July 2023 Message to Humanity

  • July 2023

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In this video titled July 2023 Message to Humanity, Elizabeth April taps into the energy of the month and shares their intuitive insights. They discuss the quantum multi-dimensionality of July, highlighting the potential for time dilation and glitches in the matrix. Elizabeth April advises viewers to be aware of their environment and recommends grounding oneself if the energy feels overwhelming. They also suggest playing with timelines and manifesting during this period. Additionally, the video promotes entrepreneurship and announces upcoming content on the topic. Elizabeth April concludes by expressing love and appreciation for their audience.

151 thoughts on “July 2023 Message to Humanity

  1. One thing thats been really weird for me is that since few weeks ago, my clock is only telling me double numbers. Like literaly i cannot look at the time anymore and see some normal number, its only like 1101,1213,2233,4555 or something like that. I feel its like some kind of a joke, like yea you still think that time is real 🤣🤣

  2. I had the biggest Mandela effect today. On my drive to work, a drive I do quite often for the past 3 years, I saw Mount Rainier in a spot it’s never been! It’s a Huge mountain and it moved in this one spot. Or I shifted. WOW, I wanted to stop but Seattle traffic doesn’t allow for that. I just drove this way yesterday and it was nice and clear both days.

  3. I’ve had a long-time running joke with friends about meeting someone who had certain aspects. Two Saturdays ago I was meditating and decided that I was going to meet a person with those aspects and I even added a few more (some weird!) until I had 11. Now, because I’m a nerd, meeting another nerd was one of the aspects, but I also added “who has a PhD” at the end. I told a couple of friends who are also into this type of stuff and then went on with life.

    Fast-forward to last Saturday. I got invited to go out on a small boat with six other people (including the two friends I alluded to above) and, when I arrived at the boat house, I knew five of the other six, but was introduced to a lady who was a friend of the boat owner that was the seventh passenger. Within only a few minutes of talking she had nailed ten of the aspects (including finding out that we had both done work for Intel, nerd indeed!). That’s when one of my friends commented with a chuckle “Wow, well it’s too bad you don’t have a PhD too!” to which she replied “Oh, but I do!” 😂

    We’re going out next week. 😊

    Now if THAT’S how fun things are for the end of June, you can bet I’ll be working on some good stuff for July! 🙏😎👍

    (Hmm… Hey, what if we ALL do a group manifestation to send all Draconian hybrids to a different planet? As are most here, I’m not big on making all of their heads explode for example but, if they want to take over a planet, let’s let them! Just not this one! 😁 What do you think? )

  4. A Neighbour and myself drove around the corner and the car appeared stuck in place l think for 5 minutes
    “Why have we stopped?”
    “we haven’t. ” l put my foot flat to the floor, the engine is revving yet we didn’t move. “Floor it, floor it!”
    “We appear stuck.”
    “What do we do? Do we get out?”
    “No, think our way out, see us moving out of this spot”
    Finally the car moved.
    The sane thing happened to her Daughter an hour before us.
    What happened?

  5. Thank you so much EA for this message! It came at the right time. I have an established business but I’m at a big block and have been floundering this year. I don’t know how to pick myself back up. Can’t wait for these videos!

  6. Speaking of glitches in timelines, it reminded me of the time when you shared that one of your viewers said she found a sock in the freezer. I feel very excited for this month. Sending much love to you, Nat and Bodhi.

  7. July sounds like it’s gonna be a circular⏰fuck and simultaneously it’s gonna be about trusting myself. If things get glitchy, I focus on the feeling. Excitement=fear=same vibration. I choose excitement!
    Let’s ride this quantum wave! Yeeehaw!!🤠🌊🏄‍♀️⚖️❤️

  8. I had 2 packages of dried fruit to put in the fridge. Then I organized some papers right next to the packages. I pick up the dates only to find there is only 1 package, with the other package never to be found! This is so strange when this happens!!

    I really wish that I could go back in the past timeline and stay there to take advantage of golden opportunities, and appreciate life as it was back then!!! Also to have made the right decisions!!! I’m suffering now because of all the bad decisions I made of just not saying,” no,”when I should have!!!

  9. Perfect. I’m loving July so many puzzle pieces coming together.
    Seeing for the first time a no soul individual exposing itself and how it can manifest simply by giving it even a smidge of your power.
    It caught me off guard at the time. Was trying to figure out the malice intent of its behaviour. It was full on attacking. Where I shifted into defending self mode.

    Have you ever looked at a person and see nothing?
    I saw this persons face look distorted and the energy of this evil shocked me shifted my consciousness to a place of defending my honour.
    What a learning lesson. I was hoodwinked at this expression of evil.
    Now I know not to shy away by feeling I have to explain myself to obvious Lies.

    I was so prepared mentally and spiritually for this meeting so I know I was high vibrating lol. Positive and hopeful.

    It amazes me how that time line shifted. To a negative attack on my character.

    Now I know. How to keep the timeline of the better good.
    Every experience is a test. I’m aware of this tricky spirit. It will not take my power next time. Lol.
    So much Gratitude and love.

  10. I have to say, the last couple weeks have been an interesting time for me. Nothing bad… just seem a bit off emotionally and I have always been very strong emotionally. There has been no life changes, I just feel off. I hope some day to be able to recognize these from the perspective you present, but I have yet to be able to connect. I will keep working on it. -Thank you and to all… Be safe and be well.

  11. I’ve seen the little fractals, they are beautiful and there is GAZILLIONS of them. LOVE-LOVE-LOVE is a key factor. Something amazing happen to me the other day as I was out at the park watching a volleyball game with my dog, anyway a sworn of nats just would not leave me alone, so as I was swishing my hat back and forth to get rid of them so I could watch the game I tried something different, I focused my love to the nats and said look I don’t mind you guy being around me but could you please at least move from my view so I could continue watching the game ( with loving appreciation for them combined with hearth felt LOVE) IT WAS AMAZING, ALL OF THEM THAT SECOND MOVED FROM MY VIEW then I was able to continue watching the game in peace. WOW is all I can say at the moment. I’m a nat whisper, but this works with everything. I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE ALL 🙂

  12. I had this wierd experience last month. I am always taking subway to work and I rember all stations by hart. One day 0ne station came twice. .. like we have T-centralen, then Gamla stan and then Slussen, but this morning T-centralen, then Gamla stan and Gamla stan again and then Slussen, I was chocked, but I know what I saw… Looking forward this month…

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