✨May 2024 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨ - Elizabeth April

✨May 2024 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨


✨May Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨ What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation? Comment Below!!

✨Crystal 1 – Opalite ✨ Card 1 – The Well Maidens ✨ Keywords – Kindness, Respect, Reverence, Compassion
Throughout history, there have been people who have tended to and protected our life-giving wells. In the lands of what is today, the United Kingdom and Europe, many of these sacred wells were named after Goddesses – including Brigid, Danu, Solis, and Anu – before they were absorbed by Christianity. If you sit at these wells, you may feel the wisdom of these ancient peoples echoing on in these waters, which remain protected. The Elucidation is an old poem that tells of guardians who fulfilled this holy role across the land – a greedy king and his men violated the well maidens, the guardians of the kingdom’s wells, and took more than they needed. They ignored the sacred contract of respecting the well maidens and the waters of the sacred wells, and as a result, the kingdom became desolate and barren.
The well maidens are the keepers of harmony and balance. They respect the sacred waters, and as a result, they give plenty. They deliver a message about the importance of these qualities in the way we treat ourselves, others, and the nature that sustains and supports us. They remind us to slow down and offer kindness and respect to others, the Earth, and ourselves, each and every day. 

✨Soul Inquiry✨
How can you offer kindness and respect to yourself, the Earth, and others today?

✨Crystal 2 – Blue Aventurine ✨Card 2 – Making Waves ✨ Keywords – Momentum is building. It’s your time. Achievement
The waves are rolling in and they’re waiting for you to catch a ride. The winds are at your back now and gently guiding you toward your destiny. They’re whispering for you to really enjoy the ride. There are clear skies ahead and the waves keep rolling in. It’s impossible for you to miss your moment or to not answer your calling – the only risk is that you don’t make the most of and enjoy the ride. This is an extremely positive, encouraging card. Your commitment is paying off, and your prayers are being answered. You’re being supported by forces bow known and unknown to you. This is most definitely your time. Things have been building for some time and momentum is all around you. Whether you’re working on a creative project, having an impact on your professional life, or creating something in your personal life, this card is confirmation that great success will follow. So, put in place whatever you need to make the most of this unique opportunity. Now is the time to ask for what you want and to let yourself be truly seen. So much is on your side – the harvest time is here. Do whatever you need to do to truly ride the waves of your destiny. All you’ve been working toward is here.

✨Healing Waters Affirmation✨
I open my arms wide to receive the bounty of what I’ve created and say yes to enjoying life fully.

✨Crystal 3 – Aqua Quartz ✨Card 3 – Deep Sea Diving ✨ Keywords – Way of the mystic. Learn through experience. Depths
The mystic wants to have a direct experience with the sacred. The sacred is everywhere and within everything, so every moment is an invitation to deepen the connection within. The mystic learns through merging with Life. Through experiencing things firsthand. Through learning about what’s known and then diving deep into what’s unknown for the chance of a direct, intimate experience. Mystics are the sacred explorers of this world, both inner and outer. Open-hearted and minded, they’re willing to journey into the uncharted waters in order to truly live. If you receive this card, it’s likely that you’re being called to learn through direct experience. To dive in and explore things for yourself. Like the Sumerian Goddess Inanna journeying to the underworld to return completely transformed, the way of the mystic is not for the faint-hearted. But it’s a way to truly live. Most learn through reading books and following processes. The way of the mystic is much deeper, more experimental, and feminine. It requires faith and courage. It demands that you disregard external maps and be led from within. And while every step of the journey may not be clearly marked, the way ahead always emerges, and the transformation cannot be replicated. Perhaps you’re in an uncharted place in your life or being called to embrace uncertainty. You’re being called to the depths, and you’ll return transformed.

✨Healing Waters Affirmation✨
I trust my path and choose to see the sacred everwhere and within all things. I follow the intelligence that’s within me.


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