May Message to Humanity 2023

  • May 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the month of May 2023 as a time of rebirth and the ending of old energies. They emphasize the importance of mindfulness during this transitional period and encourage viewers to identify anything that is no longer serving them. Elizabeth April recommends exploring the concept of mindfulness through the rest of their videos and notes that those who have already dealt with their challenges will experience ease, clarity, and opportunities, while those who havent may face more challenges. The video ends with a reminder to set intentions and address anything unresolved before moving forward.

55 thoughts on “May Message to Humanity 2023

  1. FYI, if you ever find yourselves traveling to New Zealand, give me a heads up, and the opportunity you guys receive the hospitality you deserve, and want for nothing 🤗. We have some cool networks happening down under, we’re as socialist as all get out lol 😂, but live well.

  2. Hi Elizabeth, THANK YOU SO MUCH! for all the beautiful work you do. Feel seen, loved, and so appreciated. I’m so happy I found this community – freakin awesome. Also a massive heart felt congratulations to you and Nat upon becoming parents 🥳💖💯🙏. You are going to be next level wonderful as a wee family, I am so incredibly happy for you!!!! and I’m sending all the Love, and massive Blessings.

  3. EA, I just love you and your videos! They are always so timely. Until seeing this one, I was feeling well…beaten. Was told (by a reputable woman who’s gift is to get in touch with your team in spirit to answer questions) that I had incarnated this time with a shitload of Karma to work through, as well as to continue on my “service to others” path. After healing from 2 “terminal” prognoses, I’m 65, poor as a church mouse and have been in excruciating pain from spine trauma, bedridden much of the time. Even high dose Fentanyl can’t move this level of pain, so I’ve asked to “be reborn” in this broken body, and healed in order to continue on my service path with more joy & abundance than I currently experience. After your message I’m now feeling hopeful. That’s a big deal when in torturous pain for some years now. So thank you big time, for that! 😆 Bee ❤️

  4. Thank you for your messages! I fee the challenge of the old energies. Holding my ground, feeling through the emotions and energies to heal and move forward!! I feel my Vision at my fingertips ✨🦋✨

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