3D-5D Choices Epic Download - Elizabeth April

3D-5D Choices Epic Download

3D – 5D Choices Epic Download

Hello, again, beautiful beings of light. Today, I wanted to talk about the choices that we have in front of us. I wanted to entitle this blog, or this episode, โ€˜As you play the game until you can’t,โ€™ which I find is really funny because playing the game, as I’ve talked about many times before, has everything to do with being third dimensional, and being okay with being third dimensional, and essentially conquering this 3D plane, because you know how to play the game. If all you want to do is be 5D, then you will have resistance to doing everything here. That resistance, that vibration to doing things like eating, or sleeping, or socializing, or making money. All of those aspects are just aspects of this reality, this paradigm. If you hold resentment and resistance to those aspects, then you are vibrating that energy out into your 3D reality. Ultimately, you’re making it hard on yourself. Everything will be much more difficult if all you’re doing is resisting.ย 

As I’ve talked about before, it’s important to actually transmute that resistance into the 3D by playing the game, by becoming consciously aware of what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it, what choices you’re making, and how you’re responding and reacting to the outcomes. That’s going to allow you to conquer this 3D reality. The reason why you would conquer this reality by making conscious choices is that all of a sudden, you start to recognize that you are the only one in control of this reality. No one is forcing you to do anything. Nothing that happens to you, is happening to you. You are always the one creating this now moment, good, bad and ugly. The second that you take responsibility for this now moment and what you have created, you can then either, A, change the reality that you have created, or just simply relish in the reality that you’ve created, knowing that it is the best reality and most harmonious to you right now in this moment.ย 

As a matter of fact, being 5D is relishing in the moment that you’ve created, understanding how grateful you are for what you have created and simultaneously being able to change this current reality, given the vibration that you emit in the next moment. Living is as simple as that, but it’s actually not that simple at all. We tend to get caught up in the semantics. We tend to get caught up in the layers, and trust me, there are a lot of layers. It is as simple and as complex as you make it. I want to just take this whole concept of 3D, 5D and where you’re living and how you’re living, I want to take it a step further. I want to talk about playing the game until you can’t. This is a really funny concept. You may resonate with it, you may do this all the time. As a matter of fact, I probably assume that you do. Or, you may have never heard of this, and maybe that’s just not how you live your life. Let’s talk about it!

In every single moment, and I’m just going to let that sink in. In every single moment of your entire day, there is A and B, and an infinite number of other options. But let’s just assume that there’s option A and option B. You open the fridge in the morning and you have option A, water, option B, orange juice. You open your cupboard in the morning and you have option A, coffee or option B, tea. Obviously the world isn’t just black and white. The world isn’t just a series of yes or no questions. It is, it really is, but it’s not. For the sake of complication, let’s just assume right now, that in every moment, you have one of two options. Say, for example, your alarm goes off at 6:30 AM, you have option A, turn it off and keep sleeping, option B, turn it off and get up, A and B options in every moment.

Now, think about bigger options, bigger choices, life-changing choices. Say, for example, option A, you stay with your husband, option B, you leave him. Option A, you move from your house and sell your home and buy another one. Option B, you stay where you are. And so on and so on and so on. Do you want to know a little hack that I have for this system? This binary world? I don’t know if it’s a hack, or if it’s just a scapegoat. That’s completely up to you to decide. I just realized that I do this all the time. Once again, I don’t know if this is the best way to live, or if this is just my human. Listen, respond, take it with a grain of salt, let me know how you feel about it with a comment.ย 

I think this is a human thing. What I tend to do is I actually play both sides. I play the game of option A and option B. When it comes to smaller choices, option A, coffee, option B, tea. In order to play both of those choices in a very simple way– there’s not a lot of variables, there are not a lot of pathways, there’s not a lot of choices being made to lead to the end goal of coffee or tea. Say, for example, instead of waking up in the morning and just unconsciously autopilot turning on the coffee machine, I would instead give myself half an hour. In that half an hour, I leave it open to the universe, which is just me. I say, โ€œWell, what’s going to be better for me today?โ€ Then, maybe I’m craving caffeine, maybe I’m leaning towards green tea, or whatever it may be. But just allowing yourself that space to make that decision. That’s easy. Once again, not a lot of lead-up, not a lot of variables, you’re just giving yourself space and time to think about it.

