Let’s Get Real….

  • February 2024
  • 160
  • 1735

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EA unpacked so much information in the Feb GFL Live Summit! You don’t want to miss the important insights we were given! Click here to order your recording: https://go.elizabethapril.com/48etPE2

🌎 Discover the power of gridworking and how it can restore balance to the Earth while learning about its true nature with the Heal the Grid Workshop: https://go.elizabethapril.com/35gxJRr

EA’s wife Natacha has created a beginners Crypo Course that is totally out of this world! 💲 Get the tools and support you need to activate a new level of financial abundance!: https://bit.ly/3GqySp4

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🌟 Get ready to dive deeper into awakening and self-exploration, with our ‘You’re Not Dying, You’re Just Waking Up Activity Book & Meditation Bundle’ here: https://go.elizabethapril.com/42vOZK3

Join me in this raw and vulnerable video as I share my personal challenges, insecurities, and healing journey. Get to know the real me as I share my human experience.

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