✨November Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨ What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation? Comment Below!!
Crystal 1 – Garnet
Card 1 – Bull
Keyword – Sacrifice All worthwhile things mean we must sacrifice something. Martyrdom rarely is a good choice. It is good to trust your tribe. Have faith that all will be well. Reciprocity and offering to something bigger than you is a powerful act. Most societies no longer sacrifice bulls like our ancestors did, but the concept of sacrifice remains. Bull energy can help you make the sacrifices you need to make in order to support your work or something you desire. Bull magic can also be used to move yourself out of the sacrificial or martyrdom position you may have fallen into. Many of us continually sacrifice our own good needs over and over and become unhealthily selfless as a result. This only breeds resentment and extreme neediness, which is very damaging to our own growth.
Crystal 2 – Spiderweb Jasper
Card 2 – Lioness
Keyword – Protection You are strongly protected right now. You are invited to embrace your authenticity and to be unafraid to wisely express your emotions, To protect others, we must learn to develop strength in ourselves and to know the power of restraint, which is what real power involves. If you have ever seen a lioness in the wild you will immediately understand the nature of the magic of this magnificent feline, Lionesses are hugely powerful and work as teams to bring down prey and to protect the young. This contrast of lethal power and tender protectiveness is the key to lioness magic. Plug into lioness magic in situations when you need responsible power and when you ma need some help in restraining a destructive energy such as rage.
Crystal 3 – Picture Jasper
Card 3 – Orca
Keyword – Songlines You are walking in the bloodlines of your ancestors, but you are an individual who makes your own destiny. Seek better communication with family; nourish yourself; and exercise extreme self-care. Share your skills with others. Orca magic can be raised by singing your own song by the sea. It is a feminine magic that can be used to help heal breaches in family relationships. Orca magic is also one that asks for self-care and nourishment. If you are feeling weak in your physical body or mind, especially with issues of vitality or endurance, the power of the Orca can be called upon as an ally.