Members Q&A: Timelines, Karma, Anger & Emotions, GFL Past Lives ++

  • June 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses various topics including her personal update, the experience of being in Nevada, the upcoming travel plans, and the challenges of parenthood. They also answer questions about cutting energetic cords, shifting timelines, and dealing with anger and frustration. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of cutting cords and the ongoing process of purging old karma. They also discuss the role of anger and frustration in the current time and suggest ways to address and release these emotions. Overall, Elizabeth April encourages embracing personal growth and holding a high vibrational frequency amidst current challenges.

75 thoughts on “Members Q&A: Timelines, Karma, Anger & Emotions, GFL Past Lives ++

  1. We seem to be in a stasis for a minute. IE solar flares.

    Cutting cords. Using your imagination with the ice skates. So fun! Best way through!
    Anyway you can 👀it. Waterfall or rain downpour in the shower.
    Visualizing twirling whilst having Edward scissor hands!

    When you clean yourself
    Clean Anything else,
    Then imagine that
    You are also Cleaning your own field, IE cord cutting.

    Simulation, dream, matrix, shmatrix.
    All the same.
    I’m going through it now. Letting go of that time line.
    Us star seeds are raising our own frequencies (see upper paragraph!) in order to help trigger humanity.
    Anchoring in some change.
    I’m shifting into a higher frequency & those guys (friends & family)in their highest version of themselves, can meet me there.Yay! 😀❤️

    Oh🥹we missed you too(so much) EA.

    Peeling our collective onions again in 2023.
    It’s coming up to be let go of.
    Just release it. Cut that cord!!!
    Everyday if need be. By 2024 we’ll be more free!!! We star seeds are literally HERE with EA so, I think we’re ok! Just keep showing up!
    Don’t shy away from 💩.
    Allow it to leave, & don’t grab on when it goes!

    Checking in was just what I needed. I find going to the bathroom is the best “me” moment⏰. I go in to “go” & I sit with the 💩literally. I don’t feel it, , lol🤏🏼.
    Then I flush that unwanted shit down the toilet. Wash🙏,clear field, & walk out of bathroom to a new timeline where that 💩doesn’t exist.

    When you resist, it persists. Just saying.
    👀a❤️🌎, go in bathroom, do above paragraph.
    If you walk out of room & don’t feel any negativity, then, yay!!! Highest timeline😀👊

    I’m not sure why I’m loosely transcribing this? Felt called to. I have learned to just go with those feelings. Maybe somebody gets something out of this. I’m enjoying the 💩out of this😀😀😀.

    Starseeds connection with Source/creator has never been stronger. We are remembering who we are. When we do remember that we have never left Source(matrix shmatrix). We never left Home. It’s a dream. Make it your best lucid one. I too was a perceived warrior(past life Templar).
    I realized that my resistance was persistent. Got quiet inside. Joined EA. Let go of shit. It’s a cycle⏰.

    Everything I can do, you can do better🎼
    (Sometimes EA sounds a lot like Yeshua).
    🎼Ab-nor-mal-i-ty in my re-al-i-ty!🎼

    “I’m ready to to receive confirmation of…”
    🎼No ex-pec-ta-Timon, no Val-i-da-tion!🎼

    #1 validation is being surprised by something, anything unexpected.
    Not ego based.🙏
    Give yourself a self pat on the back. Notice it.
    The more you notice, the more you’ll notice.

    2 more questions!

    Starseed babies & mommies. Both learning still. Breastfeeding. Injections. Unawareness becoming aware. No wrong ways to do this. You can NOT do it wrong. Trust yourself & your child. 😇❤️😇

    Quantum universes
    Galactic federation
    Incarnation/pass through the veil/reincarnate as…
    Many keys, many doors.
    Relax! you’ll find your name emblazoned on a door, you’ve done this many times, many fractals, many dimensions.
    Alpha & the Omega happen @ same⏰.
    More conscious, higher vibe, more able to tap into other realities for info & experiences.

