✨ November Cosmic Oracle Reveal!! ✨

Elizabeth April November  Cosmic Oracle Reveal
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?

What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
Comment Below!!

✨Card 1 – Speaking One’s Truth 
✨Crystal 1 – Leopard-Skin Jasper
✨Card 1 Mantra – I AM speaking my truth with kindness and strength.

You are a unique human being and have been given talents, strengths, and potential to share and discover while you are on your earthly journey. The uniqueness of all human beings is to be celebrated and have our truths affirmed. Speaking your own truth is the best affirmation, but sometimes it’s difficult to do. You hesitate; you are afraid of confrontation or disapproval.

This card is telling you to speak up for what you believe. You are a powerful person. Speak the truth that is in your heart. When you do, a newfound strength will arise and provide you with power to go forward on your mission and complete your life’s work. Your relationships will become stronger. Everyone around you will grow as you lovingly speak your truth. 

✨Card 2 – The Law Of Attraction
✨Crystal 2 – Atlantasite
✨Card 2 Mantra – I AM open to new opportunities drawing like-minded people into my life.

A friendship, partnership, or new relationship is formed because you were at the right place at the right time. A friend you have not seen in years tells you about a new job opening. You are meeting people and attracting situations that seem almost magical. Coincidences seem to abound. Was it really a coincidence? Or was the Law of Attraction at work in your life? 

The Ladies of Pleiades are telling you that the Law of Attraction is bringing like-minded people-individuals-on your wavelength, expressing similar interests to you. As you continue to align yourself, body, mind, and spirit through meditation an prayer, the Law of Attraction will bring you the love you seek to make your life the success you dream about. 

Card 3 – Life Force/Chi
✨Crystal 3 –Rhodonite
✨Card 3 Mantra – I AM increasing my CHI, my life force. I AM healing my body, mind, and spirit.

Perhaps you have been feeling tired, worn out, lacking in energy. You need to tap into your life force or Chi. Spiritual practices like meditation and prayer increase your Chi. Eating wholesome foods releases their Chi and impacts the way you feel. 

Put the junk food away and take out the fresh food. Drink pure water. Begin a daily practice of exercise, choosing something that you enjoy. Take deep conscious breaths and fill your lungs with air. Slowly release your breath. Do this a few times. Exhale toxins and imagine them being washed away by a beautiful white or violet light. With this card, make a decision to release toxic situations and people, leaving more space for the positive energy of your Chi to flow, nourish, and heal you. With more life force, more Chi, you will feel the unconditional love and support from the Universe. 

Author Info:

Picture of Lauren Akkili

Lauren Akkili



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