Crucial Message to Starseeds: 😱 Quantum Co-Creation

  • July 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the concept of quantum co-creation and its significance for starseeds. They explain that quantum co-creation is the idea that we are all connected at the smallest level and together we create our reality. Elizabeth April shares their personal experiences and lessons learned from nature, emphasizing the importance of gratitude, choosing what we focus on, and observing without judgment. They encourage viewers to reflect on their own co-creation with others, themselves, and nature, in order to take back their power and create the reality they desire.

43 thoughts on “Crucial Message to Starseeds: 😱 Quantum Co-Creation

  1. we’ve got to try harded to obtain the observer mode then the thought form mode. Sit in your body then focus to observe your left brain where all the thinking happens, then you will find something differnent.

  2. Thank you so much. You have offered and shared so much to think about. Also, I see what you mean – you have to be aware of lessons, etc. Good reminder about nature – I definitely need to commune more with nature. I am happy for you; it sounds like all is going well up in Canada.

  3. I just wanted to thank you EA! I found you and your book at just the right time in my journey! I am Currently absorbing all of your knowledge and wisdom that you share on your Podcast and I’m seeing myself awaken, evolve and grow in ways that I never dreamed of! This is actually my first time seeing you while listening to you speak, and you are just so mesmerizing and beautiful! Inside and out! Thank you for your courage and support …. all of us starseeds are eternally grateful for you! ❤️ I am talking about and sharing all of your teachings to anyone who will listen to me! See you in the 5th dimension frequency AE! Much love!!! 🫶❤️🌈

  4. I listened to this video yesterday. It took me about 90 minutes to listen to the whole thing, because I am internet challenged where I live. I live in a very isolated cabin in the middle of a juniper forest in the middle of Arizona, and that’s partly the point of my post. I have a degree in Biology, so like you, I am not particularly bothered by bugs except…. within a year or two of moving here, I became aware that the cabin was infested by wolf spiders. The look of these spiders suits their name. They do not bite, but they are very large (more than 2″ across), and they’re fast and intimidating. They have an annoying habit that used to drive me a bit nutty. The spiders create a vibration to attract a mate. Even though their sound is literally at the limits of my perception, it is so quiet here most nights, that I hear them loud and clear. There have been some summers where I get one or two of them on the walls of the cabin, and I get woken up by them every night. At first, I would trap them and usher them outside. But after a few years, I realized just how infested this place was. I began to kill them to eliminate them. I hated doing that, but I felt this was a real conflict. About a year ago I became aware of an animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach, who suggested trying to communicate with animals and plants. So, I did. I was met by limited but definitive results. I endeavored, at that point, to talk to the wolf spiders. I told them that while I loved all animals, They were creating too much of a problem for me. I told them that I would appreciate them staying on the outside of the cabin to avoid conflict. I repeated that message to them often. So far this summer, I am happy to say, I have not seen one! I have also spoken to the trees here for specific issues, and I feel I have clearly heard answers to my questions. All this has impressed upon me, just how connected to everything we are. Thank you for your help, insights, and information you provide.

  5. I have literally been sorry by the river for the past week and listening the stories that the water, the tree, the grass, the birds have been telling me.
    I have also been visiting the zero point space.
    You are a perfect mirror in my simulation.
    Thank you so much for being that for me 🙏🏽

  6. Dear Elisabeth, when I listen to your words, it is very interesting and inspiring… Even more inspiring and comforting for me is your joy, authenticity, freshness, love, vulnerability… I love the way you speak, well pronounced, so clearly, heartedly… You are so natural (so ‚one of us‘), humble, full of love and joy…. and soooo beautiful (inside out), so radiant… I feel good just by seeing you… Thank you so much for your work and for being here, for being in my life! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️

  7. Thank you so much for your insight & experience!!
    Yes, many times in nature I hear the bugs.the frogs,the wind singing in harmony.
    Many messages I have been given/can’t really explain the messages but an inner knowing and peace I feel ..surprises sometimes. A grounding and clearing for sure when I return to my daily life.

  8. Thanks for posting this video, EA! I’ve been unconsciously sending out my intentions when I’m outside, and I’ve noticed that while I’m doing that, a nice, pleasant breeze kicks in every time. It’s almost like the wind is carrying my intentions out, and I feel at peace feeling the breeze on me. 🙂

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