Action vs. Surrender Podcast

  • April 2024

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In this video, the creator discusses the concept of problem-solving versus surrendering and how it relates to divine masculine and divine feminine energies. They share personal experiences and examples to illustrate the importance of finding a balance between taking action and trusting the universe. The video also touches on the idea of being overwhelmed by choices and the need to cultivate a sense of presence and gratitude for what we already have. The creator concludes by encouraging viewers to reflect on their own energy and find ways to incorporate both problem-solving and surrender in their daily lives.

25 thoughts on “Action vs. Surrender Podcast

  1. Omg! I love you so much. I’m literally going through the same thing with following rhythms in jujitsu and this has always come up for me…during my meditation it came to me that I was never meant to follow the rhythm of everyone else. You weren’t either EA lol I’m learning to love this part of myself and still continue to learn new things.

  2. When I think about the way I act on projects everyday, there comes a time when i have to say enough action , time to surrender to enough for one day, or time to rest and pick up again.
    When it comes to manifesting I create in my mind an in general summary unless it is something specific and then I surrender that idea to the Universe. That seems to work pretty well.
    I have lived a good number of Earth years and I have learned a lot and of course I am still learning. I thank you for being here and confirming to me what I already know and teaching me new stuff that has blown my mind but when learning certain aspects of life….your mind has to be blown to continue on a higher level!
    Blessings of Love and Light to you and yours!

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