Members Coaching Call: Letting Go, Mission Work, Feeling Stuck, Seeing Yourself ++

  • December 2023

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In this video, the host conducts a coaching call with several participants. The topics discussed include feeling stuck, finding ones mission, and overcoming fears of being seen and heard. The host provides guidance and insights to help the participants move forward on their spiritual journeys.

43 thoughts on “Members Coaching Call: Letting Go, Mission Work, Feeling Stuck, Seeing Yourself ++

  1. Add on to what I said below about Philly. Many times these trauma issues are in past lives but they tried to do me in this life. Many crimes and abuses toward me, including trying to lock me up and worse. I’ve learned what whistleblower retaliation is. I’ve had to do a lot of healing, move away, etc. But now I have to face it again so I can move on. And so they might be more careful to not hurt people in the future. I am terrified.

  2. I’m listening later, but I really related to Sal from New Jersey. I don’t know my star name but I’ve been dealing with environmental and corruption crimes in Philadelphia for the last 20 years. Long story – but nobody listened to me and at least 7 people died because they would not listen. I’m trying to complete this story this year of THIS MONTH of January, so I can move on.

  3. I know that this has nothing to do with Coaching Call, but I still can not get over how beautiful you are, EA ! Even when you wear no makeup at all, as you do from time to time…. or even more so!

    Thanks for all the great work that you do, it is inspiring beyond words.

  4. Great Call! I am so proud of you 2nd caller for continuing sobriety! I had an NDE in 2012 ish and struggled with addiction for 20 years and that started my sobriety and my life completely changed after that and didn’t know why it was until 2020, my starseed awareness of the awakening process and I’ve been learning and moving through the last few years it seems like rapid fire time like a quantum leap however as I have so much amazing knowledge I’ve gained and I’m just commenting to tell you Vanessa I felt your energy from the time you came up I cried and felt just heartstrings and I think resistance but I just felt like telling you that I LOVE YOU & I SEE YOU and I can’t wait to see you become a teacher and a healer for others like me who self medicated for such a long time to survive here & not knowing why!& We now have the tools to not medicate any longer and use the earths resources to feel like ourselves again OUR TRUE UN 3D MEDICATED SELVES! I others need to understand this !! IN TIME! Like Elizabeth Said In time ! WE LOVE so hard and is so hard to be here! I Was labeled crazy &, bipolar , BPD, anxiety, depression I am too much this or that if I’ve never felt so ALIVE & HAPPY & GRATEFUL & I LOVE EVERYTHING more and deeper forgiving loving for who I am than these last three years and I really hope im right where I’m supposed to be ! I need to try and make a coaching call!

  5. Wow ❤️, the first call was spot on with my life: preoccupied with matrix, got caught up with life 😄😄😄 feeling frustrated & apathetic – where to find or take the time for spiritual practice? I have been re-listening this many times now. Thank you EA for the advice & reminder to put ourselves first sometimes!

  6. This was an amazing coaching call! EA I think Azo the alien gave you a golden healer quartz! They are used to help healers do their work, especially long distance, also opens up your crown chakra to allow even more light in…and if dealing with your own physical healing needs, will help in those areas too…what an amazing gift!!!. Your final call helped so many lightworkers who are hiding their light out of ego fear, myself included. Sending so much gratitude!!! 🙏 💫💐

  7. Like your top. I always love the sage. By the way I completely agree with you to have these twice a month. I enjoyed all the people, and thank you to the man for, what I consider, your service work for helping humanity. Thank you., Elizabeth. Awesome participants. Another beautiful session.

  8. I do not want to be seen. I had my ego death but still have resistance to be seen. So, I am surrounded with a lot of toxic people, to sort of hiding from people. Already writing this comment felt “dangerous” to me. Thank you for sharing your journey. I often wear your T- shirt EA Team and hope nobody recognizes me 🤭😋💜

  9. This whole topic was so on point where I’m at feeling stuck this past month. I was just having this conversation with a friend about this yesterday and how we both were feeling this pause in our lives recently. I feel that I think I know what to do, but then something has me at a stand still that I just can’t pinpoint. I also feel that a huge shift is coming soon but it’s almost as if it’s waiting on me. Then the part about all the rapid inner work at the first half of year. It made total sense that it’s not completely released which is also what my intuition has been telling me.
    My take on this amazing CC messages is…
    I guess it’s time to polar plunge 🥶 and see where the current takes me 🌊

    That was dope as always and I’m going to tell my friend to sign up as a member because she needs to watch this episode for herself as well 🥰

    Grateful for you & the work that you do to help us on this beautiful journey as always.
    The authenticity & your style of teaching is legit & super helpful 🙌 “Time to Unload the dishes” 😁

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