Heaven – Hell & The Afterlife

  • October 2022
  • 15
  • 820

In this video titled Heaven, Hell, & The Afterlife: What You Need To Know, Elizabeth April discusses the concepts of heaven, hell, and the afterlife. They share their perspectives based on their experiences as a remote viewer and medium. They explain that hell can be seen as an in-between realm or purgatory where souls can get stuck due to unresolved emotions, unfinished business, or being unaware of their own death. They also discuss the process of the afterlife, including the journey through a white light and the release of earthly burdens. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of learning lessons and fulfilling missions in each incarnation. They note that time does not exist in the afterlife and that soul fragments can exist across different dimensions simultaneously. The video ends with an exploration of past life experiences involving interdimensional beings.

October 17th, 2022 Live Video

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