2024 Important Energy Update

  • February 2024
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Hungry for genuine in-person community connections & incredible activations? 😍 Join EA live this April! https://go.elizabethapril.com/3Op79cd

You asked and EA got answers! ⛪ What is the GFL’s take on the Book of Revelations in the Bible? – Find out with your copy of the Feb GFL Summit: https://go.elizabethapril.com/48etPE2

🌟 Connect with Sharma and check out her website here: https://shematsystems.com/

Tried to talk to your Spirit Guides and got crickets?? 😩 You’re in luck! 🌟 Check out this new Spirit Guide workshop: https://go.elizabethapril.com/3ENsaJy

Ready to elevate your self-care game? Order our wellness bundle now and receive a 30-day journal, guided meditations, an exclusive forum, and more! 🌟💖 https://go.elizabethapril.com/3NjPbb4

Do you want to connect with your Cosmic Self?! 👽 EA X Lily Rose Jewelry has an exclusive crystal bracelet and mala collection!📿 https://go.elizabethapril.com/3nziwDM

🌟 Get ready to dive deeper into awakening and self-exploration, with EA’s book ‘You’re Not Dying, You’re Just Waking Up’ here: https://go.elizabethapril.com/3PZ4qUS

Feeling overwhelmed by the shifts in 2024? You’re not alone! This video offers validation, guidance, and solutions to help you embrace the higher frequency and navigate challenges. Remember, you’ve got this! 💪

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