Shocking New Earth Mandela Effect Updates 2023-2024

  • December 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the strange occurrences and shifts happening in 2023, including glitches in the matrix, time fluctuations, Mandela effects, and physical symptoms. They mention the increase in the Schumann resonance, solar flares, and even Northern lights in Las Vegas. Elizabeth April then has a conversation with a Pleiadian being named Kinetic about the shift into the new Earth and non-local reality. They explain that the entire universe is experiencing the shift, and discuss the options and choices involved. They also touch on the potential effects of a solar flare and provide suggestions for staying safe during the shifts. The video ends with information about upcoming events.

70 thoughts on “Shocking New Earth Mandela Effect Updates 2023-2024

  1. Thank you EA!! I was laying on my back in the grass watching the sky. Then a whole airliner jet flying high came into my view. Then it vanished! I told my kids and called my sister about it and they all were like umm are you okay? I’m also having a whole bunch of realizations. Thank you for validating this crazy time!

  2. Wow weee lots to take in on this one, I have watched this twice and definitely need another few times as well! I have been stuck around 25/27 minutes into this when talking about the shift and integration being more graceful before THE BIG FLASH…….?
    Did anyone else out there hear this one understand what The Big Flash would be?

  3. I have watched this twice and need another time or two, did anyone else catch what EA said around 25/27 minutes into it about “The big Flash” ………anyone ? Thoughts on this?

  4. “You are not at the mercy of the Collective”. Honestly, that’s the most comforting thing I’ve heard in a long time. I’ll keep doing my thing, knowing that anything that is positive and good for me will also be positive and good for the Collective. But I still get to say what goes in my personal experience. I love it!

  5. I loved this video as well as many others. I’ve been going through a lot of anxiety and fear lately. I hear lots of negative things as well as positive. What makes me fearful in this video is the how they says “don’t rely on the electrical grid” etc. I’ve been hearing that our entire electrical grid is going to be destroyed and that only 10% of the population are ready for it. I try to stay more positive than negative but this one just stuck with me. And now hearing it from another source. I hate living in fear. I try daily to get it out of my system. How can I cope and move past all the fear going on? Any tips? Sometimes listening to your other videos gives me comfort. Many topics you speak about I hear but in negative ways. So listening to you gives me more validation that it’s not true. I’m sorry if this is confusing. I have so many things I would love to talk about. My mind is so all over the place but everything you speak of I believe in and I agree with. This world needs LOVE. Unconditional love!

      1. Agreed. Very hard to balance. I don’t know if I’m waking up more and more and that’s why I’m having so much anxiety and fear. Once I ready EA’s book o legit felt the same exact way! I am always saying why do I always feel like shit! Tired, mind racing, can’t sleep etc. and I truly believe now after reading that book that I’m just waking up!

        1. I like people’s tips on here. I’ll just add what I do in addition to what others mentioned: I think back to all the times I feared or worried about something and 90% of the time, it never happened. Whether it was a collective fear or personal one. The rest of the time, it certainly didn’t happen the way I thought it would. Hopefully if you think about it, it’ll be at least a little true for you too? Over time my worry levels have lessened more and more, and I’m not prepared for a damn thing.

    1. How can I cope and move past all the fear going on? Any tips? Kerk, I deal with anxiety. I know you’re asking EA, but what has helped me is mantras. It helps focus your mind on the ‘RIGHT NOW’. I am happy. I am abundant. I am thankful. I am blessed. I am magnificent. If you say them aloud, or in your mind (aloud by yourself is better) you program your subconscious. So instead of ‘oh my god in the future I won’t have electrciity & I’ll die a physical death’ thought.. Right now. You’re alive. You’re safe. You’re fed. Abundance doesn’t mean 8 billion dollars in the bank. It means you have just a little more than you need to meet your need FOR RIGHT NOW. Don’t focus on Israel blowing up Gaza or all the other negative media crap. Are you being shot right now? Are you having a bomb dropped on you, right now? No?! Excellent. You are safe. Tell yourself that postive thought. I am safe. Alan Watts said “We are always living somewhere we aren’t” i.e. some mythical happy place in the future. Focus on happy in the now, use mantras. Works for me, just sharing. Peace be upon you. Alex J

