✨July Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨ What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation? Comment Below!!
Crystal 1 – Karusar
Card 1 – Karusar
Keyword – Autonomy
This being is the sum of the cards that came before. She carries the wand of Yry, the veil behind the Witch Doctor, the snake belt from the Manifester, the jewelry chains from Sarki, and the sphinxes’ union from the Alabasisepo. This is the card for the sign of Cancer, which helps us to learn how to use the power of the mind in disciplining emotions. The Karusar appears when it is time to accept your emotions; there is nowhere else to run to because the Karusar only brings access. You are in charge of yourself and steer the wheels of your chariot. The wave behind the chariot represents the momentum that can come as you continue on your path-you can ride it, or let it consume you. Listen to your intuition and find the best path for your self to move forward, bravely and with faith that you have created the emotional future you want. As with all sevens in symbolism, the main message is ‘do not give up!’ If this card has come to you, maybe ask yourself: What is the outcome I am seeking? Do I have the self-confidence to ride the wave? Am I being distracted from my true passions by people or energies I need to cut out? Do I need to release a past relationship or learned pattern?
Crystal 2 – Sodalite
Card 2 – Osoosi
Keyword – Nature
Osoosi is known as the “Magician of the Forest.” Shooting left-handed, he stands tall, drawing back an arrow on his bow. At his feet are forest plants, including the sacred cannabis plant. Osoosi teaches that plants offer spiritual cleansing through herbal baths, jewelry, and remedies that can show us collectively and individually what the future may hold. His body is sculpted as a hunter and tracker, with bright blue accents on his dark, melanated skin. The tips of his arrows are blue like lapis lazuli, along with the feather atop his head sits an entire crown piece that sits with a large lapis on his third eye. Nature will provide symbols at every turn for you to gain more insights.
Crystal 3 – Peach Calcite
Card 3 – Orun Mila
Keyword – Great Diviner
Orun Mila is often referred to as “Ifa” and saw the beginning of creation. He embodies wisdom and understanding through all destinies. He sits in front of a bright blue sky with his legs stretched out before him, a slight bend in the knee. He wears a yellow and green robe and sits as the “Great Diviner” with his cowrie shells beside him in a pile. In front of his lap sits a mirror with golden flakes on it. Where the shells fall, he creates a mark of one or two straight lines to decipher their message-something that has taken him many years of practice. He uses these readings to determine the outcome of any situation and comes to you when it is time for you to be called to action. Ifa is the path of the males in Nigerian divination, and the stern look on his face reminds you that he means business. He knows all the secrets about creation and a candle sits at the front of the card to symbolize this. he is immensely powerful. Some say more powerful than other orishas. Orun Mila has his diving chain (opele) and his palm nuts around his seat to symbolize what he brings to humanity as a guide.