Google is Stealing our Psychic Abilities 😱👁️

  • August 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the importance of tapping into our psychic abilities and how platforms like Google and social media can distract us from accessing our intuitive powers. Elizabeth April outlines three steps for tapping into our psychic abilities: focus, intention, and listening. They also introduce the concept of accessing information from the consciousness grid of the planet and the universe. Elizabeth April encourages viewers to stop relying on external sources and start trusting their own psychic abilities.

47 thoughts on “Google is Stealing our Psychic Abilities 😱👁️

  1. Hi EA, just wanted to thank you for another solid upload. But, I would like to point out that it is unnecessary to post your videos with such a click-baity title and thumbnail to get more views. I assume it’s the same video you posted on YT, but it was confusing to me because the content was mostly focused on creating your reality & tapping into the grid for answers, than using Google to search for them. Perhaps for a more in-depth video about Google, it would be appropriate. But I still think that you will still attract your intended and unintended audience without such tactics. Thank you

  2. Thank you that helps! Especially to hear how you started with channeling! I m always so amazed when i watch you getting a download, a few seconds and than you talk about it and than its clear how much(!) info you got in that short time. In this video you tell it could take you 30 min for something small when you started channeling years ago. That you practiced and improved. I m so motivated now and hopeful that i can learn to channel easier not only in trance alone but also channeling more, faster in contact with others thank you!

  3. This is such an amazing video. I loved it and have listened twice through already and will listen several times more. There is a lot of resonance for me with Shamanic work – of formulating a question, and then allowing the response to take form. I have to say a huge thanks to you EA – I discovered your work “by chance” via an interview you gave on a YouTube podcast with Emilio Ortiz – and I was astonished. I have since joined your site as a Creator and am absolutely loving the content. I was blown away by the coaching session yesterday, and am just loving this whole experience. I also adored the videos about Mount Shasta, and Pluto’s Cave with your Dad. So amazing the gift of support and appreciation from your father. It is very beautiful to see you sharing your gifts, helping others, and at a skill level that is mindblowing. So, big thanks from me. Loving the Journey, and grateful for the deep dives! Aho!

  4. Thank you, Elizabeth,
    When we are all awakened on this beautiful planet, your work will have evolved too. Your current work may no longer be required but who knows what gifts you’ll be bringing this world instead.
    With much love and appreciation, Angela

  5. The key to obtaining the answer to the question you seek is to follow the trail of what comes through. For example, if an image association comes, then ask a follow up question to your original one to see how it either relates to it, or directly answers the question. Keep following until you receive a clear, direct answer that resonates. Patience, focus, and clarity are key aspects to going within and generating wisdom from within.

  6. *Be the First to Comment!*

    Ok, I will! 😁

    As usual, exactly the message I needed to hear right now. I’ve been working with some in a local group of people working to expand their consciousnesses and several feel that they are not the creators of their lives and that anything that happens to them is fated to happen. Ironically, they end up being correct, but only because they are actually creating that situation! I try not to be frustrated and keep showing them examples. Needless to say, I’ll be linking this video to a few. 😊

    Thanks EA!

    P.S., I must say though, that sure is one clickbait-like thumbnail and title! I just posted the link in a Discord channel I admin and had to chuckle! 😜

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