Shocking Arcturian Message to Humanity

  • August 2022

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In this video, Elizabeth April shares a conversation with an Arcturian being from the Galactic Federation. They discuss the inner workings of the Federation and the roles of different beings. The being explains that humans have a significant role in ending wars throughout the universe. They also discuss the split timelines of Earth and the importance of humans aligning with their higher selves. The being emphasizes the power of human choice and the ability to create a better future.

6 thoughts on “Shocking Arcturian Message to Humanity

  1. Hi Fellow Starseeds, This Creator-series “Arcturian Message to Humanity” video is available to watch on YouTube! It’s right in line with additional enlightening information that compliments the recent, “Prophecy Of Planet Earth”. Thank you, EA, for putting this video on YouTube. 🙏 Blessings to all, Glory

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