Living Life Non Binary / Non-Dualistic

  • July 2021

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In this video titled Living Life Non Binary (Non-Dualistic), Elizabeth April discusses the concept of non-dualism and encourages viewers to embrace a non-binary, fluid and quantum mindset in all aspects of their lives. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of not getting caught up in extreme polarities or rigid definitions, and instead encourages individuals to tap into their intuition and make choices that align with their current state of mind, body, and soul. Overall, the video promotes the idea of embracing freedom, fluidity, and individual expression.

3 thoughts on “Living Life Non Binary / Non-Dualistic

  1. WOW YOUniverse! I feel surprise! Movement! & Quantum .2’s everywhere, speaking of getting quantum….I may be born this way, so here I will stay doing whatever I choose, naturally.
    One thing: Today I choose to heal my cars oil leak with my heart, connecting with green energy 💚

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