✨March Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨ What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation? Comment Below!!
Crystal 1 – Peacock Ore.
Card 1 – Celtic
You picked this card because you had a significant past lifetime in Celtic lands, and you continue to feel bonded to this culture. Perhaps you’ve lived in or visited the Isles of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or England. If so, you may have a sense of deja vu and be an Anglo-phile. Who is a person who adores these cultures. You’re also fascinated with Stonehenge and King Arthur’s Camelot. You may have learned the “Old Religion” of the Celtic lands, which involved the use of healing herbs and gaining wisdom from oak trees. You could even be an ancient Druid in disguise! Your connection to the elemental realm has made you love fairies, elves, and all fae. You also respect and love trees, especially oaks and willows.
if you haven’t already done so, schedule some visits to the ancient sacred areas of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Exploring their stone circles, castles, and spiritual artifacts may trigger additional healing memories.
Crystal 2 – Wine Jasper
Card 2 – Mother
This card indicates that your Mother in this life was also with you in other lifetimes. This is actually a very common occurrence. The mother/child relationship is a significant emotional and physical bond. If you enjoy a healthy and loving relationship with your Mother in this lifetime, you were probably drawn together again because of your fondness for one another. However, if your relationship has been challenging, this indicates a need to balance the karma through your forgiveness. Your feelings about your Mother are directly related to your ability to manifest abundance, as Mother Energy is all about receiving. If you have blocks with your Mother, you have most likely developed control issues that prevent you from receiving help from others or from the universe.
So, this card asks you to do more personal work concerning your Mother. At this time, you may wish to add past-life regressions as an adjunct to other therapeutic methods.
Crystal 3 – Serpentine
Card 3 – Phobias
This card comes to you compassionately to help you connect the dots between current-life phobias and past lifetimes. Often, consciously remembering the past-life source of your anxieties is enough to release their grip on you. The situation you’re inquiring about has its basis in underlying fears or phobias. These fears are energy blocks, which are slowing or prohibiting the results you desire. Phobias have to do with the impulse to have complete mastery over situations that are out of your control. They also bring up many trust issues. Your Higher Self and unconscious mind know the original source of any phobias you may have manifested. You can unearth the origins of these phobias through a past-life regression, or even through dream work. For example, as you’re falling asleep, ask that your Higher Self to give you information that you’ll remember upon waking up that’s related to the phobia. By directly confronting your underlying fears, you can lessen their hold on your unconscious. It’s all about awareness.
Team EA Note: Although EA is no longer holding one-on-one sessions, we would like to take this opportunity to recommend reaching out to a Beautiful Lightworker named Trina, to guide you through any Past Life questions you may have! Trina specializes in guiding Starseeds & Lightworkers through their past lives and I think she would be the perfect person to contact.
- You can connect with Trina here: trina@shineabove.org
- You can check out her website here: www.myspaceofpossibility.com
She is EA’s very good friend and will absolutely help you connect with your past life experiences!