The Event Is Coming: Prepping Guide to New Earth

  • November 2021

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In this video titled The Event Is Coming: Prepping Guide to New Earth, Elizabeth April provides a guide to being prepared for potential emergencies and shifts in the world. The video covers spiritual and physical preparation, including tips for navigating vibrational energies, setting intentions, and having essential supplies like food, water, and a bug out bag. Elizabeth April also emphasizes the importance of having a bug out location, learning traditional living skills, and being self-sufficient. The video is meant to provide guidance and encourage preparedness without promoting fear.

4 thoughts on “The Event Is Coming: Prepping Guide to New Earth

  1. This is where you explain how to navigate vibration. Not only is this one about the physical steps, but it includes spiritual steps of preparation. Practicing at-will disconnecting as well as consciously connecting. My new favorite!

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