Q&A: Inner Earth, Soul Contracts, Canada Trucker Update, Helping the GFL, Discerning Hurt, Unity Consciousness, 2.22.22 Portal + MORE!!

  • July 2022

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In this Q&A video, the host answers various questions from viewers. Topics discussed include the challenges facing inner Earth, how to discern who is hurting us, the current situation in Canada, and the concept of unity consciousness in the 3D world. The host also shares updates on their recent move and upcoming events.

One thought on “Q&A: Inner Earth, Soul Contracts, Canada Trucker Update, Helping the GFL, Discerning Hurt, Unity Consciousness, 2.22.22 Portal + MORE!!

  1. I thought it was so interesting you mention that you thought Ford had cars that ran on water. I recently watched a Dr Steven Greer documentary/movie in which he mentioned the death of Stanley Meyer – the man who invented and patented the car that ran on water. His patent was later cancelled and he was poisoned shortly after. I found this from the Gaia website about him: https://www.gaia.com/article/the-mysterious-death-of-stanley-meyer-and-his-water-powered-car

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