Exiting The Matrix: How To Access Infinite Parallel Realities

  • March 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the concept of hopping into different timelines and parallel realities. They explain that our conscious observation and focus can determine the reality we experience. Elizabeth April encourages individuals to focus on their individual reality first and take responsibility for creating the reality they desire. They suggest using observation and belief to shift into different timelines and parallel realities that already exist. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of taking action and conscious intention in creating a new and higher vibrational reality.

59 thoughts on “Exiting The Matrix: How To Access Infinite Parallel Realities

  1. Love the dinosaur!You’re going to be an awesome mommy! Congrats and I wish you so much joy and happiness in your guys parenting journey!! Thank you for all of your positive support , and sharing so much helpful info. You’re such a blessing and major help❤️

  2. Thank you, God bless your baby and you.
    I hope you will continue your work, I have a lot to catch up on , as I have only seen a couple of your interviews.
    You seem familiar to me, (another time line?)
    Peace, good luck.

  3. Bless you, EA, for this brilliant explanation of how timelines work that FINALLY makes sense to me. This was incredibly helpful … I cannot thank you enough for this video! I’ve already watched it twice and love that I can access it anytime if I need a boost. SO grateful for you and your cosmic insight!! 🙏✨💗

  4. Thank you for this vidi It resonate with slot of things that I have believed for years. Especially with the intimate amounts of timelines that we all live in. I just never thought about the personal application of this prinsipal; how we can use this principal to change our reality. I give the first vidio about living in 3D world, and this one talking about changing our reality transitioning from a 3D to a 5D world a 5 war rating.

    1. Whoah!!! Bib iIS still alive! (I had to check. 😉) Good for him! I totally remember him dying. But, last week I also saw something about Nixon’s second term and I only remember him being elected president one time and getting impeached right away.. so apparently my memories are a bit unique. LoL.

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