✨ December Cosmic Oracle Reveal!! ✨

Elizabeth April December  Cosmic Oracle Reveal
What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?

What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
Comment Below!!

✨Card 1 – I Honour Animals With Reverence 
✨Crystal 1 – Snakeskin Agate

In embodying the ideal of treating all animals with reverence, we find a vision of every life as something to be cherished and magic behind every life force no matter how big or small. 

Through observation of and respect for the unique characteristics of each individual animal spirit, we can allow the opportunity to relate and apply the archetypal energy each embodies to the fractal design of our soul’s personality. 

In removing the ephemeral mask of the human ego, we are left with the perennial wisdom within the anima mundi or World Soul, the intrinsic spirit that permeates all life. 

✨Card 2 – I Advance Through My Own Abilities
✨Crystal 2 – Pinolith

 To advance through your own abilities, one must remember the roof of each desire we wish to advance toward and ask if it is aligned with love or with fear. 

When a desire is fear-based, it may cause sinful actions such as lies, deceit, cheating, and the use of darker forces-which ultimately train the spirit, weigh down the heart, and lose the light of divine harmony in the voice of ego’s need for validation. 

However, if a desire is based on love, when we are in tune with nature’s song, the will of Ma’at, the lightness of being, and the visionary state of virtue. The infinite expansiveness of imagination allows for heaven on Earth as we find faith in our own abilities-love being the will of the divine, creativity being the soul expressed in such a way that allows every spirit to soar toward freedom with a feather heart liberated from the fear of judgement. 

Card 3 – I Consume Only My Fair Share
✨Crystal 3 –Leopardite

In looking at the lesson I Consume Only My Fair Share, we must ask if what we are consuming, or consumed by, feeds creation or nourishes destruction and if we are overindulging by feeding the ego instead of nourishing the soul. 

Consumption encompasses more than food. It carries over to metaphorical manna, the nourishment of the spirit that permeates all living beings. 

The scales of truth are balanced when the weight of your share intends to satisfy a pure desire instead of devouring the density of darkness. When your desires grow from a space in the heart, that light is shared and felt by all.  

Author Info:

Picture of Lauren Akkili

Lauren Akkili


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