However, when you make a bigger decision, such as a relationship decision. Are you going to stay with your partner, your husband or wife, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or, are you going to leave and start a new journey? You can actually sit on the fence and ride both of those parallel realities until you simply can’t anymore. It’s called playing the game until you can’t anymore. Playing the game of both options, both sides. You could write a list of pros and cons for both. You could ask for signs and messages from the universe for both sides. You can be consciously aware of both sides and ask yourself, โ€œWow, if I wasn’t with my partner anymore, what would a day in my life look like?โ€ Let’s just do that day now. Or, โ€œIf I do stay with my partner and I want to create or recreate a new relationship, what kind of effort would I have to put in to create that? What kind of change do I have to make in order to clear space for that?โ€ย 

It’s not just sitting back and passively allowing the universe to show you what side is going to be better. It is actually as a matter of fact, taking solid action on both sides. Yeah, it’s a lot, especially with these big decisions. You’re playing two parallel worlds at the same time. If you live a crazy busy life, maybe that’s not the best option for you. If you’re freaking indecisive, like I am, and you’re like, โ€œHmm. Iโ€™ll just wait. I’ll just let the universe decide.โ€

Another good example of this would be a job. God, talk about big changes. I also want to mention that in my own life making these changes in the past month, I’ve been really split. Well, I think I’ve really been splitting the past year or two, but especially it’s all come to a head in the past month. When I was really vulnerable and put out this big decision that I’ve been making in my own life on social media, all I got back was so many of you, so many people, all telling me that they’re also in the middle of making a big decision. Another big decision that a lot of people are in right now is their job, Option A, do I go back to my job? Option B, do I change my job or start even my own business, my own career as an entrepreneur? There’s so many options in front of us right now. Once again, this whole podcast is about not actually choosing a side until you absolutely have to. Until you’re absolutely sure.

The reason why this is a really good strategy, a reality hacking strategy to take is because most of the time, as human beings, we tend to make obligatory impulsive decisions that do not serve us. What’s happening right now? We’re breaking down a third dimension reality. We’re breaking down the disempowerment that we’ve been playing within this entire time. No longer is it our boss making a decision for us. No longer is it our partner, or parents or our beliefs, or our attachments, it’s none of that. Now, we’re all being forced to make the choice and the decision of what do we want, what do we really want? How do we want to move forward? To make a choice out of fight or flight, or to make a choice out of fear is not going to be the best direction or decision. Take the time, play both sides.

Say, for example, the job. What you can do in that situation is say, โ€œYou know what? I don’t even know right now. I’m shifting so much every day, moment to moment. I still need to pay the bills but I don’t know what I want. I know that my current job doesn’t fully serve me, but it fills the bank account.โ€ Say yes to that. But say yes, knowing that it is not the only thing that you’re saying yes to. Remember my podcast, a little while ago? Yes and yes, you can have it all. You really can. You fucking deserve that. As a beautiful, intelligent, pure source energy you deserve whatever it is that you want, and you still don’t get it, you still don’t realize that. You get caught up in making the highest choice for you in every single moment because you know that you fucking deserve it. Then, you get caught up in saying no to everything, and you’ve got nothing. It’s not about that. It’s about saying yes to the choices that are stepping stones, to get you to ultimately where you want to go. It’s not about being a CEO. It’s not about whether or not to work for someone else or work for yourself. It’s not about being married or not married. It’s about what the end goal is.ย 

Ultimately, I’ll tell you right now what my end goal is, it’s freedom. I want to have the freedom to be away from the system. I want to have the freedom to make my own choices. I want to have the freedom to do whatever it is that I want to do every day and it does not mean that right now in this moment, I’m fucking off on all of the duties and obligations and emails and stuff that I don’t want to do. It doesn’t mean upheaving your entire life right now to do what you want to do, which is freedom. It means asking yourself if everything in your life is aligning you to the end outcome of freedom, and if they’re the right stepping stones to take. If you have a friend in your life right now that isn’t serving you and you’re like, โ€œOh, well, I don’t know, they’re fine for right now,โ€ ask yourself why you’re keeping them in your life.ย 

Are you keeping them in your life because you think that one day they will change and they will align to your vibration and you honestly believe that? Then fantastic. Keep them in your life. If you’re keeping that person in your life, because you’re scared to let them go, you’re scared to be alone and not to have friends, or you feel obligation towards that person, that relationship, because you’ve been friends for 15 years, then I say absolutely not. They’re not a good stepping stone. They’re not leading you to the success of what you really want. So, stop convincing yourself that, A, you either need to make a solid decision right now. If it’s not the right decision, and you’re making wrong decisions, that’s not the truth at all. Also on top of that, the decisions that you’re currently making no longer feel obligatory, because you understand that they’re all impermanent. You understand that they’re just one step on the stepping stone of this beautiful journey that you’re on to get to your end destination. All of a sudden, every day you work is your last day.ย 

Now, getting back to the choice between working for someone else or working for yourself, just as an option. You do everything that you need to do to work for someone else to fill up your bank account to get some money going. That’s okay. Don’t feel bad about making that choice, but on the weekends, after your 9 to 5, it’s time to hustle for yourself. It’s time to create to-do lists and knock them off one day at a time in order to move towards your goal. Is that freedom for you? Yeah, you know what? You are going to have to sacrifice more? Yeah, you know what? You are going to have to work harder. Yeah, you know what? You are going to have to hustle for a little while. But you’re grinding it out to get yourself to freedom, because you have to play both sides, until you can’t anymore. At that point in time, when you have created a thriving business, when you’re getting clients in, when you’re landing contracts and deals, that’s when you can say no to your current job right now.

