Every Parent Needs to See This 💥

  • January 2024
  • 36
  • 1099

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Want to meet EA in person?! 🤩 It’s not too late to get your tickets for the Conscious Life Expo on Feb 10 and attend her workshop Your Starseed Mission! https://go.elizabethapril.com/3RJVBRz

Activate your DNA 🧬 and connect to the cosmos 🌟 LIVE with EA at the 2 day Galactic Gathering Workshop: https://go.elizabethapril.com/3Op79cd

Expecting? 🍼 Learn how to align your mind, body, & soul to achieve optimal health & well-being during your journey in EA’s Cosmic Womb course! 🤩 Details here: https://go.elizabethapril.com/3M43Aq6

Get Jan’s GFL recording! EA asked about 🛸 conscious humans in 3D form on GFL ships, 👽 the GFL’s missions beyond Earth and more! Click here: https://go.elizabethapril.com/41Hj36w

In this video, Elizabeth April discusses various parenting topics such as generational trauma, raising a spoiled child, parenting styles, technology usage, and the reasons for having children. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and healing generational trauma, practicing intuitive parenting, monitoring technology use, and considering the impact of ones parenting choices on future generations. Elizabeth April also mentions resources such as a book on simplicity parenting and a course on pregnancy.

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