2023 VITAL Message to Humanity: Sh*t is going down

  • April 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the concept of quantum timeline shifting and the various effects it has on individuals and society as a whole. They talk about experiencing dreams from different timelines, feeling extreme exhaustion, and the rapid shifting away from old timelines. Elizabeth April also mentions the possibility of a solar flare event and provides advice on how to navigate the shifting timelines.

41 thoughts on “2023 VITAL Message to Humanity: Sh*t is going down

  1. OMG …..this Hits my inner mixed up feelings EXACTLY ! 😱 ….I’m feeling So ready to do Something ……But No idea What it is ? .Your So spot on in SO many ways ! ( and Your descriptions of “ Grid Workers” gave me Chills …..I’m pretty sure I’m one of Those ! )

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