Q&A: Timelines, Relationships, Non-Player Characters, Meditation & MORE!!

  • July 2022

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In this video, Elizabeth April talks about their experiences and insights on various topics including timelines, relationships, non-player characters, meditation, and more. They also discuss their connection with different elements like air and water. Elizabeth April takes questions from viewers and provides answers on topics like soulless beings, the impact of solar flares, the concept of the metaverse, transmutation, and handling difficult situations.

3 thoughts on “Q&A: Timelines, Relationships, Non-Player Characters, Meditation & MORE!!

  1. I discovered an easier way to transmute energy recently: While I’m feeling an emotion, I simply say “I transmute this {negative emotion} into {positive emotion of choice}”. Seems to work most of the time. Of course it probably wouldn’t have occurred to me to try this if I hadn’t been listening to you over the last year, mentioning the concept. Very grateful for all that I am learning from you!

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