Let’s Get Real….

  • February 2024

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EA unpacked so much information in the Feb GFL Live Summit! You don’t want to miss the important insights we were given! Click here to order your recording: https://go.elizabethapril.com/48etPE2

🌎 Discover the power of gridworking and how it can restore balance to the Earth while learning about its true nature with the Heal the Grid Workshop: https://go.elizabethapril.com/35gxJRr

EA’s wife Natacha has created a beginners Crypo Course that is totally out of this world! 💲 Get the tools and support you need to activate a new level of financial abundance!: https://bit.ly/3GqySp4

Ready to elevate your self-care game? Order our wellness bundle now and receive a 30-day journal, guided meditations, an exclusive forum, and more! 🌟💖 https://go.elizabethapril.com/3NjPbb4

Change your thoughts and behaviors and you change your life! 🥳 Enroll in the 30 Day Get WOKE Bootcamp and take control today: https://go.elizabethapril.com/3GKQf4s

🌟 Get ready to dive deeper into awakening and self-exploration, with our ‘You’re Not Dying, You’re Just Waking Up Activity Book & Meditation Bundle’ here: https://go.elizabethapril.com/42vOZK3

Join me in this raw and vulnerable video as I share my personal challenges, insecurities, and healing journey. Get to know the real me as I share my human experience.

160 thoughts on “Let’s Get Real….

  1. Omg! You really don’t have a pointy nose, your nose is perfect, funny how we are criticizing ourselves so much, I also don’t like my nose, and I so wish I was taller, and I have the same thin hair that you have, I just had to accept them all, I’m now 63 and I love myself, you will love all of you too at some point! Much love xo

  2. Thank you for being “Real” with us. You are amazing in any form you show up as. I Enjoy listening to you so much, and especially seeing you smile! Your smile is bigger than life and lights up my day! Thanks for being YOU!

  3. You’re so amazing beyond words and inspiring! Thank you so much for being so vulnerable and real with us! We could never get sick of you. I was curious what kind of foundation you use. I’m having a hard time finding one that’s good for the skin but also covers all my imperfections. You look amazing in all your videos even without makeup! Blessings to you and your beautiful family !!

  4. Hello Elizabeth,
    I love you’re sharing the true Elizabeth, without makeup and with grease hair, as you are. I like the honesty you’re talking about your vulnerability. I believe it’s a part of your healing process. Well done!
    You’re talking about long term problems with your skin/hair. I wanted to suggest you find an experienced acupuncturist, I believe they can help you with this. Alongside with your impatience. You can trust me, I am fully qualified acupuncturist(practicing in the UK) and I can clearly recognise the pattern 😊
    Wishing you the best ❤️

  5. Hello, I think it’s wonderful that you got on there and told us all those things about you. I believe that you’re a beautiful person and you look beautiful with or without make up and I really appreciate your videos because they really help me and have taught me a bunch of things.

  6. aw loved this one EA – Im almost 31 & 5ft1 as well, Canadian, and love crystals too!
    If you want to know more about your 3 signs.. the free app co-star is AMAZING at explaining it all, I think you would really enjoy it. Unsure if EA will even see the comment but maybe someone can tell her about it =)

    As always, THANKYOU EA

  7. I’m so curious what time you were born! My twin nieces were born within a day of you and it’s the most dynamic birth chart I’ve ever seen! I study astrology. You may already know that you have all the aspects: Grand trine with a kit, mystic rectangle and a grand cross! Thank you so much for sharing this video about you! I signed up for your retreat in Santa Monica. So looking forward to it!

  8. I appreciate and respect all you do for us, your viewers. Thank you for being so open about yourself. I think it took a certain amount of courage to not have any make=up, bear your soul, etc. I love hearing about your human side. This is actually quite an outstanding video. Thank you, Elizabeth.

  9. Thanks EA for sharing your human side. You are so very much appreciated – you are so special since you are able to gather so many starseeds with your awesome way of waking us up. And I’m glad that I can listen to you every time I feel a little lost. It‘s just feels like sanity for me in all this insanity that‘s been going on in the outside world…

  10. Thank you for sharing, EA! We love all parts of you esp the human parts. I know it isn’t easy but for people like me, I feel understood. I have also had SA happen to me actually at the same ages you did for almost as long, and I am now unraveling those blocks I have because of my childhood traumas. You sharing this means maybe it’s time for me to start sharing my story because that is healing in a sense. Sharing is healing and I feel like I’ve learned a lot of that from you! You’re open and vulnerable, something we can all practice on. I have been watching for a year now and my life is completely different. My outlook is different. Life isn’t what it seems but we must protect our human beings because of it. So, thank you again for sharing pieces of your human w us. That is the true mission maybe, to master our humanness 💖 alchemizing the dark into the light

  11. He is not walking yet!!!!!!! Just wait till you are RUNNING after him!!!!!!!!! I had 3 boys in a row. They are 45, 43, and 42 now. I think the third one helps the perfectionism A LOT. At that point you are not worried about doing everything right. (Which I think is your biggest anxiety problem…….. YOUR PERFECTIONISM.) but you are just trying to survive the day. You figure if they are all alive and you haven’t lost or murdered anyone, you are in good shape. Another anxiety breaker is live ONE DAY AT A TIME. I liked what the evangelist Billy Graham’ wife said, by the time you have your third kid, you don’t care if their pajamas match. I had another boy when I was 40. By then you know that most of the stuff you worried about, like behavior patterns, were just phases and they worked them out on their own. Fear of something happening to them is Intense with the first one. But I don’t think it ever goes away. You are an empath are you not? LET GO AND LET GOD. You CANNOT SCREW THIS UP. Easy does it. Rest rest rest. When the baby naps, you nap. Until he is 4 you will be going full speed. Love 💕 and kisses 💋 💋 joann

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