But if you go all or nothing on this, you’re trying to move into 5D, and you’re making 3D traces of the linearness of the black or the white, that’s not what 5D is. 5D is playing both sides. 5D is having both of your toes dipped in different pools of water. That’s what 5D is. 5D is never all or nothing, ever. It’s all and all. It’s yes and yes. Then, you can step into yes and yes. Wow, I can have happiness and abundance? Wow. Right now it’s like, โ€œWow, yes, I will work for you. Yes, I will work for myself.โ€ But eventually, that’ll flip around. You can go from an all or nothing 3D mentality with your current job and say, โ€œOkay, all yes, into my entrepreneurship, all yes, into my own business. Then all of a sudden, you’ve got fear, because you’re not making enough money. Then you’re lowering your vibration, and you don’t think that you canโ€™t do it, and you’re disempowering yourself. Then, you just go back to working for someone else, because it’s easier. Do you see how that can be detrimental? Do you see how that impulsive, obligatory choice can actually lower your vibration?ย 

Same thing with your current partner. If you’re debating should I be with them or should I not be with them, ultimately, you need to do both. When you’re with your partner, when you’re with your husband, or your wife of 10, 15, 20 years, or maybe even just 2 months, I want you to be fully present. I want you to be fully with them. Say yes and yes. Yes to being together and yes to enjoying your own free time. You know you can have both. You know it doesn’t have to be all one or all the other. When you’re with them, fucking be with them for once! Put down your phone, turn off the TV, turn on some music, have a conversation, do some eye gazing, be with your partner.ย 

When you go away, and you hang out with your friends, or you go for a long motorcycle ride, even though that might not be you, or, I don’t know, in the garden or painting or whatever it is you do. If you don’t have things to do, then find them because there’s so much you can explore. There is something for everyone out there. There’s a hobby out there for you. There’s a human expression out there for you. Write in your journal, take a bath, do some stretching, take a walk, go in the woods, ground yourself. When you’re doing that, and you’re finding your freedom within the relationship, be completely centered in yourself, be completely present with yourself because you deserve it.

You need to ask yourself, โ€œWhat am I not getting in my current relationship that I’m really yearning for?โ€ and try giving that to yourself first. If you don’t feel satisfied after that, then it’s time to really seriously think about a separation within that dynamic. But I promise you that the only thing that you’re lacking right now is what you’re not fully fulfilled within yourself in your own soul. Your relationship is a mere reflection of you. Fill that void first, then you will know if the relationship is no longer working.ย 

Yes, you can keep telling yourself that it’s about them. Or, they’re not enough or they need to grow more but it’s not, it never is. It’s about you looking at yourself from the past, because that’s what your partner is, a mirror reflection. That’s what your job is, your old job, your 9 to 5, that’s what that is, that’s a mirror reflection of your past, your old self. Your self before fucking COVID, that’s what that is. That’s a reflection. I don’t know about you, but every single enlightened– not just enlightened star seed, old soul, self-aware soul, everyone waking up right now, says that they were a completely different person before COVID. I hope that all of you reading this feel the same way that you were different. I hope that who you are now is way better. I also hope that there is no fear in dipping your toes back into the 3D world, in socializing again with people that don’t resonate with you. Play the game. Ask yourself what you can get from that, how that’s assisting you on your journey to ultimate freedom. If that person or that thing or that opportunity is not assisting you, then it’s time to make a change.ย 

You can say yes and yes. You can play both parallel realities, until you simply can’t anymore. At that time, when you’re thriving in your own business, and you’re thriving and working for your boss, you can’t say yes and yes anymore. You have a limited capacity in this third-dimensional realm. Once you’re abundant in both sides, once you’ve transmuted and neutralized and worked on and forgiven and grown, and connected to and harmonized to both realities, that’s when you get to choose what is the ultimate path for you. But never say no out of a place of fear, of lack of judgment, or misunderstanding. Neutralize, transmute, love and forgive, before you make that choice.ย 

Thank you all so much for reading my rant. Make more conscious choices.ย 

Bye for now.


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