO conspiracy. This is just talking about anxiety in a whole new way. It’s time for you to love yourself, harness your superpowers, and be aware of what our body, our mind, and our vibration are trying to tell us in every moment.
Once again, guys, thank you so much for reading, for listening, for awakening, for consciously connecting. I love and appreciate each and every one of you, have a beautiful rest of your week. Keep up the good work. Very proud of each and every one of you.
Bye for now!!