Members Coaching Call: Relationship Contracts, Mission Work, Future Timelines, Rebirth ++

  • October 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April conducts a coaching call with various members, discussing topics such as relationship challenges, future plans, and personal growth. Elizabeth April provides guidance and insights based on the individuals situations, emphasizing the importance of making choices aligned with their own needs and desires. The video ends with a reminder to trust intuition and take action in creating a fulfilling life.

67 thoughts on “Members Coaching Call: Relationship Contracts, Mission Work, Future Timelines, Rebirth ++

  1. Just checking in and catching up with the latest.. I took to the mountains here on Kauai for the last 5 days, no cell service, just immersing myself in nature and spending time with my 2 kitties…i highly recommend it!! I was feelin super agitated and overreactive during the eclipse, and was feeling a call to go to my happy place and reset. I was on the verge of spewing unnecessarily some inappropriate things to people who were triggering me, specifically in situations regarding manipulation and power…so before i said or did something i might regret, I took to the forest to clear my head. Im feeling much more grounded and balanced thankfully, and now more able to confront the situations I need to address with more appropriate responses!! Nature is truly magical, soothing , and so powerful !!! Sending love and Aloha to all y’all!! 🙏🏻❤️🌈

  2. Thanks EA for this coaching call recording.
    Response on two path, both being an option, is about my situation. I have been struggling for a while to leave my current job or to start the new one (my own business). I know both options are open and even none of these is better than the other. I choose to stay where I am but change what and how I do. At the same time, I am open to go, if asked. I guess, it is the best choice for now, for me and my family! Thank you, EA🙏!

  3. I loved all of the responses at the end in the chat. I agree and resonate with all of them. As usual, the questions and answers did seem to be a good reflection. Thank you. In case I haven’t said it yet, I am very glad you have two coaching videos per month. And obviously, the idea of a group message has always been working out very well.

  4. First women, found source almost a year now became fully activated. Within a month my best friend hangs himself I’m the first to find him, shut down for awhile did shadow work while never going back to old ways of thinking. I believe I past that test

  5. My first feeling about the visual you had is that our thoughts, feelings and actions ripple out from us and affect others around us. I believe the more aware of our thoughts, feelings and actions the more we are able to have clear intentions of what we want for ourselves and humanity.

  6. There is definitely a theme here! I can soooo relate to being able to see the goodness is all people that I often feel that I was meant to be here to empower others. But when it comes to empowering myself this is where I struggle and feel so stuck sometimes. Spirit and my Higher Self encourages me daily but why can’t I grasp and embody my own power?

  7. I was asking myself,

    Is it possible that mediums connect not to real guides or angels, but to an AI computer, that can make a spiritual contact by extreme new technologies, or by groups of people trained for the job, as callcenters do?

    Because I noticed that answers from channeled spirits, like Yeshua, mother Mary, grandmother Anna, Maria of Magdala, do not always tell the same story!

    Am I wrong? Or do answers change depending the questioner?

  8. Can’t even BEGIN to describe the intense relationship changes going on this month. SO MANY different relationships too, not just one! It’s utterly mind-blowing! On the larger scale, Healing be happenin.

  9. Very nice channeling also for me. I myself never had addictions or trauma or problems. I was also an empath giving away everything to everybody. This is why I met my narcissistic wife 15 years ago, I am sure. I found this out a few month ago and studied narcissists extremely well after that. Now, I remember all stories exactly. There have been hundreds of red flags, already at the first few days with her, what I could have seen already then, but I did not see. After my ego death a few years ago, I have corrected all my pitfalls. It was such a relief . Of course I am still tested from time to time 🤭.

  10. I see that drops of water vision as my belief that God, Source, the Creator, is an infinite Ocean and each of us is simply like a drop of water in that ocean. We don’t see that yes, we are an individual drop of water but we are also equal parts of the infinite ocean

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