      1. Truly thankful! Your words mean a lot, I def understand what you are saying. I try to follow those techniques of thinking positive etc. I feel now that I have a 4 year old daughter I worry so much more about what’s going on and what our future will be. Like I cant even fathom how my daughter would cope without me and vice verse. She is the love of my life. My heart my soul. I would do anything to protect her, but my fear has gotten to me lately. Feeling like I do not have the control to protect her from the evil of this world and thats terrifying to me. I feel like if I didn’t have another life to take care of I wouldn’t be as fearful, like “whatever happens happens” but I can’t kick the “whatever happens happens” now it’s like “how can I protect her” “ I would die without her” “ she would die without me” like these thoughts are constant on my mind and it’s so hard to get them out. I am truly trying. We have such a special bond, she is so special to me. I truly believe my daughter and I are so connected with LOVE that it goes beyond the physical. It represents unconditional love, pure love, something I can’t explain and something I think every living being should feel. If everyone felt it, the pure love alone could heal this earth. Ok, I may sound crazy and have gone a little overboard haha but maybe I needed to get that off my chest to say it out loud to people who might actually understand me.

    2. Hi Kerk, Fear Not – get more knowledge. Tips: 1) I suggest a YouTube channel called SouthernPrepper1. This person is down to earth & has many videos reviewing Solar panels, especially portable ones, for a grid down existence. 2) I suggest learning how to grow food, even on a balcony, by using a Vertical Garden technique. I have found that one of the more efficient, yet easy to use planters that I like is the GreenStalkGarden planter. Here’s a link to explore: 3) Take a Deep Breath! 🤗 4) I love EA’s videos, I trust her. I wanted to raise my vibration & I was soooo happy to find she has 19 meditations related to her book, You’re Not Dying, You’re Just Waking Up. It’s offered in one of the bundles & her guided meditations in EA’s voice did more to Relax Me than trying to do it by myself. I hope these tips help you as they have helped me. Blessings to All Starseeds!

        1. Hi Kerk, Fear Not – Teach your daughter How to Grow Food With You in the GreenStalkPlanter I mention above. I read what you wrote about loving 🥰 your daughter. I can relate – I have 2 daughters. I have found that girls learn better by actually Doing whatever you want to teach them. Kids love 💗 growing food! My kids used to bring home other kids in our neighborhood to pick tomatoes & other stuff growing. These kids told me they didn’t know the stuff (vegetables) grew like that … they thought you just get it at the grocery store. How innocent 😇 is that?! I got journals for each of them & taught them to write down stuff they’ll want to repeat in the next future years, like How to plant whatever, when to fertilize & harvest, etc (All this info is also available at that website). Perhaps in your teaching your daughter how to survive, she’ll teach you the joy of living simply, filled with happiness … together. Blessings to you both!

  6. Question- in the video Kinetic mentions that it will take a few years for the poles to completely shift and then several years after that for us to fully adjust and integrate. But I’m confused- will we already be in 5D Earth at that time? We will still be “shifting” during those several years and not be in 5D until we are fully adjusted to the pole shifts? I think I was assuming 5D Earth was seconds, minutes, days, weeks, a short year or two away…?

  7. I always love videos where in the beginning you say to strap in. Wow. Powerful and interesting information. Glad, at least for now, we are heading for a gentle shift. Thank you, Elizabeth and thank you, Kinetic for another great video. Loved it.

  8. Time to focus on what we want, not what the Replitoids are trying to do.

    I’ve always wondered about channeling in regards to multiple time-lines. Couldn’t the answers received possibly not apply depending on what time-line is being focused on? Like asking about the crucifixion. In some time-lines Yeshua was crucified while, in others, he was not for example.

    1. I m sure the timelines matter. I’ve heard of people remote viewing ancient times. I think tho unless you specify differently I think you are moving yourself around your own timeline. That’s now I see it.

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