Create Abundance: Clear Karma Instantly! 💥💰

  • June 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the concept of karma and the importance of clearing past energies to create abundance. They explain that karma is a vibrational ripple created by thoughts, actions, or intentions, and that it is not inherently good or bad. Elizabeth April outlines a four-step process for clearing karma, which includes making a statement, bringing awareness to repeated situations, making different choices, and dividing the present between the present and future intentions. They emphasize the importance of gratitude and manifesting intentions in the present moment.

49 thoughts on “Create Abundance: Clear Karma Instantly! 💥💰

  1. This was a superb video! Thank you so much, EA! And I just have to say: That hat is fabulous on you!! I’m quite sure I’ve never seen anyone rock a hat (and entire outfit) like you in this video! You look amazing, girl. 🤩 You are a true ray of light and I so appreciate your insight. 🌟💗🙏

  2. Really helpful in explaining why my money situation has taken a lower vibrational turn. Thank you for the simple diagram to explain why holding onto the past hampers you moving into the future and muddies up the present.

  3. Thank you. Very glad you are back; you have been missed. I liked the way you explained everything. Straightforward and with examples. I VERY much loved the diagram. Really shows the difference between the chaotic past, compared to the closed loop. By the way, I am looking forward to the GFL tomorrow.

  4. My dreams are definitely off the hook, more than usual. For example, trauma I didn’t know I had like arguing with a college professor about which boy I liked and which one I loved or past life trauma I didn’t know about the what but the who and now I do. Feel me?

  5. Loved this video. I wrote down the 4 steps in my phone notes so that I will always have them for reference. I really needed this at this time.
    By the way, when are you going to make yourself a sound proof room to do your videos in? I’m getting tired of hearing the trash truck every Monday. LOL!

  6. I love the diagram! I wrote down ” I am ready to confront and close any and all energies that are no longer serving me, with grace.” I added the, “with grace” because I’m a little afraid of what might come to the surface so I’m affirming that it will be with grace lol Thank you!!

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