Exiting The Matrix: How To Access Infinite Parallel Realities

  • March 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the concept of hopping into different timelines and parallel realities. They explain that our conscious observation and focus can determine the reality we experience. Elizabeth April encourages individuals to focus on their individual reality first and take responsibility for creating the reality they desire. They suggest using observation and belief to shift into different timelines and parallel realities that already exist. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of taking action and conscious intention in creating a new and higher vibrational reality.

59 thoughts on “Exiting The Matrix: How To Access Infinite Parallel Realities

  1. Incredible video. I’m understanding more and more each day! Feeling really excited having watched this video, will start putting this into action right away! Love how well you articulate things and describe complex subjects in such a clear way!

  2. Thankyou so much for your videos 😊💖💕 I was watching on YouTube and have just signed up. I’ve felt like I was a starseed for 15 years now, and there wasn’t enough in depth information out there in the past. Can’t believe I’ve finally found your information!! It’s absolutely amazing. I would have killed for this 15 years ago 😅 lol. Thanks so much for what you are doing. I’m sure you are helping so many people ascend 😊💕

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