Strange Happenings & Glitches in the Matrix

  • July 2022

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses strange happenings and glitches in the matrix. They talk about the quantum world and how our perception of reality changes when we raise our vibration. Elizabeth April shares personal experiences of time glitches and space glitches, as well as speculates on the concept of a hive mind. They invite viewers to share their glitch experiences and thoughts on a hive mind. The video ends with a message of gratitude to the viewers.

3 thoughts on “Strange Happenings & Glitches in the Matrix

  1. I keep location jumping when driving in my neighborhood. I was sure it wasnt me going in to absent mindedness. I was aware and present and i would suddenly be coming to the end of the road thinking I was on aroad a few streets over that looked similar but i knew where i was moments before that happens. At first I mean I was having a hard time just brushing it under the rug accepting that i must have been distracted by something. THEN… It began happening to my friends but only in my neighborhood. Then finally I saw it being discussed on my neighborhood forum. The one place im most careful about telling my business to. I was very surprised with how well everyone was taking the phenomena. Very impressed. Yay humanity!

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