Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Exposed 👀🦖

  • November 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the Illuminati and its rituals, focusing on the concept of selling ones soul for fame and riches. Elizabeth April mentions the existence of double agents within the Illuminati and their role in the organization. They also discuss the idea of reptilian possession and the manipulation of consciousness. The video touches on specific examples, such as Matthew Perrys alleged ritual sacrifice and Doja Cats symbolic video. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of contracts, sacrifices, and control within the Illuminati and highlights the use of symbolism in media. They conclude by stating that the Illuminatis power is waning and that awareness is key to dismantling their influence

103 thoughts on “Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Exposed 👀🦖

  1. Wow that was powerful, I watch you Elizabeth and it makes me so proud of you for sharing such information with confidence. You give me the knowledge to see the world for what it is. Thank you so much, I love you ❤️

  2. So fascinating. I had some reptillian dreams recently, and I’m seeing a connection now – these dreams came around the time a coach promised to elevate me and help me make $$$ by using his program… I haven’t followed up on our convo, but wonder if that was a warning coming through for me. Always makes me realise how I never have had a strong following/interest in some of these bigger musicians/stars – maybe I had subconsciously picked up on their energetic undertones. Thank you for this insight!

  3. I would love to see a video about double agents. I had this same feeling about Taylor Swift when she released her “I can see you” video. When I looked into her music more, there is so much woven throughout her lyrics and symbols in her videos. I was so shocked (in a good way) to hear you say what I have been thinking.

  4. Amy Winehouse – Rehab. She did not vant to go to brainwashing. Died yung.
    Sett 333 441 101 ganger 23. des. 2009
    The official music video for Rehab by Amy Winehouse, directed by Phil Griffin and released in September, 2006. This video was nominated for Video Of The Year at the 2007 MTV VMAs. The track itself won the Ivor Novello Award for Best Contemporary Song in May 2007, as well as three Grammy Awards the following year for Record Of The Year, Song Of The Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.

  5. When you sell your soul, does that make you what’s considered a “demon”? People think I’m crazy but I swear I can see in their eyes and acting styles from the time they are just actors starting off to when they make the change to the dark side. I’m still working on figuring out how to tell the difference between the humans who have sold their souls and other beings that have been able to shape shift to look human. Learning about all of this side of Hollywood, the signs, theories, whistle blowers and my own intuition has made me go back to watch or rewatch certain shows and OMG it is has been right in our face the WHOLE TIME!! You start connecting the dots between different shows, movies and actors and you learn they have been showing us all along what they have been doing to us, plan to do and all the knowledge that has been hidden from us.

  6. I don’t think you should do a video on Taylor Swift, because if the Illuminati gets wind of the video and if she is a double agent then they may do something drastic to dim her light. I think if she is a double agent, we should just let her be, and send positive energy to her to help her turn around and transmute the darkness in the music & entertainment industries.

    1. Kids wanting to be famous and signing a contract with their blood doesn’t necessarily make them evil.
      What makes us different as starseeds if we can dare to say “they all deserve to be taken out”?

  7. Thanks for all of your insights EA.

    I just watched a YouTube video of Barely Sociable who explained (and provided real good clues) that the mafia is (supposedly heavily) involved in the music and television industry and that this is what artists refer to when they say that they have sold their souls to the devil. The YT video is called ’The music industry’s darkest secret’. I would love to hear what you are able to channel on that. Thanks for all of your work!

  8. I am beyond grateful I got to listen to this video.

    EA I really would love to speak with you. I had a very rough childhood. At a young age I had I was in and out of foster homes and family homes. I remember a few times begging to have a better life I was asking and sobbing at a young age to sell my soul so that I could become a singer and author and start creating my better life. I was laying on my lower bunk bed after having a rough day and crying thinking how much better it could be for me. I closed my eyes to rest and as I am feeling sleepy I all of a sudden felt my soul being pulled from under my. I tried to scream for help but couldn’t speak. My arms and legs felt frozen and I couldn’t move them. I kept trying to yell but I had no voice. I remember feeling so scared. I all of a sudden asked for Jesus to help me and my eyes opened and I saw a picture of Jesus tapped on the bottom of the top bunk and I could move and breathe and speak again. I was 12 or 13 when that happened and I have never thought to try that again.

  9. I have seen a YouTube video of a fella who was once a Free Mason who shared that the society elite who sell their souls to the devil for fame are often celebrities, who are often photographed with common hand gestures that were published in old free mason books. From what I have read, the Illuminati, are associated with preserving the rights and freedom of the people from the suppression from the elite. This article, although not scientific sums it up pretty well:
    Also, I have just learned that Rosicrucianism, an ancient order stemming from the time of Akhenaten in Egypt, touts peace, serenity, balancing spirituality with materialism, and more, has been associated with the illuminati–which makes sense if you read the article above on the history of the illuminati. So I am a little shaken to hear that these ancient mystery schools that empower people are evil!

  10. Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for this video on Matthew Perry. I am bearing it in mind about the Illuminati, but cannot completely commit at this point. However, I am wondering how it applies to my favourite artist. Recently in England where I live, an absolutely beautiful person and artist, Sinead O’Connor died, which I still feel sad about 4 months later. I’m the same age as her and always udentified with her very much. Back in the day, she was about to make it big in America when she called out child abuse in the Catholic Church. Wow, so brave and so much integrity. She had already shaved her head in the very early days of her career. She made it clear from the start that she would not be joining any corrupt system and was going to be a true light. She lost the big career, but as she said at the time, that wasn’t what she wanted anyway. She wanted to vent her anger at her own childhood abuse and speak the truth for other oppressed people. She suffered with mental health issues, quite understandably as she had lots of trauma to work through and despite being strong was always being ridiculed by some of the press at various times , for her mental health. She was way too honest to play games, so there wasn’t a lot that could be done to shut her up other than keep giving little kicks and making sure she wouldn’t make it big and influence too many people. She kept making music while living her life and had a perfectly successful cult following that allowed her to express herself through her talent for a living. She was always searching and researching for ultimate truth and worked her way through many religions, the last being Islam. I felt she was still being her controversial self going all out for Islam as it was yet another way to challenge people’s small mindedness, although she did indeed seem to have found some peace. There is loads more to the story, she was diagnosed with bipolar in an irresponsible way by a doctor who hadn’t even met her and later after years of medication realised she wasn’t, she had a radical hysterectomy which destabilised her mentally in a big way. Dr Phil contacted her when she was at her lowest eb
    (although apparently he lied and said that she had called him and asked for help). He had her on his show, but she eventually realised the help he was supposedly giving was severely lacking. Even after all that, she was still trying to be well, still working on herself. Then her son who was on suicide watch committed suicide and it broke her. How did he manage to escape to go and hang himself while on suicide watch? It reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith who was also broken by her son committing suicide, and other weird stuff that went on with her. Beautiful Sinead seemed to be coming back a little eventually after her son died, and then suddenly she has died and no cause given. I wouldn’t blame her for leaving intentionally or her body just giving up. I just think she deserves a mention because she went through so much and was never taken in by corruption and fought so hard for the light. She genuinely didn’t care about ‘making it big’ but one way or another the evil in this world was always on the attack of this amazing strong woman of my generation. I wonder what anyone else thinks about this? X

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