    Wow, wow, wow.
    I’m going to the galactic federation meeting. Wouldn’t miss it! Good good time.
    Live YouTube tomorrow!
    Oh shit. That was yesterday?⏰lol

  2. Also 2024 is going to be the year I graduate metaphysical school! I know greatness is truly upon all of us 💗 I should’ve waited to comment til the end but sometimes they can’t wait hahaha

  3. EA!!! So happy to have your smiley beautiful self back on my screen! This video was spot on. I feel like I have zero friends around me right now just family which is half my fault as well but I know this is my purpose and I am right where I am supposed to be at all times 🫶🏼 maybe the tie slicing is what I need to help w the relationships I do have and will help in the future. Thank you again, your videos make me feel not alone 💫 sending you super love 💗

  4. ahhhhh i cut chords and tie myself off for my greatest and highest good daily and will start tying them up on their behalf as well. and i love so much that you shared this with everyone because my goodness it is so needed to be seen as an extremely loving and healthy thing! i also put myself in a chamber that shaves my aura as well after being out n about. thank you EA for all that you do. ♥

  5. Hi EA, Can you clear something up for me, so I have it, please? I have knowledge that the Annunaki were in Atlantis, and I am aware all the greedy stuff they pulled with religion and things, so were there many different races of Atlantis, or was it like, Cabal, naughty Annunaki? Im confused about who stayed went underground,and who went back up to their home planet, with the gold tops of the pyramids) lol? I ask because between Billy Carson, You, and The Taygetans…the info is all a little jumbled on that part, for me. Thank you! XOXO,
    Arcturian B.P.D.

  6. Thank you very much for clarification about the timeline change topic, EA! It brought much light into my perspective and I had a big aha moment :-))) It’s super that you are back online 🙂

  7. Yeah. That was awesome.
    I had something come up when you were talking. It reminded me of a time just before my dad passed away. I was in my bedroom and looked out of the window and there was a small black hooded being holding a ball of light. It felt like this being was helping me in some way giving me a gift.
    I looked into it afterwards and asked myself what did this mean. I got shot right back to before I incarnated here. It was actually me giving myself some extra light and love just before I was about to go through something so difficult and painful. I remember being guided to my bedroom window and me thinking what is this about. Floating to my window and doing this for my future self. I actually asked my guide why do I need to do this? Come on I just want to get into being born already. I was told it was to help me through a difficult time that I will go through which if I didn’t do it then I would have been I a very dark place for too long.
    I don’t think I would have been aware of anything like this being possible if I didn’t find you a few years before this experience.
    I loved this video so much. Thank you EA xxxx❤️xxxx


    Dear EA (and others…..)
    I will give you the best baby-advise in the Universe 🙂 The same that my home-birth midwife recommended me back in the days – in order to avoid gas in the belly for Body:

    Give the baby a shower in a bucket. One of those you use for cleaning the floors – a regular old fashioned one. New of course, and remember to make sure it is flat at the bottom and there is nothing “sticking”, if necessary use a soft cloth at the bottom.

    Use warm / hand temperate water with just a bid of natural baby oil (no perfume, scent or soap). Do that in the evening just before bedtime.

    When you put him in the bucket he will sit with his legs pressed upwards, just like he did in your belly, and it will make him SO relaxed (and he will make funny big eyes cause he feels like he is back in your belly and it makes him extremey peaceful).

    The gas weill then be pressed out of the gut!! Hence, he may shit a lot when doing it. When you take him up again, after a few minutes, put on a diaper on, and feed him and dicretly to bed: Good night.

    He will SLEEP (and so will you!). Both my kids was sleeping all night through from the age of 3 weeks and 5 weeks, when doing so. They NEVER had gas in the belly.

  9. Now I understand why both my babies were born c-section 31 and 28 1/2 years ago! What a lovely gift to receive after decades! 😀 My first born even let me know in a dream she was going to be born through my tummy! I didn’t put two and two together until later!

  10. Amanda’s question was on my mind as well…Thank you. The Govts have been taking more and more from us in all the ways they think they can. But they are not taking mines. I have known since I was a kid, that no matter what, our vibe is of the utmost importance, and pushing back with our vibe, not aligning to the crap they try and pull is a must.

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